Daiyu of the Red Chamber

Chapter 119 Good fortune

Chapter 119 Good fortune (2)

Thank you, Fengtian Wujian Zhizhen and fullmoon's monthly ticket support~~~Thank you, Buried Wuhen, Light of Mountains and Seas, Happy┇Little pig, woodcutter song and pastoral chant, ugly and worrying reward~O(∩_ ∩) Thank you
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Dang Jia's mother introduced to Princess Wujun with a smile on her face: "This is my granddaughters, Yingchun, Tanchun, Xichun. My eldest granddaughter Yuanchun is at the fourth prince's residence."

Upon hearing Jia Mu's words, Han Yi immediately showed disdain, and quickly restrained herself.But he no longer looked at the girls who stood in the middle and saluted Princess Wujun.Princess Wujun couldn't see her expression clearly either, she didn't know what she was thinking, she just held the teacup and played with it in her hand, but didn't say anything.

Jia's mother continued to introduce: "This is Shi Xiangyun, the granddaughter of my natal brother. Her parents went early and often picked me up." The princess was still noncommittal, but nodded lightly, and Shi Xiangyun was immediately encouraged , quickly lowered his head.

With sparkling eyes, Mother Jia pointed to Xue Baochai, who had smooth muscles and bones and elegant demeanor, and said, "This is the daughter of my second daughter-in-law's natal sister, the queen of Ziwei. The eldest daughter of the Xue family."

Just after saying this, before Princess Wujun said anything, Han Yi said dissatisfiedly: "All cats and dogs are coming here! The daughter of a merchant dares to be ranked with the daughter of the Marquis Mansion, which is really impressive. Eyes opened!"

After speaking, he stood up, looked at Daiyu who was standing beside him, and said: "Sister Yu'er invited me to the flower hall for tea!"

Everyone in Jia's residence was shocked by what she said, seeing her calling Daiyu "Sister Yu'er" and seeing her sitting next to Princess Wujun, they guessed that this was the County Princess Wanyu.Princess Wujun and Mrs. Huang both sat still.Mother Jia looked embarrassed and wanted to explain.

No matter how well-bred Xue Baochai was in the city, at this time her face was flushed with embarrassment, and she couldn't hide it.Shi Xiangyun stood beside her, but he was secretly proud.

A noble lady who was targeted by the 'County Lord' also stood up suddenly.Wan Yu didn't know what to think at this time, but she looked at Dai Yu and said, "How can Yu'er associate with merchants, she won't lose her status! You have to remember that you are a lady of every family and a scholarly family. Don't just anyone Please come."

Just now everyone thought that Han Yi was the county lord, and saw Wanyu sitting under the "county lord"'s hand, so her status was nothing more than that, Mrs. Wang didn't take it seriously, and Madam Wang dared to be angry but she didn't dare to say what the "county lord" said .

At this time, a little girl who was not seen by Mrs. Wang actually said the same thing, and Mrs. Wang glared at her immediately, and scolded in a deep voice: "What an unruly girl! With the princess here, when will you have the right to speak?" gone?"

Not to mention Wanyu, even the concubine and mother Jia did not expect Mrs. Wang to speak at this moment. Xue Baochai just glanced at Mrs. Wang gratefully, and then listened to the concubine put the teacup in her hand on the table heavily. , behind him walked out an old lady dressed in palace clothes.

The old woman looked at Mrs. Wang and scolded angrily: "Jia Wangyi is so courageous! How dare you scold the county magistrate for her lack of rules in front of our princess! This is your rule? There is no distinction between high and low. !"

Don't talk about Madam Wang's expression at this time, just talking about Jia's mother makes her whole body feel bad!Xue Baochai was also so frightened that her face turned pale. No one thought that the one who was sitting down was the county magistrate, and who was the one who stood up and spoke?
Mother Jia was so frightened that she stood up in cold sweat and apologized: "Princess, please calm down, the county master! The minister's daughter-in-law doesn't recognize the county master!" Mrs. Wang also stood up quickly and Jia Mu stretched out her hand, bowing her head and daring not to speak any more. Seeing this Madam Xing and the others couldn't sit still, they all stood behind Jia Mu.

