Daiyu of the Red Chamber

Chapter 123 Mid-Autumn Festival

Chapter 123 Mid-Autumn Festival
I would like to thank: Lei Linglong, miaozi123 for their monthly ticket support, and Wenwen 1975, Horses Without Borders, Smoothie, Mo Leishang, Zixiao has been busy all his life,
There are small cats at home, sincere Macchiato, Leng Yueyao, Huamengyulai, etc. The long-term recommendation tickets support~O(∩_∩)OThank you

On the ninth day of August, Jia Lian personally escorted Daiyu to the pier with Zhao Bing and Zhang Xin. At the same time, Huang Mengxue's eldest son, Huang Bingyuan, was waiting at the pier.

Time passed little by little, from the rising sun to the bright sun, a double-decker and three-masted official ship sailed into Daiyu's eyes.

Daiyu couldn't help asking Jia Lian excitedly: "Look, brother, is that the master's boat?" Jia Lian smiled wryly and said, "It's so far away, and there are so many boats passing by, I can't see clearly." But Daiyu firmly believed that it was Huang Jiyun. The boat he was on even took two steps forward unconsciously.

Huang Bingyuan, who was mature and prudent, smiled at Jia Lian: "Wencang, take good care of Hui'er, otherwise don't say that the fourth uncle can't spare me when he comes back, even the third uncle can't spare you either."

Jia Lian could only give a wry smile, and took a step forward.At this moment, Daiyu grabbed Jia Lian's sleeve and said, "Look, brother! You are really a master!" As she spoke, she turned to look at Jia Lian, her eyes full of surprise.

When Huang Jiyun's boat docked, Daiyu stepped forward and pulled Huang Jiyun's sleeves, shouting excitedly: "Master!" The "boy" was stunned for a long time before he smiled and said: "You girl is becoming more and more disorganized and unruly!"

It turned out that for the convenience of traveling, Daiyu actually pretended to be a kid.Huang Jiyun was surprised that Daiyu could come to pick him up.A person who used to be desolate can be so excited seeing him now, even Huang Jiyun, who is calm and breezy, can't help being moved at this moment.

Huang Jiyun couldn't help laughing and joked: "How come I didn't see you miss being a teacher so much in the past?" Then he laughed.

At this time, Huang Bingyuan and Jia Lian came forward together, saluted and said: "Bingyuan met the fourth uncle!" Uncle Shi didn't understand.

It turned out that after Jia Lian Dao Guozijian went to school, he formally worshiped Huang Shufeng as his teacher, and Huang Shufeng bestowed the name: Wencang.Because Daiyu and Huang Mengxue and Huang Shufeng are known as teachers, Jia Lian followed suit.

Here is where relatives meet, and the joy is endless.Nanny Yang in Jia's mansion almost went crazy.Early in the morning, Daiyu disappeared, and no one in the room full of maids and women knew where she had gone.

If Wang Xifeng and Mrs. Xing hadn't talked about the sneaky appearance of the two brothers and sisters going to pick up Mr. Huang at the pier, Mrs. Xing felt that it was very inappropriate, so she asked Wang Xifeng to go to Linglong Courtyard immediately, otherwise she would have to go to college No mess.

After a few months, Daiyu saw Huang Jiyun again, and found that he was no longer unrestrained and unrestrained, and lost the free and easy way of doing things.Vicissitudes were added to the sideburns and eyebrows, and he couldn't help feeling: "It is our father and daughter who dragged down the master." As he spoke, tears fell.

Seeing this, Huang Jiyun pretended to be serious and said: "The scholar died for his confidant. As a teacher and your father, we have been friends for many years, and you are a teacher's disciple. How can you say that it is a drag? He will live in a different situation for his teacher and father. , should you abandon being a teacher and go?"

Daiyu was startled, her eyes widened, and she said anxiously, "How is that possible!? Be a teacher for one day and be a father for life!"

Huang Jiyun laughed and said: "Ji Yun's whole life has been such a girl, what more can a husband ask for? Haha!" Obviously, Daiyu's answer made Huang Jiyun very happy, and it was not in vain that he had spent all these years on Daiyu. .

