Daiyu of the Red Chamber

Chapter 125 Complaint

Chapter 125 Complaint
These chapters are very important. From today onwards, Gu Jing will shut down the code words and organize his thoughts. If there is a personal message, Gu Jing fails to reply in time, and Gu Jing will apologize here first!When Gujing returns, he will reply one by one.I hope this paragraph will not disappoint everyone, thank you for your support to Gujing and your love for "Daiyu in the Red Chamber"!Thanks!

Daiyu naturally knew about Wang Xifeng's methods. The lovesickness bureau made Jia Rui very miserable, but it also dragged down Wang Xifeng's reputation. Thinking about the evaluation of Wang Xifeng by those in later generations, especially the word vicious, most of them come from this.

Thinking of this, Daiyu didn't agree with the current Wang Xifeng setting up another Lovesickness Bureau, but couldn't think of a good way for a while, so she couldn't help frowning slightly.I had no choice but to say to Wang Xifeng: "Sister-in-law, don't get dirty with this screwdriver and ruin your reputation. Let's discuss it again and we can always come up with a good solution."

Wang Xifeng was moved when he heard this, took Daiyu's hand and said with a smile: "My sister is very right, let's discuss it later, and now go to my wife's side." up.

Back at Xibianer's Mansion, Daiyu leaned against the desk, resting her chin with her hand, thinking about what happened in the afternoon, she couldn't help frowning, after thinking about it, she felt that she could only talk about it herself, which would be the most appropriate Yes, if it were someone else, Jia Lian might feel uncomfortable with Wang Xifeng.

Daiyu knew that if Wang Xifeng was told, she might object. She thought that she would go back to the mansion in the future, and then she could ask Jia Lian to see her off. It would be a good time to talk, so she wrote another note and asked someone to send it With Zhao Bing two people.That's how I feel at ease.

After two days passed, Wang Xifeng's side was really peaceful.After Jinchen Daiyu freshened up, she went directly to Mrs. Xing's room. Jia She and the others were very happy to see Daiyu coming.Especially Jia Lian and Jia Amnesty. Jia Lian had never eaten with Daiyu since he returned to Beijing.But Jia Amnesty rarely even met each other.

Jia Amnesty kindly asked Daiyu about this and that, especially about Daiyu's life in Jia's mansion, and then confessed: "If there is anything missing, just tell your aunt, even if there is no one in the mansion, my uncle will." I found it for you." When he said this, he still had a smile on his face.Seeing Mrs. Xing was very responsive.

After Jia Amnesty learned that Daiyu was going back to the mansion, and that Zhang Xin and Zhao Bing had gone out to do errands and did not come back, Jia She even took the initiative to say: "In that case, let's go with uncle, I will take you back first. With that kind appearance, even Jia Lian couldn't believe his eyes.

But Daiyu smiled ignorantly and said, "Where can I bother uncle, I know he is busy." After she finished speaking, she looked at Jia Lian and was about to speak, but Jia Amnesty picked it up and said, "It's okay, I'll take you back when I'm busy." There is still time."

Daiyu suddenly felt very speechless, she didn't know how to answer the words for a moment, she couldn't help but turned her head to look at Jia She, her big eyes stared at Jia She and blinked, but she couldn't think of a suitable word.

As soon as Wang Xifeng saw Daiyu's appearance, she knew that she must be planning to let Jia Lian take her out to play.Unexpectedly, Jia She raised his head suddenly and saw Daiyu looking at him pitifully, so he couldn't help but look at his bowl, and reached out to pick up a piece of sweet-scented osmanthus cake for Daiyu as well.

Before Daiyu had time to be stunned, she heard Wang Xifeng burst out laughing, couldn't help it for a while, and even choked on her own size.Seeing this, Mrs. Xing and Yingchun also understood. Jia Lian patted Wang Xifeng's back with one hand, and coughed lightly with his fist against his mouth.

