Chapter 129
Seeing Wang Xifeng's serious expression, Jia Lian knew that if she couldn't speak out, her ears might suffer, so she rolled her eyes and said with a smile, "I see that girl Ying is not too young, so I should say kiss when she arrives." age?"

When Jia Lian saw this, Wang Xifeng raised his eyebrows and knew he was on the right path, so he went on to say, "Don't you have to look for something, ask about it?" Did you go to the wine table? Or did you go to the wine table to inquire? What did you find out?"

Seeing Wang Xifeng being so aggressive, Jia Lian felt a little displeased, but she didn't want to start a fight with her, so she continued to explain with a smile: "It's not that I have a good friend in the Imperial College, who has good knowledge and character, and wants to match the girl. It's good, I invited him to drink today, just to find out, did he ask if we kissed?"

Now Wang Xifeng was really interested, and quickly stepped forward to support Jia Lian with one hand, and stretched out his hand to Jia Lian's ear, so scared that Jia Lian hid.Wang Xifeng also knew that she had passed by herself just now, but Jia Lian's avoidance made her a little embarrassed, so she gave Jia Lian an angry look and said, "I'm kind enough to rub it for you, why are you hiding?"

When Jia Lian heard this, she shyly said: "Grandma didn't say it earlier, I thought something made grandma unhappy." Then she moved her head over and said, "Grandma, rub it quickly. The ear almost fell off." Wang Xifeng stretched out her hand to rub it for him, and at the same time said inappropriately: "Whoever loves to be rubbed by you will rub it! Master is getting more and more shameless."

After Ping'er fetched water for Jia Lian to wash up, he finished drinking the hangover soup.Wang Xifeng sent them both away.Seeing that Jia Lian was already lying on the collapsed bed, she hurriedly changed into her middle clothes and lay down in it.Seeing this, Jia Lian smiled and said, "It's getting late, let's go to bed earlier." Just as he was about to blow the lamp, Wang Xifeng grabbed him.

Jia Lian looked back at Wang Xifeng in confusion, who knew that Wang Xifeng smiled excitedly: "It's still early, let's talk for a while." Seeing Wang Xifeng's expression, Jia Lian suddenly felt chills in his back, feeling that something was about to happen .

Sure enough, Wang Xifeng then asked: "The friend you mentioned is a student of the Imperial College? Is it a Gong student? Or a supervisor? Who is his name? How old are you? Who else is in the family?"

When Wang Xifeng threw this series of questions, Jia Lian felt that he was not well.But he had to answer, he said that he would invite him to drink just now to get news, if he couldn't tell now, he might have to stop tonight.

Jia Lian finally struggled and said: "Grandma, why don't we talk about it tomorrow?" Wang Xifeng said directly: "No, I won't make it clear, I can't sleep." Everything in Yunbaozhou.

After thinking about it, Jia Lian's eyes brightened and said: "There is definitely no problem with character. In terms of learning, he is better than me." Seeing Wang Xifeng raised his eyebrows but didn't say anything, Jia Lian said with a smile : "It's not that I'm being modest, I'm telling the truth! His old man is just a low-rank official, and he was admitted to the Imperial College by himself."

Hearing this, Wang Xifeng became more interested, and quickly asked, "How old are you now? Who else is in the family?" Jia Lian didn't shirk now, and said with a smile: "I don't know who else is in the family. It is said that he is the third eldest, and he is only seventeen now. He is two years younger than me."

Hearing that she was two years younger than Jia Lian, Wang Xifeng felt very satisfied, so she asked other questions, and Jia Lian naturally answered everything, so the couple fell asleep after talking about the childbirth.

Early the next morning, Wang Xifeng hurried to Mrs. Xing's house without hugging Brother Chun or waiting for Jia Lian.Seeing that the family of three usually came together, but now only Wang Xifeng came, Mrs. Xing couldn't help asking: "But what happened?"

Wang Xifeng laughed and said, "Didn't something happen? But, it's a good thing!" Mrs. Xing hurriedly asked, "What's the good thing? See how happy you are." Wang Xifeng hurriedly made Jia Lian drunk last night He told the story in detail, especially that the person was Jia Lian's classmate and good friend.

Mrs. Xing was dissatisfied after hearing this and said: "The son of a sixth-rank official is not the eldest son, where should it be? You brothers and sisters-in-law can't just send Ying girl away." Wang Xifeng didn't care when she heard that He said: "Don't worry about his master's official position, as long as he was admitted to the Imperial College at a young age, he is a promising man."

Wang Xifeng breathed a sigh of relief and said again: "Besides, in the future, my uncle will be in charge of Hanlin, how can I lose him? How old is he? Let's help out, and within two years he will be better than his father. In this way, we will not be able to welcome him in the future." The girl is angry, isn't she?"

Mrs. Xing wanted to say more, but she heard Jia She said: "Young girl Feng is right, then let Lian'er go and find out, and let that kid come to propose marriage later, we don't despise him for being inferior, as long as he is willing Those who are motivated, people like us don't care about those. If the family's background is too weak, it's time to give Ying girl more dowry."