Seeing Huang Jiyun smiling very happily, Daiyu felt sentimental for some reason, she threw herself into Huang Jiyun's arms in disregard of etiquette, and burst into tears.Jia Lian and Huang Bingyuan bowed their heads immediately, and all the followers behind them also bowed their heads one after another.

Huang Jiyun, however, carelessly stroked Daiyu's head, which was combed into a man's bun, and comforted him, "You girl..." After a while, Daiyu grabbed Huang Jiyun's sleeve to wipe away her tears, then raised her head and smiled. .Huang Jiyun looked at his crumpled clothes that were wet with tears, and pursed his mouth in disgust.

Daiyu tilted her head to look at it, and said with a smile, "Don't be afraid, Yu'er has made several sets of new clothes for the master." Not to mention Huang Jiyun, even Jia Lian and Huang Bingyuan blushed.

Not to mention that Huang Bingyuan has never seen such a Daiyu, even Jia Lian has not seen such a naughty and cheerful Daiyu for many years.The smile at the corners of the eyes and brows is so bright and lively.

When Huang Jiyun returned to Beijing this time, he planned to stay for a long time. When Daiyu was alone in the capital, he and Lin Ruhai were not at ease.

In addition, the Fourth Prince sent a letter saying that the situation in Beijing and China was becoming more and more tense, and Huang Jiyun was very much needed to return to Beijing for assistance, so this time Huang Jiyun brought back a lot of things and a lot of people.Of course, among them was a boatload of soil instruments that Lin Ruhai sent to Daiyu, and a thick letter from Lin Ruhai.

The letter did not mention a single word about the situation in Yangzhou, and of course there was no news that Lin Ruhai had been assassinated many times.In the letter, Lin Ruhai only said that he was out of energy, and transferred a lot of Lin's property to Daiyu's name, so that Daiyu could take good care of it.There is also a stack of huge banknotes for Daiyu to watch and use.

This made Daiyu feel deep anxiety and fear while feeling full of loving father's care.Daiyu spent the entire Mid-Autumn Festival in a trance.Even Sanchun, Xifeng, and the others saw that Daiyu's mind was not her own.

And Daiyu's uneasiness is not unreasonable. When Lin Ruhai returned to his hometown to observe his filial piety, Lin Ruhai had already handed over Jia Min's entire dowry and nearly one-third of the Lin family's property to Daiyu. less.

Counting the days, the day when Lin Ruhai died of illness in the original book is getting closer and closer. Although Lin Ruhai did not send a letter this time asking Daiyu to go back to take care of her illness, this general arrangement always makes Daiyu very worried.

The prince held a banquet at Yuqingzhai on the Mid-Autumn Festival. After Jia Zhen introduced him, Prince Teng, who had just joined the camp, was naturally invited by the prince.

Daiyu would never have imagined that the one who pushed Lin Ruhai's life to an end was this, her own good sister-in-law's biological father——Wang Ziteng!A credit.If he knew, what would he think when facing Wang Xifeng again.

After Zhen Yingjia failed to woo Lin Ruhai several times, the prince took a fancy to Wang Ziteng. After all, the relationship between his daughter Wang Xifeng and Daiyu was not a secret in the capital. Many people knew that Lin Ruhai's daughter had an inseparable relationship with the illiterate Wang Xifeng.

Although everyone knew that Jia Lian was among them, and knew that Jia Lian's existence today was a gift from Lin Ruhai, so in the eyes of the crown prince, Wang Ziteng, Jia Lian's father-in-law, became the best candidate to win over Lin Ruhai.

The prince could think of the relationship between Wang Xifeng, Jia Lian and Lin Ruhai's family, and Wang Ziteng could also think of it, especially Lin Ruhai loved his daughter like his life, and Daiyu was now living in Jia's mansion, so Lin Ruhai had no reason to refuse, so gladly accepts.

Seeing that Wang Ziteng accepted the matter without hesitation, the prince was even more happy, and promised that he would treat the heroes generously in the future.

When the crown prince entertained the officials, Jia's mansion was also celebrating the Mid-Autumn Festival. In order to redeem the humiliation he suffered in Lin's mansion that day, Xue Baochai joked that Xue Pan got a few cages of crabs, and wanted to set up a crab banquet for everyone in Jia's mansion to enjoy the Mid-Autumn Festival.Coincidentally, Ningguo Mansion also planned to hold a chrysanthemum banquet, so under Mrs. Wang's agreement, the two banquets were combined into one banquet, and Xue Baochai borrowed the garden of Ningguo Mansion to hold a Mid-Autumn Festival banquet.