Jia She suddenly felt that the atmosphere of breakfast today was very strange, so he urged Daiyu: "Hurry up, Yuer, after uncle sees you off, you have to go to the government office to work." Now even Mrs. Xing couldn't help laughing come out.

Jia Amnesty immediately became angry: "Eating! What are you laughing at? You're getting more and more unruly!" After speaking, he glanced at Mrs. Xing and Jia Lian. His face was flushed from suffocation, but his shoulders were still shaking.

Yingchun couldn't stand it any longer, so she said: "Father, why don't you send Sister Lin off next time, because brother is going to school today, so you can go over and ask Mr. Huang for advice." Yingchun carefully considered her words.

Although Jia Lian didn't know why Daiyu wanted to give it away by himself, he didn't mean to refuse. Hearing Yingchun's words, he hurriedly said: "That's the reason. My son hasn't seen his uncle for a long time. First, I would like to greet you. Second, Then I also have some knowledge that I want to ask. I will let my son send my sister back in a while."

When Jia Amnesty heard this, he couldn't help hesitating, so he turned his head to look at Daiyu and asked, "How about uncle sending Yu'er next time?" Daiyu replied happily, "Okay!" Loud and crisp!Looking at Daiyu's smile, Jia Amnesty couldn't help thinking: Didn't this girl want me to give it to the master?

Daiyu can't hear Jia She's heartfelt voice, and no one here can hear it. If someone hears it, they will tell him: "Yes!" Jia She probably will cry, or get angry...

After sending Jia Amnesty away first, he went to the old lady Jia's house to bid farewell, and then Jia Lian escorted Daiyu to Lin's mansion.Daiyu originally thought that Jia Lian really wasn't going to the Imperial College today, so she planned to go back to the mansion to talk about it.Unexpectedly, Jia Lian said that he was going to school when he arrived at the gate of Lin's mansion!

Daiyu had no choice but to take a deep breath and said to Jia Lian: "Since we have reached the door, please come in with me, brother. I have two words to tell brother." After speaking, she looked at Jia Lian firmly.From the very beginning, Jia Lian knew that there must be something wrong with Daiyu asking him to send her back. Since Daiyu asked at this time, Jia Lian naturally would not refuse.

The brother and sister sat down in the small flower hall in the outer courtyard, and refused to serve tea, but Daiyu asked everyone to leave, even Nanny Yang, Daiyu also asked her to go out first.

Seeing Daiyu's seriousness, Jia Lian knew that it would not be a trivial matter, so she looked at Mammy Yang seriously and said, "Please stay at the door, Mammy, my sister and I will have a few words in the house with the doors and windows open. Seeing what Jia Lian said, Nanny Yang frowned and couldn't say anything more, so she opened all the doors and windows with her own hands, and guarded the door herself.

After Yang Nanny went out, Daiyu looked at Jia Lian very seriously and asked, "Does brother believe in Yu'er?" Jia Lian didn't know why Daiyu asked such a question, but immediately replied with certainty: "Of course I believe in Yu'er." Yu'er, if you have something to say, you may as well say it bluntly, we brothers and sisters have been together for so many years, I don't think there is any need to go round and round."

At this time, Jia Lian also looked at Daiyu very seriously, his eyes full of dignity and firmness.He knew that something important must have happened for Daiyu to be so cautious.But Daiyu then asked: "Brother, do you believe in sister-in-law?"

Jia Lian always thought it would be something about Yangzhou, but he never thought that Wang Xifeng would be involved.At this time, her face changed, and there was a hint of anger in her eyes and she asked: "What's the matter?" Daiyu shook her head and said: "Brother hasn't answered Yu'er yet."

Jia Lian didn't know what was going on in his heart at this moment, so he closed his eyes and forced himself to calm down, saying: "My sister once said: 'Family and everything prosper', and also said: 'A husband and wife work together to cut gold'. Brother Xin Yu'er, naturally I will also believe in Fenger."

