Daiyu of the Red Chamber

Chapter 127 The Wheel of Fortune

Chapter 127 The Wheel of Fortune
I have to say that fate is a magical thing, no one knows where it will turn in the next second...

After the prince held a Mid-Autumn Festival banquet, he asked Prince Teng to win over Lin Ruhai.In Wang Ziteng's mind, it would not be a difficult task. His daughter Wang Xifeng married Jia Lian whom Lin Ruhai personally raised and valued, and Lin Ruhai's daughter Lin Daiyu was very close to Feng girl.

And the most important thing is that the Wang family and the Lin family are both related to the Jia family.But now, both the Wang family and the Jia family are on the side of His Highness the Crown Prince. Could it be that Lin Ruhai can be alone?In Wang Ziteng's view, it is only a matter of time before Lin Ruhai joins the prince's camp.

But Wang Ziteng didn't know that Zhen Yingjia, the patriarch of the Zhen family in Jinling, had already wooed him many times. Although Lin Ruhai never refused directly, he never agreed either.Not long ago, Zhen Yingjia became furious and sent people to assassinate Lin Ruhai frequently, trying to get rid of him and replace him with his own people, but he often missed.

Wang Ziteng came back from the banquet, pondered for a moment, and then wrote a long letter with a pen. He only said how good Jia Lian was. He had become a tribute student in the Imperial College. .At the end of the article, it is mentioned that the two families are all married to the Jia family, which can be regarded as a statement that they will have more contacts in the future and advance together.

But he didn't want this letter to be planted in Lin Ruhai's mansion, and Zhen Yingjia's people got it.Zhen Yingjia was not sure whether the crown prince instructed Wang Ziteng to do this, or Wang Ziteng's own idea.But no matter what, Zhen Yingjia won't let it happen!

For one thing, if Wang Ziteng succeeds in wooing Lin Ruhai, he will appear too incompetent in front of His Royal Highness, which will greatly reduce his status in the Prince's camp.The second is that Lin Ruhai will not have no guesses about the multiple assassinations. If his own assassination is revealed in the future, I am afraid that the prince will not cherish the old relationship and will definitely blame him!

After thinking about the ins and outs, Zhen Yingjia decided to give the Crown Prince a gift for the previous year earlier this year.After careful consideration of his words in the study, Zhen Yingjia wrote a long letter to the prince, and asked his loyal servant to co-author the New Year's gift list and hand it over to the prince.

On the first day of November, the crown prince and Taifu who had been in charge of the Imperial Academy for eight years retired and returned to their hometowns.For a moment, the government and the public were shocked, and the prince was furious!What made the crown prince even more furious was that the Fourth Prince who was in charge of the Ministry of Household Affairs actually advised the Holy Majesty in the upper study room, and transferred Lin Ruhai to Beijing to take charge of Hanlin!
The Fourth Prince has good reasons, and Lin Ruhai has indeed won the sacred heart, especially in the past few years when Lin Ruhai has been in charge of the Lianghuai Salt Administration, the tax revenue of the salt administration has increased by nearly half, while the salt riots have become less and less.

The new bookkeeping method introduced by Lin Ruhai makes the accounts clearer and has been gradually fully used.The auction method of Yanyin is even more ingenious. The salt merchants will bid on their own, and the highest price will win. First, the salt tax will be collected according to the quantity of Yanyin, and then the government will come forward to clarify the salt price to ensure the basic interests of the salt people. Most of them returned to the imperial court.The Holy One is even more satisfied with this.

In addition, Lin Ruhai has been in the salt administration for five years, which is indeed a long time, which has never been the case before.The Holy Majesty deliberated for less than three moments, and asked the Fourth Prince to step down, and then spoke a few words with Su Gonggong. After listening to his words, the Holy Majesty agreed!Although the news has not been released, and the holy majesty has not yet issued a decree, but the crown prince has already received the news.

Standing at the bottom, Wang Ziteng saw that although the prince sitting on the tuanlong carved chair was silent and even had a smile on his mouth, Wang Ziteng somehow made Wang Ziteng feel that the prince was exuding a chill all over him.

When the prince asked Wang Ziteng about wooing Lin Ruhai with a half-smile, Wang Ziteng scolded Lin Ruhai in his heart!This Lin Ruhai didn't answer his letter, he didn't take himself seriously!

Thinking of this, Wang Ziteng said to the prince with a little anger: "Your Highness, on the day of the Mid-Autumn Festival, I wrote a letter to Lin Ruhai immediately after I returned, but I haven't received a reply yet, and the servant has also lost contact. I think the servant must have been arrested Lin Ruhai took it, or something happened." After speaking, Wang Ziteng bowed his head and said nothing.

After listening to Wang Ziteng's words, the prince couldn't even hold a fake smile on his face.Just as he was about to explode, a servant reported from outside the door: "His Royal Highness, Zhen Yingjia, the president of Jinling Provincial Institute of Physical Education, has a new year's gift."

