Daiyu of the Red Chamber

Chapter 130 Unexpected visitor

Chapter 130 Unexpected visitor
After Jia Lian returned to the mansion, he learned from Wang Xifeng what he said during the banquet. He thought Wang Xifeng should blame him for his mischief, but Wang Xifeng frowned and pondered for a moment, but then smiled and said, "Master's great move!"

Jia Lian was taken aback, unable to react for a while, Wang Xifeng explained with a smile: "In this way, father can make a decision to welcome the girl when he is away, so that there will be no more troubles." As Wang Xifeng glanced to the west, Jia Lian understood. Nodding, the couple looked at each other and laughed.

The next day, Jia Lian reported back to Jia She at this time. Jia She was very happy when he heard that. How?" When Jia Amnesty heard 'there are many troubles in the mansion', he narrowed his eyes, and nodded after a long while, "That's very good!"

Sure enough, within three days, Yun Baozhou actually ran to the official office of the Ministry of Rites. Jia She was very satisfied when he saw his handsome appearance, elegant speech, and no pedantry in his conversation.He didn't show it on the surface, but said with a straight face: "Marriage is a big matter, the words of the matchmaker ordered by your parents, how can you allow such a joke! If you really want to, let your parents send a matchmaker to come again."

That Yun Baozhou is also a person who knows how to come. Seeing what Jia She said, he asked: "I don't know whether to come to the government office or to the mansion? My lord can show you the way, so I can report to my parents." Xie nodded, calculated the days in his mind and said with a smile: "Then go to the mansion in two days, sir, I just happen to take a rest." After saying that, he turned and went back to the official office.

Because Daiyu was busy with Lin Ruhai's going to Beijing after the next year, she didn't know that Jia Lian and others had already discussed marriage for the Spring Festival.The day when the matchmaker came to the door was the day when Jia Amnesty rested and took a bath, and it was also the day when Huang Jiyun gave her a lecture. Daiyu had informed Mrs. Jia early on that she was going to the Lin Mansion under the escort of Zhao Bing and Zhang Xin, so she missed it again. chance to know about it.

Zhao Bing and the two guarded Daiyu's carriage, just left Ningrong Street and drove for less than a mile in the direction of Linfu, when they met a group of young men on horseback in a hurry, Zhao Bing hurriedly rode to protect Daiyu's carriage to the side avoid.

Unexpectedly, one of the group of teenagers suddenly rode out and came to Zhao Bing.Zhao Bing saw that this person was very kind, but he couldn't remember it for a while, so he was about to ask questions.At this moment, Zhang Xin let out a soft "Hey", stepped forward on his horse, cupped his fists and said, "I've seen Mr. Mo."

Mo Xuan turned his head to look at Zhang Xin and said with a smile: "You have a good memory, where are you going?" Zhang Xin looked at Zhao Bing with some embarrassment, since Zhang Xin had already called him "Mr. Mo" Zhao Bing Naturally, he knew who was in front of him.

Zhang Xin and Zhang Xin were hesitating when they suddenly heard voices coming from the carriage behind, but it was the little girl Xue Yan who poked out half of her head and asked, "Miss asked, but what happened, why don't you leave?" Listening to Daiyu After asking, Zhao Bing hurriedly saluted Mo Xuan, then rode his horse to the window of the car, and said in a low voice, "Miss Hui, we have met Mr. Mo."

When Daiyu heard that she had met him, she couldn't help but raised her voice and laughed: "Greetings to Brother Mo, please ask Brother Mo to greet the concubine on his behalf." When Mo Xuan heard Daiyu's voice, he also took two steps forward on his horse, and walked two steps ahead of the carriage. He stopped at Sanbu and said, "Sister Xie Lin greets you, why are you going out alone? But whose house are you going to have a dinner with?"

Listening to Daiyu's answer in the carriage: "Where did you go to someone's house for a banquet? Today's master is giving a lecture, but he just returned home from his grandmother's house." Mo Xuan was about to say something more, when the group of teenagers saw that Mo Xuan would not go there for a long time, they went Surrounded up.Seeing this situation, Zhao Bing and Zhang Xin retreated to the side of the carriage with serious faces, and protected the carriage firmly.

As soon as Mo Xuan turned his head, a young man in brocade clothes asked, "Brother Xuan, who did you meet? Why are you so dawdling?" Seeing this, Mo Xuan frowned, and said loudly to the carriage: "Since Mr. Huang is waiting, You hurry up. I have made an appointment with someone to hunt, and I will tell the princess on your behalf when I go back."

After finishing speaking, Mo Xuan turned to look at Zhang Xin and said, "Escort her back home quickly, don't delay on the way." Seeing that the two did not speak, they just nodded and clasped fists with him, Mo Xuanfang said to the people behind him: "No Are you going to hunt? Why don’t you leave quickly?” After saying this, he turned and rode away on his horse. Although the rest were curious about who was in the car, they also knew that Mo Xuan didn’t want to say anything, so they had to ride their horses to follow.

