Daiyu of the Red Chamber

Chapter 137 Jokes and Great Changes

Chapter 137 Jokes and Great Changes

As soon as Huang Jiyun arrived in Yangzhou City, the Seventh Prince launched a comprehensive investigation, but the results of the investigation were not satisfactory.A lot of evidence has been destroyed, and every time someone gets a piece of news and sends someone to arrest them, they often only get corpses or go empty-handed.But all signs still point to the prince and to the Zhen family.

Of course, no matter whether these investigations or arrests, the Seventh Prince does not need to do it himself, he is just a man in command.Since the people below collected them and sent them to him, even Mo Xuan just followed him to see how he could control the overall situation.

All the way from the capital city to Yangzhou, the Seventh Prince never expected to be so thrilling. Now that he found out the clues, he felt relieved.Especially the pills snatched from the mouth in black, after Huang Jiyun saw it, he immediately sealed it up and prepared to send it back to the capital.

The Seventh Prince took Mo Xuan to wander to Lin Ruhai's room, and saw that although Lin Ruhai's face was still pale and sallow, and he was struggling to speak, he could still speak a few words occasionally after he was sober.

Daiyu was bending over and carefully cleaning Lin Ruhai's hands and face. Because she was behind her back, the Seventh Prince and Mo Xuan didn't see the expression on Daiyu's face, but the love, pampering, reluctance, guilt, etc. in Lin Ruhai's eyes Waiting for the complicated emotions made the Seventh Prince look straight, and made Mo Xuan's mood suddenly depressed. He had never received such a father's love.

Daiyu saw the Seventh Prince coming in, arranged Lin Ruhai's bun, then bowed and retreated.Mo Xuan saw that Lin Ruhai's gaze was always moving around Daiyu, and when he looked at Daiyu again, his eyes were full of envy.

Looking at Daiyu's thin back, the Seventh Prince couldn't help sighing: "Master Lin has raised a good girl!" At this moment, Lin Ruhai withdrew his gaze from Daiyu, and said quietly: "It's hard for her, I don't know How long can I last in this body, I have to make arrangements for her before I can close my eyes."

This is just a father's monologue, but it moved Mo Xuan and the seventh prince.Lin Ruhai's eyes turned red when he thought of Daiyu's hard work these days, and her increasingly thin body.As a father, he sees it in his eyes and hurts in his heart. The world is unpredictable, who would have thought that this would happen?

Lin Ruhai was able to wake up because she was worried about her only daughter, Daiyu, who was fighting for her life!

Seeing that the atmosphere was really depressing, the Seventh Prince joked: "Master Lin, why are you so worried? If you are worried about her future, how about I protect you as a matchmaker?" Who would have thought that Lin Ruhai's eyes lit up and said: "I don't know the Seventh Prince By whom?"

Seeing this, the Seventh Prince immediately became playful, raised his hand and pointed to Mo Xuan who was standing behind him and said, "What do you think of him? He is also a childhood sweetheart with your daughter."

When Mo Xuan heard this, his face blushed immediately, and he hurriedly said, "I, I'll go and see if Mrs. Lin's medicine is ready." After speaking, he turned and ran out.

Seeing this, the Seventh Prince laughed even more, but he didn't know that Mo Xuan's heart was beating like a drum, beating non-stop, not to mention his cheeks, even his ears felt like fire was burning.

Seeing this, Lin Ruhai said thoughtfully: "Brother Xuan is a good boy, I'm afraid my Yu'er will not be able to climb high. Now I am in such a situation." After talking about it, he was inevitably a little discouraged.

The Seventh Prince was joking and didn't take it seriously. Hearing what Lin Ruhai said, he casually continued, "What are you afraid of if you have me as your guarantee?"

Hearing what the Seventh Prince said, Lin Ruhai also said on the snake stick: "Then I will ask the Seventh Prince." The Seventh Prince smiled without paying attention.The two talked about something else.

Seven or eight days later, all the evidence was collected, and Lin Ruhai's condition was basically stable, so the Seventh Prince was ready to get up and return to Beijing.

The Seventh Prince was about to return to Beijing, and Huang Jiyun was about to return to Beijing. After all, the Fourth Prince still had a lot of business to deal with, so he also came to bid farewell to Lin Ruhai, and was doing the final inspection by the way.

After some inspections, Lin Ruhai asked Huang Jiyun: "Ji Yun tell me the truth, how much time do I have left?" Seeing Huang Jiyun wanted to comfort him, Lin Ruhai hurriedly said: "I know better and make arrangements early, don't I?"

Seeing this, Huang Jiyun was also very sad. After all, he has been friends for many years, but at this moment he was silent for a long time before saying in a hoarse voice: "It doesn't matter if you take care of yourself or you will have three or five years, if not three... Take care of yourself It’s important, don’t think about anything else.”

After thinking about it, Huang Jiyun sighed and said, "If I could have chased Yu'er out when she came south from the capital, I would have been able to detoxify you many days in advance, and the toxin accumulation in the organs would not be impossible to expel. Now let's take a closer look. I'm adjusting, I'll go back and do some research to see if there is any good way."

Lin Ruhai nodded knowingly, but instead of asking about this matter, he said instead: "In that case, I ask you to do something." Then Lin Ruhai took out a key from his neck and handed it to Huang Jiyun, saying: "There are four keys in here." I don't trust others with what the prince wants, so I will give it to you now."

Speaking of this, Lin Ruhai was already very tired, so he breathed a sigh of relief before continuing: "Just one thing, please ask the Fourth Prince." Huang Jiyun's heart tightened and he said quickly: "What did you ask the Fourth Prince, just take care of yourself and go back Jingqiu go, what do you want me to do?"

