Daiyu of the Red Chamber

Chapter 124 The Destined Encounter

Chapter 124 The Destined Encounter

When I went back on the night of Mid-Autumn Festival, Baoyu somehow had a strange dream all night. When he got up early, someone called him to wash up. , Xiren was startled, thinking that he was ill, and reached out to touch his forehead, but Baoyu actually hid.He just said, "Nothing."

Seeing that he said nothing was wrong, Xiren stretched out his hand to tie his trouser belt. Unconsciously, he stretched out his hand to his thigh, but felt cold and sticky. He quickly withdrew his hand and asked anxiously, "What's the matter?" Even her neck was flushed, and she gently twisted her hand under the thin quilt.

Xiren was originally a smart woman, and she was two years older than Baoyu, and she has become more familiar with human affairs recently. ask.

Taking advantage of the absence of all the nannies and maidservants, Xiren hurriedly took out another shirt and trousers for Baoyu, and put them on with Baoyu.Baoyu begged shyly, "My dear sister, don't tell anyone." Xiren also asked with a shy smile, "What story did you dream about? Is it the dirty things coming out of there?"

Baoyu was taken aback for a moment, shook his head and sighed, "It's hard to say." Then he told Xiren what happened in his dream in detail.Speaking of the dream fairy who hosted a banquet for him, Baoyu said: "It is really a glass cup filled with fine wine, and the amber cup is filled with jade liquid. Not to mention the abundance of food."

He also talked about how he got drunk and begged to lie down, but the fairy led him to a fragrant boudoir embroidery pavilion: "The flourish of the layout is something that has never been seen before. There was a woman in it long ago. Bright and charming," Baoyu paused for a moment and continued: "The romantic and charming are also better than ordinary people."

The attacker laughed and said, "The fairy must be like this." Baoyu smiled, and then said to the fairy, "When this evening is good, we can get married." It's about cloud and rain." After speaking, he looked at Xiren with bright eyes.

Xi Ren shyly covers her face and leans over to smile, and Baoyu is also fond of Xi Ren's softness and charm. At this time, she is even more emotional. How can she give up when she has tasted the joy of cloud and rain for the first time?Then he attacked people and led the police to imagine the things that had been taught about clouds and rain.Xiren half-pushed and half-heartedly tried it secretly with Baoyu. Fortunately, he lived in the outer courtyard and no one came across him.

Speaking of yesterday's Mid-Autumn Festival, Qin Keqing was dragging her sick body to take care of it, but she became sicker and sicker after a long meal, and Wang Xifeng came more frequently than others because of her friendship with her.

Wang Xifeng learned that Qin Keqing hadn't had her period for two months, so she was pleasantly surprised: "Could it be that you have it? If you want to eat or use anything, if you don't have it in the house, just ask me. It's a pity that you don't care about your size. Don’t miss the one in your stomach.”

Who would have thought that Qin Keqing said with a bitter face: "Where is it? If it is true, it would be my good fortune. I asked the doctor to see it, and said it was not a joy. In the past two days, in the second half of the day, I was too lazy to do anything. I'm too lazy to talk, and my head is dizzy."

After hearing this, Wang Xifeng hurriedly said a few words of relief: "Although you talk and laugh when you meet people and know how to act, but you are too careful and serious, no matter what you hear, you have to measure it for three days and five nights." . I saw this disease because of this disposition. "

Qin Keqing didn't talk to her and just smiled with a pale face. Seeing this, Wang Xifeng sighed in her heart and didn't say anything more, just joking and explaining a few words, and watched her eat half a cup of bird's nest soup before saying goodbye and leaving.In the next two days, they will come and walk like this, and they will become more and more intimate.

On September [-]th, Jia Jing's birthday, Jia Zhen first put the best edible things and rare fruits in a special holding box, and Jia Rong led the servants and others to send them to Jia Jing.

And Tute told Jia Rong: "Pay attention to see if the grandfather likes it or not, and salute. Just say: 'My father did not dare to come according to the words of the grandfather. He led the whole family at home and bowed upward.'" After hearing this, Jia Rong led his family to go.