When they returned to the mansion, Zhao Bing and the two still had lingering fears, and they thought to themselves: Fortunately, Mr. Mo knows how to be polite, otherwise there will be many twists and turns.It's also thanks to Daiyu that she didn't make a sound after that, otherwise it would be hard to say.

At this time, Daiyu had already forgotten about the encounter with Mo Xuan, and Huang Jiyun hadn't arrived at the Lin residence yet, so Daiyu sat in the outer study and waited.Seeing that Daiyu was a little free, Qiluo hurried to report the completion of the hot spring village outside the city.

Seeing the joy on Qi Luo's face, Daiyu naturally understood that she also thought of the Dream Fairy House in Gusu.Then he laughed and said, "Since that's the case, let's go and have a look before father comes back, so we can relax when father comes back."

Qi Luo naturally said good-bye all the time, and Yang Nai, who was watching from the side, shook her head and said: "It can be seen that she has become more and more unruly, and even instigated the girl to go out of the city. If something goes wrong, you can't afford it."

It just so happened that Huang Jiyun came in at this time, and after listening to Mammy Yang's words, he asked with a smile, "What are you doing out of the city?" After Huang Jiyun said, Daiyu and the others were not in a hurry to answer. Smiling, Zhixuan and the two retreated to guard the door, while Yang Nanny stood behind Daiyu with her hands down and her mouth shut.

Although Daiyu said many times to dissuade Yang Nanny not to do this, who knows that Yang Nanny said that Daiyu was old, and although Huang Jiyun and Huang Jiyun were known as masters and apprentices, after all Huang Jiyun was not married at this age, so there were many gossips.Daiyu had no choice but to let her go.

After the ceremony, Daiyu invited Huang Jiyun to the table, poured tea and handed it to him, then explained: "When Yu'er first arrived in the capital, she asked Lin Bo to help her find a spring village. It's a little far away from the capital." Huang Jiyun laughed when he heard this, "You never told your uncle about this, otherwise I will definitely find you a good one."

Daiyu said with a smile: "This is such a trivial matter, how can I bother the uncle? I found a suitable hot spring village in the past two months. Just now Qiluo came to report that the village has been built, and Yu'er thought about it when her father came to Beijing. Go and have a look, and wait for my father to come to Beijing, so I can go and relax."

Huang Jiyun raised his eyebrows, pretending to be dissatisfied, and said: "Why didn't you expect to let the teacher go and relax?" Daiyu laughed and said: "Isn't it too late? To go out of the city, of course, I asked the master to bring Yu It was only made by the son, since the master brought Yu'er with him, he could go to the Zhuangzi naturally, could it be that the master didn't go in when he arrived at the Zhuangzi?"

After finishing speaking, Daiyu tilted her head and smiled, "At first I wanted to surprise the master, but unexpectedly, the master listened to it halfway. It's really boring!" So Huang Jiyun pointed at Daiyu and shook his head and laughed loudly.

After Huang Jiyun finished his lecture to Daiyu, he left in a hurry without stopping. Daiyu knew he was busy, so she didn't ask him to stay.After lunch on the second day, Fang went back to Jia's mansion under the escort of Zhang Xin and Zhao Bing after dealing with some household affairs.

Because Zheng Guang entrusted Hu'er to her, Mother Yang left her in the Lin Mansion, so that the grandparents and grandchildren could relax, so she brought Mother Sun back to Jia's Mansion. Although Mother Chen never said What happened, I was a little dissatisfied in my heart.

When Daiyu came back, Yingchun's marriage had already been decided yesterday, which made Mrs. Jia very unhappy, but she couldn't do anything about it. After all, it was her father, Jia She, who personally chose her, and the invitations had already been exchanged.

Mrs. Jia had no choice but to order Mrs. Wang: "When the girls in the mansion get married, each of the public will pay 3000 taels, and the welcoming girl will be recorded in Xing's name. She is married as a prostitute, and she will add 2000 taels. Let’s do it. Even if it’s gone, the 5000 taels is enough.”

Although Mrs. Wang was dissatisfied, she saw that Mrs. Jia had closed her eyes and took a nap, so she had to withdraw softly and said nothing.When I went back to the house, I wanted to collect 5000 taels and give it to the big house, but they got the news early and sent someone to pick up the money.

Mrs. Wang wanted to say that there was no such a large amount of cash in the treasury, but she was afraid that the big house would make a fuss with Jia's mother, which would embarrass her, so she gritted her teeth and asked Zhou Rui's family to take someone to the treasury to withdraw 3000 taels of cash. And the items equivalent to about 2000 taels were given to Dafang, and then it was considered to stop.

Not to mention Mrs. Wang was dissatisfied, even Tanchun was very jealous when she found out. Since then, she has become more attentive to Mrs. Wang, which has caused many troubles for Aunt Zhao.At this time, it is not mentioned.

It is only said that Daiyu was very happy when she heard that Yingchun was marrying not the grandson of Zhongshan wolf or something, but a good friend of Jia Lian's high school, and felt that her arrival had changed the fate of some people after all.I just hope that Yingchun can lead a happy life this time, and not be as miserable as in the original book.

