Daiyu of the Red Chamber

Chapter 131 Answers

Chapter 131 Answers
When Daiyu came to the main gate of Jia's mansion, she saw that there were already two Qingni, two-wheeled and two-horse carriages parked outside. The carriages looked ordinary, but they were made of exquisite materials.Even the driver who drove the cart was not like an ordinary person, not to mention thick-backed, but his eyes were extremely cold, as if he had received strict training, he looked around silently.

Under Huang Jiyun's signal, Daiyu and his party got into a carriage behind, and called Zhao Bing to lead the way.So Qi Luo also followed.Originally thought that five people would ride in the same car, it would be somewhat crowded, but Daiyu didn't want to get in the car, but found that the inside was very spacious.Although the car interior is not as luxurious as imagined, it is also elegant and generous.

There are walnut long benches on all three sides, one-color walnut tables, and thick cotton cushions on the stools, which are soft and comfortable to sit on.There is also a set of tea sets on the small table, which are tied to the legs of the table. There are drawers on three sides under the table, which contain various kinds of preserved fruits and snacks.

The carriage drove without any bumps or wobbles. After leaving the city gate for a while, it started to bump occasionally, but it was also extremely slight.In an hour and a half, the carriage stopped.

Holding Sun Nanny's hand, after Daiyu got out of the car, Huang Jiyun and the "Fourth Uncle Wang" had already got off the car, and the two of them felt the air around them just like Daiyu.The two attendants and the two coachmen were all guarding behind that "Fourth Uncle Wang", even Bai Shu and Dendrobium were pushed far away.

I saw a gravel road under my feet, which was paved all the way to a manor house with white walls and gray tiles in front. The walls of the courtyard were so high that I couldn't see the scenery inside.Behind the courtyard is a mountain that is not too high in Daiyu's view. The mountain is covered with red maple, and it is the time when it is red.

There are two rows of fruit trees on both sides of the road, one every seven or eight steps, and the two rows intersect each other, or hawthorn, or apple, or persimmon, or jujube.On the side of the road, the branches are stretched out spontaneously, which is what Daiyu once asked for.

Through the tree trunks, it can be seen that there are farmlands all around, because there are not many crops in late autumn.But the curling smoke in the distance shows the peace here.There were even children's laughter.From time to time, half-grown children can be seen leading three or five younger children rummaging in the fields.

After standing for a long time, "Fourth Uncle Wang" suddenly asked Daiyu, "What kind of trees are these? But you let someone plant them?" Although there was no expression on his face, he couldn't see any emotion, even his voice was like ironing. It was as if it had been scalded, and it was flat, but Daiyu could still see curiosity in his eyes.

Seeing his question, Daiyu naturally didn't dare not answer, so she laughed and said, "Reply to Uncle Wang's words, these are all fruit trees. Back then, I didn't know which fruit trees could be planted in the north, so I asked the villagers, and they said they were hawthorn, persimmons, apples, etc. Jujubes are all very good, so I asked Lin Bo to plant some here by the roadside."

This "Fourth Uncle Wang" obviously didn't want to let Daiyu go. After listening to Daiyu's explanation, he asked again: "Why do you think of planting fruit trees? Planting them by the side of the road won't make an orchard, and it's not easy to take care of." Eyes It was wrong to stare at Daiyu.

But Daiyu smiled slightly and said: "Fruit trees are better than other trees? In spring, you can enjoy flowers, in summer, you can enjoy the coolness, in autumn, you can eat fruits, and in winter, you can pick up those dead branches and make a fire. And planted on both sides of the road, it not only beautifies the environment, but also protects the road.”

Hearing Daiyu's answer, "Fourth Uncle Wang" was also taken aback for a while, thought for a while and then raised his eyebrows and asked, "Aren't you afraid that someone will steal your fruit?"

Daiyu burst out laughing when she heard this, and then quickly held back and said, "Where is it necessary for someone to steal it? When I planted it, the children in the village agreed that I would only let children under the age of 14 take care of this tree. Fruits, I share a basket with each other. The rest belong to them, whether they eat it or subsidize their family, it’s all theirs.”

Huang Jiyun stood aside and watched the two of them answering each other without making a sound, but he also smiled when he heard this. "Fourth Uncle Wang" also asked with a smile in his eyes: "Aren't you at a disadvantage?"

Daiyu shook her head and said: "Planting trees is easy but growing trees is difficult. They have to water the trees, fertilize them, catch insects, and pick the fruits in time. But I just planted a few rows of trees, and then I will be able to grow them." There are fruits to eat every year, so there is no disadvantage? Besides, as I said just now, when the tree blooms, I can also enjoy it, and I am the one who takes advantage of it."

This kind of point of view has never been heard by "Wang Sishu", but now it sounds very fresh, and it makes sense after careful chewing.He couldn't help but nodded and walked forward.

As soon as "Fourth Uncle Wang" left, the entourage followed immediately, even Huang Jiyun didn't dare to stop for a while, and hurriedly signaled Daiyu to follow.