After Jia Rong left here, people gradually came.First, Jia Lian and Jia Qiang came, and then Mrs. Xing, Mrs. Wang, Sister Feng, and Baoyu and Daiyu, the Xiangyun Baochai of Sanchun, all came. Jia Zhen and Youshi took them in.Seeing that there was already an old woman in the room, everyone had met each other and gave up their seats to each other. Jia Zhenyou and his wife handed tea to each other in person.

When Daiyu heard that Youshi's mother had been here first, she was startled and couldn't help worrying about Jia Lian.

After lunch for a while, I heard the servants come back and forth: "Masters and all the gentlemen have already eaten. The elder said that there is something to do in the yamen, so he left first. The second master doesn't like to listen to operas, so he will go back because he is afraid of making noise. Others All the men in the whole family were let by my father, Uncle Lian and Brother Qiang to listen to the opera." What else was said later, Daiyu didn't pay attention to it.

Hearing that Jia Lian was with Jia Zhen, Daiyu was so anxious that she almost broke out in sweat.Seeing this, Wang Xifeng went in without knowing it, and hurriedly said to her: "Why don't sister Lin accompany me to see Brother Rong's daughter-in-law, and let's go and relax in the garden together after a while."

Without waiting for Daiyu to answer, she said to Mrs. Xing and Mrs. Wang: "Go back to Mrs. Lin, I will show Sister Lin to see Brother Rong's daughter-in-law first, and then we will go there." Mrs. Xing nodded, although Mrs. Wang felt very sad Dissatisfied with Wang Xifeng leading Daiyu wherever he goes, he nodded and said: "Very well, we all have to go and see him, I'm afraid he might be too fussy, so let's ask him."

After hearing this, Youshi said hurriedly: "My dear sister, my wife listens to you. You go and enlighten him, and I don't worry. You can come to the garden quickly." After hearing this, Baoyu hurriedly said that he would follow, Daiyu and Wang Xifeng Gu Shi frowned, but before he could stop her, Mrs. Wang said, "Just go over after you have a look. That's my nephew and daughter-in-law." So the three of them went to the Qin family together.

As soon as he arrived at the door, Baoyu smelled a thin sweet fragrance.It's very familiar, but I can't remember it for a while.Feeling soft in the eyes, she kept saying, "It smells so good!" Daiyu gave him a hard look, and then retracted it.

When entering the room and looking at the wall, there is a picture of "Begonia Sleeping in Spring" painted by Tang Bohu. On both sides is a couplet written by Qin Taixu, a scholar of the Song Dynasty. delicious.On the table is the precious mirror that Wu Zetian set up in the mirror room that day, and on one side is a gold plate where flying swallows danced, and the plate contains the papaya that An Lushan threw and hurt Taizhen's milk.

Inside is the couch where Princess Shouchang lies under His Royal Highness Hanzhang, and the linked pearl tent made by Princess Tongchang is hung.Qin Keqing's body was covered with the gauze quilt that Xi Zihuan had worn, and her back was softly leaning against the mandarin pillow that the matchmaker had hugged.Seeing Wang Xifeng and the three of them, Mrs. Qin was about to stand up, but Wang Xifeng hurriedly said, "Don't get up, it looks like you're dizzy."

After saying that, Wang Xifeng took another two steps, took Qin Shi's hand, and said, "My grandma! Why haven't I seen you for a few days, and she's so skinny!" Then she sat on Qin Shi's mattress.Daiyu also said hello to Baoyu. Baoyu sat on the chair opposite, and Daiyu sat on the drum stool beside him.

Jia Rong called again: "Pour the tea quickly, aunt, aunt and second uncle haven't had tea in the upper room yet." Tears, Wang Xifeng sent him to the garden.After hearing this, Jia Rong went to Fangyuan with Baoyu.

After Baoyu left, Wang Xifeng persuaded Qin Shi again, and the two said a lot of heartfelt words in a low voice. After You Shi sent someone to invite him two or three times, Sister Feng said to Qin Shi, "You have a good life. I'll come to see you again. You should recover from your illness, so someone recommended this good doctor the day before yesterday, so you won't be afraid anymore."