Not to mention the prince, even Wang Ziteng was shocked, and couldn't help but look up at the prince quietly.There are still nearly two months before the Chinese New Year. Isn't it too early to send a New Year's gift at this time?When Wang Ziteng frowned and thought, the prince said in a deep voice, "Send it in!"

Wang Ziteng was naturally full of joy that the prince did not hide himself, but more of it was Mo Ming's uneasiness, always feeling that something was about to happen...

As soon as the prince finished speaking, a servant in gray came in holding a nanmu box in both hands. Wang Ziteng quickly lowered his head and focused his eyes, holding his breath.The prince didn't seem to care about Wang Ziteng's existence. He reached out to take the box handed over by the servant, opened it and took out the gift list inside. After only one glance, he raised his sword eyebrows, showing a satisfied look.

It has to be said that Zhen Yingjia has a clear view of the court situation, and understands that now has come to a critical moment, and this time the annual gift sent to His Highness the Crown Prince is more than three times that of the previous ones. It also allows the prince to arrange the layout more calmly.

After reading the gift list, the prince took out the letter from the bottom, and the smile on the prince's face disappeared after only two or three lines.After reading the letter, the coldness in the prince's eyes made Wang Ziteng, who lowered his head down, shiver involuntarily. He wanted to raise his head to look at the prince, but he couldn't.

On the third day after the prince was furious and ordered Prince Teng to deal with Lin Ruhai, the Holy Majesty finally issued a decree in the early court: order Lin Ruhai to enter Beijing after a year and be promoted to a bachelor in charge of the academy.

The Holy Majesty's move can be said to be a joy for some and sorrow for some. Of course, it did not cause much shock in the court. Anyway, Lin Ruhai was originally from the Imperial Academy. Moreover, Lin Ruhai was already a doctor of Lantai Temple a few years ago, and his official residence was from the second rank. Now it's just a bachelor of the Hanlin Academy who has been promoted half a level and sits at the second rank.

Jia Amnesty found out about the news on the afternoon of the day the Holy Majesty issued the decree, so he asked for leave early and returned to Jia's mansion.Originally, Jia Amnesty wanted to show off in front of Jia Lian and the others, but Jia Lian happened to arrive home one step earlier than him.

When Jia She entered the room, he saw Mrs. Xing sitting on the heated kang with a smile on her face, doing needlework, the little girl and her eldest grandson, Chun, were playing on the floor covered with a thick velvet blanket, and Jia Lian was stomping in the main room. Walking up and down, as if anxiously waiting for something.No one actually found him.

Jia Amnesty couldn't help putting away the joy on his face, and with his hands behind his back, he coughed lightly and said, "Master, I'm back." The sudden voice made Mrs. Xing plunge the needle into her hand, Jia Lian also looked up at Jia She with a look of surprise, only Brother Chun on the ground crawled off the blanket and crawled towards Jia She.

Jia Amnesty was very dissatisfied with Mrs. Xing's exclamation after stabbing her hand. He glanced at Mrs. Xing and said, "What are you doing! You don't have to scare my grandson." Seeing Brother Chun, he smiled and teased Brother Chun and asked, "Does Brother Chun miss you, Master?" After getting a kiss full of salivation from Brother Chun, he glanced at Jia Lian.

Just as Jia She was about to say something, Wang Xifeng arrived in a hurry with Daiyu.He held back Jia She's words in his throat.Jia She put down Brother Chun, smiled at Daiyu and said, "Miss Lin is here? Uncle is about to ask someone to call you."

At this time, Jia Lian saw Daiyu for the first time after Daiyu filed a complaint that day. She never thought that Daiyu had lost a lot of weight, and seeing that her clothes were a little empty, she didn't know what happened, so she wanted to ask I also feel that there is no opportunity at this time, and I look at Wang Xifeng, but I see Wang Xifeng leading Daiyu and Jia She to salute.

Daiyu and Wang Xifeng respectfully saluted Jia Amnesty before laughing and said: "Brother asked sister-in-law to call Yu'er in person, saying that there was good news. I don't want my uncle to call Yu'er too, but there is also good news? "

Hearing what Daiyu said, Jia Amnesty raised his eyebrows and glanced at Jia Lian and said, "It's not good to be born in the Imperial College, what good news do you want to tell your sister?" Jia Lian smiled awkwardly, "I think my father will know, too. Such good news should naturally be told to my sister by my father."

Seeing that Jia Lian was winking and didn't rush to tell him that Lin Ruhai would go to Beijing in the next year, Jia Amnesty nodded in satisfaction and said, "Let's all go into the room and talk, don't block the door." Said Then he lifted his foot and walked in.

After everyone sat down, Jia She coughed and was about to tell Daiyu the great news, but when Daiyu saw Jia She's coughing, she hurriedly said, "Uncle, take care of yourself." He looked at Daiyu in a daze.

