Chapter 126
three days!It had been three whole days since Jia Rui had not received such a letter, and he felt as if he was being scratched by a cat.

But on the third day, because of one incident, he was in the midst of surprise, excitement, and excitement.That's when he found out that Jia Lian hadn't been out for the past three days.Based on this, Jia Rui concluded that it was Wang Xifeng who sent him the letter!

Why do you think he would inquire about Jia Lian?This has to start from the day of Master Jing's birthday, when he met Wang Xifeng and Daiyu in the garden. After Jia Rui came back, he couldn't forget Wang Xifeng's graceful figure with smiles and smiles. Jia Lian went to visit his sister-in-law when she was not at home.

Unexpectedly, from the next day onwards, he would receive wordless letters one after another.In order not to miss the messenger, Jia Rui had no choice but to resist the urge to look for Wang Xifeng, and stayed in the family school obediently.It can be said that he has never been anywhere in the past few days, which made Mr. Jia Dairu very happy for a few days.

On the fourth day, Jia Lian went back to Guozijian to go to school. When Jia Lian went out, Jia Rui looked forward to receiving another letter. If so, Jia Rui could be more sure that the letter was sent by Wang Xifeng.

Unexpectedly, Jia Lian was stopped by his classmate and friend Yun Baozhou this day, and had to discuss knowledge with the coach. At the end of the discussion, they drank together and didn't return until late at night.Naturally, he didn't send any letters to Jia Rui, which made Jia Rui lose his mind for a good meal.

Jia Lian returned home drunk, and was scolded by Wang Xifeng for a good meal. In order to calm down Wang Xifeng, he even used the strength of alcohol in his body to make Wang Xifeng toss up that night.

The next day, before Jia Lian left for school refreshed, someone delivered the last letter to Jia Rui.Jia Rui received the letter again, opened it, and found that there was still no word, only a circle was drawn under the horizontal line, and three lines were drawn on top of the circle.

Jia Rui was full of energy in an instant, no longer listless as before, just looking at the letter and laughing, even took out all the letters, shut himself in the room, thinking about Wang Xifeng's appearance, wishing to hug him in his arms immediately, then After doing the thing that the finger said to be exhausted, it was indescribably wretched and rippling.

Jia Rui is not stupid, no wonder his grandfather Jia Dairu had high hopes for him.After the incident, Jia Rui took the letter and thought about it for half a day before he came to the conclusion that this is the time to meet.The excitement in my heart needless to say.Not to mention that Wang Xifeng didn't even know about this letter.

Jia Rui also secretly said happily: I don't think this little girl who can't read big characters can play such tricks.All of a sudden, the lust came up again, and it was because of the fact that the finger was exhausted and so on.

He didn't know that this was just a game that Daiyu asked Jia Lian to play with her when she was a child.At this time, Jia Rui only hoped that the sky would get dark and the sun would set sooner.It's just that I didn't look forward to the evening when the relatives of the unborn family came again, and they didn't go until after dinner. It was already time to light the lamp that day.

Jia Rui waited for his grandfather Jia Dairu to rest before he slipped into the Rong Mansion and went straight to the room in the middle of the passage, but there was no one there, he couldn't help circling around the room like ants on a hot pot and waited.

The house was blown by the wind, there was only a half-walled kang bed, and there was nothing on the bed. Although it is not the twelfth lunar month, the night wind is getting colder and colder. I was afraid I was going to freeze to death last night.I wonder if I guessed the wrong time or place?
Just when Jia Rui was hesitating and guessing wildly by himself, a man came out of nowhere, covered in a black cloak.Jia Rui didn't doubt that there was him, and stepped forward with ecstasy in his heart, when the man arrived at the door, he couldn't stop shouting: "Good sister-in-law, dear sister-in-law, it can be regarded as coming, but wait until I die."

Jia Rui opened his arms, just as he was about to attack like a tiger, he hugged "Wang Xifeng" in his arms, but he was met with a dull stick, and then the stick fell like raindrops, Jia Rui ran away to hide in Tibet. , It's a pity that this room is so big.And since Jia Lian took care of him at ease, how could he let him run away?
After a severe beating, Jia Lian stepped forward to look at Jia Rui, who was lying on the ground dying, and kicked him twice again in resentment. Jia Lian didn't want to make a fuss, so he stopped beating him and just left him in this room. , turned around and left.

