Daiyu of the Red Chamber

Chapter 122 Huang Jiyun Returns to Beijing

Chapter 122 Huang Jiyun Returns to Beijing

When Jia Lian came back that night, he saw Mrs. Xing and Wang Xifeng teasing Brother Chun while looking at him meaningfully. Jia Lian looked down at himself very uncomfortable.

Mrs. Xing and Wang Xifeng laughed when they saw Jia Lian lowering his head to check his clothes.Jia Lian didn't find anything wrong with the dress, and seeing the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law smiling strangely, she couldn't help frowning and asked, "What's the matter?" Jia Lian asked very carefully, even with rare anxiety.

After all, Wang Xifeng was reluctant to continue playing tricks on Jia Lian, but she also didn't want to let him go easily, so she put down Brother Chun, and solemnly took out the document from her purse.

Wang Xifeng shook the document in front of Jia Lian, tilted his head and asked with a smile, "How can you thank me, sir?"

Although Jia Lian hadn't seen the content yet, Jia Lian had seen the bright red seal clearly. Looking at the happy faces of Mrs. Xing and Wang Xifeng, she knew that it must be a good thing, and it had something to do with her.Then he laughed and said, "Feng'er wants me to thank you, so I can thank you in that way."

While talking, Jia Lian raised an eyebrow at Wang Xifeng in an unprincipled manner when Mrs. Xing turned her head to look at Brother Chun, and smiled with the corners of her mouth pulled.

Wang Xifeng's face flushed with embarrassment, and when she turned around, she saw that Mrs. Xing hadn't noticed, so she handed the document to Jia Lian from a long distance away, and spat, "Who cares about your thanks?"

After Wang Xifeng finished speaking, she turned around and walked towards her son, ignoring Jia Lian's smug expression behind her, and naturally did not see the cunning flashing in Jia Lian's eyes when the trick was successful, and the unconscious favor that came out of the corners of his mouth. drown.

When Jia She came back from the yamen, she was overjoyed to learn of such a good thing, and asked while eating, "Give it to you, Miss Lin?" Before Wang Xifeng could answer, Mrs. Xing rushed to answer: "Yes. No. I said that grandma-in-law Tete, who sent the post that day, told me to let Feng'er go in person."

Speaking of Grandma Sun's instructions, Mrs. Xing smiled triumphantly: "Fortunately, that girl Xiuyan is sensible. Girl Lin didn't post a post for her. I thought of taking her there directly. Fortunately, I didn't go. Then The princess of the fourth prince's mansion, and Princess Wujun have all gone today, so I am not scared to death! Even the phoenix egg of the second room was slapped."

Even Jia Lian didn't know about this, and she was shocked at the moment, but unexpectedly, Jia Amnesty stood up excitedly and asked, "Who did you say went? Who got slapped?" Jia Lian couldn't help being curious. He looked up at Jia Amnesty.

Mrs. Xing said with a nonchalant smile, "Who else is there? It's that Baoyu who dares to yell in front of the princess and princess, and it's lawless."

Wang Xifeng lowered her head in embarrassment because of these words. After all, Mrs. Wang is her aunt, but Jia Lian frowned and asked, "Mother, tell me why Baoyu is yelling?"

Without waiting for Mrs. Xing's answer, Jia Amnesty narrowed his eyes and asked, "Who did you say was the princess just now?"

Not to mention Mrs. Xing, even Jia Lian looked up at Jia Amnesty in surprise.Mrs. Xing was taken aback by Jia She's fierce and cold face, and quickly replied: "Because Baoyu shouted at Miss Lin in front of the princess of the fourth prince's residence, the princess slapped her hard."

Jia Lian was stunned when she heard this, and Wang Xifeng also came back to her senses at this moment, frowning. She is also aware of her aunt's temperament now, and she is afraid that this matter will be remembered on Daiyu.Unexpectedly, Jia She suddenly turned over the table of food in a fit of rage, and roared, "Bastard! Beast!!! He's trying to kill all the people in the house!?"

Wang Xifeng was taken aback by Jia She's like this, and even Mrs. Xing was too scared to move easily at this moment. How many years has it been since I saw Jia She like this?Involuntarily, the memories of previous years rolled out, and the vest was cold.

Jia Lian was quite calm, got up and said to Jia Amnesty, "Father, calm down, we can discuss it if we have something to say."

Jia Shexing looked at Jia Lian with red eyes, sighed dejectedly after looking at it for a long time, and sat on the chair behind him.

Mrs. Xing and Wang Xifeng were puzzled by Jia Amnesty's sudden agitation, sudden anger, and Dao's sudden depression, but Jia Lian vaguely guessed something, and said to Wang Xifeng with a look on her face, "Feng'er, go and prepare some food and wine for me." Go to the study, I will talk to my father in the study for a while."

