Daiyu of the Red Chamber

Chapter 135 Check!

Chapter 135 Check!
Thanks to yzakrr for the support of the monthly pass~Thank you O(∩_∩)O haha~
When Daiyu woke up, it was still dark.Continuing to wear the servant uniform from yesterday, Daiyu opened the door, but was startled by Zhang Xin at the door.

Listening to the movement in the house, Zhang Xin already knew that Daiyu had got up, but when Daiyu opened the door, Zhang Xin was still so startled by Daiyu in servant uniform that he was speechless for a long time.

The two of you looked at me and I looked at you, obviously a little incapable of accepting.At this time, Qi Luo from the next door also came out, saw Daiyu standing at the door, and immediately ran over.Qi Luo couldn't help complaining: "Girl, how can you do this? How can you run out quietly by yourself? You don't even know how anxious everyone is."

In Qiluo's voice, Daiyu finally came back to her senses, and asked cautiously: "Why are you here?" Qiluo said a little angrily: "How can I find the girl if I'm not here? The girl is really, It's frightening to death, the mansion is in such a mess right now. We..."

Before Qiluo could finish speaking, Daiyu interrupted her. Daiyu was really afraid that Qiluo would say that she was going to send her back, so she hurriedly said, "Don't stand at the door, come in and talk." As she spoke, Daiyu turned around into the house.

Qi Luo looked at Zhang Xin, followed Daiyu into the room without saying anything, and closed the door behind her.

Looking at Qiluo, Daiyu thought for a while and said: "You know that I have to go to Yangzhou." After speaking, Daiyu looked at Qiluo with some anxiety and said, "You won't send me back, right?"

Qi Luo lowered her head and thought for a while before she nodded and said: "It's already out, so it's good for us to go all the way south to Yangzhou to meet the master."

Hearing what Qiluo said, Daiyu finally felt relieved, and even pulled Qiluo's hand excitedly and said with a smile: "Thank you, I knew you would help me."

Qi Luo looked at Dai Yu angrily, but she was reluctant to say anything more. When Qi Luo and Dai Yu walked out of the room, Dai Yu had already changed back into women's clothes, with a veil on her face.

When I saw Zhang Xin and Zhao Bing again, they had already had breakfast. After asking about the arrangements, Zhao Bing went to order some breakfast for Qi Luo and Dai Yu. Qi Luo was worried that Dai Yu would not be used to eating outside. After all, Daiyu used to make snacks, which one is not exquisite?

She didn't want Daiyu to finish eating leisurely, and then said with a smile: "We can go on the road now. There are more people now. Let's redistribute and pack the things that must be taken away, and discard the rest that can be discarded."

When they started on the road again, the carriage was gone, Zhang Xin led the horse, Zhao Bing slowly followed behind Qi Luo, and Dai Yu was held in Qi Luo's arms.This is Qi Luo's strong request!Originally, according to Daiyu's intention, it would be fine to sit behind Qiluo, but Qiluo insisted on holding Daiyu in her arms.

At this time, the people sent by Eunuch Li had already entered the capital.If it weren't for the use of high-quality military horses and the non-stop galloping day and night, I'm afraid it would not be possible to send the news back to the capital so quickly.No one dared to take it lightly that it was the second-rank official appointed by the Holy Majesty just now.

The Holy Majesty read the news sent back by Eunuch Li, and saw that the head of the Imperial Academy he had just appointed was assassinated, and Lin Ruhai was different from other courtiers in that he was the eyes and ears of the Holy Majesty, even his own eyes and ears were assassinated, the Holy Majesty was furious, It happened that the Seventh Prince was also in the imperial study, so the Holy Majesty appointed the Seventh Prince to bring the imperial doctor, one to treat Lin Ruhai, and the other to thoroughly investigate the matter!
The Seventh Prince was ordered to thoroughly investigate the case of Lin Ruhai's assassination and it was not spread, but after all, the well-informed people in the palace still knew about it.

