Daiyu of the Red Chamber

Chapter 132 Induction

Chapter 132 Induction
The fourth prince only stayed for half a day before returning to the capital.When traveling, I was just a little curious about this little girl.On the way back, he was full of worries because of the girl's words.It has to be said that Daiyu's words somewhat touched the heart of the Fourth Prince.

Daiyu didn't know how the fourth prince cared about the country and the people, and Daiyu who returned to Jia's mansion fell into anxiety again.Every day, the most important thing is to ask Wang Xifeng about the condition of Qin Keqing, the daughter-in-law of Brother Rong of Dongfu.

Daiyu couldn't remember who died first, Qin Keqing or Lin Ruhai, but looking at Qin Keqing who was getting thinner and thinner, Daiyu always felt flustered.Like something bad is about to happen.

Yingchun would sometimes come to Linglong Courtyard to look for Daiyu, but she always found that Daiyu was either distracted or flustered, but she couldn't find out why.Yingchun had no choice but to quietly tell Wang Xifeng about this.

Before Yingchun finished speaking, Wang Xifeng hurriedly asked: "How long has this happened? Why didn't I know?" After speaking, Wang Xifeng felt a headache, and didn't know what happened recently. She always felt mentally weak. The daughter-in-law is getting worse and worse, and now something happened to Daiyu, is it really troublesome?

Wang Xifeng didn't have time to tidy up, so she only changed into a rose red sprinkled gold pleated jacket, and hurried out of Wutong Residence.When she came to the Linglong Courtyard, Daiyu was wearing a large thin padded jacket, sitting in front of the desk reading the mansion newspaper, her hair full of black hair was hanging like that behind her back, and a big ermine jacket was draped over half of her shoulders. People don't know where their minds have wandered.

Seeing Wang Xifeng coming, Zijuan wanted to salute, but Wang Xifeng raised her hand to stop her.Taking a closer look, what Daiyu had spread out in front of her was the mansion newspaper from more than ten days ago, which was about the news that Lin Ruhai had been handpicked by the Holy Majesty to take charge of the Imperial Academy.

Wang Xifeng suddenly felt relieved, thinking that Daiyu was just missing her father.But Wang Xifeng didn't know that Daiyu woke up crying in a dream the night before, and she has been listless and in a trance.Everyone asked, but Daiyu said she didn't know.

Although all the dreams disappeared after waking up, and she couldn't remember anything, Daiyu felt uneasy, but it became more and more intense, especially when she heard that Qin Keqing's condition had worsened and she could no longer eat, she almost fainted.

Wang Xifeng was originally an impatient person, how could she bear Daiyu's distraction?Seeing that Daiyu hadn't regained consciousness for a long time, Wang Xifeng reached out and touched Daiyu's forehead angrily, and said with a smile, "What are you thinking? So..." Before Wang Xifeng finished speaking, Daiyu suddenly screamed.Not to mention Wang Xifeng, even Zijuan standing behind her was startled.

Hanxiao and Nanny Sun heard Daiyu's screams outside, and ran in without caring, only to see Zijuan supporting Daiyu with one hand and giving her comfort with the other, and Wang Xifeng's face was also not very good at this time He leaned on his chest with one hand and propped up the table with the other.

Grandma Sun quickly asked: "Girl, what's the matter?" Wang Xifeng felt goose bumps all over the ground when he heard the voice.She didn't know that Nanny Sun had been speaking so carefully and softly in the past few days. Nanny Sun herself felt more uncomfortable than Wang Xifeng.

But who told Daiyu to be easily frightened since she woke up in the night?A little louder, or opening a door, or closing a window can scare Daiyu out of sight.Daiyu either screamed out like she did just now, or looked at you with a pale face.

I can't see the calm and calm ladylike appearance in the past at all.Seeing that Nanny Sun and the others were both anxious and heartbroken.If Wang Xifeng hadn't come today, Nanny Sun would have thought that it would be good to tell Mrs. Jia, or invite the imperial physician to visit, or go to the temple to burn incense.

