Chapter 133
In order to distract Daiyu from her thoughts, Wang Xifeng said with a smile on purpose the second day after she went to Daiyu's place, when she said hello to Mrs. Jia: "The old ancestor loved Sister Lin so much, and he didn't help her. Sister Lin is so worried that everyone loses weight."

When Mrs. Jia heard this, she frowned in confusion and asked: "Why, but someone was disrespectful to Yu'er? Find out who it is, and send them all away!" Wang Xifeng hurriedly laughed: "Whoever is disrespectful? ? It’s just that sister Lin got a hot spring village outside the city, but the manpower she brought to Beijing was small, and there was no one to take care of it.”

When Jia Mu heard this was the case, she laughed and said, "You monkey skin, don't tell me clearly. If that's the case, just send people from the two rooms to take care of it. Why come back and forth with me again?" Wang Xifeng He pursed his lips and said: "It's easy for the old ancestor to say, when uncle comes back, there's no need to say that we miss his Lin family's property! By then, good intentions will become donkey's liver and lungs."

Seeing that Jia's mother frowned, Wang Xifeng said again: "Why didn't the old ancestor give Sister Lin a room together with her body deed? Since he helped Sister Lin, my uncle would also be grateful to the old ancestor when he came back. It seems frank and open again. Besides, it would be good to let Lin Yatou invite the ancestors and sisters to relax with the help of manpower."

Jia's mother nodded as she listened and said, "Well, after all, it's you, a monkey, who can't wait to go to the hot spring village to play?" Although the old lady Jia said so, she still asked Yuanyang to find out the identity of Zijuan's family. After coming out, he told Yuanyang: "Don't make a fuss about going out, you take it yourself and hand it to Miss Lin, just say if you have any troubles, you should come to me."

Wang Xifeng watched Yuanyang take the order to send the body deed to Daiyu, and felt a lot relieved when something happened in her heart.After talking and joking with Mrs. Jia, Wang Xifeng also left Jia's yard.

When the mandarin ducks brought Daiyu the deeds of Zijuan's family, Daiyu's courtyard was no longer as deserted as it was yesterday, and the earth dragon was already on fire. Daiyu snuggled up on the warm kang, closed her eyes and rested.Seeing the mandarin ducks coming, Daiyu was about to get up, but was stopped by the mandarin ducks.

Seeing that Daiyu's face was pale and she had lost a lot of weight, Yuanyang almost didn't dare to recognize her.When a pair of eyes looked at him, they seemed to be filled with tears.Seeing that Daiyu was about to get up, Yuanyang hurriedly stepped forward to support her and said, "Miss, have you been sick for a while? You didn't even ask anyone to report to the old lady. At least I invited the imperial doctor to come and see."

Daiyu said with a smile: "It's nothing, it's just that the weather has changed, and it's not suitable for the winter in the north. It will be better in a few days." Hearing what Daiyu said, Yuanyang looked at Hanxiao and Zijuan who were waiting beside her. The two glanced at each other and said nothing else.

Yuanyang personally handed over the deeds of Zijuan's family to Daiyu, looked at Daiyu and said: "The old lady said, if there is any embarrassment or discomfort, you should go to her. She is the girl's grandmother. Can't compare to others." Seeing Daiyu nodded, Yuanyang asked again: "Why don't you go back to the old lady and invite the imperial doctor to take a look?"

But Daiyu still insisted: "My good sister, don't bother grandma, it's nothing to worry about, but it's just to make grandma worry for nothing. I'm really fine." Seeing this, Yuanyang could only shake her head and said: "Then I'll see the girl again in two days?"

Daiyu understood that Yuanyang had promised not to tell Mrs. Jia, but if things were not going well in two days, she might not be able to hide it from Mrs. Jia anymore.Daiyu then smiled and said, "Sister is welcome to come anytime." Yuanyang nodded and said, "Since the girl has a good rest, I'll go back first. The old lady can't leave anyone anywhere."

Daiyu didn't stay any longer, and asked Zijuan to send her out with a smile on her behalf.After everyone had gone out, Daiyu opened the box.Daiyu was very happy to see that there were eight deeds of Zijuan's family in it.