The golden chrysanthemums in Huifang Garden really bloom very well, although they are not as unique as the ones Daiyu saw in her previous life, and there are many varieties, including red, white, pink, yellow, and white with green... The ones as big as broad beans are colorful, and they are also competing for splendor.

Especially the golden chrysanthemums, the size of the mouth of a bowl, are surrounded by a pavilion with flying eaves, and there is a bend of running water flowing by the edge of the pavilion.There is one kind: clear water pierces the flower path, and the cornices are fragrant and full of chrysanthemums.The taste of the fragrance makes Daiyu feel like dreaming back to Gusu in a trance, as if in a fairyland.

When I entered the pavilion for a while, I saw four other bamboo tables outside the railing, with cups, chopsticks and wine utensils on the top, and tea whisks, teapots and various tea utensils on another case.There are two or three maids fanning the stove to make tea, and several other girls fanning the stove to heat wine on this side.

This is the first time Daiyu sees the wife of Jia Rong, whose life experience is blurred——Qin Keqing.Qin Keqing was indeed as described by later generations, a combination of Lin Daiyu and Xue Baochai, with a graceful, slender figure and graceful manner.Seeing the servant girl calmly dispatches, not in a hurry.

The layout in the garden is elegant and exquisite.Shuttle between people is actually more comfortable than Wang Xifeng.It made Wang Xifeng look at her differently, maybe it was fate, or maybe it was because of his aura that he wanted to make peace, Wang Xifeng and her were very congenial, and the two of them talked and acted in a very tacit understanding.

Daiyu was distracted for a while, and didn't notice what Wang Xifeng said, which made Jiamu laugh and scold: "This monkey is so used to it, just make fun of me, I will tear your glib mouth out of hatred."

Without waiting for Wang Xifeng to explain, Qin hurriedly said with a soft smile: "Come back to eat crabs, my aunt is afraid that my ancestors will be cold in my heart, and now I can make my ancestors smile, so it's okay to eat two more when I'm happy."

Jiamu looked at Wang Xifeng jokingly and said, "Since that's the case, I'll tell you to follow me day and night. I'll always be smiling and happy, but I'm not allowed to go home. See if you're still happy." Wang Xifeng hurriedly said, "What's wrong?" Willing? Others can't ask for it? The ancestors will let me stay today."

Everyone laughed for a while, Qin said: "It can be seen that my aunt is really happy with the ancestors." Mrs. Wang also smiled and said: "Isn't it? Because the old lady likes her, she is used to her like this. Although she said so now If she becomes more rude tomorrow, she will just go to the old lady."

Old lady Jia sat down in the pavilion first, and Xue Baochai was considered half the master, so naturally she was busy offering tea and asking for cups and chopsticks.

Old Madam Yin Jia ordered: "Since Maid Xue and Rong's daughter-in-law are having a banquet, let her two get busy. Today is the festival, and it is a family banquet, so you don't need to follow those rules. Everyone sit down." Mrs. Xing , Mrs. Wang and Aunt Xue accompanied Jia Mu to sit down in the pavilion.Xue Baochai and Qin Keqing were waiting on the left and the right.

There are also Jia Zhen's daughter-in-law Youshi, Jia Zhu's widow Li Wan, Wang Xifeng with Xing Xiuyan, Shi Xiangyun sitting at a table on the east side, and Xue Baochai also set up a virtual table here.Sanchun and Daiyu are comfortable sitting alone in the west.

Originally, Jia's mother did not allow Baoyu to come, but at this time everyone had just sat down, and he got out from nowhere. Seeing that there were only four people at Daiyu's table, he inserted one.When Jia Mu saw it in the pavilion, she was very worried, afraid that Daiyu would be annoyed, but Daiyu sat back after paying respects, and said nothing else.

Seeing this, Mrs. Wang hated her teeth, but Mrs. Jia was all smiles, but she couldn't speak.I looked at Aunt Xue and saw that she didn't care, so I felt relieved.