After Jia Lian finished speaking, he didn't care about Wang Xifeng's reaction, and bowed to Jia She, clasped his fists and said, "Please talk to Father's study." Jia She looked up at Jia Lian, nodded, got up and walked out first.

Before Jia Lian went out, he told Wang Xifeng, "Prepare some wine and bring it here, and you can eat some more." After speaking, he hurried to catch up with Jia Amnesty and went out of the courtyard.

At any rate, Jia She was working in the Ministry of Rites. Although it was not an important position, and he was not a high-ranking official, Jia She was considered a person after all, and the news was well-informed.

The father and son came to the study room, but Jia Amnesty nestled on the cool chair and said nothing, Jia Lian also stood aside with a frown, until Wang Xifeng personally brought in the wine and food, the two of them did not move a bit.

Wang Xifeng glanced at Jia She, then turned to look at Jia Lian, saw Jia Lian nodded to her, and quietly backed out again.

Jia Lian opened all the doors and windows himself. This is what he learned from Lin Ruhai back then. At that time, Lin Ruhai said that you must think that the doors and windows are closed to keep secrets. In fact, closing the doors and windows also blocks your sight.Jia Lian thinks so.

After Jia Lian set the cups and saucers, and put the bowls and chopsticks in place, he said softly to Jia She: "My son has never had a drink with his father, so let him have a drink with his father today."

Jia She raised his eyes and looked at the slender and handsome Jia Lian in front of him, and suddenly sighed, "You are very much like your mother." Not to mention Jia Lian, even Jia She was taken aback for a moment, and then laughed again. Said: "Stop talking, let's have a drink, father and son."

After Jia Amnesty finished speaking, he sat down at the table. Jia Lian filled the wine for him himself, hesitated for a while and asked softly, "But it has something to do with the Fourth Prince?"

Jia She frowned and looked out of the window, then whispered: "The dragon's body violated the harmony, and he hasn't come to the court for many days. Most of the affairs are being presided over by the Fourth Prince. His Royal Highness is dissatisfied. The two are fighting fiercely! I don't want to Participate in it."

Jia Lian frowned and asked, "What did father notice about today's incident?" Jia She sighed and said, "With the relationship between the Wu County Prince's Mansion and the Fourth Prince's Mansion, I'm afraid they have already stood in line. Miss Lin... hey! Why are you four?" The princess of the prince's family also went to Lin's mansion, so I'm afraid it's inseparable! Then we'll be too..."

When Jia Lian heard this, he naturally understood Jia She's worry, and couldn't help saying, "Why don't I find a chance to talk to my sister?"

Jia Amnesty waved his hand and said: "It's useless, I'm afraid it has already spread!" After speaking, he poured himself a glass of wine in a very decadent manner, and drank it with his head raised.

After being melancholy for a while, Jia She suddenly became energetic again for some reason and said: "Speaking of which, there is a good thing to tell you." Worry to worry about tomorrow, today I picked a good word for Brother Chun! "After speaking, he laughed, and his expression was unavoidable.

Jia Lian was also shocked and asked: "I don't know what word my father chose?" Jia Amnesty deliberately showed off: "People have virtues to inspire their kindness." Jia Lian frowned and wanted to laugh: "Good word! My son thanked my father for Fang'er. name." When Jia She heard this, he laughed even more triumphantly: "My grandson, why do you need to thank me?" Hahaha
When Jia Lian returned to Wutong Residence with a little drunkenness, the five girls in Lin's residence had just finished washing.But apart from Wanyu, Daiyu and Sanchun were all extremely restless.

Naturally, it was because Sanchun met the real royal nobles for the first time, and Sanchun was very envious of his demeanor and demeanor.As for Daiyu, it was because Baoyu was beaten today that it might be blamed on her.And she had to live back in Jia's mansion, and she felt very restless.

Wanyu naturally saw Daiyu's expression in her eyes, and when Sanchun said goodbye, she pulled Daiyu on the couch and said softly, "Why should my sister be so troubled? Blame yourself? You try your best to tolerate sister's decision, and you are the concubine mother." Sometimes it's hard to change, let alone you and me?"

Seeing that Daiyu was still frowning, Wanyu continued to persuade: "Furthermore, does the Jia family dare to blame you? I think the old lady Jia is aware of the attitude of the mother concubine and sister Hanyi towards you. "

Who knows that Daiyu still bowed her head and said nothing, Wanyu couldn't help but tentatively asked in doubt: "What else is on my sister's mind?" Daiyu was taken aback when she heard this, and looked up at Wanyu.

