Chapter 128

The news of Lin Ruhai's promotion to the second-rank officer, of course, could not be hidden from Mrs. Jia.Such a happy event, no one will hide it from her.When Jia Amnesty returned home to tell Daiyu that Madam Xing went to pay her respects to Mrs. Jia that night, she pretended not to say it.

Mrs. Jia was naturally very happy, and even used half a bowl for dinner.However, when Mrs. Wang heard about Lin Ruhai's promotion, she had some calculations in her heart. Unfortunately, the Jiawang family didn't have any girls of the right age to marry into the Lin family. Otherwise, there would be many troubles.

There is no woman of the right age to marry into the Lin family, but Mrs. Jia is full of joy to betroth the girl from the Lin family, her own granddaughter, Daiyu, to her most valued grandson, Jia Baoyu.For this reason, Mrs. Jia summoned Jia Zheng and his wife that night after dismissing her maids and servants.

Mrs. Wang, who had just come back from Mrs. Jia's courtyard, saw Amber coming and said, "Madam, please go with me." She had a bad feeling in her heart, but she couldn't help but Jia Zheng had already left in a hurry when he got the news.I had no choice but to get up and go to Mrs. Jia's yard again.

After sending someone to call Jia Zheng and his wife, the old lady Jia sat on the rosewood carved arhat bed, holding a cup of tea that was about to cool down, and unconsciously blowing the tea foam.It wasn't until Jia Zheng's arrival was reported from outside that Mrs. Jia came back to her senses and put down the teacup in her hand.

After Jia Zheng saluted, he sat down on the left hand side of Mrs. Jia, and after a while Mrs. Wang also rushed over.Next to Jia Zheng sat next to him.

After the maids had finished serving the tea, Mother Jia sent everyone out, leaving only Mrs. Jia and Jia Zheng and his wife in the room.

Mrs. Jia pondered for a while and asked Jia Zheng, "Master, does the master know that your brother-in-law Lin Ruhai is going to Beijing soon?"

Hearing Jia's mother's question, Jia Zheng didn't understand what the old lady Jia meant, but he got up immediately and replied: "My son has heard that he will be promoted to a bachelor of the Hanlin Academy in Beijing after the next year."

Seeing that Jia Zheng already knew about it, the old lady Jia nodded and sighed: "Min'er died early, otherwise we should be reunited in the next year." Having said this, the old lady Jia raised her hand and wiped the corners of her eyes, Jia Zheng didn't know how to comfort him, so he could only say: "The old lady is very right. Fortunately, my sister has left her flesh and blood to accompany the old lady."

Originally, Jia Zheng's sentence "The old lady said it is very true" made Jia's mother choke enough, but Jia Zheng mentioned Daiyu in the next sentence, which made the old lady automatically ignore her dislike for the previous sentence.

The old lady Jia said with a smile: "Yes, fortunately there is still Yu'er, so that the relationship between the two families can be maintained. I think Baoyu has also reached the age of marriage, what are your plans?" Picking up the newly replaced hot tea next to him, he took a sip.

Jia Zheng still couldn't react to Mrs. Jia's words. Why did he talk about Lin Ruhai's going to Beijing just now, and now he talked about Baoyu's marriage proposal?Although Jia Zheng didn't quite understand, Mrs. Wang could hear clearly, but she just wanted Jia Min's daughter to marry her son!

Mrs. Wang tightly squeezed the silk in her hand, lowered her head to hide the expression on her face, and was about to refute, but Mrs. Jia had already put down the teacup and continued: "After the new year, Yu'er is already eleven. Although it's a bit early, it's still an age where we can call each other." After speaking, the old lady Jia stared at Jia Zheng.

Jia Zheng frowned as he thought about what Old Madam Jia had said tonight, and tentatively asked with some uncertainty, "What does the old lady mean...?" Dear dear, only you are the parents after all, you have to say it.”

It was only now that Jia Zheng realized what Mrs. Jia meant.When it comes to getting married to the Lin family, Jia Zheng has 1 people in his heart who are willing, not to mention anything else, just the fact that Lin Ruhai is about to become the head of the Imperial Academy makes Jia Zheng feel very good.Not to mention that Jia Zheng admired Lin Ruhai's talent and learning in the past.

At this time, when Mrs. Jia mentioned it, Jia Zheng was ready to agree with joy, but Mrs. Wang interjected quietly: "If you want to talk about Miss Lin, you can do it anywhere, as long as my aunt goes early, this girl is blessed." It's a little thinner, and the body is a little thinner." After speaking, Mrs. Wang pretended not to care, and imitated Mother Jia and picked up the teacup in hand.

After hearing Mrs. Wang's words, Jia Zheng paused for a moment, and Mrs. Jia's complexion did not look very good.Jia Zheng looked at Mrs. Wang, then at Jia's mother, and couldn't help thinking for a moment and said: "I have to ask my sister-in-law about this matter, why don't we wait for my sister-in-law to come back and find out?"

Mrs. Jia didn't expect her beloved son to say that, but she didn't refute her opinion after all, and this matter really needs to be met with Lin Ruhai, so she nodded and said: "It should be so." After finishing speaking I didn't want to hear Madam Wang's opinion any more, so I sent it directly: "It's getting late, you guys should go back too."

After finishing speaking, Mrs. Jia stopped talking. Jia Zheng thought about it and got up to salute and leave. Mrs. Wang naturally followed Jia Zheng to leave.

Back at Rongxi Hall, before Jia Zheng could speak, Mrs. Wang said first, "I'm not saying that Miss Lin is not good, it's just that she has such a petty temper, how can she be like the mistress of everyone? Besides, the widow If you don’t take the eldest daughter, you have no precepts. This is an old saying! Even if she is brought up by the old lady now, that girl still goes out of the house every day.”