Zhao Bing went forward to call the door one step ahead. The old servant who had stayed with Daiyu in Gusu opened the door. As soon as he saw Zhao Bing, he knew that Daiyu was coming, so he hurriedly asked to open the door. There were two more servants, one The mother-in-law came out to meet her, who were the son and daughter-in-law of the old servant.

This Zhuangzi doesn't look big from the outside, but when you go in, you know it's not small.There are no stone lions or anything else outside the gate, but just after entering the gate, there are rows of low Podocarpus pines on the left and right sides. Three steps away from Menlan, there is a pine tree about four meters wide and three meters high. Zhaobi.There are also pictures of pines and cypresses engraved on the screen wall.

After turning around the pine and cypress screen wall, there is a gate courtyard about five steps wide and narrow. There are door openings on the left and right sides, and the tung oil gate is closed at this time.Daiyu knew that this was not the right time, so she didn't ask where the door led. There was a moon hanging flower door in front, and a lot of green plants were planted above the door opening like the hanging flower door of the ancestral house in Gusu.

At this time, the Four Seasons Rose is hanging down, and clusters of bright red flowers are blooming.The green branches contrast with the white powder wall, making the white wall whiter and the red flowers redder.

Entering the yard, a few tall ginkgo trees are flying with yellow leaves.The three south-facing rooms with white walls and black tiles in the front do not look so monotonous against the backdrop of ginkgo leaves fluttering like golden butterflies.

It was also the first time for Daiyu to come here, and she took a look at the front room, the doors and windows were black and covered with azure veil, and there were three smaller rooms on the left and right sides.There are no verandahs in the courtyard, only an ear room is built in the corner.It is very refreshing and broad.

"Fourth Uncle Wang" walked into the central hall first, and didn't sit in the main seat, but just in the middle on the left, he picked a chair at random and sat down.Huang Jiyun also followed in and sat next to "Fourth Uncle Wang". Seeing Dendrobium atractylodes stopped outside the door, Daiyu asked Nanny Sun to clean up in the backyard with a smile, leaving Heather at the door.

Look at the pair of "Jing" characters hanging on the hall in the house, the handwriting looks like Lin Ruhai's own handwriting.The room is really clean, there is no incense on the incense table, not to mention that there is no tea set and fruit plate on the table, even the left and right sides are empty, not even a Duobao Pavilion museum shelf.There is a huge desk on the left, and there is also a huge desk on the right.

"Fourth Uncle Wang" couldn't help but looked at Daiyu and said with a smile: "Why do you put such two desks in this room? Why do you still have to work here? Even if you are working, there are no bookshelves?" Huang Jiyun also looked at Daiyu curiously. Come over, he has seen, seen, and even lived in no matter how many houses Daiyu has arranged, and this is the first time he has seen one like this.

Daiyu squatted slightly, and was about to answer. But "Fourth Uncle Wang" said first: "Whenever I talk here, you just salute. Even if you are not tired, I am tired watching you." At this point, "Fourth Uncle Wang" paused for a while, and then said: "I know you You have already guessed my identity. But today, I am just a friend of your master's old friend, and you call me fourth uncle just because of it."

Hearing what "Fourth Uncle Wang" said, Daiyu glanced at Huang Jiyun in a blink of an eye, and seeing Huang Jiyun nodded to her, Daiyu smiled, and found a chair opposite "Fourth Uncle Wang" for herself to sit down on, watching Huang Jiyun's frown one jump.

"Fourth Uncle Wang" was stunned for a moment, then laughed loudly and said, "You really are an interesting girl." After speaking, he looked at Daiyu with a smile and said nothing, apparently still waiting for Daiyu to answer his question just now .

But after sitting down, Daiyu turned her head to Shinan outside the door and said, "Go and make some tea." Seeing Shinan leaving in response, Fang turned to look at "Fourth Uncle Wang" and said very seriously: "Since the prince Allow me to be unrestrained today, then I will only treat you as my fourth uncle."

Speaking of this, Daiyu stopped, until the cold-faced prince on the opposite side nodded, and then Daiyu continued: "At first, I just wanted to build a hot spring pool. When my father comes back, I can relax and relax when I am tired. Those two desks It is also used to keep inscriptions for painting."

Hearing Daiyu say the word "Original", the "Fourth Uncle Wang" stared at Daiyu and asked, "It was like that in the beginning, but what is it like now?"

Daiyu smiled and said, "Fourth Uncle, don't worry, what Fourth Uncle wants to ask, just ask slowly, I will know everything without saying anything." After she finished speaking, Daiyu thought for a while before she said: "There are many places in the countryside. Not to mention children, even many adults are illiterate. I thought, since there is such a Zhuangzi, whether it can be established as an academy is still under consideration."

When Huang Jiyun heard this, he interjected for the first time: "As a teacher, why don't you know that Yu'er still has such thoughts?" Daiyu smiled and said: "I have said everything and are still considering it, but I haven't made a final decision." Fourth Uncle Wang asked in confusion, "Why didn't you make a decision? Afraid you won't be able to accept Su Xiu?"