Seeing this, Daiyu had no choice but to stand in front of the concubine, squatted down and said: "Princess, forgive me, second aunt..." She frowned as she said that, as if she couldn't find the right words, she knelt down and said, "Please forgive me, my concubine." !"

Seeing Daiyu kneeling down, Wanyu immediately frowned and looked at Mrs. Wang, but she didn't say anything more at this time. Princess Wujun also knew that Daiyu was in trouble, so she sighed and said, "You girl! Get up quickly." As he spoke, he glanced at the old nanny who had just spoken, and that nanny immediately came out again and helped Daiyu up.

Seeing Daiyu's troubled look, Wanyu walked over and tapped her forehead and said, "Sister Yu'er greets everyone here, I'll take the princess to visit the garden, you just ask Nanny Yang to follow me. " Saying that, he bowed to the princess, turned around and wanted to leave.

Mother Jia panicked immediately when she heard the word "princess master". Thinking that she was sitting on the top seat and the princess was sitting next to her, she felt cold sweat on her back, and hurriedly knelt down on the ground and said, "I don't know if the princess is here. Therefore, I hope you will forgive me!"

This princess is obviously different from the princesses in the four princes' mansions in the southeast, northwest and north. This is the real son of the phoenix, a golden branch and a jade leaf!Not only Mother Jia was shocked, but Mrs. Wang was secretly glad that she didn't scold the princess just now...

Wanyu wanted to leave, but Hanyi suddenly didn't intend to let Mrs. Wang go. She vaguely remembered that Mrs. Wang was Jia Yuanchun's mother!Besides, from Hanyi's point of view, since his father, queen, mother and concubine have already been appointed, Daiyu is going to be assigned to his elder brother, that is, his own family.

In Hanyi's eyes, Mrs. Wang is not worthy of being called her own family.Of course, Daiyu, a "family member", still needs to pass the school exam.Therefore, Han Yi didn't pay attention to Wan Yu, just raised his chin and walked up to Mrs. Wang, saying, "Don't kneel down when you see this princess? You are so brave!"

Everyone in Jia's residence was shocked, Daiyu quickly glanced at Wanyu, and then saluted Hanyi, "I want to report to the princess, my grandfather's family didn't know that the princess was coming, let alone recognize the noble status of the princess. , the so-called one who does not know is not guilty, and I hope the princess will forgive me."

Seeing the anxiety in Daiyu's eyes, Wanyu also came over and pulled Hanyi's arm, saying: "My good sister, for the sake of sister Yu'er, let them be spared, we are here to find sister Yu'er to have fun , you don’t have to make it unpleasant, do you?”

Hearing Wan Yu's words, Han Yi turned his head and looked at Daiyu who was squatting halfway, his eyes full of anxiety, he sighed and pulled her up with his own hands and said: "It's already said that we sisters are friends, you It's such a great gift again, but tell me not to come to your house in the future?"

Daiyu hurriedly smiled and said, "How can that be? It's my good fortune that sister Hanyi is willing to come and see me." Mrs. Wang and the others didn't react when they heard the word Hanyi, but Jia Mu and Wang Xifeng already knew what it was. one.The concubine smiled and said, "You girl has such a clever idea."

As soon as Daiyu heard Wang Hao's words, she knew that her small thoughts had been seen through by Wang Hao, so she felt a little fever in her ears, and she lowered her head and dared not look at Wang Hao.The concubine didn't care about her, she just looked at Mrs. Jia and smiled, "It turns out that our mother and I came today uninvited. Mrs. Jia doesn't need to be polite, let's go play on our own."

Daiyu turned in her mind twice and said: "Why don't you invite the princess to the Range Rover Pavilion to have tea and enjoy the scenery, where you can have a panoramic view of the whole mansion, and it's still cool." She said with a smile to Mrs. Huang: "I also invited you Auntie will be your companion." Mrs. Huang patted her hand and said with a smile: "As long as the concubine is willing to go, I will go with you, why don't you want to?"

After speaking, Daiyu invited Mrs. Xing to accompany her. Naturally, Wang Xifeng wanted to follow Mrs. Xing. With Wang Xifeng around, Daiyu felt relieved.Nanny Yang led them there.

