Daiyu of the Red Chamber

Chapter 138 Qin Keqing died and Wang Xifeng became pregnant

Chapter 138 Qin Keqing died and Wang Xifeng became pregnant

We would like to thank fullmoon, Xiaozhuzi, and Fengtian Wujian Zhizhen for their monthly support!Thank you tatacoo for the reward ~ thank you!Thank you all for your long-term support and love~ I also thank those who silently watched Gujing's Daiyu grow up. If you can leave a few words of yours, Gujing will be grateful!Tomorrow will start to add more, at 2:3 noon, Chapter [-] at [-]:[-] pm, and Chapter [-] before [-]:[-] pm!Three days in a row~~~Gujing will work hard!

Not long after Jia Lian left for the south, news came out from the court: the deposed prince was named Prince Yizhong and ordered to move to Huangzhuang in the western suburbs, and he was not allowed to go out for life.His Majesty's old illness relapsed, and he ordered the Fourth Prince to act as an agent of state affairs.

Not long afterward, Qin Keqing, the daughter-in-law of Brother Rong in Ningguo Mansion, was seriously ill. When Wang Xifeng visited her, Qin felt something in her heart and said, "Auntie, I have a good relationship with you. I'm afraid I won't be able to survive today. I want to tell you that you were originally a hero in the fandom team, even those men wearing crowns are not as good as you, you have to remember it, or it may be inevitable."

Wang Xifeng was startled when he heard that, and asked quickly: "If you have anything to say, you can just say it, why do you need to say such bad things?" Qin Keqing said with a sad smile: "As the saying goes, 'When the moon is full, it will lose, and when the water is full, it will overflow', and it is said It's 'climbing high and falling heavy'. Now our family is proud and proud, and it has been a hundred years. I wonder if my aunt has any consideration?"

Wang Xifeng listened to the words, which were very similar to what Jia Lian said in the past, and then said: "I understand the saying of 'the tree falls and the monkeys scatter', but after all, it's not my turn to make decisions in this mansion, right?" Qin Keqing didn't explain it to him. , Only said: "If you live in extreme joy and sorrow in a day, if you respond to the saying of 'the tree falls and the monkey scatter', wouldn't you be called an old family of poetry and books for a lifetime!"

Wang Xifeng sneered in his heart and said: Now I just watch my master study and improve, who else is a student?On the face, Wang Xifeng did not show it, and said: "Isn't that what you said?"

Wang Xifeng saw Qin Keqing's face was pale and sweating, so he hurriedly said: "Take a break, what can't be said right now? When you are well, just tell me slowly, how can I not listen? "

Unexpectedly, Qin Keqing shook his head and said: "Although the ancestral tombs offer sacrifices in four seasons, there is no fixed amount of money and food. Although the family school is established, there is no fixed supply. According to my thinking, there is no shortage of sacrifice supplies in the prosperous times, but in the future it will decline. At that time, where did these two items come from?"

Seeing her insistence, Wang Xifeng also sighed and said: "If I am the master of the family, I will definitely take advantage of today's riches and honor to build more farm houses near the ancestral tombs to prepare for the sacrifices and set up the family school here. It will be ruined. After coming down, the children and grandchildren go home to study and work in agriculture, and there is also a setback, and the sacrifices can continue forever. But after all, it’s not that I am not in charge of the family?”

Seeing what Wang Xifeng said, Qin Keqing had nothing to say for a while.Seeing that she was in poor spirits again, Wang Xifeng bid farewell and left.

In the evening, because Jia Lian went to Yangzhou, Wang Xifeng was really bored. She talked and laughed with Ping'er for a while and then fell asleep indiscriminately.As soon as he was in a daze, he heard the cloud board knocking four times on the two uploaded stories, Wang Xifeng hurriedly asked what was the matter.The man replied: "Grandma Rong of Dongfu is gone." Wang Xifeng felt his heart skip a beat, thinking of what he said during the day, he couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

Wang Xifeng regained consciousness for a moment, then hurriedly got up, put on clothes with Ping'er, and went to Mrs. Xing's place.Seeing that Mrs. Xing's yard was already brightly lit, Yingchun also brought Siqi embroidered oranges to Mrs. Xing's room, so she opened the curtain and went in by herself.

Mrs. Xing saw that Wang Xifeng had also arrived, and everyone packed up, so she went out together to Ningguo Mansion.When I got to Ningguo Mansion, I saw that the gate of the mansion was open, and the lanterns on both sides were shining like daytime, people came and went chaotically, and the cries inside shook the mountains and mountains.