This is the first time that Jia Lian called Wang Xifeng "Feng'er" in front of Daiyu. Daiyu knew that she got the answer she wanted, so she smiled and said, "So Yu'er can rest assured. If the following words, brother may not be happy, In fact, Yu'er and sister-in-law are not happy, but Yu'er asks brother not to get excited, but to calm down."

After speaking, Daiyu looked into Jia Lian's eyes again and asked, "Is that okay?" Jia Lian took a deep breath, found a seat and sat down, then looked at Daiyu and nodded.

Daiyu straightened out her thoughts and learned from Jia Lian what happened in Ningguo Mansion yesterday, and of course she focused on how Wang Xifeng and herself were frightened, and how Wang Xifeng protected herself.

Jia Lian's veins burst out from hearing this, and his eyes were red.When Daiyu finished speaking and stopped to look at him, Jia Lian stared at Daiyu with red eyes, and asked coldly, "Who?! Who is that beast!?" Daiyu couldn't help but stepped forward and grabbed him. Jia Lian held his hand and said softly, "Brother said he would calm down!"

As she spoke, Daiyu raised her voice and said, "Nurse Yang, ask someone to bring in a cup of herbal tea for brother, and then twist the towel."

Nanny Yang actually listened to the general idea outside the door, and she was very angry in her heart. She didn't expect Daiyu to encounter such a thing yesterday, so she didn't call anyone at this time, she came in and poured Jia Lian a glass of cold water, and then Turning around and looking at Daiyu, he said, "Why didn't the girl tell Mammy yesterday? Who is that person?"

Under the questioning by Nanny Yang, Jia Lian miraculously calmed down and stopped being angry at Daiyu. Instead, he calmed down all his emotions, drank the cold water in the glass slowly, and said to Daiyu: "Sister, don't worry about it." Think about it, brother has his own opinion on this matter, don't say it again, it will hurt your reputation."

Jia Lian's explanation was very solemn, and Yang Nanny kept nodding at the side. Seeing this, Daiyu felt warm in her heart, so she smiled and said, "Brother, please don't blame sister-in-law, sister-in-law is also feeling bad, and this is not the case. Sister-in-law's fault!"

Jia Lian saw that Daiyu was thinking that she was worried that she would blame Wang Xifeng, so she couldn't help laughing and said, "Don't worry, my brother won't be so confused about right and wrong, and black and white."

At this time, Daiyu would not have thought that there was such an angry and bloodthirsty heart hidden under Jia Lian's calm and gentle face.

Jia Lian did not go to the family school to find Jia Rui, but found Jia Rong.He didn't tell Jia Rong what happened, but just gave him a small bag of silver and a letter, and asked him to find someone to hand over the letter to Jia Rui.When Jia Rong got the money, she worked very hard, and immediately asked someone to send the letter to Jia Rui.

Here, Jia Rong sent away the letter, and over there, Jia Lian asked Long'er to follow Jia Rui quietly.Naturally, Jia Rui didn't know that someone was already watching him while he was studying the letter over and over with the letter in his hand.Jia Rui looked at the incomprehensible letter in his hand.There is not a single word, only a few unexplained lines.

As Jia Rui flipped the letter paper over and over, a faint fragrance entered Jia Rui's nose. Jia Rui concluded that he had never smelled that refreshing fragrance before, so his mind fluttered, and his eyes became blurred for a moment.Then he studied the wordless love letter more carefully.At least Jia Rui firmly believed that this would be a love letter.

On the second day, Jia Rui received a "love letter without words". After three repetitions, Jia Rui finally discovered that the combination of several letters turned out to be a map.After careful comparison, it was found that it was behind the Rongxi Hall, next to the corridor, behind the large screen wall in the empty courtyard and a small empty room behind the children's house.Such a discovery made Jia Rui very excited.

It has to be said that the magic of fate, the empty room Jia Lian chose is the place where Wang Xifeng asked Jia Rong and Jia Qiang to tease and intimidate Jia Rui in the original book.But now it is replaced by Jia Lian.

(End of this chapter)

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