Lin Ruhai smiled and said: "I'm just in case, I beg you." Huang Jiyun sighed deeply and said, "Let me listen to you." I told Huang Jiyun what I said before, and finally said: "If the fourth prince can make the decision, I will rest in peace."

Huang Jiyun said with red eyes: "Don't worry about this matter, I will take care of it for you." After speaking, Huang Jiyun paused and said: "But don't forget, in the end, you are Yu'er's greatest support! Seeing Lin Ruhai nodding, Huang Jiyun heaved a sigh of relief and said, "Since you understand, take good care of it. Maybe it's possible if I find another way."

After speaking, seeing Lin Ruhai couldn't hold on any longer and was drowsy, Huang Jiyun gently laid him flat on the couch before going to see Daiyu again.Huang Jiyun was very worried and explained Lin Ruhai's possible symptoms and possible prescriptions one by one with Daiyu in detail, and even told Daiyu in detail about his daily diet and care, so he got up and went north .

The group did not choose the land route to go north this time. After all, the Seventh Prince had lingering fears about what they encountered when they came, so they chose to go north by boat. Although it was slower, it was much safer.Along the way, the group spent a simple New Year's Eve on the boat, and did not arrive in the capital until the Lantern Festival on the 15th day of the first lunar month.

During the New Year's Eve, Mother Jia sent someone to Lin's Mansion to bring Daiyu back, only to find out that Daiyu had returned to Yangzhou, and she fell ill for a long time. Just now, the return of Huang Jiyun and others caused waves again.

Baoyu learned from someone in the front yard that the Seventh Prince and his party had come to Beijing, so he hurried to report to Mrs. Jia.The old lady Jia immediately sent someone to the Imperial College, ordering Jia Lian to visit Huang Jiyun with a New Year's gift, and to inquire about Lin Ruhai's father and daughter by the way.Fortunately, Jia Lian did not object to visiting Huang Jiyun, so he took orders to leave.

After learning that Lin Ruhai had passed away before the gate of hell, Jia Lian also had lingering fears, and told Jia's mother that she would go south to visit after the first lunar month, and Jia's mother even ordered Jia Lian to pick up their father and daughter along the way.Jia Lian didn't know Lin Ruhai's current situation, but seeing that Huang Jiyun was still returning to Beijing, he thought there would be no serious problem, so he agreed with all his heart.

After the Seventh Prince returned to Beijing, naturally the first priority was to enter the palace to meet the Holy One, and the Holy One turned pale when he saw a little bit of evidence, and after reading all the evidence, he even yelled at the traitor!I thought the Holy Majesty was only angered for a while, but I didn't expect that within a moment after the Seventh Prince left, the Holy Majesty summoned many people continuously, and then he vomited blood and passed out.

The Seventh Prince naturally didn't know how turbulent the Holy Majesty felt when he saw the symptoms of Lin Ruhai's poisoning.These years, the Holy Majesty's health has been bad, and even worse, no matter how much he mends, he still doesn't get better, or the improvement will recur after a day or two. At this time, Lin Ruhai's symptoms are so similar to his own.

The Holy Majesty immediately sent Chen Taiyi and Huang Jiyun to check his pulse carefully, but the result was not that Longyan was furious, but frightened!I never thought that the reason why my body is getting worse is actually here!For a while, Qi and blood flowed backwards, and he vomited blood and passed out.

Lin Ruhai is no longer qualified to be the Xunyan Yushi. Fortunately, the new Xunyan Yushi has not been decided yet, so naturally no one came to urge the house.After the new year, Daiyu saw that Lin Ruhai's condition had stabilized, so she discussed with Lin Zhong and others that after the first lunar month, she sent Lin Ruhai back to her ancestral home in Gusu by water.

On the first day of February, Daiyu led the whole family, moved out of the mansion of Xunyan Yushi, and boarded a boat heading south to Gusu.A group of people brought their belongings, except for Lin Ruhai and Aunt Daiyu and Liu's boat, there were still the belongings of the three major boat owners.

Coincidentally, it was Daiyu's eleventh birthday on February [-]th when she returned to her ancestral house in Gusu, but at this time Daiyu was not in the mood to celebrate her birthday.Looking at the house that has been away for less than half a year, Daiyu feels more cordial than Lin Ruhai.It seems like a long, long time away.

While tidying up the house, Daiyu sent someone to write to the Lin family in the capital.After that, Daiyu and Lin Ruhai lived an isolated life.With the door closed, Daiyu was only busy decocting medicine and making soup for Lin Ruhai to recuperate her body every day.And Lin Ruhai would either sleep, and when he woke up, either Daiyu would accompany him to study and play chess, or Aunt Liu would accompany him to recall the past.

As the saying goes, heaven pays off, after all, Lin Ruhai's body has improved a lot under Daiyu's care, and now Daiyu can push Lin Ruhai out of the yard to get some air every day when the sun is good.Aunt Liu followed Lin Ruhai step by step and waited on her.Although Lin Ruhai has regrets about this kind of life, she is also very satisfied.

Both father and daughter were immersed in this peaceful and peaceful day, so naturally they would not pay attention to the wind, frost, snow and rain in the capital.Even if the prince was imprisoned for some reason in the first month, Lin Ruhai and his daughter did not know about it.Therefore, he never knew that Jia Lian had bid farewell to everyone in the Jia family and went south to Yangzhou when Daiyu set off to return to Gusu. It was not only at the request of Jia's mother, but also because he needed to confirm that Lin Ruhai and Daiyu were really safe and sound!
(End of this chapter)

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