Daiyu laughed and said, "Fourth uncle is really good at joking. Is that repair worthy of my family? It's just that the mother said that I'm a boudoir girl, so I can't do these things. I thought about waiting for my father to come to Beijing. When the time comes I’m working in the Hanlin Academy again to see if I can submit a letter to the imperial court to set up an academy. Especially the establishment of a women’s academy.”

When Daiyu said this, "Fourth Uncle Wang" had already seen a cold look on his face, and even his whole body was emitting a chill. He stared straight at Daiyu and asked in a cold voice, "Why don't you explain to me?"

Daiyu took a deep breath, knowing that if she said something wrong, she might not only harm herself, but also Huang Jiyun and her father Lin Ruhai, so she stood up and knelt down to salute solemnly: "The lord originally allowed the girl to be unrestrained today. , However, the following words, the women of the people feel that they are about the foundation of the country, so they have to be cautious and dare not laugh."

Seeing Daiyu's actions, Huang Jiyun and "Fourth Uncle Wang" looked at each other with seriousness in their eyes. "Fourth Uncle Wang" clenched his fist, then let go, Fang said: "Today's words, come out of your mouth, into my and Naishi's ears, and never pass on to the fourth person!"

Seeing that "Fourth Uncle Wang" was so serious, Dai Yufang nodded with a smile and said, "I want to ask the prince something first, is it okay?" "Fourth Uncle Wang" nodded and said, "Tell me!" The casualness before, has become the fourth prince who makes people talk about it, but Daiyu is not panicked at all.

I only heard Daiyu ask lightly: "The imperial court has laws, but I don't know what it is for?" The fourth prince raised his eyebrows and replied: "Naturally, it is to restrain the people of the world, from the princes and nobles to the common people, all must abide by it." .”

But I didn't expect that as soon as he finished speaking, Daiyu said: "Let's not talk about the daughters of the people, how many princes and nobles are obeying the law." As soon as he said this, the fourth prince's face became extremely ugly, but Daiyu didn't stop , and continued: "I just want to say, how many people in this world know this law? Do they know this law?"

The fourth prince didn't expect Daiyu to say that, so he couldn't help but was stunned, and opened his mouth to ask, "How do you say that?" Daiyu laughed and said, "How many scholars in the world have read the law? Let's not care about it for now. Just talk about this scholar." Can it account for how much of the people in the world?" Daiyu stared at the fourth prince with burning eyes, which made the fourth prince feel a little uncomfortable.

Seeing this, Huang Jiyun hurriedly reprimanded in a low voice: "Yu'er must not be rude!" Hearing what Huang Jiyun said, Dai Yufang lowered her head.The fourth prince stared at Daiyu who lowered her head for a long time, then took a deep breath and said, "You girl! Look up at me!"

Seeing that Daiyu looked up at Huang Jiyun quietly, she raised her head.The Fourth Prince said very angrily: "Finally, what exactly do you want to say?"

Daiyu listened to the fourth prince's question, and lowered her head to organize her words before raising her head and looking directly at the fourth prince: "Most of the people in the world are illiterate, how can they understand the law? Since they don't understand the law? How can they abide by it?" Law?" The series of questioning made the Fourth Prince fall into deep thought, but Daiyu didn't intend to stop there.

I only heard Daiyu continue: "If a man doesn't understand the law, he may commit illegal things unconsciously. The one who will be ruined may be himself, his wife and children, or even a big family! But if a woman doesn't understand the law, How to teach children who understand the law and abide by the law? Therefore, Minnv wants to teach all people to be literate and understand the law. Let the common people avoid committing unintentional mistakes. And when everyone in the world knows the law and understands the law, there will be Those who are afraid, those who commit crimes and commit crimes, will be much less!"

Daiyu's words shocked the fourth prince, especially the last sentence, committing trouble!is not that right?Many people were coaxed into rebellion without knowing it, and when they knew it, they were already branded as rebels, and they could only go one way to the dark.The fourth prince couldn't help but fell into deep thought.

But Daiyu didn't give the fourth prince a chance to think slowly, and then said: "This is a good thing that benefits the country and the people, a big thing! But the daughter of the people knows that this thing cannot be done by any person or family, because This will greatly win the hearts of the people! If someone takes advantage of it, it will be a catastrophe for the country, and the people will be in dire straits, and I am afraid it will be the fault of the daughters of the people!"

Daiyu's words made the fourth prince have to look at her again.Seeing her clear eyes and looking at him without fear, the Fourth Prince couldn't help showing appreciation for Daiyu.Looking at the sincerity in Daiyu's eyes, and the deafening words just now.

The fourth prince suddenly burst into laughter, patted Huang Jiyun on the shoulder and said, "What a pity!" Huang Jiyun naturally knew what the fourth prince was regretting, why didn't he and Lin Ruhai feel pity?But what can be done?

(End of this chapter)

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