Not long after, Wang Xifeng led Zijuan's family to Linglong Courtyard. Nanny Sun understood everything when she saw her, and greeted Zijuan's mother very affectionately, exchanging a few pleasantries.

No one expected that Daiyu asked what Zijuan meant in the room, and immediately picked out the body deed of Zijuan's nephew and handed it to her, saying: "You take this to your mother." , I am very grateful for the result, and I am about to kowtow to thank you.

But Daiyu said again: "In the future, it's fine whether you want to work in Zhuangzi or do errands in the mansion. Just one thing, if you want to be members of the Lin family, you must abide by the rules of the Lin family. Otherwise, it's better Take the deed to be your own person."

Zijuan hurriedly said: "Don't worry, girl, my parents and brothers are all honest and responsible." So Daiyu handed over Zijuan's family to Grandma Sun, and asked her to take them back to the Lin Mansion for resettlement.

Seeing that Daiyu had settled the matter properly, Wang Xifeng joked: "Your sister is telling me, how should I thank me?" you?"

Wang Xifeng was not polite, and said straightly: "I don't care about anything else. Didn't it mean that you got a new hot spring village? Just invite me to play tomorrow." Wang Xifeng didn't notice the momentary loss of focus in Daiyu's eyes, and went on Said: "Take all the sisters, so that we can stay loose."

The smile on the corner of Daiyu's mouth was already a bit forced, but she still nodded and said with a smile: "When Yu'er comes back from Yangzhou, I invited my sister-in-law and sisters to relax." When Daiyu said this, her eyes froze for a moment. Staring at Wang Xifeng.Daiyu could clearly see the fleeting helplessness in Wang Xifeng's eyes.

But Daiyu didn't give up after all, and asked again: "I don't know if my sister-in-law asked my brother to find a way to go back to Yangzhou for Yu'er?" Wang Xifeng smiled and said: "Of course I told your brother, your brother said this matter It can't be done in a day and a half, you have to find a good reason to make sense of the old lady."

Now Daiyu's eyes darkened completely.My heart also felt like it was falling straight down.When Wang Xifeng saw it, she sat beside Daiyu and said with a smile: "Sister, don't worry, there will always be a solution. Let's go to the hot spring village to relax for a few days, and if you come back, your brother will make arrangements."

At this moment, Daiyu's thoughts turned sharply: I'm afraid it won't work according to Wang Xifeng.And being locked up in this mansion, he can't go anywhere!Land is the fastest way, but you don't know the way, and you can't go anywhere in this age without a have to find a way to get a guide!
Daiyu calmed down and said with a smile: "Then according to my sister-in-law, I invited the sisters and sister-in-law to go to the Zhuangzi to relax for two days."

Seeing that Daiyu agreed, Wang Xifeng was overjoyed, and hurriedly said that since this is the case, I will make arrangements, but Daiyu hurriedly stopped her and said, "Since we are in my Zhuangzi, why do we need my sister-in-law to make arrangements? I will return home tomorrow." Go, have someone tidy up Zhuangzi. Wouldn't it be good to pick up my sister-in-law and sisters after finishing the shopping?"

Originally, Wang Xifeng just wanted to find something for Daiyu to do, seeing that Daiyu took the initiative to take the initiative, it was natural that she shouldn't.He hurriedly laughed and said, "Since you are not afraid of trouble, what's wrong with me being free?"

After Wang Xifeng left, Daiyu fell silent.Lying on the kang with eyes closed, he forced himself to calm down.No matter what, let's go back to the mansion tomorrow, this matter cannot be done in Jia's mansion.It would be the best if he could leave the mansion, if not... I'm afraid he can only go to Zhuangzi to find a way to leave.

The next day, Daiyu left Jia's mansion and went back to Lin's mansion with a whole yard of maidservants.Along the way, Daiyu no longer looked at the street or joked all the way as before.Daiyu sat quietly in the car, closing her eyes and thinking about possible solutions.

It was the first time for Zijuan to go back to the Lin Mansion with Daiyu, she seemed a little nervous and didn't talk much along the way.Seeing Daiyu closing her eyes and resting her mind with a smile, she didn't dare to disturb her.There were very few pedestrians on the road today, and Daiyu and her party had already returned to Lin's mansion in just a few hours.