Just listen to Qin Keqing's instructions in the pavilion: "Don't bring more crabs, still put them in the steamer, bring ten first, and then take them after eating." While washing his hands again, he stood in front of Jiamu to peel the crab meat, head Let Aunt Xue for the first time.Aunt Xue said: "I eat the sweets by myself. I don't need anyone to let me." The Qin family gave it to Jia Mu.

He also heard Xue Baochai say, "This crab is cold in nature. Bring the hot wine." Jia Mu smiled and said, "Prepare the chrysanthemum leaves and mung bean noodles smoked with osmanthus stamens, and prepare to wash your hands. This way, there will be no fishy smell. Son. It’s bad for a girl’s daughter-in-law to leave a smell on her hands.” Qin Keqing hurriedly ordered again.

Yuanyang, Amber, Caixia, Caiyun, Ping'er had a table outside the east side, Zhixuan, Siqi, Shishu, Ruhua, Yinger, Cuilu had a table outside the west side.For a moment of joy, some people got up to give wine, but Daiyu sat alone, not knowing what to think.

Seeing this, Baoyu wanted to talk to her several times, but she couldn't open her mouth. After a while, Jia Mu was tired, so Fang led Mrs. Wang, Mrs. Xing and others away, and Li Wan followed.Jia Zhen's daughter-in-law Youshi and Jia Rong's wife Qin Keqing sent them out together before returning.

Everyone washed their hands, some looked at the flowers, and some splashed water to look at the fish.Seeing that Qin Keqing's expression was not very good, You Shi persuaded her to go back to the room to rest.The Qin family refused at first, but Wang Xifeng persuaded her again before returning to the house.

The rest of the people were bored, but Xiangyun proposed to write a poem, which was praised by everyone.Hearing this, Wang Xifeng laughed quickly and said, "I don't even know a whole bunch of big characters, so I won't entertain you. I'll talk to Grandma Xiaorong." Then she went to Daiyu and told her: " After eating so much cold food, I seriously broke my stomach. Warm up with some hot wine for a while."

Because Daiyu was still thinking about the Yangzhou matter, she unknowingly used a whole crab, which she is usually not allowed to do.It was inconvenient for Wang Xifeng to talk about her just now, so he just came here to remind her.Daiyu woke up and blushed immediately.Wang Xifeng didn't talk to her and said: "you play with the sisters, and go home together." After saying that, he took Ping'er and left.

Because Daiyu was distracted, she didn't pay attention to Dao Shi Xiangyun's proposal to write a poem. At this time, Xue Baochai said: "Put that case in the middle, put the wine and vegetables on the table, and pick hot crabs. You don't have to reserve a seat. You have love." Let’s eat whatever we eat, and let’s write poetry.”

Xiangyun took the title of the poem and tied it on the wall with a needle.When everyone saw it, Baoyu said happily, "This is good, and I don't like restricted rhymes the most." Daiyu looked at it intently, but it was simple. The topic of chrysanthemum could be seven or five characters, and there was no restriction on rhymes.Daiyu thought to herself: After all, the girls are still younger than when they were in the Grand View Garden two years later.

As for the poems inscribed with chrysanthemums, Daiyu was better at that time, even the excellent ones in the original work were remembered, but now she said with a smile: "You guys play, don't count me, I can't write Poetry, there is no need to make people laugh."

Shi Xiangyun listened and said with a smile: "Sister Lin is a student of Mr. Huang. Mr. Huang is a great talent. She knows everything about poetry and poetry. How can Sister Lin know how to compose poetry? Don't lie to me." My sister disdains to be with us, so she shirks?"

When Daiyu heard this, she was very confused: "Master also said that I am a rotten wood that cannot be carved, but I have no spirituality and can't write good poems." She put her hands together and said: "You can do it, let me go."

Xue Baochai said with a smile: "However, playing between sisters is not the first prize in the Jinluan Hall. It doesn't matter whether it is good or not, we just have fun." Sanchun also echoed: "It should be so." Daiyu had no choice but to follow.In the end, Daiyu had to compose a song of her own: Remnant lotus hates autumn cool, Yunchuang soaks in chrysanthemum fragrance.Yuehua leans against the east fence, looking at each other and condensing autumn frost.Everyone just let her go.

(End of this chapter)

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