Daiyu of the Red Chamber

Chapter 120 Good fortune

Chapter 120 Good fortune (3)

Just after noon, Jin'er came to ask where to set up the meal, Daiyu thought for a while and looked at Wan Yu and said, "Why don't we set up the meal in Fengyu Pavilion, I bought two new peacocks and kept them in the courtyard, look It’s still very good. After lunch, the princess can rest somewhere.”

Hanyi didn't know when he came to Daiyu's side, and after hearing what she said, he acted as the master and said to Jin'er, "If that's the case, then let's have dinner at Fengyu Pavilion, and go and see Yuer's peacock." Yu smiled and said, "It was just a few days ago when the house was cleaned up, and the family saw someone selling it, so they bought it back. Where is it that I raised it?"

After talking and laughing for a while, everyone got up and went to Fengyu Pavilion.Hanyi and Wanyu naturally walked in the front, and Daiyu accompanied her.

Yuehua and Yingchun are still discussing the chess game just now while walking, the two can be regarded as rivals in chess, so happy.

Yulian and Xichun also discussed painting skills, and Xichun felt that they benefited a lot.In particular, some of Daiyu's paintings often contain the oil painting techniques of later generations.In her previous life, Daiyu was best at Impressionist techniques, which are now used in traditional Chinese paintings, making the colors more vivid.Both Xichun and Yulian are in high spirits.

Xiangyun's eyes were full of splendor as he listened from the side.Lamenting that Daiyu is not as ostentatious as Baochai, she can't help but think to herself: Is a scholarly family and a noble family different from merchants and merchants?

Only Tanchun and Xue Baochai walked last, a little bit lost.Xue Baochai was very embarrassed because she was reprimanded by two noble ladies and then robbed by Shi Xiangyun.

And Tanchun is because Yingchun is the legitimate daughter recorded under Mrs. Xing's name, Xichun was originally the legitimate daughter of the Ning Mansion, secretly observing that the two Huang girls are also the legitimate daughters, and Shi Xiangyun is the daughter of the Hou family named by the princess. She was born as a concubine, although she was dissatisfied, but she did not dare to step forward lightly because of Xue Baochai's lessons learned.

The Fengyu Pavilion is a small courtyard where many sycamore trees were originally planted. After being picked up by Daiyu, peacocks, parrots, starlings and other birds were raised. At this time, everyone walked along the corridor, Wanyu sighed: "Yu'er really doesn't know Mr. Huang's word of wisdom. Seeing this garden, she is a bit angrier than when I came here before."

Han Yi was puzzled and asked: "How do you say that?" Wan Yufang explained: "Originally, there were only some winding canals outside this verandah, but now they have attracted colorful lotuses." Picking a lotus flower with light pink and golden borders outside the porch pole of the veranda, he said with a smile: "Look, how is it compared to walking in the lotus pond?"

Hanyi nodded and smiled when he saw it: "That's very true, and it's not funny." He reached out and picked a purple half-opened lotus, and said with a smile: "This is called Lan Meiren, which is very rare. I don't want Yu'er to come here. It’s such a riot.” Wan Yu laughed and said, “Speaking of violent extermination, I’m afraid my sister hasn’t found anything worse yet.”

As he said that, he told the allusion to the bamboo carving "waste paper bucket" in Daiyu's room, and Hanyi was also surprised: "I also thought that was a painting urn!" He shook Daiyu's head and said, "I've never seen such a prodigal child like you! Let's see who dares to marry you in the future."

When Daiyu heard Hanyi's words, she stared and said, "I don't care who will marry me. I'd be more comfortable living in my own home. Why go to someone else's home and suffer?" Leng, then laughed again.

Yuehua and Yingchun were originally following the three of them, discussing chess records and chess games, and they didn't want to be interrupted by the laughter of the three, so they asked, "What's so funny? You're smiling like that?"

When Han Yi heard Yue Hua's voice, he remembered that there were other people behind him, so he coughed lightly, suppressed his smile, and said to Dai Yu and Wan Yu, "Look at you? You're getting more and more out of control! Let the nuns be careful." Punish you two!" Seeing that Daiyu and Wanyu were stunned after hearing what she said, they suddenly burst out laughing.