Jia Rui's parents died early, and only his grandfather raised him in Confucianism.That generation of Confucianism was the strictest towards Jia Rui, and Jia Rui was not allowed to go one step further, for fear that he would miss his studies if he went out to drink and gamble.I got up to check in the middle of the night, and seeing that Jia Rui was not there, I knew he had taken the opportunity to sneak out, and seeing that he hadn't returned all night, I guess he was out drinking or gambling, sleeping with prostitutes.

Mr. Jia Dairu was actually sitting in the hall, waiting for Jia Rui all night.So also angry all night.Unexpectedly, it was already daylight, but Jia Rui hadn't come back yet. I was worried, and when I wanted to go out to look for it, two servants from the General's Mansion brought Jia Rui back with a simple frame, followed by the concierge of Jia's Mansion. mother-in-law.

Looking at Jia Rui who was dying on the shelf, Jia Dairu was not feeling well, so he hurriedly inquired about the reason, and the concierge woman explained: "Master Six, when I got up early at the gate of the courtyard, I saw Uncle Rui lying on the ground, and he was hurt again. , I don’t know why.” Saying that, he put down Jia Rui and left.

Jia Dairu had only one grandson, no matter how much resentment and anger he felt, he couldn't get angry at this time, so he hurriedly sought medical advice from him.Trauma is easy to heal, but Jia Rui was frozen all night, and the evil wind entered his body again.He asked for medical treatment in every possible way, and after taking dozens of catties of good medicine, it became worse and worse.

Jia Dairu asked many times, but Jia Rui only knew that he didn't know. Seeing that he was still injured, Jia Dairu never forced him to ask.But when Jia Rui woke up, he thought of Wang Xifeng again, and hated that he hadn't met Wang Xifeng first when he was fascinated, but now he couldn't move.

Jia Rui is in his twenties, unmarried, lying on the bed all day long, thinking of Wang Xifeng lately, his finger has disappeared frequently, but for more than a month, he has fever at night, tired during the day, drowning and semen, coughing Bloody sputum.All these symptoms are added.But when he closed his eyes, he was still in a dream, talking nonsense, and terrified.

Jia Dairu was also busy, seeking medical treatment everywhere, and later a famous doctor prescribed Dushen Decoction, how could Jia Dairu afford it?I had to go to Jia's mansion to find it.When Jia Lian learned about Jia Rui's serious illness, he was very puzzled. He thought about his life at the time and did not kill him, even if he was frozen overnight, so he sent someone to inquire.

Xing'er learned from Jia Rui's disease and shared it with Jia Lian. Jia Lian didn't know it, but Huang Jiyun is now in Beijing. One day Jia Lian found a free time to visit Huang Jiyun, and when he came out, his face was even more distorted.

So how can Jia Dairu get ginseng from Jia's mansion?Even where Jia Zhen was, Jia Lian also sent someone to ask for it in advance, and only said that the medicine in the mansion would be useful and return it to him in the future.Jia Zhen didn't doubt that he was there, but let him take all the things that Rong Rong's daughter-in-law was left behind.When Jia Dairu came to ask for it, he only got some ginseng roots.

One day, a lame Taoist came to Huazhai, saying that he only cured the disease of unjust karma.Jia Rui heard it inside and shouted, "please come in that Bodhisattva to save me!" They had to bring the Taoist priest in.Jia Rui stopped him and called out, "Bodhisattva, save me!" The Taoist sighed, "There is no cure for your disease. I have a baby with you. When you look at it every day, your life can be saved."

After finishing speaking, the Pozu Taoist took out a mirror from his bag, this mirror can illuminate people on both sides, and the four characters "********" were engraved on the mirror handle.

The lame Taoist handed the mirror to Jia Rui and said, "This object comes from the Empty Spirit Hall in the Illusionary Realm. It was made by the Fairy Jinghuan. It specializes in curing evil thoughts and reckless actions. It has the power to save the world and protect the life. Don't take a photo from the front, only from the back , remember, remember! I will collect it in three days, and I will call you." After speaking, he walked away, Jia Rui and others could not stay.

