Daiyu of the Red Chamber

Chapter 136 is at stake

Chapter 136 is at stake
Thanks to Wenwen 1975 for the support of the monthly ticket~Thanks to xld, long sleep, Hengdu?Gui, waiting for your recommendation and support~O(∩_∩)O Thank you

Seeing Zhao Bing's actions, the Seventh Prince was about to reprimand Zhang Xin, but Zhang Xin took out the pill from the black-clothed mouth. For him.

Since someone wanted to take the lives of the Seventh Prince and his party, the Seventh Prince would naturally have to interrogate the man in black.The Seventh Prince himself squatted in front of the man in black, and seeing that he did not resist, he nodded to Zhao Bing and said, "Loosen his jaw and let him talk." His voice was so cold that it was about to freeze.

Zhao Bing didn't dare to hesitate, but just as he let go of the man in black's jaw, the man suddenly exerted force, and his neck wiped the dagger in Zhao Bing's hand.The blood gushing out from the neck spattered Zhao Bing and the Seventh Prince all over their faces.

Before the Seventh Prince and Zhao Bing could react, Qi Luo and Dai Yu's sharp and terrified cries hurt everyone's eardrums.This also relieved the Seventh Prince's heart, he quickly forced himself to stabilize his mind, got up and left the dead body, and said straight in his heart: bad luck!But the expression on his face became more and more serious.This is no ordinary man in black, these are dead soldiers!

After Zhang Xin handed over the pill to the imperial physician, he and Zhao Bing checked the bodies of the two men in black, but found nothing, and when he was about to report to the Seventh Prince, Qi Luo cried, "Girl! Girl, wake up!"

The two had no choice but to turn their attention to Daiyu again. Daiyu, who had pretended to be strong before, passed out after the dust settled.The imperial doctor checked Daiyu and gave two needles, and Daiyu woke up faintly.After waking up, Daiyu felt stomach and intestines tumbling, and immediately vomited while holding the tree trunk next to her.

While supporting Daiyu nervously, Qi Luo asked the imperial physician, "What's the matter, miss?" Before the imperial physician could answer, Daiyu waved her hand to indicate that she was fine, but at this moment, Daiyu, who had collapsed all over, had to All the strength of the whole body rested on Qi Luo.

Mo Xuan sighed, and stretched out his hand to pass a pot of water, Daiyu took it before she even had time to say thank you, and felt much better after rinsing her mouth.At this time, Daiyu realized that she was holding Mo Xuan's water bottle, she was a little bit at a loss and said in a low voice, "Thank you."

Mo Xuan smiled indifferently and said: "I don't care about that much in the wilderness, hurry up and clean up, let's get out of here." Daiyu didn't know what Mo Xuan had experienced, he looked so calm, even a little indifferent .But at this time, Daiyu didn't have the mind to think about what was there and what was missing, she had to rush to Yangzhou as soon as possible.

What happened tonight made Daiyu feel an unusual atmosphere, but at this moment, no one could talk to her and analyze it.But just looking at tonight, one can imagine what kind of life and death crisis Lin Ruhai has experienced in the past few months or even the past few years.

After tidying up quickly, everyone hurried on the road again, and finally arrived at the city of Yangzhou four days later.At the time of departure, the Seventh Prince and his party consisted of 17 people, but now there are only less than ten people left, nearly half of them lost.And Qiluo was also stabbed in order to protect Daiyu during an assassination, and at this time she also fell into a coma and even had a fever.

Such a group of embarrassed people naturally attracted the attention of passers-by. Fortunately, the badge of the Seventh Prince was still usable here, and officials from Yangzhou soon welcomed them in.When Eunuch Li saw the Seventh Prince coming with Daiyu, he was really shocked, but he didn't care about other things, so he hurriedly took the imperial physician to Lin Ruhai's mansion.

After arranging Qi Luo, Dai Yu didn't even bother to wash and wash, and just stood in front of Lin Ruhai's sick bed in her somewhat torn servant uniform.

After the imperial doctor checked, he looked at the Seventh Prince with a very ugly expression, and then looked at Daiyu who was standing aside, who was looking at him with a begging face, hesitant to speak.

Daiyu naturally saw the look of the imperial physician, and couldn't help clenching her fists.Gently moved to the head of Lin Ruhai's bed, seeing Lin Ruhai's gray complexion glowing with dark blue.Daiyu stretched out her hand several times but retracted it, finally gritted her teeth and helped Lin Ruhai's pulse, which was weak and undetectable.

For a moment, Daiyu felt dizzy, but knew she couldn't faint.Biting the tip of her tongue fiercely to stabilize her mind, Daiyu turned her head to look at the imperial physician again and said, "Please tell me the truth, sir." At this moment, Daiyu had no tears in her eyes, and even her voice was so calm and cold that she couldn't hear any emotions.

Imperial physician Chen frowned and looked at Daiyu, then at the Seventh Prince, seeing the Seventh Prince nodding, Imperial Physician Chen made a gesture of invitation.Daiyu nodded slightly and walked out first.

When she came to the outer room, Daiyu said before Imperial Physician Chen opened her mouth, "I know my father should be a poisoner, but I don't know what it is. Is there a solution?" The order is clear, but she doesn't know that the tip of Daiyu's tongue has been bitten by her, and Daiyu quietly swallows a mouthful of fishy and sweet blood.

Imperial Physician Chen took a deep breath and said, "I haven't found out what kind of poison it is, but this old man can give Master Lin an injection to save his life. If we can find a competent person, we may be able to save him." Imperial Physician Chen said very badly Sure, but Daiyu is not so easy to fool, Daiyu stared at Chen Taiyi and asked: "How long can my father's life be saved?"