A group of people talked and laughed and came to Fengyu Pavilion. Jin'er and others had already arranged the seats. They saw a large open space in front of a small two-story building, surrounded by tall plane trees, and half a pavilion to the west. In the living room, there are parrots, starlings and other birds hanging. Two peacocks are leisurely combing their feathers on a wooden shelf in the south, with their long tail feathers dragging on the ground.

Three small round tables had already been set up in the open space, the princess and Mrs. Huang had already sat down at the first table, Daiyu invited Hanyi and Wanyu to sit at the second table, and invited two girls from the Huang family, Xiangyun and Mrs. The same seat.

Shi Xiangyun didn't expect that Daiyu would arrange herself in the seat of princess. He was both happy and proud, and he felt a little uneasy when he deliberately made things difficult for Daiyu when he was in Jia's mansion.On the other hand, seeing Daiyu's arrangement, Hanyi secretly nodded inwardly, but didn't show it on her face.Even Wang Hao and Mrs. Huang are very satisfied.

For a while, Mother Jia and her party also arrived accompanied by Nanny Sun.Daiyu invited Jia Mu and Xing Wang's two aunts to sit down at the princess's table.Mrs. Wang refused at first, but saw that Mrs. Xing had already taken the seat with Jia's mother, so she sat down.

Daiyu looked at the princess and bowed and said with a smile: "Princess, forgive me, Yu'er can only invite her aunt, grandmother and two aunts to accompany the princess." The princess is naturally aware of Daiyu's situation, and she feels sorry for her. He didn't care about a meal, so he smiled and said, "Thank you for your hard work."

Everyone only thought that Daiyu should salute and say a few words, Daiyu tilted her head and smiled: "It's hard work, but if the princess eats well after a while, I have to reward Yu'er."

Regardless of whether others were stunned or not, the princess raised her eyebrows and looked at Daiyu and said, "You ghostly girl! But what do you like about me? Forget it, I've had your tea for several years, if this meal satisfies me, I have a reward for you." Daiyu thanked the reward with a smile.The princess took her chopsticks and nodded towards Daiyu, but she couldn't say anything.

Mrs. Huang, Mrs. Jia and others watched Wang Hao chat and laugh with Daiyu. Mrs. Huang and Mrs. Xing were naturally happy, and so was Mrs. Jia.But Mrs. Wang couldn't tell what it was like.

If you want to blame Daiyu, she was the one who pleaded for mercy before, and she really didn't post a post to Baochai.But if you say you don't hate Daiyu, you really can't swallow the bad breath in your heart.

Mrs. Wang is so thoughtful, one can imagine how Baochai is feeling at this time.But Daiyu couldn't control these things, and arranged for the Spring Festival, Tanchun, Xichun, Xue Baochai and Li Wan Wang Xifeng to sit at the same table.In this way, Xue Baochai will look better on the face, after all Li Wan is her aunt's daughter-in-law, and Wang Xifeng is her cousin.The three of Ying Tanxi naturally wouldn't say anything about her here.

Seeing that everyone was seated, Daiyu motioned for Jin'er to serve the dishes.Each table was first served with four cold dishes, two meat and two vegetables, but because the shape and color had been changed, even Jia Mu's table didn't see what it was.

The princess looked at the thing that was cut into very thin filaments among the white jade plates in front of her, tasted a little, and thought it tasted very good, she smiled and asked Daiyu who was standing by: "You girl, tell me, this is all What can I eat?" Daiyu said with a mysterious smile: "That can't be said, the princess just wants to say whether it suits her mouth or not."

The concubine raised her eyebrows and glanced at her, but didn't answer, and picked something else to taste, her eyes lit up.But the concubine just didn't say it was delicious, Daiyu looked at it from the side and stomped her feet and said, "Princess is cheating!" But even if the concubine ignored her, Daiyu couldn't help it.

It was very funny to see Han Yi and Wan Yu on the table next to her, and the two girls of the Huang family were also blushing, and the rest of the people were naturally envious.

For a while, a pot of soup was placed on each table. Instead of using any porcelain, jade, or silverware, they used the most primitive clay pots.The rich aroma emanates from it, which is very tempting, especially when accompanied by the surrounding scenery.Scoop out the hot soup with a bamboo spoon, put it in a sapphire bowl, and sprinkle some coriander leaves. I'm drunk before I taste it.