Sitting in the garden, the crown prince heard the news, played with the wine glass in his hand, and said with a half-smile: "I never thought that Lao Qi would go to investigate." At this point, the crown prince paused, and the expression on his face suddenly became colder. They parted ways: "Since that's the case, there's no need to come back." After saying that, the wine glass held by the crown prince was smashed to pieces.

No one answered the prince, it seemed that the prince was just talking to himself, but in a place where no one could see, a gray figure retreated silently.

The fourth prince naturally also received the news, and was secretly surprised that the girl from the Lin family rushed to Yangzhou yesterday without hesitation, yet such news came today.Is it the nature of father and daughter?Or some other reason?It has to be said that this made the Fourth Prince even more curious about Daiyu in his heart.

The fourth prince didn't know what he thought of, after a moment of silence, he wrote a letter himself asking the seventh prince to take Mo Xuan with him.When Mo Xuan got the news, he was very surprised. He was not only surprised that Lin Ruhai was assassinated, but also surprised that his uncle, the Fourth Prince, would let him go with the Seventh Prince.But there seems to be no reason to refuse either.

Mo Xuan lived in the prince's mansion of Wujun, so Hongjin and Wanyu's brothers and sisters couldn't hide this matter. After Wanyu found out, she was naturally worried about Daiyu and wanted to visit her, but Hongjin didn't care when she learned about it. Asked to go with Mo Xuan.Fortunately, in the end, both brothers and sisters were suppressed by Princess Wujun.

There is a saying that saving people is like putting out a fire, the Seventh Prince didn't delay much, the group of people made preparations and rode away from Beijing in the evening of the same day.It was only two days later than Daiyu and his party.

But the Seventh Prince and his party rode the best military horses, and except for Chen Taiyi, who was good at trauma, the rest of them were all year-round martial arts practitioners, so the speed of movement was naturally not comparable to that of Daiyu and his party.

Sure enough, on the third day of the journey of the Seven Princes' team, Linqing County caught up with Daiyu and his party.When Mo Xuan sharp-eyed saw Zhang Xin replenishing dry food by the side of the road, he was still a little surprised.Mo Xuan didn't pay attention to it at all, but when he went out of the city and saw Daiyu disguised as a servant for some reason, he was so surprised that he couldn't even speak.

Seeing Daiyu here, Mo Xuan naturally couldn't ignore it as before, so he explained to the Seventh Prince, then left the team and walked towards Daiyu and his party.

Seeing someone approaching the team, Zhao Bing and Zhang Xin nervously kept Qi Luo and Dai Yu between them, not wanting to take a closer look and see that it was Mo Xuan!The two hurriedly got off their horses to salute, Mo Xuan ignored him and only looked at Daiyu.

Daiyu naturally recognized Mo Xuan, and quickly lowered her head and said, "Yu'er has seen Brother Mo." The voice was so soft, if not for the fact that everyone around her was still sharp, no one would have heard it clearly. Luo also heard clearly because he was holding Daiyu in his arms.

Mo Xuan took a deep breath and was about to say something when the Seventh Prince rode over and saw that Daiyu and his party clearly knew Mo Xuan, but Mo Xuan was staring straight at the servant in the arms of a young woman.How awkward this combination is.Without waiting for the Seventh Prince to speak, Mo Xuan looked at Daiyu and said, "My lord, the girl on the horse is Lord Lin's daughter."

Hearing that it was Lin Ruhai's daughter, the Seventh Prince became interested. He did not forget the accounting method back then, it was this little girl who came up with it.

And Daiyu and his party heard Mo Xuan called "the prince" and hurriedly helped Qiluo off the horse, and Qiluo carried Daiyu down again.After Daiyu dismounted, she walked up to the Seventh Prince, glanced at Mo Xuan quietly, and gave the Seventh Prince a standard Wanfu salute.

This Wanfu ceremony, Daiyu usually performed it very pleasing to the eyes, but now the Seventh Prince saw a "boy" who bowed his head and performed the Wanfu ceremony to himself, not to mention how uncomfortable he felt, he just felt his cheeks twitching.