Daiyu stabilized her mind, looked at Wang Xifeng and said in embarrassment: "I'm sorry, I frightened my sister-in-law." After speaking, she looked again, and Daiyu bit the group of Nanny Sun who surrounded her. Lips said: "I made you worry, I'm fine, you all go down."

Nanny Sun and the others looked at each other, and then at Wang Xifeng. After seeing Wang Xifeng nodding, Fang stayed behind with a smile to wait on her. Nanny Sun led Zijuan back out.Who would have thought that Daiyu looked down at the Jiudi newspaper and said without raising her eyes, "Sister Ping'er, smiling, let's go out too, I'll have a chat with my sister-in-law."

Hanxiao and Ping'er looked at each other, and were about to say something, but Daiyu said coldly to Hanxiao: "What? I can't call you now?" The words were so serious that Hanxiao immediately changed his face and said: "What's the matter, girl? Just back off with a smile, don't be angry, girl." As she spoke, tears welled up in her eyes.

Seeing this, Ping'er looked at Wang Xifeng, Wang Xifeng stared at Daiyu who was still looking at the mansion newspaper, and finally waved to Ping'er, "Go down too." Then Ping'er withdrew again.

When Wang Xifeng was about to say something, Daiyu suddenly raised her head, staring at Wang Xifeng with red eyes, and said with a weeping voice: "Sister-in-law, you must help me! You must help me!"

Seeing this, Wang Xifeng asked: "What's the matter?" Then she stepped forward and took Daiyu's hand, now the hands are no longer as shiny as before, and the pale fingers are cold and icy.Wang Xifeng hurriedly picked up Daiyu's coat that had fallen on the chair, and put it on her shoulders.

Only then did Wang Xifeng realize that after not seeing Daiyu for a few days, she had lost a lot of weight, her chin was pointed, her face was no bigger than a palm, and her eyes were tearful, she was really sick like Xizisheng!She couldn't help feeling distressed and said: "Why did you become like this after a few good days? Even if there is something that doesn't suit you, just tell me, sister-in-law, don't worry about it."

Who knew that these words made Daiyu throw herself on Wang Xifeng's shoulder and burst into tears, Wang Xifeng didn't know how to comfort her, so she let her cry.After a while Daiyu finally stopped crying, looked at Wang Xifeng and said, "Yu'er begs sister-in-law to help Yu'er find a way, Yu'er wants to go back to Yangzhou!"

Wang Xifeng was taken aback by Daiyu's words, and hurriedly asked: "What did you say? But something in the mansion bumped into you?" After hearing this, Daiyu smiled sadly: "In the eyes of my sister-in-law, Is Yu'er such an ignorant person?" After speaking, she fell down on the chair as if her whole body collapsed.

Knowing that she had misunderstood, Wang Xifeng hurriedly asked again: "Your sister wants me to help you, so should you let me know what's going on?" Daiyu raised her eyes and looked at Wang Xifeng, seeing her anxious face. , but really cared about and loved herself, and secretly smiled in her heart: "I lost my temper again!
After taking a few deep breaths, Daiyu calmed down and said to Wang Xifeng: "I didn't know what dream I had last night, I just felt very frightened, and since then I always feel that something is happening in my heart." As she spoke, Daiyu grabbed Wang Xifeng's hand Hand said: "Yu'er misses her father in her heart, but every time she thinks of her father, she always feels uneasy in her heart, and wants to return to Yangzhou to go to Beijing with her father."

After hearing this, Wang Xifeng frowned and thought for a while, "Sister, don't worry, I'm afraid I won't be able to make up my mind about this matter, I have to discuss it with your brother." As soon as Wang Xifeng finished speaking, Daiyu grasped it tightly In Wang Xifeng's hand, I don't know where Daiyu got the strength to grab Wang Xifeng so painfully.

Daiyu asked very uneasy: "Brother, can you agree? Sister-in-law, you must help me!" Seeing that Daiyu's expression was different, Wang Xifeng comforted him: "Who am I going to help if I don't help you? Don't worry." Daiyu just nodded and let go of Wang Xifeng's hand.