Daiyu then smiled and said: "In the first half of the year, Yu'er boiled many batches of ointment, and now I still have some, I will send it to my uncle later, and my uncle will take some sooner or later, I think it will be good."

Jia She coughed, originally to attract everyone's attention, but when Daiyu said this, not to mention Jia She's bewildered face, even Mrs. Xing, who was delivering tea to Jia She, shook her hand and poured the tea Throwing Jia She all over him made Jia She very angry.But when Jia Lian saw that Daiyu could still joke, she let go of what she had mentioned before.

Originally, Daiyu just wanted to joke with Jia She, but she didn't want Madam Xing to spill tea all over Jia She, and now it's really embarrassing.On the other hand, Mrs. Xing saw Jia She staring at him unkindly, but she smiled indifferently and said: "Coincidentally, I just cut a new dress for the master, now let's go and try it out to see if it fits."

Jia Amnesty saw Jia Lian and his wife bowing their heads and holding back their laughter, and Daiyu, who was very embarrassed, couldn't get angry here, so he got up and shook his sleeves, and went into the inner room. Mrs. Xing quickly followed.

As soon as Jia Amnesty turned the screen, he heard Jia Lian and Daiyu's restrained laughter, he couldn't help but turned his head and gave Madam Xing a very unkind look, but Madam Xing followed behind with a smile on her face , and even blushed.Immediately angrily said: "Get out! Master, I will come by myself, I don't need you to serve!" Mrs. Xing had no choice but to back out with a smile.

When Jia She came out in a dark green filigree black blouse with rat tail hair embroidered on the side and embroidered with bamboo, Mrs. Xing asked with a smile, "Master, how are you wearing it?" Jia She pretended not to care. He looked down and said: "It's not bad, I'm good at craftsmanship."

Mrs. Xing hurriedly laughed and said: "I don't dare to take credit for myself, this material was specially chosen by Feng girl for the master, the clothes were sewed by Ying girl, and the fragrant cloud bamboo was embroidered by Lin girl."

When Jia She heard this, he clenched his fists and was about to cough lightly. He held back when he remembered what happened just now, and paused for a long time before saying, "Well, it looks better than you!" Suddenly, the people in the room were I couldn't help laughing anymore.

Jia Amnesty was actually very happy in his heart, but he deliberately said with a straight face: "What are you laughing at?" After seeing that the tea that had been spilled before was not replaced again, he stared at Mrs. Xing and shouted: "Don't give it to the master. Shall I serve tea? Do you want to die of thirst, my lord?" Mrs. Xing quickly suppressed her smile and stood up to serve Jia Amnesty another tea.

After everyone sat upright, Jia She coughed lightly again, and was about to speak, but felt that something was wrong. After a long pause, seeing that everyone had no abnormal expressions, he said with a smile on his face: "Tell everyone a piece of good news, especially It's Miss Lin, don't cry with joy."

When Wang Xifeng went to call Daiyu before, she said that Jia Lian had great news to tell her, but she didn't say anything good news. Now when Jia She said it, Daiyu couldn't help looking at Jia Lian. Just looking at himself, with eyes full of joy, he knew that there must be some good news related to him.

Daiyu thought for a while, thinking that it is impossible to concubine in Yuanchun, after all, the fourth prince has not ascended the throne, and the old emperor has not abdicated yet, so it must be related to her father!Involuntarily, Daiyu's eyes became brighter and looked towards Jia Amnesty.

Sure enough, Jia She saw that everyone was looking at him, so he was very proud to tell about the fact that Lin Ruhai was ordered by the Holy Majesty to enter Beijing and be promoted to a bachelor of the Imperial Academy in the next year. Standing up at once, he asked anxiously, "But really?!"

Since Jia Rui's death, these days have been too tormented, Daiyu was so worried about Lin Ruhai that she lost a lot of weight, she didn't want Jia She to tell her the news of Lin Ruhai's coming to Beijing after the next year.Daiyu thought she was looking forward to the news too much, so she misheard, and couldn't help looking at Jia Lian and shouting, "Brother!"

The anticipation and uncertainty in Daiyu's eyes made Jia Lian, Wang Xifeng and others feel sad for a while, and Jia She was very dissatisfied with the news that Daiyu suspected him and brought back the news on leave!He couldn't help emphasizing his tone and said: "Of course it's true!" After finishing speaking, he continued with a look of color on his face: "The Holy Majesty has issued a decree, and Eunuch Li will go out of Beijing to Yangzhou with the decree in person."

After hearing this, Daiyu couldn't help crying anymore, Mrs. Xing and Wang Xifeng hurriedly comforted her: "This is great news, you should be happy! Why are you crying, girl." Jia Amnesty also said bluntly: "It was agreed just now, don't cry!"

It took a while for Daiyu to regain her composure, and everyone in the room rejoiced that Lin Ruhai had entered Beijing and was promoted.

(End of this chapter)

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