Daiyu of the Red Chamber

Chapter 118 Good fortune

Chapter 118 Good fortune (1)

When Jia Mu got off the car, she happened to hear such a sentence, and saw Baoyu standing there in a daze, not knowing how to react for a while, so she said to Zhang Xin, "It's not a gentleman, but a brother and sister."

When Jia Mu thought about it, she had already opened her mouth like this, and she would not refuse if she thought about it. Obviously, she had completely forgotten who Zhang Xin was.

Zhang Xin didn't want to, but replied neither humble nor overbearing: "Forgive me, Mrs. Jia, it's not because I don't want to entertain Second Master Bao, but because there is no male lead in the house." Mother Jia waved her hand dismissively and said with a smile: "It's okay, Go ahead, Baoyu will follow me."

While speaking these words, everyone got out of the carriage one after another because the curtain had not been removed when the concubine stepped down from the chariot.The servants immediately avoided to the side, and several women in clean and plain clothes came up to welcome them.

Unexpectedly, when Jia's mother finished speaking, she was about to lead everyone in, but was stopped by Zhang Xin.Immediately, Jia Mu became angry!He slammed the Limuqiu stick in his hand fiercely to the ground, and stared at Zhang Xin, but Zhang Xin clasped his fists and bowed his head, but he didn't back down.

Mrs. Wang didn't know what was going on, she walked to Mrs. Jia just in time to hear Jia's mother scolding: "I am Yu'er's grandmother, and all the elders and sisters here are her elder sisters, hurry up and get out of the way!"

Seeing Jia's mother angry, Zhang Xin didn't know what to say for a while.Fortunately, Lin De was clever, and took two steps forward, bowed and said: "Forgive me, Mrs. Jia, today the princess, the county lord and another noble lord suddenly came to the Lin residence. Even if they were rejected, even the prince of the royal family bid farewell and left because there is no male lead in the mansion."

When Jia Mu heard the forgiveness, she was angry, but who knew that the last sentence said that the princess is coming!That's not the princess of the opposite sex that I usually make friends with, that's the clan!He also heard from the boy in front of him that there were other noble ladies coming besides the county lord, so he also stopped thinking about bringing Baoyu in.Secretly said: It is a great fortune to let Sanchun and Xiangyun see the princess.

As soon as Jia Mu thought about it, she said to Baoyu, "Go and play, and come to pick us up later." Then she told Mrs. Wang, "Take some silver and send it to him, and tell the servants to take care of him. Something went wrong."

Zhang Xin breathed a sigh of relief when he heard this, but Mrs. Wang lowered her head and glared round, without saying a word.But Baoyu murmured: "Can't you see Sister Lin?" For a while, I felt dizzy, and my teeth were itching with hatred, and I cursed secretly: "Show hoof!"Only a few times actually hooked my Baoyu's soul!
Jiamu comforted her with a smile: "Where can't you see your sister Lin? Your sister Lin didn't expect that the princess and the noble lady would come, but now she is afraid that she hasn't recovered yet. You go first and turn back to the princess." I have gone back with your lady, and I will send someone to call you back."

When Baoyu heard this, he became energetic and said, "My ancestors, remember to send someone to call me!" Seeing that Jiamu nodded with a smile, she left with her servants.

Not to mention what's going on in Jia's mansion, but Princess Hanyi was in a bad mood when she saw Daiyu, and she didn't care that Daiyu didn't salute her, so she just looked at Daiyu blankly and said to herself : The appearance is good, but no matter how talented, isn't it too young for an elder brother at this age?The elder brother is already seventeen, and he is old enough to get married.

Some people said that Daiyu hadn't opened the hairpin before, she didn't pay attention, but now her eyes are full of disbelief.It wasn't until Wan Yu turned her head to look at her in a daze, and called her twice, that she came back to her senses, but she didn't know what to say for a moment.

The lucky Wanyu introduced to Daiyu: "I don't know this sister Yu'er, but she is my aunt's little cousin, Hanyi." When Daiyu heard this, she felt thunderous, this wonderful father is the future saint!Why did you come to your own house?But he immediately knelt down and saluted and said, "Lin Hui has seen the princess." Although there was no fear in his expression, he was also respectful.

Han Yi saw that her speech was like a yellow oriole's first cry, and her actions were like a willow in the wind, but at this moment, she saluted very dignifiedly.Regardless of thinking about Daiyu's age, he already had a good impression of this "little sister-in-law", so he hurriedly raised his hand and said, "Why do we need so much courtesy? It's great if we only get along as sisters." .”

Princess Wujun was also very happy to hear this, not to mention Wanyu who wholeheartedly treats Daiyu like her own sister.After meeting the three of Mrs. Huang again, Princess Wujun said with a smile, "Why did you come out?"

Mrs. Huang also smiled and said: "I didn't expect the princess to come, but now that I have come, my niece and niece of mine have no elders in my family, so I will come out to welcome you for her." Daiyu couldn't help but look over curiously.

Seeing Daiyu's expression, Wanyu explained: "Mrs. Huang was a well-known talented woman in the capital, and she married her mother and concubine by herself." Only then did Daiyu suddenly understand.

Daiyu led the princess of Wujun and her party, and they didn't go very far, when another woman chased after her. Seeing that Princess Wujun was joking with Daiyu, she hesitated for a while, wondering whether she should go forward.