After washing and washing, Daiyu hurried to find Qiluo.Daiyu knew about this matter, and it would be impossible to tell others. If she acted alone and was afraid of accidents on the way, only Qiluo might help her.

Qi Luo didn't know why Daiyu was so anxious to find her, but she exclaimed the moment she entered the room, hurried to Daiyu, pulled Daiyu up and down, looked up and down and asked tremblingly, "What's the matter? How did the girl become so thin?" Qi Luo gritted her teeth and asked with red eyes: "But people from the Jia family made things difficult for the girl?"

Daiyu looked around, pulled Qiluo and said: "Sister Qiluo, sit down for a while, I have something to tell you." Saying this, she let go of Qiluo, got up and opened all the doors and windows herself.Jin'er and the others who were guarding outside were shocked when they saw Daiyu like this.

Nanny Yang just wanted to ask, but Daiyu said: "The room is too stuffy, open it for ventilation, Nanny Yang is just looking at Hu'er, don't pay attention to me. You all go on your own." Said Then he turned back again.

Not to mention Jin'er, Nanny Yang and others outside, even Qi Luo inside the house was secretly shocked when she saw Daiyu's behavior!Opening windows and doors to talk, this is Lin Ruhai's habit.Qi Luo knew what to say next, it might be of great importance!I couldn't help but quietly clenched my fists, and after a while, my palms were wet with sweat.

Qi Luo knew this habit, but Jin'er, who watched Daiyu grow up outside, didn't know?Or is it that Yang Nanny who has been with Daiyu for several years doesn't know?When Daiyu sat back beside Qiluo and was considering how to speak, Nanny Yang ignored Jin'er who was anxious and turned around to leave the yard.

Grandma Sun didn't expect that just after Daiyu returned home, Grandma Yang would have the time to talk to her, so she hurriedly welcomed Nanny Yang in with a smile.Unexpectedly, when Nanny Yang entered the room, instead of chatting with her, she asked about Daiyu's affairs in Jia's mansion. Although Daiyu had lost a lot of weight when she came back from Jia's mansion this time, Nanny Sun still felt that Nanny Yang was like this. It's too much for Xingshi to inquire about the crime!
But Grandma Sun could still hear the faint tension in Mammy Yang's words, so she suppressed the displeasure in her heart and explained it in detail.Grandma Yang didn't interrupt, she just listened carefully, the more she listened, the more silent she became. After Grandma Sun finished speaking, she also fell silent.

After thinking for a while, Daiyu looked at Qiluo and said firmly, "I want to go back to Yangzhou!" Qiluo was shocked on the spot and almost didn't cry out.Qi Luo hurriedly covered her mouth, digested for a while, then stared at a pair of big eyes, and said cautiously: "Girl, why is this?"

Daiyu bit her lip and thought for a long time, but she couldn't say that Lin Ruhai might die after reading the original work in her previous life? ? ?This is something you wouldn't say without a bad mind.So Daiyu told her about her dream, and said that Jia Min also had the same uneasiness before the accident.

Hearing this, Qi Luo's expression also changed, and she hurriedly asked: "Does that girl have plans?" After speaking, she looked at Daiyu with hope, but Daiyu shook her head lightly and said: "I don't know, either. This matter can't be spread, even the people in the courtyard can't say it. Otherwise... I'm afraid I won't be able to leave!"

When Daiyu said this, Qiluo was somewhat disappointed, but she also knew that Daiyu was only ten years old, so how could there be so many ways?After a while Qi Luo asked again: "How about asking Mr. Huang for help?" Daiyu still shook her head and said: "Master will not allow it, and besides, the people who pass the decree are probably all in Yangzhou."

Seeing that Daiyu was very depressed, Qi Luo hurriedly comforted her: "Miss, why don't you wait in the capital and let Zhao Bing or Zhang Xin rush to Yangzhou to have a look? The two of them went there quickly and came back quickly? "

Qi Luo's words brightened Daiyu's eyes, she bit her lips and thought for a while before saying: "That's fine! By the way, let Zhao Bing send the winter clothes I prepared for my father." Seeing Daiyu's agreement, Qi Luo felt very sad Happy.Little did she know that Daiyu had other ideas in mind.

(End of this chapter)

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