The Seventh Prince looked at Daiyu, not knowing what to say for a moment.And Daiyu saw the Seventh Prince and Mo Xuan appearing here, for some reason, the uneasiness in her heart increased sharply, and her face was already pale at this time.

Daiyu bit her lips hard, and finally recovered her voice. She fixed her eyes on Mo Xuan and asked, "Is brother Mo going to Yangzhou too?" Daiyu didn't even try.

Hearing Daiyu's question like this, the Seventh Prince's expression suddenly turned ugly, and he thought it better not to tell this girl right now.But Mo Xuan frowned and thought about it, and regardless of the wink from the Seventh Prince, he still said bluntly: "Go and send back the news to Eunuch Li, who passed the decree to Lord Lin. Lord Lin was assassinated and unconscious. We brought the imperial physician to treat Lin. grown-ups."

Just after Mo Xuan finished speaking, he saw Daiyu's body shaking uncontrollably, and was embraced by Qi Luo, who was also pale.

Daiyu took two deep breaths in Qiluo's arms, stabilized her mind and bowed to Mo Xuan: "Tell Brother Mo more truthfully, and Daiyu will take her farewell." Turning around, I want to climb on the horseback by myself.

Zhao Bing and the others had no choice but to face the Seventh Prince and his party, and after a salute, Qiluo helped Daiyu onto the horse's back, and Qiluo got on the horse herself, holding Daiyu in her arms again.

As soon as Qi Luo sat down firmly, she heard Daiyu say, "We travel day and night, and we must arrive within three days!" Although the voice was soft, it was firm and powerful.

Mo Xuan frowned as he watched Daiyu and his party go away, and after thinking for a while, he was about to say something to the Seventh Prince, but he didn't want the Seventh Prince to speak first: "My little girl, if you really arrive within three days, we gentlemen, I'll be ashamed to see people." After finishing speaking, the Seventh Prince flicked his horsewhip and said, "Everyone hurry up, and we must arrive before the girl of the Lin family!"

After the seventh prince finished speaking, he rode out, and the rest dared not refuse to follow.When Daiyu and her party passed by, the Seventh Prince took a careful look at Daiyu.He raised his voice and said, "This king will take the imperial physician to treat Mr. Lin first, and we will see you in Yangzhou City."

Just after leaving Liaocheng and crossing the Yellow River, it was less than a hundred miles away, when Daiyu and her party caught up.But the Seventh Prince and his party met the masked man in black very unfortunately.When Daiyu heard the sound of fighting, she turned her head away mechanically. She didn't want to see Mo Xuan, who was small and weak, gradually failing, so Daiyu said to Zhang Xin and Zhang Xin, "Hurry up and help!"

Zhao Bing didn't want to meddle in this business at first, and said honestly, "Girl, it's important for us to hurry." Daiyu turned her head and looked at Zhao Bing with cold eyes: "The imperial physician is among you, what can I do to save my father without the imperial physician?" Zhao Bing and Zhang Xin Startled, he rode out immediately.

Even though the Seventh Prince and his party are all practicing martial arts, they have been unremitting all year round.But in the end, it is not as good as Zhao Bing and Zhang Xin for seldom fighting with people.Two quarters of an hour later, except for the two lying down, the rest of the men in black retreated back to the forest and disappeared in the blink of an eye, while the Seventh Prince and his party had one person killed and five or six injured.

Fortunately, the imperial doctor was not injured by the side of the Seventh Prince, otherwise it would be difficult to find someone to treat him at this time.Seeing that the man in black had retreated, Zhang Xin and Zhao Bing quickly retreated to Daiyu's side, intending to continue on their way.

Unexpectedly, Daiyu raised her finger and whispered a few words into Qiluo's ear, and Qiluo whispered a few words to Zhao Bing, Zhao Bing looked at Daiyu with unbelievable eyes, saw Daiyu nodded, and then Going forward again, he suddenly stopped beside the man in black who was lying on the ground, quickly grabbed his mandible with one hand, and put the dagger across the man's neck with the other.Seeing this, Zhang Xin followed quickly, and took out a black pill from the mouth of the man in black...

(End of this chapter)

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