Chapter 121

Thanks: Mom is here, run quickly and yzakrr, Lei Linglong's monthly pass!
Thanks: I am Niu, Azzinoth, waiting for many friends' recommendation tickets,

Thanks: nonomagic, Qiaoge Muyong, and Huomu Tong for their rewards~ Gujing thank you here, O(∩_∩)O thank you for your love and support!

Because Mrs. Huang was not very happy when she left before leaving, she was surprised to see the desserts sent by Daiyu in Mrs. Huang's room when she returned to the mansion.He was very surprised when he asked, only to find out that when it was almost time for lunch, the Lin family sent someone to bring food to Mrs. Huang.I couldn't help but cheer up in my heart, after all, she is a careful girl.

Speaking of those things, the sisters of the Huang family didn't know what they were, only Mrs. Huang said with a smile: "I guess that girl Ding Hui'er must have never made it clear to you, but now it seems that it is true." After speaking, she laughed stand up.Huang Yulian snuggled into Mrs. Huang's arms very curiously and asked, "Just tell me, the old ancestor, it can be regarded as gaining insight."

Originally thought it would be some rare ingredients that are so rare and hard to find, the Huang family sisters were full of curiosity and waited for the answer, but Mrs. Huang glanced at them and said: "That girl's seat is exquisite, but it is made of ordinary materials. .” After eating another spoonful of dessert, he said, “I’m afraid you won’t be able to guess two of the first four cold dishes.”

Seeing that the two girls looked over, even the eldest daughter-in-law Qiu Shi also looked over and said with a smile: "The ones that are shredded and the ones that are cut into diamond slices are all from pigs' water." With these words, I felt my chest surge at the same time, as if something was about to come out of my throat.

Mrs. Huang saw it and said with a smile: "When I was young, I also suffered hardships with the old man. How can I be as rich as you are now? At that time, pig offal was also a good thing. It is not easy to eat."

Hearing Mrs. Huang's words, Mrs. Huang's Qiu asked quickly and carefully: "Old ancestor, do you share a lot of things when you go into the water?" Can't help it.

Seeing Mrs. Huang like this, the two girls became even more curious.Mrs. Huang said very seriously: "That girl Huier is really a good girl." After finishing speaking, she put down the small lamp in her hand, wiped her hands, and rinsed her mouth. Then she suddenly smiled teasingly and said, "Since she doesn't Let me tell you, then I won’t say anything, anyway, it’s a good thing.”

After finishing speaking, Mrs. Huang leaned against the cold pillow and fell asleep. Mrs. Huang and the two girls looked at each other and smiled, both reluctantly and helplessly.

In fact, not only Mrs. Huang was curious, but also Princess Wujun was very curious. She called the old nanny who was with her before and asked, "Do you know what kind of food that girl Yu'er made? What kind of ingredients? It’s delicious, the first dish of thin shreds, I’m afraid it’s the tongue of a bird, it’s soft and tasty.”

After thinking for a while, he said: "I just can't figure out what kind of bird it is. After all, it is not a common thing such as chickens and ducks. You think it can't be a peacock, right?" Seeing that there are peacocks in the courtyard, the princess of Wujun asked make such a guess.

Mammy Xi smiled and said: "My concubine, who eats all kinds of delicacies in the world, doesn't know, how can this old slave understand." Seeing that Mammy Xi didn't know, the concubine asked again: "Look at what the meatballs are made of later. ?” Mammy Xi thought to herself: You don’t know if you taste it, but how would I know if I just glanced at it?But he dare not say this.

Princess Wujun saw that Nanny Xi didn't know anything, she couldn't help but sighed: "It seems that next time I want to eat, I have to go to the girl's house." Suddenly her eyes lit up and she said: "Go, send someone to send it to Wanyu. Clothes, let me inquire about it by the way." Mammy Xi then led the order to go out.

But not everyone is thinking about what they had for lunch at this time, and Jia Mu and Mrs. Wang are not in the mood at this time.Not even Mrs. Xing and Wang Xifeng.

The old eunuchs around Hanyi were all winking, and they naturally saw Hanyi's dislike for Jia Baoyu, so they were merciless in their strikes, and Baoyu not only had ringing ears, but also had swollen cheeks. Get old.

Without waiting to go back to the mansion, Mother Jia asked someone to take the post and invite the imperial physician to wait in the mansion.As soon as she returned to the mansion, she was served by people who boiled ice and applied medicine. Fortunately, the imperial doctor's pulse diagnosis said that there was no serious problem, only the flesh was injured, so Jiamu was relieved.But in the end, the swelling didn't disappear for most of the day, and I couldn't help worrying again.

At this time, Baoyu wanted to cry and shout, but he couldn't. He just lay back on the bed and stared blankly at the top of the tent.

No one knows that what Baoyu is thinking about at the moment is not the pain on his face, but the golden orange palace dress, the swaying golden tassels, the cold and disdainful eyes, and the "waste" !
This is the first time that Baoyu has been treated with such contempt, disdain, and indifference since he was born.

Baoyu didn't understand why Jia's mother didn't come forward to defend him as she did every time Jia Zheng scolded and beat him, and she didn't understand why sister Lin just didn't see him.

Baoyu only felt anguish in his heart, which was more painful than the wound on his face.But there is no one to tell, and tears are shed unknowingly.

Xiren saw it from the side and thought he was in great pain, so he hurried to Baoyu's ear and softly comforted him, "If the pain is severe, sir, I'll apply the medicine all over you. Maybe you'll feel better?"

But Baoyu still looked at the top of the tent, deaf to what the attacker said.

Xiren became anxious all of a sudden, and called Baoyu twice. Seeing that Baoyu was still weeping blankly, he ran out to look for Jia Mu.