The woman was hesitant to be seen by Wan Yu, and Wan Yu smiled and said: "Yu'er is afraid that there is something wrong, so you go and get busy, since Mrs. Huang will lead us in, even if there is no Mrs. Huang, I will know the way." .”

After listening to Wanyu's words, Princess Wujun noticed the woman next to her, and smiled at Daiyu: "If that's the case, go ahead." Daiyu bowed to Princess Wujun and Princess Hanyi , Fang asked: "What's the matter, you just say it."

The woman didn't know whether she was nervous or excited, but she blushed from holding back and said: "Girl, the old lady of Jia's mansion led two wives, two grandmas and a few girls, and they have arrived at the door."

Daiyu was taken aback when she heard it, she thought that her grandmother was old and hadn't traveled outside for many years, so she definitely wouldn't come this time, Mrs. Wang never liked her, and she probably wouldn't come, she didn't expect it It's all here!
Princess Wu raised her eyebrows after hearing this, and seeing Daiyu's dazed expression, she knew that she must be as unexpected as she was, so she smiled and said: "Yu'er, let's go, let's go in first." Then he followed Mrs. Huang and walked in.

When Daiyu came back to her senses, Princess Wujun and Mrs. Huang had already walked a long way. Wanyu patted Daiyu's face with some amusement and said, "Why are you so restless? I'll go inside and wait for you first." , you can hurry up." Daiyu smiled back and nodded.

After Wanyu also walked in, Daiyufang ordered: "Grandmother is getting old, so go and carry her shoulders." After saying that, she led the two of them, Hanxiao Zhixuan, to the main gate of the front yard in a hurry.When going out of the ceremony, Zhixuan involuntarily put a veil on Daiyu.

After this pause, Daiyu stabilized her mind, and said: "Let Nanny Sun and Nanny Chen come and serve you." A woman next to her ran to inform, and Daiyu brought the two of them with smiles. Continue to go to the main entrance.

Not far from Daiyu's gate, the woman who raised her shoulders caught up with Daiyu.Daiyu then went to pick up Mrs. Jia with her shoulders.

Old lady Jia saw Daiyu walking quickly from a distance, and then saw her shoulders raised behind her, she was very satisfied, and said to herself: After all, it is my granddaughter, it is not in vain for me to worry about her so much.There are more smiles on the face.

Later Mrs. Wang and others naturally saw Daiyu and Jianyu following her, but they had different thoughts, so I don't need to elaborate.

Daiyu walked up to the old lady Jia, saw that there were no men on the left and right, so she took off her veil, pouted and said with a smile: "Grandmother should send someone to inform Yu'er, so that Yu'er can come out to meet her earlier, there is no need." Let grandma wait." Jia's mother likes that look of admonishment very much.Mrs. Wang cursed secretly in her heart: You are really a fox!
Daiyu met with the people again, and then invited Jia Mu to go to the shoulders, and the group followed to the main room in the inner courtyard.

Not far away, Mother Jia asked: "Just now I heard that Princess Wujun is here? Yu'er should greet her well. After all, we are our own family, so we don't need to care about these things."

Daiyu raised her head and looked at Jiamu on her shoulder. Although she didn't know whether she was sincere or not, the words were for her own sake, so she smiled and said, "Grandmother, don't worry, my teacher and aunt will greet you on her behalf. Besides, Yu'er and her husband will be together." The princess is also considered acquainted, and the princess doesn't care about it."

After hearing a few words, Mrs. Wang and others behind her were secretly startled. Just listening to Daiyu's words, one can see that Princess Wujun is indeed very close to her. Baochai can't help being jealous when she follows Mrs. Wang He looked at Daiyu carefully, and then covered it up again.Mother Jia could also hear it on her shoulders, and the satisfaction and pride in her eyes were even stronger.

When the group came to the main hall of the inner courtyard, Princess Wujun was chatting and laughing with Mrs. Huang, while several girls gathered together.Seeing Daiyu leading Jia's family into the main hall, the girls sat back to their original positions.

Naturally, Princess Wujun sat on the first seat on the east side, but Mrs. Huang got up from the west side to greet Jiamu, and then invited Jiamu to take the seat.Mother Jia did not delay, took her two daughters-in-law, two grand-daughter-in-laws, and many granddaughters to salute the princess, and then sat down on the first chair on the west side.

Princess Wujun smiled and said: "The old lady should sit up, so we can talk." Daiyu also hurried forward and said, "Please trouble grandma to sit on it and accompany the princess for my granddaughter." Jia Mu sat in the west seat.

Mrs. Huang sat next to County Mistress Wanyu, and the two wives of King Xing also sat down on a row of armchairs to the west next to Jiamu's left hand.For a while, it seemed a little clear.On the east side is the concubine, the princess Hanyi, the princess Wanyu, and then Mrs. Huang.On the west side are Jia Mu, Mrs. Xing, and Mrs. Wang.

After Jia's mother sat down, Li Wan and Wang Xifeng came forward to meet the princess again. Jia's mother pointed to Li Wan and introduced, "This is the daughter of the former Guozijian offering wine. She is married to my second son's eldest son." Pointing to Wang Xifeng again, she said: "This is the daughter-in-law of my eldest grandson, the daughter of the Wang family." The princess nodded without comment.Then Jia Mu asked Sanchun, Shi Xiangyun and Xue Baochai to come forward to meet the ceremony together.

(End of this chapter)

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