After thinking for a while, Daiyu said: "There is one more thing, my sister-in-law can help me think of a way." Now when Wang Xifeng heard Daiyu ask her to help, she felt her brows twitching and her heart ached.But he could only ask softly: "Sister, please listen to me, if you can help, my sister-in-law will definitely help you."

Daiyu smiled slightly and said: "Zicuckoo waited on me for a while. I thought I must give her a family background. My sister-in-law can see if I can give her a family worth of silver and return her deed of birth?" Hearing this, he breathed a sigh of relief and said with a smile, "I'm afraid my sister is thinking about it!" As he spoke, he habitually tapped Daiyu's forehead with his finger.

Seeing Daiyu looking at her in puzzlement, Wang Xifeng smiled and said: "If you talk about her worth, I'm afraid her family has already owned it, but she just can't bear to go to this house. If you want to keep her by your side Son, let's ask her what she means first, if she is willing, I will find a way to get you the deeds of her family. "

After hearing what Wang Xifeng said, Daiyu nodded in understanding.The two talked for a while, seeing that Daiyu was very tired, Wang Xifeng instructed: "Even if my sister wants to go back to Yangzhou to pick up her uncle herself, she must take care of her health first. You are like this now, let me be happy." How can your brother and I rest assured? You will fall ill before you arrive in Yangzhou."

At this time, as long as she is asked to go to Yangzhou and what to do, she is willing, let alone just to take care of her body?So after Wang Xifeng said goodbye and left, Daiyu called Nanny Sun and the others in, and asked for food, although they didn't eat much, at least they used some.Grandma Sun was really overjoyed.

Daiyu didn't know that her worry had become a reality. Eunuch Li was one step too late. When he arrived in Yangzhou City three days ago, Lin Ruhai had just been stabbed. Always unconscious.

Eunuch Li held the imperial decree in his hand, sweating profusely, but there was nothing he could do.Looking at Lin Ruhai, whose face was as pale as paper and unconscious, he couldn't help himself, and Eunuch Li had already ordered him to sing the sage immediately.But now three days have passed, and Lin Ruhai still hasn't woken up.

After leaving Daiyu's place, Wang Xifeng's seemingly calm face was already in chaos.Ping'er opened his mouth to ask several times, but was interrupted by Wang Xifeng.When Jia Lian returned home in the evening, it was rare to see Wang Xifeng who was frowning, and he couldn't help raising Wang Xifeng's chin in a funny way and said, "Look, what makes grandma so sad?"

If you think, Wang Xifeng always turns her head and said disdainfully: "Huh, in this world, I'm the only one who doesn't want to do it. Is there anything I can't do? It's worth worrying about?" Maybe Jia Lian will be thrown. sneer.

But now, Wang Xifeng looks at Jia Lian, but he hesitates to speak.Jia Lian couldn't help but her heart skipped a beat and she quickly recovered her expression and said, "Could it be that something really happened?"

Wang Xifeng thought for a while, but it was hard to discuss this matter with others, and he could only discuss it with Jia Lian, so he sent Ping'er out to guard, and asked Yingchun to come to him today, and then went to Daiyu's yard by himself. After talking about it in detail, especially when it came to Daiyu's lost look, Wang Xifeng couldn't help but her eyes turned red with distress.

Jia Lian never interrupted Wang Xifeng's narration, until Wang Xifeng tentatively asked Jia Lian: "Why don't you invite a Taoist woman to collect the soul for my sister?" Jia Lian sneered disdainfully: "You believe it too!" With such an expression, Wang Xifeng said dissatisfiedly: "Then master has a plan. If this continues, I'm afraid I won't be able to wait for my uncle to come back..."

Without waiting for Wang Xifeng to say those words, Jia Lian said, "I'm afraid I'm just impatient. As long as this period passes, my sister will be fine once my uncle comes back. Now I can only enlighten her more, there is nothing else I can do. .”

Seeing what Jia Lian said, Wang Xifeng had an idea, and said: "I heard that my sister has built a hot spring village outside the city. Why don't I take all my sisters to play, so that my sister can relax?" It's a good idea.So Wang Xifeng was asked to arrange it.

(End of this chapter)

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