Jia's mother was really tossing hard all day today, and she was a little out of spirits at this time, but when she heard that something was wrong with Baoyu, she rushed over with great energy.

Seeing Baoyu staring blankly and weeping, Jia's mother felt sore, and she began to cry beside Baoyu's bed: "My Baoyu! My dear, what's the matter with you? Look at the old ancestor." !"

This crying brought Baoyu back to his senses, and he turned to look at the tearful old lady Jia. Baoyu opened his mouth, but made no sound, only the tears flowed more fiercely.

Seeing that Baoyu was no longer in a daze, the old lady Jia felt relieved, and asked quickly, "Baoyu, but it hurts so much?" As the old lady Jia asked, she wanted to touch her with trembling hands, but she was afraid of the pain. he.

Baoyu suddenly remembered what Jia's mother had said to him that day, his eyes widened and he endured the pain in his cheeks, three indistinct sounds escaped from the corners of his mouth.

Although the bystanders were puzzled, Mrs. Jia came to her senses immediately, waved her hand and said, "You all step back, our grandparents and grandchildren will talk about it later."

Yuanyang was very worried, but retreated as ordered, Xiren looked at Baoyu, but Baoyu was looking at Mrs. Jia fixedly at this time, without looking at her, so he had no choice but to retreat.

After everyone retreated and closed the door curtain, Baoyu grabbed old lady Jia's hand and looked at old lady Jia with eyes full of grievances, her lips trembling.

The old lady Jia sighed, patted Baoyu's hand and said, "As soon as I hit you, I knew you were blessed and had great fortune. Looking at it over the years, you are also very smart, but if you are willing to With a little thought, you will definitely be a thousand times stronger than others."

Speaking of which, Old Madam Jia wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes, and then continued: "But you don't know, there are many people in this world, and people like us can't afford to offend them. What you see today is Feng Nu Longsun, the noble daughter of the Tian family. My ancestor and your mother were both reprimanded, even your sister Lin once came forward to intercede for you."

Speaking of this, Mrs. Jia looked into Baoyu's eyes, held his hands tightly and said, "You don't like reading, you don't respect etiquette, and you ridicule the world for being stupid. What will happen in the future? I'm afraid many people will Being implicated. Your father doesn't know yet, if he knew that you had offended your daughter, he would probably beat you too."

The old lady Jia said so much, but Baoyu only remembered two points: Sister Lin had pleaded for her.Don't let your father know about this.

Baoyu Anai couldn't help the excitement and anxiety in her heart, and couldn't care about the pain on her face. She grabbed Jia Mu's hand, opened her mouth with surprise and said, "Sister Lin!"

With just three words, Baoyu was already sweating profusely from the pain. Mrs. Jia was very distressed when she saw it, and quickly pressed him down and said, "Your sister Lin begged for you, but you offended her because you didn't respect the etiquette." , let her be reprimanded by the Princess."

Hearing this, the look in Baoyu's eyes dimmed a lot. He lay back on the bed and went through everything in his mind after meeting Daiyu, but finally fixed on the golden-orange figure, and couldn't help but shudder. I shivered.

Seeing Baoyu's expression, Mrs. Jia comforted her and said, "Heal your wounds well, don't think about it." Baoyu rolled his eyes to look at Jia's mother and nodded.

When Baoyu fell asleep, Jiamu went back exhausted.As soon as Jia's mother left, Mrs. Wang came to see Baoyu again. Seeing Baoyu's still red and swollen cheeks, she hated her so much!Secretly said: If it weren't for Jia Minsheng's charming son!How can I, Baoyu, suffer so much?In the future, Baoyu must not be allowed to associate with him.

At this time Mrs. Wang has made up her mind to separate Baoyu from Daiyu and never let them meet again.So he hurriedly cleaned up three rooms for Baoyu next to the study in the outer courtyard.He planned to move out when Baoyu recovered from his injury.

Mrs. Wang and Mrs. Jia are worried, but Wang Xifeng is in Mrs. Xing's room at this time, and the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law are so happy that they don't know what to do!
It turned out that before Daiyu left, she secretly stuffed an envelope into Wang Xifeng's hands. At that time, Wang Xifeng didn't care. When Baoyu was beaten, she couldn't remain indifferent, so she had to help her.

After Baoyu settled down and returned to the house, she remembered the envelope. When she opened it, she found that it was a document. Unfortunately, although Wang Xifeng was already literate, she didn't quite understand the official document with very few handwriting.I called Hongxiu to help me read it for a long time, but I thought it was some official document from the Imperial College, but I didn't know the specifics.

Wang Xifeng thought over and over again, Daiyu would not give herself a useless thing so solemnly for no reason, so she called Xing Xiuyan over again.After all, Xing Xiuyan has read books for many years, but he can understand it at a glance.Smiling and congratulating, he said, "Congratulations, sister-in-law Feng, that's a good thing!"

Wang Xifeng glanced sideways at Xing Xiuyan, and said with a smile, "Of course I know it's a good thing, but you have to explain to me exactly what kind of good thing it is." He pretended not to care, and picked up the tea Just as he drank half a sip of tea, he heard Xing Xiuyan say, "This is the document for Cousin Lian to go to the Imperial College to study."

After hearing this, Wang Xifeng was very disappointed, and thought to herself: My sister really put her heart into it, but this donated prison is not as good as the cute prison.Unexpectedly, Xing Xiuyan continued to say: "I'm still qualified as a tribute student!" Wang Xifeng didn't realize this for a while, but when he did, he was really ecstatic.He hurriedly went to Mrs. Xing's room to say congratulations.

(End of this chapter)

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