Daiyu also heard that Mrs. Jia ordered her husband to pay 5000 taels for Yingchun as a dowry, but Tanchun and Xichun only got 3000 taels.Daiyu sighed in her heart, because of Jia Lian's change in Yingchun's life, she was protected by her parents, brother and sister-in-law, but she didn't know what the future would be like.Thinking of this, they secretly prepared another 3000 taels for them to add makeup.

Only two days after Daiyu returned to Jia's mansion, Jia Zheng sent someone to invite her. Daiyu was surprised. It has been almost half a year since she arrived in Jia's mansion. This second uncle has never called her, so why did she call her today? Did you go to the study by yourself?As they walked, they asked the little girl, who knew that she was so ignorant, which made Daiyu very boring.

Entering the study room, he suddenly saw Huang Jiyun wearing a brocade gown with moon and white cloud patterns, a stone blue ferret jacket, and a lotus peony hanging from a blue silk ribbon around his waist.A middle-aged man in a dark green Wanfu robe and a maroon squirrel jacket was sitting at the main seat, talking to Huang Jiyun.His expression was polite and slightly enthusiastic.

Sitting next to Huang Jiyun was a cold-faced man wearing a sapphire blue velvet robe with bat chime and Ruyi* pattern and dark flowers, and a moon white jacket with a snow fox fur edge.Even though he was sitting at the bottom right now, Daiyu couldn't help feeling that he was the one sitting at the main seat in this room. Although he didn't speak a word, his whole body exuded a faint majesty.

Seeing Daiyu coming in, Huang Jiyun smiled lightly and said, "Why did Yuer take so long to come here?" Daiyu smiled slightly, and first saluted Jia Zheng: "Lin Hui has seen the second uncle. Please greet the second uncle." Jia Zheng He hurriedly said: "Your master Mr. Huang is here to pick you up, you just let him go, don't be naughty."

After Daiyu squatted down again, Fang greeted Huang Jiyun and said: "Yu'er has seen the master, but she didn't know the master came, and she never greeted him from afar. Master forgive me." Seeing Daiyu's behavior, Huang Jiyun couldn't help frowning, and replied He laughed again and said, "I haven't passed it on to you, so how can I forgive you?"

After finishing speaking, Huang Jiyun pointed to the cold-faced man who attacked him and said: "This is a friend of my teacher." He paused for a while before continuing: "You can call him Fourth Uncle Wang."

Hearing what Huang Jiyun said, Jia Zheng frowned and looked at it, although he was very displeased that this person entered the door, he kept silent and kept his face cold.At this time, he still clasped his hands and said with a smile: "It turns out that your brother's surname is Wang, and your wife's maiden's family name is also Wang. I don't know which Wang's family is your brother's name?"

Unexpectedly, the man glanced at Jia Zheng, smiled coldly and said nothing.Jia Zheng was very embarrassed for a while, but fortunately Huang Jiyun quickly smoothed things over and said, "My elder brother doesn't like talking, Mr. Zheng forgives him."

Jia Zheng always admired Huang Jiyun as a great Confucian, but unfortunately he never had the chance to make friends with him. At this time Huang Jiyun opened his mouth, naturally he laughed and said: "Mr. Huang is serious, I dare not take it seriously."

Daiyu's son just looked at him and felt the majesty of a superior person emanating from this person, and he was already secretly vigilant. Now that Huang Jiyun introduced his surname as "Wang" and was the fourth eldest, he couldn't help breaking out in a cold sweat, and hurriedly collected his thoughts , Respectfully performed a standard Wanfu ceremony: "Lin Hui met, Fourth Uncle Wang. Please greet Fourth Uncle Wang."

After Daiyu finished speaking, she didn't get up immediately as she saluted Jia Zheng and Huang Jiyun, but squatted there steadily until the cold-faced man suddenly nodded and smiled: "What a smart and smart girl!" After finishing speaking The man turned to Huang Jiyun again and said: "Ji Yun has indeed taken in a good apprentice." After saying that, he got up and walked out.

Seeing this, Huang Jiyun shook his head and got up and said, "Yu'er quickly go back and pack up one or two things, and bring all the things. You don't need to bring more people. You will be back in three or two days." After passing the government, I will visit again in the future, today is urgent, since my elder brother has gone out, I will wait for Yu'er outside the mansion."

Seeing this, Jia Zheng hurriedly got up to see him off, and at the same time told Daiyu not to be mischievous and cause trouble. He acted like a parent, and sent someone to inform Mrs. Jia.

After Huang Jiyun left, Daiyu hurried back to Linglong Courtyard, sent An'er to inform Wang Xifeng and Mrs. Xing, and ordered Zijuan to report to Mrs. Jia.Taking Nanny Sun and Hanxiao by herself, Shinan and the two simply packed up their clothes and dowry, and hurried to the front yard.

(End of this chapter)

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