As soon as he said this, Jia Zheng turned his eyes coldly, and Mrs. Wang hurriedly explained, "I didn't mean anything else, but the master didn't see that girl's body, and she is so thin that it can be blown by a gust of wind." Walk……"

Speaking of which, seeing that Jia Zheng had lifted the curtain and walked out, Mrs. Wang felt a bad breath in her heart, she turned around and threw a set of Jun kiln tea set on the round table to the ground and smashed it to pieces. The sound of coming, the footsteps only paused slightly, and then accelerated the pace of leaving.

Mrs. Wang dropped the tea set, looking at the fragments on the ground, her heart ached. Normally, if a cup or saucer was dropped, it would be considered worthless, but this tea set is a good thing...

Hearing the sound, Caiyun hurried into the room, looked at the debris on the ground, and cast a careful glance at Mrs. Wang.Seeing Mrs. Wang supporting the table with one hand and stroking her chest with the other, she hurriedly stepped forward to support Mrs. Wang and said, "Madam, what's the matter?" While talking, he shouted, "Call the doctor!"

Mrs. Wang was about to reprimand her for bluffing, but after thinking about it, she suppressed it again, thinking: It's not bad to call her sick, and save yourself from being angry in that old thing's room.In this way, Mrs. Wang softened along with Caiyun's force.

While calling for someone, Caiyun helped Mrs. Wang lie down on the kang.In this way, when Jia Zheng came in again, he saw Mrs. Wang leaning on the pillow in a sluggish way, and couldn't help but think that maybe she had slammed the door before, which made her really angry, and he felt a little bit guilty in his heart.

He also ordered people to take his post to invite the imperial physician, who took the pulse carefully and said: "Master Zheng, don't worry about it, the wife is anxious, the old man prescribed a prescription to soothe the nerves, and you will be fine after taking it for three days. .” The imperial physician’s words faintly confirmed Jia Zheng’s previous speculation.

After sending the imperial physician away, Jia Zheng rarely sat on the bedside of Mrs. Wang, thought for a while and said gently: "I know my wife loves Baoyu, but the old lady's arrangement may not be unreasonable. It’s also a big help.”

Listening to Jia Zheng talking to her so gently, Mrs. Wang didn't care about what Jia Zheng said, and just listened blindly.When Jia Zheng finished speaking, Mrs. Wang lowered her head, and said after a long time: "Pearl has listened to you at the beginning. About Baoyu's marriage, the master must let me choose the one I like."

The next day Aunt Xue and Baochai heard that Mrs. Wang was ill, so they rushed over early in the morning after eating breakfast. Seeing that Mrs. Wang was still leaning on the bed, they were relieved. Talking and laughing at Mrs. Wang's bedside.Aunt Xue and Baochai naturally tried to reassure Mrs. Wang.

But when Mrs. Wang talked about what happened last night, Aunt Xue's face immediately changed.Turning his head to look at the calm Baochai beside him, he finally swallowed the words on his lips.

Mrs. Wang naturally saw Aunt Xue's expression, so she smiled and comforted: "Don't worry, sister, I told the master that Baoyu's marriage must be picked out to my liking, and I will just watch." At this point, Mrs. Wang gave Baochai a vague look before continuing, "Okay, no one else can compare."

With Mrs. Wang's guarantee, Aunt Xue chatted and laughed with Mrs. Wang for a while before she came out of Mrs. Wang's room with a face full of joy.After returning to Lixiangyuan, he continued to say: "My son is blessed and blessed." As he spoke, he looked Baochai up and down, and Baochai shyly stomped his feet and hid in the house.

Aunt Xue is happy here, and Jia Lian is also very happy there.He was happy all morning, Yun Baozhou came up to him and asked, "Brother Wencang, why are you so happy? Why don't you say anything good? Isn't it Mrs. Sister...?" Watching Jia Lian wink for a while.

Jia Lian patted him angrily and said, "Okay, you boy, what are you talking about?" At this point, Jia Lian paused for a moment and then smiled: "However, it's really a good thing. I'll go back to school, my brother treats me!" After finishing speaking, he ignored Yun Baozhou's expression, and walked away with a smile.

In the evening, Jia Lian naturally wanted to fulfill his promise to treat Yun Baozhou to a good meal, but Jia Lian really didn't hold much alcohol.When they went back, it was Long Er and Xing Er who fought back.

When Wang Xifeng saw Jia Lian came back so drunk, she asked Ping'er to fetch water for Jia Lian to wash, and at the same time ordered An'er to cook sober soup. When there were only two people left in the room, Wang Xifeng immediately changed his face and stepped forward. After two steps, he grabbed Jia Lian's ear and laughed, "Why did you promise me last time? Why did you forget about it after only a few days?"

Being grabbed by Wang Xifeng, Jia Lian recovered from the pain, and hurriedly said: "Grandma let go, grandma let go, this ear is about to fall off!" Seeing that Wang Xifeng not only did not let go, but increased his strength, Jia Lian explained again: "Aren't I forced to do this? It's really not intentional."

Wang Xifeng was amused by Jia Lian's words, not only didn't let go, but even used both hands, and said coldly: "Master explained to me, why is there no other choice? That shameless man forced you to drink? Or hooked your soul?"

Jia Lian saw that Wang Xifeng's words became more and more disreputable, and after thinking for a while that the servant girl would look ugly when she came back, she said casually, "I'm not here to meet the girl?" Jia Lian hastily backed away two steps, not wanting Wang Xifeng to stop chasing her, but asked in confusion, "Tell me, why did you drink like this just to welcome your sister?"

(End of this chapter)

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