Chen Taiyi frowned and thought for a moment, then replied affirmatively: "I will do my best to save Master Lin's life for half a month!" He thought that Daiyu's expression would change, be excited or disappointed, but Daiyu didn't.

Daiyu just nodded lightly and said: "Psychic Chen, please do your best to save my father's life! If I can wait until my master arrives, all the medical classics that my Lin family has collected for a century will be available for adults to read." You must know that in this era, books, Especially ancient books!How precious is that, where can ordinary people see it?What's more, the Lin family has hidden it for a hundred years!Not to say that the temptation is not great.

After Daiyu finished speaking, she did not wait for Imperial Physician Chen to respond, and immediately called for the butler Lin Zhong.Lin Zhong looked at his girl's thin and pale face, especially the young servant's uniform that was damaged and had no time to change, it really hurt his heart, but he couldn't say a word at this time.

At this time, Daiyu was not in the mood to bid farewell to Lin Zhong and the others, as before she spoke coldly to Imperial Physician Chen, and said: "I will give you a letter of divorce right away, no matter what, you must let someone give you a letter within five days." Inside! Send it to my master in the capital." After speaking, Daiyu didn't wait for Lin Zhong to respond, so she took out a piece of paper and scribbled: "I beg master to save my father from danger!"

Lin Zhong took the paper and turned to leave with tears in his eyes, but Daiyu stopped him again.Daiyu got up and came to Lin Ruhai's inner room again, stood in front of the Seventh Prince, knelt down slowly and said: "Please lend me the BMW!" After speaking, she kowtowed fiercely.She knew in her heart that such a request was too much, and she even had nothing to repay.

The Seventh Prince took a deep breath, and with a wave of his hand, some guards retreated.Seeing this, Daiyu was about to kowtow, but she couldn't hold on and passed out.

The last time I delivered an obituary for Jia Min, Zhang Xin rode an ordinary horse. Although it was better than most horses on the market, it was still not as good as the Seventh Prince’s BMW horse. It was inconvenient to travel far away immediately, Song Shi thought about it and decided to go to the capital to deliver the letter in person, but Zhang Zheng stopped him instead.

After some scrambling, Zhang Zheng rode on the bloody BMW of the Seventh Prince and headed for the capital.The sweat-blooded BMW really lived up to its reputation. Dai Yu said that she would arrive in the capital within five days, but Zhang Zheng, relying on his martial arts skills, and the Seventh Prince's BMW rushed there within three days.

When Huang Jiyun received Daiyu's distress letter, he was inexplicably surprised at first, but when he heard Zhang Zheng said that Lin Ruhai was poisoned, the Seven Princes and his party were attacked and killed and injured many times before arriving in Yangzhou, he was shocked.Huang Jiyun asked Zhang Zheng to rest first, and went to the Fourth Prince's mansion by himself, and after notifying Zhang Zheng of the news, the Fourth Prince also said with a dark face: "I'm afraid that person has gone crazy!"

Afterwards, the fourth prince personally prepared many rare medicinal materials outside the palace, and arranged for two guards and Huang Jiyun.After Huang Jiyun got the medicinal materials, he also set off to the south immediately.It was already [-] days later when we rushed to Yangzhou in such a hurry.

When Huang Jiyun saw Lin Ruhai, Lin Ruhai almost lost his breath and pulse. It was thanks to Imperial Physician Chen that he gave up everything and tried his best to protect Lin Ruhai's heart. Otherwise, Lin Ruhai would have died a few days ago. Go west.

Huang Jiyun administered acupuncture to Lin Ruhai to strengthen the protection of the heart, and at the same time ordered people to get out of the bathtub and boil the medicinal soup. After Huang Jiyun retracted the needle, he immediately sent Lin Ruhai into the bathtub, only the head was exposed, and the rest was sealed with a lid. , keep heating with a slow fire.

Three quarters of an hour later, Lin Ruhai was lifted out again, and the needle was given again. After doing this three or five times, Huang Jiyun slapped Lin Ruhai's back violently, and Lin Ruhai vomited out a mouthful of black blood with a stench.Only in this way could Huang Jiyun breathe a sigh of relief.

Seeing the detoxification in this way, Imperial Physician Chen praised repeatedly: "It really is so unique and eye-opening for this old man!" But Huang Jiyun didn't care about him, seeing Daiyu standing by, Huang Jiyun asked Daiyu to beat him up, After all, Baishu and Dendrobium did not follow this time.

Unexpectedly, Imperial Physician Chen followed Daiyu and fought against Huang Jiyun without hesitation.Moreover, Imperial Physician Chen has superb medical skills, and the various treatment methods are beyond Daiyu's reach.Gradually, Huang Jiyun cooperated tacitly with Chen Taiyi, and Daiyu was once again reduced to a corner guard.

Aunt Liu was grateful to Daiyu for what happened back then. Seeing Daiyu taking care of Lin Ruhai day and night, she took the initiative to take care of the food for the whole family, especially Daiyu and Qiluo. I don't like it, but after all, now that Qiluo was injured to save Daiyu, it's not good to neglect her.

Maybe this is the same boat, Lin Ruhai woke up three days before the twelfth lunar month under Huang Jiyun's detoxification injection for eight consecutive days.Looking at Lin Ruhai who opened her eyes, Daiyu, who had been extremely strong for more than 20 days, finally burst into tears.

At this time, Lin Ruhai was still very weak, unable to even raise his hands, unable to open his mouth, just silently looked at Daiyu who was crying, until she fainted from crying and was sent away.Only two lines of clear tears silently left the corners of Lin Ruhai's eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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