Eight hot dishes, four meat and four vegetarian dishes, and finally another person was served a bowl of sweet soup.The utensils are simple but not luxurious. The princess tried all the dishes, but she didn't taste a few dishes.But it was very satisfying to eat.

After putting away the table and serving scented tea, the princess smiled and asked, "Madam Lin, tell me what reward you want. This princess used it very well today." After speaking, she also covered her mouth and laughed.

Daiyu rolled her eyes and said, "Then I begged the princess to let sister Wanyu stay with me for a few days?"Wan Yu was naturally very happy when she saw the concubine's answer, and she also had a smile on her face.

Seeing this, Hanyi smiled and said: "Since that's the case, I'll stay here for two more days." Who knows that just after she finished speaking, the princess gave her a stern look and said, "You will go back with me in a while! Don't you come here Accompany me?" It's not that the princess is unwilling to let Daiyu associate with Hanyi, but that she has a special status and the current situation is also very special.

After lunch, she laughed and sat for a while, then the princess got up and left, Wanyu was left behind by Daiyu, but Han Yi wanted to go with the princess.

For a while, Jia Mu thought that it would be inconvenient for her to be here, so she smiled and said to Sanchun, "You also stay here to accompany Miss Lin." Then she said to Daiyu, "Let your second elder brother Lian come to pick you up in two days. " Then he said to the two wives of King Xing: "Let's go back too." Seeing that everyone was about to leave, Mrs. Huang followed suit.

All of a sudden, dozens of people rushed towards the main entrance together with the mighty maids and mother-in-law.But he didn't know that Baoyu had been guarding the main gate after Jia Mu and others entered. Zhang Xin and others couldn't persuade him, and they couldn't let him in. It was very embarrassing.

When the news came from inside that the princess was returning to the mansion, the soldiers drove all the pedestrians to the side of the street where Lin's mansion was located, but Baoyu refused to let them go. Instead, because the front door was wide open, someone came out , Shouted loudly: "Sister Lin, sister Lin!"

This made Jiamu and others change their faces, especially Mrs. Wang.Seeing the princess in front of her suddenly stop in her tracks, her face turned pale with fright.But she didn't know that the one who was most angry at this time was not the concubine, but Han Yi.

From Han Yi's point of view, Daiyu is going to be assigned to his elder brother!How can we allow this man who came out of nowhere to shout and scream?Then he said coldly to the eunuch next to him: "Go and see! Who is yelling? Give me a slap!"

Mrs. Wang and Mrs. Jia didn't faint from fright when they heard that Mrs. Wang even hurriedly said: "That's a wicked son, I will teach him a lesson when I go home, please forgive me!" .Daiyu sighed: After all, it is the feelings of a loving mother.

Who knows that Han Yi just squinted at Mrs. Wang and said: "You want to slap your mouth too?" stare!I couldn't react for a while.

Daiyu couldn't look past it, and said, "That's my second uncle's cousin, who is used to being spoiled, and offended the princess today, so I shouldn't beg for mercy, but please forgive him for Yu'er's sake." .Grandmother is very old, I'm afraid she won't be able to withstand the stimulation."

Han Yi sneered and said: "It's not the old matriarch's mouth, what's so exciting? In the public, she yelled and called her sister directly! This is going to be spread, and my sister is actually an adult!" What's the matter?!" Hanyi spoke so strongly that even Jia's mother was speechless, and Baoyu was still shouting, "Sister Lin! Sister Lin!"

Daiyu also felt wronged for a moment, so her eyes turned red and she stopped talking. Wanyu gently took her hand to comfort her.But Hanyi said to Jia Mu and Mrs. Wang, "This princess is willing to discipline these wicked children for you! It's his good fortune!" After speaking, he helped the princess and walked out.

When Jia Mu and others saw Baoyu again, Baoyu's cheeks were already red and swollen, with high bulges.


Those who like Gujing’s Daiyu, those who like Gujing’s Lianer, and those who like Gujing’s kissing daughter-in-law Xifeng, can add Gujing Q: 386950371╭(╯3╰)╮

(End of this chapter)

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