Not wanting to wait for three days, the people who served Jia Rui that day saw that he was still holding a mirror to look at him, and when the mirror fell, Jia Rui still opened his eyes and picked it up in his hands.When I came back the next day, I was out of breath.The body was cold and soaked with a big puddle of essence, and then he was busy dressing and lifting the bed.The Confucian couple cried to death, but it didn't help.

At present, Confucianism is taking care of funerals and going everywhere to report funerals.The scriptures started in three days, and the quotation was issued in seven days. The spirit was sent to Tiekan Temple and brought back to the original place in the future.

At that moment, all members of the Jia family came to ask questions. Jia Xi pitied Jia Dairu for losing his son in his middle age and his grandson in old age, so he cut off the incense. He gave 20 taels of silver in public and another 30 taels in private, making a total of 50 taels.Jia Amnesty didn't know about the lawsuit, if he knew, it might not be the case.

Jia Zhengjian Jia Amnesty donated 20 taels of silver, and also donated 20 taels.Jia Zhen in Ningguo Mansion also had 20 taels, and the people in the clan were rich or poor, or three or five, too numerous to count.There were also students who made up their minds, and also made up two or thirty taels.Dai Confucianism sighed: "Although it is indifferent, it has been completely done."In my heart, I am very grateful to Jia Amnesty.

After Jia Jing's birthday, Wang Xifeng originally waited for Jia Rui to come to his house so that he could teach him a lesson, but many days passed without seeing Jia Rui coming.

When he heard the news of Jia Rui's death, Wang Xifeng almost forgot about this person. When someone mentioned it, he remembered it, and then asked why, but others knew little about it.

One day Daiyu went to play in Wang Xifeng's room, and it happened that Wang Xifeng mentioned this matter, Daiyu was terrified when she heard it, and suddenly thought: In the original book, Lin Ruhai sent a letter from Jia Rui not long after his death, Take yourself back to wait for the sick?Thinking of this, Daiyu couldn't help breaking out in a cold sweat.

Seeing that her expression was different, Wang Xifeng hurriedly asked with concern: "It's so cold, why is my sister sweating?" While talking, he reached out to wipe the sweat from Daiyu's forehead with silk silk and asked, "But where is it?" Uncomfortable?" After touching it, she didn't feel feverish, and looked at Daiyu suspiciously.

Daiyu hurriedly changed the topic and asked why Jia Rui died, but Wang Xifeng didn't know.After Daiyu learned that Jia Rui did not come to look for Wang Xifeng, Daiyu was sure that Jia Lian might not be able to get rid of her relationship, but she didn't want to ask Jia Lian about it.

After saying a few words in a hurry, Daiyu lied that she was not feeling well, and Wang Xifeng didn't force her to stay, but only told her to go back to have a rest, then left Wutong Residence and returned to Linglong Courtyard.

After Daiyu went back, she was always worried, so Zhang Xin went to find someone to find out the cause of Jia Rui's death, but he heard Zhang Xin's family report mentioning a lame Taoist...for a while, Daiyu didn't know what to say.

If the theory of ghosts and gods is purely a joke, Daiyu would not believe it. She herself came to this world inexplicably, and there are even the nuns of Panxiang Temple and the abbot of Hanshan Temple in front of her.But why did Fairy Jiangzhu die early, and why was she replaced by herself?Daiyu was puzzled.

If it is said that there are indeed illusory realms in the world, and there are really ghostly fairies, Daiyu is also hard to believe. The lame Taoist and Laitou monk, from the beginning to the end of the original work, gave Daiyu the feeling that they were human traffickers, but she did not see what really happened spell.

But there are two things that Daiyu still deeply remembers, which are very related to these two people, one is the death of Jia Rui!Wasn't the **** brought out by the two of them?Although only one Pozu Taoist came, but it is not far to come to the monk Laitou.Second, there is the scene where Wang Xifeng and Jia Baoyu were bewitched at the same time, it seems that the two of them came to rescue...

(End of this chapter)

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