When Wanyu saw what she said, Daiyu raised her head to look at her in surprise, she was startled, and hurriedly frowned and said, "Sister, I dare not have any thoughts that I shouldn't have! The most important thing for a girl is self-esteem. Self-respect! And that kid from Jia's house is not good enough for my sister."

Daiyu was even more baffled by Wanyu's words, and it took her a while to realize, she blushed and said with a smile, "Sister Wan, what nonsense are you talking about? How could I have such thoughts?" Yu glanced.Wan Yu looked at Dai Yu in disbelief and asked, "Tell me, what are you worrying about?"

Hearing Wanyu's question, the smile on Daiyu's face receded, and she sighed quietly: "I don't know when my father will be able to return to Beijing, but it's really not far away to live at my grandmother's house. After all, it's not my home." She said a little Aggrieved, she lowered her head and pouted softly: "Grandmother treats me very well, but after all, how long can she protect me at her age?"

Hearing Daiyu mention this matter, Wanyu also sighed quietly, thinking to herself: It would be great if Yu'er could really be with her brother.After thinking about it, he shook his head mockingly.Seeing her laughing and shaking her head, Daiyu asked in puzzlement, "Sister, what are you thinking of? Why are you laughing and shaking your head?"

Wan Yu smoothed Daiyu's hair that hung behind her shoulders and said, "Laughing, I can't help my sister. Seeing my sister suffering, I feel that I am very useless." Daiyu warmed her heart and said: " Where is my sister useless? Besides, I didn’t suffer much where I was, it’s just that I’m not as comfortable as at home.”

Daiyu thought about it all night, and after Wanyu left early the next morning, she still went to Jia's mansion with the wound medicine in person, first to send it back to Sanchun, and second, she had to show something.

When Jia's mother saw Daiyu, she was very happy. She felt that Daiyu still had feelings for Baoyu, but she was too observant of etiquette, which was good.Therefore, when Daiyu said that Huang Mengxue was going to study in the Huangfu today, Jia Mu did not refuse, but sent someone to ask Jia Lian to send Daiyu there.

Unexpectedly, the servants went back and forth, Jia Lian left the mansion early in the morning, and he didn't know where he went.When Jia's mother heard this, her face darkened, and she was very dissatisfied. Naturally, Daiyu knew that Jia Lian might have gone to the Imperial College.Then he smiled and said to Jia's mother: "Cousin Lian has his own affairs to be busy, such as studying and visiting friends. Where can he stay in the mansion?"

Seeing that Jia's mother was still unhappy, Daiyu said again: "Zhao Bing and Zhang Xin sent me here together today. Since my father can rest assured that they will protect me, Yu'er naturally believes in them. Grandmother doesn't have to hang up for Yu'er." Heart."

Looking at Daiyu who was smiling and talking warmly in front of her, Mrs. Jia became more and more satisfied. Seeing that she insisted on not needing an escort, she also followed her.After all, that Zhang Xin, Jia's mother left a deep impression yesterday, and when she came back, she also remembered the incident of going to the capital on the [-]th that year, knowing that she was a capable person, so she didn't stop her.

Mother Jia actually regretted that she took Baoyu there last night. Now that she thinks about it, even if Daiyu didn't know that the princess would come or the princess would come, she had guessed something, but it's just inconvenient to say.Therefore, he didn't send invitations to Baochai and others, but it was self-defeating on his own side.

Unfortunately, Mrs. Wang didn't think so. When Mrs. Wang heard that Daiyu had returned home, she had already dropped a set of tea sets. Now she called Tanchun to her and asked about Daiyu's situation after she left yesterday. It shows that Tanchun has not lost his conscience, and he said Daiyu's worries in the original.

After hearing this, Mrs. Wang felt a lot better, but she still sneered and said, "What a pretentious girl! If that's the case, why didn't you plead yesterday?" Tanchun really wanted to remind Mrs. Wang that Daiyu had something wrong yesterday. The one who pleaded was that the princess did not agree, but after all, she did not dare to say this.

On the night of Daiyu's return from Huangfu, she heard Zijuan talk about Baoyu's relocation to the outer courtyard, and she was very happy.In this way, without Baoyu, who needs to be on guard from time to time, dangling in front of her, Daiyu's life becomes more and more comfortable.

It was two months in a flash, and seeing the Mid-Autumn Festival approaching, Daiyu missed Lin Ruhai and Huang Jiyun more and more. This day, she was about to order Lin De to send the clothes, shoes and socks she made for them to Yangzhou, when she received a letter from Huang Jiyun .Huang Jiyun will rush to the capital before the Mid-Autumn Festival!
After Linde sent away the backpack for Lin Ruhai, Daiyu counted the coming of the Mid-Autumn Festival with her fingers, and the smile on her face grew more and more.


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(End of this chapter)

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