Then let Nanny Sun come and take Jiamu to Rongshouju to freshen up and rest.Mrs. Wang naturally followed.Li Wan did not dare to stay alone, and after glancing at Daiyu, he hurriedly followed Mrs. Wang.

Being so divided by Daiyu, now there are only two Miss Huang, Sister Sanchun, Shi Xiangyun, Xue Baochai, and Princess Wanyu and County Princess Wenhui left in the hall.Seeing that Daiyu's arrangement was quite proper, without too much deviation, Han Yi had appreciation in his eyes.But she still didn't speak, wanting to see how Daiyu would arrange herself and others.

Daiyu looked at the girls and ladies in the room, and sighed in her heart, but now she had to bite the bullet and smiled to everyone: "Since Princess Wenhui said, we only have sisterhood," Daiyu said here He frowned and continued with a headache, "Let's play together today regardless of our status."

Han Yi raised his eyebrows unsure of whether he could do it, and also gave Xue Baochai a sideways glance.Xue Baochai naturally understood that what Daiyu said was probably mainly for herself.No matter how calm he was, his face was still a little hot at this time.

After Daiyu finished speaking, she led the crowd to her yard, when Wanyu saw that the original "Ling Yuan" had become today's "Yong Cui", her eyes brightened and she said with a smile: "It is more appropriate than the previous one. "After speaking, he walked in first, and everyone filed in.

The layout inside naturally made Han Yi nod secretly, but Wan Yu sat down casually as if she had arrived at her own home, ignoring the people who were looking around.

Yingchun and Xichun had seen Daiyu in the courtyard of Jia's mansion, so they were not surprised at all, they just went to the study, looking for their favorite books to read, these are rare original works in Jia's mansion .

Tanchun and Shi Xiangyun had never seen Daiyu's house in Jia's mansion, so they looked around curiously, but Xue Baochai didn't know whether to sit or stand for a while, seeing Tanchun Xiangyun wandering around and looking around, she also followed beside the two.

Han Yi also sat down next to Wan Yu after walking around, just at this moment, the maids brought fruit ice for everyone to cool off, Han Yi looked at the novelty, and asked, "What is this?" Naturally, Yu didn't know, so she asked Daiyu, "You girl, what kind of new stuff did you get?"

Daiyu said with a smile: "Where is it a new thing? It's just crushed ice cubes, and poured the minced fruit pulp before melting. It tastes good in this way, and it can cool off the heat. You can't eat too much, it will spoil your stomach carefully. " Said Daiyu asked Jin'er again: "But sent it to the princess?"

Jin'er smiled and said: "I sent it, and poured lychee and pumpkin paste according to the girl's order." Daiyu nodded and asked, "Where is my grandmother?" Jin'er said again: "I poured almond goat milk and cotton Snow sugar." Seeing Daiyu nodding here, she quietly retreated to the side.

Han Yi saw everything in his eyes, while eating the fruit ice, he thought to himself: Everything else is fine, except that he is a little younger, it seems that his brother has something to wait for.Thinking that he met Daiyu before his elder brother, he was secretly proud.

From time to time, Hanyi saw Yingchun and Huang Yuehua set up a chessboard, and also went up to join in the fun, obviously it was a good idea.

But Shi Xiangyun didn't want to get too close to Xue Baochai, so he went to have fun with Xichun who was discussing painting with Yulian.Xue Baochai was in a trance, and didn't notice Shi Xiangyun's intentional estrangement. When he saw Shi Xiangyun and Xichun discussing paintings, he also went up and interjected.

But Shi Xiangyun said: "Sister Bao knows everything, and she is worse than others. But you are not as good as Sister Lin when it comes to painting. Why come here to teach us? If you have the ability, you can talk to Sister Lin."

Daiyu happened to pass by, and she listened attentively. She thought the words were very familiar, but she couldn't remember where she had heard them. As soon as Wanyu pulled, Wanyu said softly: "Don't join us." She looked at Daiyu very seriously as she spoke.

Daiyu understood that it was Wanyu who was reminding her, and although she felt it was inappropriate, she followed suit and retreated with Wanyu.

Tanchun was very proud of his calligraphy at first, but when he saw many of Daiyu's daily practice writing in Daiyu's study, he was shocked and thought to himself: I actually underestimated her!

(End of this chapter)

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