After Mrs. Xing took everyone to the mourning hall and cried bitterly, Fang went to the back house to meet You Shi. All the men and women in Jia's mansion came, and Jia Zhen was crying like tears, and said, "It can be seen that there is absolutely nothing in the long room." There is no one left." He said again: "How to cook, but do what I have!"

Hearing Mrs. Xing shaking her head again and again, Wang Xifeng was also inexplicably surprised at the side, how can a father-in-law cry for his wife like this?Not wanting to pass Qin Ye for a while, Qin Zhong and several family members of You Shi, You Shi and sisters also came.On the one hand, Jia Zhen ordered people to accompany the guests, and on the other hand, she ordered to invite the Yin and Yang Division of Qin Tianjian to choose a date.

The people from the Qin Tianjian decided to stop the coffin for 49 days on July 49, and three days later the funeral will be held and the obituary will be sent.During these 99 days, only one hundred and eight monks were invited to chant the Great Compassion Mantra in the hall.Another altar is set up on the Tianxiang Building, where 49 Quanzhen Taoist priests will perform sacrifices on the [-]th to relieve their grievances and cleanse their karma.After stopping the coffin in Huifang Garden, another fifty eminent monks and fifty eminent Taoists were invited to perform rituals according to the seven altars.

Mrs. Xing is an elder after all, so she came to look around and then went back.Wang Xifeng and Qin Keqing had a good relationship with each other, so they left, and stayed in the back house of Ningfu with Yingchun.He didn't want to, but he heard that Xue Pan came to hang him, and even sent out the coffin boards that Yizhong had ordered before he was a thousand years old.

So the coffin board can be used by ordinary people?Wang Xifeng was flustered, so she didn't care about You Shi's persuasion, and hurriedly led Yingchun's home.Later, I heard that Jia Zhen specially donated an official position as a dragon ban captain to Jia Rong for the sake of looking good when writing on the Lingfan sutra list.It was also heard that the head of the Daming Palace, the Minister of the Palace, also came to worship, and Wang Xifeng, who had read many mansion newspapers, was too frightened to go easily.

Who would have thought that Baoyu was afraid that Wang Xifeng would have nothing to do, so he recommended Wang Xifeng to Jia Zhen to help take care of the back house.

This day Wang Xifeng went to Ning Mansion with Mrs. Xing and Mrs. Wang, and was talking with the family members of the family when Jia Zhen came over.All the wives and mothers shouted, and they couldn't hide behind, so Wang Xifeng also hurriedly hid.

The two wives of King Xing were elders and did not retreat. Madam Xing asked out of dislike, "You are not well, and you have many things in the past few days. It is time to take a rest. What are you doing here again?" Jia Zhen quickly apologized. Said: "My nephew came in and asked the two aunts and the eldest sister."

Mrs. Xing was puzzled when she heard this, and asked what was the matter. Then Jia Zhen cried and said: "Now that the grandson and daughter-in-law are gone, and the nephew and daughter-in-law have fallen ill again, I think it's really not proper inside. How can you condescend to your elder sister for a month? Here Cooking, cooking, I'm relieved."

Upon hearing this, before Mrs. Xing could answer Mrs. Wang, she said, "Lian'er went south, and she has nothing to do with sex. Since she was a child, she has made the decision to kill and kill. Now that she is out of the court, she should experience it." After the experience, let her come over to help her brother and sister-in-law."

Seeing that Mrs. Xing wanted to say something, Jia Zhen rolled her tears and said, "Auntie doesn't care about nephews, nephews and daughter-in-laws, but about death! I've been thinking about it for a few days, except for my eldest sister. There's no one left."

Seeing that what Jia Zhen said was true, Mrs. Xing couldn't say anything more for a while, so she called Wang Xifeng out and asked, "Can you do it?" Without waiting for Wang Xifeng to answer, Mrs. Wang said, "What's wrong? What's going on outside Er Zhener has already taken care of it, but she is just taking care of it inside, if you don't understand anything, just ask me." Then she made a decision for Wang Xifeng.

Seeing this, Jia Zhen hurriedly took out the Ningguo Mansion pair card from her sleeve and handed it to Wang Xifeng, and said, "Your sister can do whatever she likes. Just take this and don't ask me if you want anything. Just don't try to save money for me. , as long as it looks good."

Wang Xifeng didn't dare to continue to match the cards, and hurriedly looked at Madam Xing, Madam Xing was also frowning at this time, not knowing what to do.Unexpectedly, Baoyu ran over, took the pair of cards and stuffed them into Wang Xifeng's hand.