When Wang Xifeng got up, Jia Lian woke up. Unexpectedly, Wang Xifeng didn't call her, so she hurriedly washed up and ran out. Jia Lian followed curiously, and listened to the conversation clearly outside.At this time, I was secretly regretting yesterday's quick talk, why did I find this excuse?
Not wanting Mrs. Xing to be dissatisfied with Yun Baozhou's family background, Jia Lian was full of joy, but Jia Amnesty actually made a decision and asked someone to come to propose marriage!This made Jia Lian feel at a loss.

Coincidentally, Yingchun also brought Siqi over at this time.Seeing Jia Lian standing outside the door and refusing to go in, Siqi asked, "Why don't you go in, sir? What are you doing standing at the door?"

When Wang Xifeng, Jia She and his wife heard this in the room, they were stunned for a moment. Jia She suddenly felt that Jia Lian was eavesdropping on him, so he said angrily, "What are you doing outside? Why don't you let me in?"

Jia Lian had no choice but to stare at Siqi, and walked in together with Yingchun resentfully.Just now when Jia She saw Wang Xifeng coming over empty-handed, he thought it was Jia Lian bringing Brother Chun over for a while, which happened before, but now he saw that Jia Lian was also empty-handed, followed by Yingchun and Siqi, and no one else. , and put on a straight face very unhappy.

Jia Lian also thought that Jia She was unhappy because of what happened just now, so he explained: "I tell my father that my son didn't stick around outside anymore. He just arrived, and the girl who greeted him also arrived." But Jia She asked: "Why didn't you bring Brother Chun here?"

That's why Jia Lian came back to his senses, took a look at Wang Xifeng and said, "Brother Chun didn't sleep well last night, and I didn't wake up when I left just now." Upon hearing this, Wang Xifeng took a deep breath and quickly looked down. look elsewhere.Sure enough, when Jia She heard that Brother Chun was sleeping restlessly, he became anxious and asked, "What's going on?!"

The regret in Jia Lian's heart!He said something wrong yesterday, and he said something wrong again early this morning. If Jia She hadn't been in front of him, he really wanted to scratch his head.No matter what Jia Lian was thinking, at this moment he had to explain with a smile: "Yesterday my son came back late, so I went to see Brother Chun, who wants to wake him up."

Jia Lian was already ready to be scolded, but Jia Amnesty only nodded after looking at Yingchun and said, "Well, if you come back late, don't bother Brother Chun, so you won't have a good night's sleep. "After thinking for a while, he said: "Your wife has something to tell you in a while, and it's not too late to go to the Imperial College after you listen."

When Wang Xifeng heard this, she understood that Jia Amnesty had left the matter of asking the other party to come to propose marriage to Jia Lian, and asked herself to tell Jia Lian.Wang Xifeng didn't delay either, just looked at Yingchun with a smile and said: "Father, don't worry, everything will be done."

When Jia Lian heard Wang Xifeng's assurance, he just burned incense in his heart and begged the Lord Buddha: "That kid, don't be married before!"
After breakfast and sending Jia Amnesty away, Jia Lian also wanted to sneak away before Wang Xifeng could speak, but Wang Xifeng smiled and said to him very gently: "It's fine if you come back later. Table wine, invite him to have a good meal, if there is anything to say, we can talk about it at the dinner table." As he spoke, he slipped a bank note into Jia Lian's hand.

Jia Lian originally thought it would be difficult, but he didn't think about how to say it.Unexpectedly, at night, he told Yun Baozhou to invite him to have a drink at Cyclamen, and this kid immediately agreed.Jia Lian had no choice but to bite the bullet and invite Yunbaozhou to Cyclamen.

After drinking for three rounds and eating five tastes, Jia Lian pretended not to care and asked: "Your boy is not at home every day, and you can eat here and there with me. Does your wife have any objections?" Who knows Yun Baozhou said with a smile : "My second brother hasn't gotten married yet, so it's my turn?"

As soon as Jia Lian heard that there was something interesting, he hurriedly asked: "Then if I introduce you to a marriage, brother, I'm afraid it won't work?" Unexpectedly, Yun Baozhou leaned his head over and said: "You can make an appointment first! I Second brother will get married next spring." Yun Baozhou rolled his eyes and said, "Could it be that you really want to introduce a marriage to me, younger brother?"

Jia Lian half-truthfully said: "Well, really, my appearance and temperament are similar to my brother's, what do you think?" Unexpectedly, Yun Baozhou suddenly laughed and said: "It's not that you have listened to too many operas, Think of yourself as Zhu Yingtai, right?"

Jia Lian was stunned for a long time before he realized, gave him an angry look and said, "Do you think I'm joking with you? Let me tell you, I have a sister, a dear sister, who looks and behaves very well, brother I thought you were pleasing to the eye, so I thought about betrotting my sister to you, if you are not willing, I will not mention it."

Seeing what Jia Lian said, Yun Baozhou smiled and said, "Since elder brother Gao Yi, younger brother, I will obey my orders. I will go to my house to report to my parents, and invite the official media to come to propose marriage." Embarrassing him, Tunnel said: "At this time, I have not informed my parents. If you want to, go to the official office of the Ministry of Rites and ask my father to marry me."


Formal notice, starting tomorrow, Gujing will change the publishing time to 11:30 noon and 07:30 pm, and there are still two chapters per day~
Finally, thank you for your long-term support and love! O(∩_∩)O~Thank you!

(End of this chapter)

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