The two bid farewell to each other, in Daiyu's eyes, it was a bit inseparable, until Qin Keqing wiped her tears and said: "Auntie, forgive me for not being able to follow. I beg my auntie to come and visit me often when I have free time, we girls Sit down and talk a little bit more." Not to mention that Wang Xifeng heard it, even Daiyu didn't feel red-eyed.

Daiyu followed Wang Xifeng out of the courtyard to the garden.That Mid-autumn day, one Daiyu had something on her mind, and the other was late, so there were many places that I couldn't look at carefully, but now, it looks as exquisite and elegant as the one in the book.

Yellow flowers are all over the ground, and white willows are on the slopes.The small bridge leads to the Ruoye River, and the winding path connects to the road to the rooftop.The clear stream in the stone is turbulent, the fence is fragrant; the red leaves on the tree tops are turning, and the sparse forest is picturesque.The westerly wind suddenly tightens, and the warbler crows at the beginning; when the warm day is warm, the wee talk is added.Looking to the southeast, build several pavilions against the mountains; looking to the northwest, build three pavilions facing the water.

Now, if you listen carefully, you can still hear the sound of the sheng reed that came from a long distance.Looking at Wang Xifeng and himself, it can be regarded as Luo Qi wearing Lin and adding charm.Can't help laughing out.

Wang Xifeng was about to ask Daiyu why she was smiling, when suddenly a person walked past behind the rockery and said to Wang Xifeng, "Please be safe, sister-in-law." Sister Feng suddenly saw her, stepped back, and said uncertainly: "This is Uncle Rui, isn't it?"

When Daiyu heard this, she suddenly became ill. Why did everyone come together today?Over there, Jia Lian didn't know what to do with the second sister Na You, but here, Jia Rui appeared again!
Jia Rui, on the other hand, smiled and said, "Sister-in-law doesn't even recognize me? It's not who I am!"

Wang Xifeng calmed down and said: "It's not that I don't recognize it. I saw it suddenly. I didn't expect it to be the uncle." Jia Rui stepped forward and said: "It's also because I have a destiny with my sister-in-law. I just stole the banquet. The clean place is scattered for a while, and my sister-in-law also comes here if I don’t want to. Isn’t this a predestined relationship?”

He had just finished speaking when he heard a light cough from behind Wang Xifeng, so he couldn't help but look towards Daiyu.Daiyu didn't look at him, but said to Wang Xifeng: "Auntie has already sent someone to invite three or four times, why don't sister-in-law come over soon?"

It was only now that Jia Rui had a real look at Daiyu, she was really a fairy with a graceful figure, her skin was like ice and snow, and the distance between the mountains and the near Daiyu was between her eyebrows.For a moment, my eyes are fixed!
Seeing this step forward, Wang Xifeng blocked Daiyu just in time, and said with a smile: "I can't blame your brother for always mentioning you. When I see you today, I know that you are indeed a smart and kind person. I'm going to the wives now. I can't talk to you, let's talk later."

Jia Rui was interrupted by Wang Xifeng, recovered his senses and said with a smile: "I want to go to my sister-in-law's house to pay my respects, but I'm afraid my sister-in-law is young and won't meet people easily." Wang Xifeng was secretly angry, but on his face he said with a fake smile: "A family of flesh and blood, say what is not young."

After hearing this, Jia Rui's mind was full of unsightly scenes, and if he didn't think of such an adventure today, his expression and scene would be too ugly.He could see Daiyu staring angrily, but she was always blocked by Wang Xifeng.

Wang Xifeng thought about Daiyu being here, and was worried that some tongue-in-cheek would ruin Daiyu's reputation, so she said softly, "You go to the table quickly, and they will catch you and punish you." Jia Rui listened, Half of his body was already numb, and he walked slowly while looking back.

After Jia Rui walked away, Wang Xifeng breathed a sigh of relief, looked at Daiyu's face flushed with anger, and couldn't help comforting him: "This is the one who knows people, knows their faces, but doesn't know their hearts! Where have you seen such beasts?" Sister, don't spoil yourself for this kind of beast, he will know my tricks when he dies in my hands!"

(End of this chapter)

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