Jia Zhen saw that Wang Xifeng took the pair and asked again: "Does the elder sister live here or come every day? If she comes every day, it will be even harder. Why don't I hurry up and tidy up a courtyard here, and my sister will live in peace." Ting Mang forced a smile and said: "No, no! The brother at home can't leave me, but it's good to come every day."

After the women's family left for a while, Wang Xifeng took Ping'er to sit in the three rooms and one hut, while holding a teacup and unconsciously flicking the tea foam, while thinking about the five customs of Ningguo Mansion.

The first one is mixed population and things are lost; the second one is lack of commitment to things, and appointments are dismissed at the end of the day; the third one is excessive use of fees and false claims; the fourth one is no big or small appointment, uneven joy and sorrow , the fifth piece, the family is arrogant, those with face refuse to obey the rules, and those without face cannot make progress.

Thinking of this, Wang Xifeng then ordered people to invite the head of the Ning Mansion to come to the family to check the family roster, and he was busy until the second watch before returning.I don't want to just go back to the house, I feel pain in my lower abdomen, my complexion is golden, and my lower body is red, and Ping'er is so frightened that he doesn't know what to do, so he hurriedly reported to Mrs. Xing, and invited the doctor to take a pulse.

After helping the pulse through the gauze curtain, the doctor smiled and congratulated: "Grandma is overjoyed, she has been pregnant for more than two months, and now she is just tired, and her fetus is moving. The old man prescribed an anti-birth prescription and caught it Three doses a day, eat three frames and see."

Mrs. Xing and Wang Xifeng were overjoyed when they heard it, and hurriedly asked Wang Baoshan's family to give a reward, and then went to grab the medicine.Wang Xifeng ordered Ping'er to return Jia Zhen with the pair of cards from Ningguo Mansion.It was an errand.After all, Wang Xifeng didn't want to accept this matter from the bottom of his heart, just looking at Qin Keqing's coffin, Wang Xifeng felt his heart tremble.

Here, Wang Xifeng was found to be pregnant, and when she was bedridden to raise her baby, Jia Lian had already arrived in Yangzhou.But seeing that the official residence had already been changed, he rushed to Gusu again.

It was almost April when Jia Lian arrived in Gusu, and there was a drizzle outside, moistening the earth and bringing vitality.

Wearing a veiled cap, Daiyu pushed the wheelchair custom-made by a carpenter. The wheelchair was covered with thick cotton pads and a whole piece of fox fur. For the small quilt, Aunt Zhao followed Daiyu with an oil umbrella, followed by the two brothers Lin An and Lin Ping.

A group of people accompanied Lin Ruhai on the countryside fields, whether it was a relaxation or a spring outing, it was enjoyable.We stopped and went all the way, and when we turned back, the rain had stopped.

Seeing Jia Lian surprised both Lin Ruhai and Daiyu, and Aunt Zhao retreated consciously, leaving room for Jia Lian and Lin Ruhai's father and daughter.Lin Zhong personally brought refreshments and Lin Ruhai's decoction, and he also retreated, and asked Lin An and Lin Ping to guard the door.

Looking at Lin Ruhai's thin and withered body nestled in the wheelchair, Jia Lian only felt a throbbing pain in his heart.At this moment, she could no longer hold back two lines of tears rolling down her face, and prostrated herself on Lin Ruhai's knee, calling out loudly: "Uncle" "Uncle"...

Lin Ruhai also had red eyes, patted Jia Lian on the shoulder and reprimanded him in a low voice: "He's a father now, what does he look like? Don't make people laugh!" Daiyu interrupted with tears in her eyes at this time: "Brother misses father , I feel sorry for my father, how can I be laughed at? Is it possible to think about those heartless people so that they will not be laughed at?"

Seeing this, Lin Ruhai couldn't say anything. Jia Lian felt a little less sad after listening to Daiyu's conversation with Lin Ruhai. She stopped her tears and asked about Lin Ruhai's injury. Lin Ruhai frowned and said briefly. After saying this, Daiyu hastily interrupted and asked about Wang Xifeng and the situation of Jia's mansion after she left.

I don't want Jia Lian to talk about it, and then tell Lin Ruhai about the recent events in Beijing in detail.Daiyu frowned when she heard what happened in Beijing, but Jia Lian didn't see it.But even if Jia Lian saw it, Lin Ruhai would probably ask her...

After listening to Jia Lian's narration, especially when the crown prince was abolished and imprisoned in Huangzhuang in the western suburbs, Lin Ruhai was already serious. He immediately said: "Yu'er, go clean up, let's go to Beijing immediately!"

(End of this chapter)

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