Daiyu of the Red Chamber

Chapter 139 Return to Kyoto

Chapter 139 Return to Kyoto
Very special!Thanks to Sister Dong for her support and love all the time O(∩_∩)O~ Nice to meet you!And Sister Rong is the same, without you, Gujing might not be able to persist until now!thank you all!And...thank you for all kinds of tickets~O(∩_∩)O~

"Yu'er, go clean up, let's go to Beijing immediately!" As soon as Lin Ruhai finished speaking, Daiyu became angry!

Daiyu turned to Lin Ruhai, pushed Jia Lian unceremoniously, and gave him a stare.Then he turned his head to look at Lin Ruhai, frowned, stared, pouted and said loudly: "Why are you going to the capital?! Father, don't forget, you just saved your life!" As he spoke, he blushed eye sockets.

If Daiyu was like this in the past, Lin Ruhai would probably have compromised, but this time Lin Ruhai said a little angrily: "What do you know? Hurry up and prepare!" Daiyu saw that Lin Ruhai was very persistent, so she shed tears and said: "Father Can't we just stay here? Be with Yu'er, and Yu'er will be with you too! Why do we have to go into that muddy water?"

Looking at Daiyu like this, Lin Ruhai felt short of breath for a moment, not knowing how to explain it to her, so he frowned and looked at Daiyu helplessly.And Daiyu also looked at Lin Ruhai without giving in.

Just when Jia Lian was thinking about how to persuade him, Lin Ruhai sighed, looked at Daiyu firmly and seriously, and said, "It's a matter of being loyal to the emperor." Seeing Lin Ruhai's expression, Daiyu knew that she couldn't stop Lin Ruhai. .Then he wiped away his tears and nodded, "Since father insists on doing this, Yu'er should stay with father."

After saying that, Daiyu turned around and ran out, Jia Lian looked at Lin Ruhai and then at Daiyu who ran out, not knowing what to do.

Lin Ruhai turned around with difficulty, looked at the back of Daiyu who had disappeared outside the door, and sighed softly: "Being a father is all for you!" How could Lin Ruhai not know what Daiyu was thinking?At this time, it is best for Lin Ruhai to retreat bravely, but he doesn't know how long he can hold on. Daiyu has no mother, so he can't let Daiyu have nothing to rely on after losing her father!

In Jia's mansion, Lin Ruhai could see clearly now, how could it be Daiyu's support?He can only spend the remaining half of his life to let the royal family remember his contribution. If he can treat his daughter kindly in the future, his wish is fulfilled!
I don't know how sad Daiyu would be if she knew Lin Ruhai's thoughts. At this moment, even Jia Lian gritted his teeth and looked at the beam, he didn't even dare to cry or make a sound!His heart aches for Lin Ruhai and Daiyu, and he is even more moved and envious of this fatherly love!He thought he would treat Brother Chun like this in the future...

For a while, neither Jia Lian nor Lin Ruhai spoke, but Jia Lian had already fully understood Lin Ruhai's intentions. At this moment, he knew that he didn't need to say anything more. He just told himself silently in his heart that he would definitely take good care of Daiyu in the future. It was not in vain for Lin Ruhai to educate him.

Not long after, Daiyu came back again, with no other expression on her face, she stood quietly behind Lin Ruhai, and wanted to push Lin Ruhai out. Seeing this, Jia Lian hurriedly replaced Daiyu and pushed Lin Ruhai out .Seeing this, Daiyu didn't refuse, but just smiled sweetly at him.At that moment, Jia Lian felt as if he had returned to a few years ago.

Sending Lin Ruhai back to the bedroom, Aunt Zhao brought a pot of medicinal soup and put it at Lin Ruhai's feet. Daiyu rolled up her sleeves herself, tested the temperature, and then returned Lin Ruhai's shoes and socks. Feet into the concoction.Seeing this, Jia Lian hurriedly squatted beside Daiyu, and also rolled up her sleeves, wanting to burn Lin Ruhai's feet.

Seeing this, Aunt Zhao wanted to say that Daiyu would not let others replace her, but she saw Daiyu and Jia Lian smile at each other, then looked at Lin Ruhai, then lowered her head and joined Jia Lian to burn Lin Ruhai's feet.Lin Ruhai took a deep breath and said, "He has both children, that's all! What regrets do I, Lin Hai, have in this life?" After speaking, he actually laughed.

After tidying up for Lin Ruhai, Daiyu said softly: "I'm afraid I won't leave for a short time when I go to the capital, so let's take all the things in the mansion with me." After speaking, she looked at Aunt Zhao. People became much more peaceful, but at this time Daiyu was a little nervous when she heard that Lin Ruhai was going to the capital, Daiyu smiled and said, "Aunt Zhao should go too."

Seeing that Lin Ruhai nodded, Daiyu said again: "In this way, father needs to recuperate and recuperate, and Yu'er will pack up as soon as possible. Besides, my brother has just arrived, and he is already tired after traveling all the way, so he needs to rest for two days. Yu'er Seeing that the third day of April is a good day, what does Dad think?"

Hearing what Daiyu said, how could Lin Ruhai say anything else?I had to smile and said: "My Yu'er has grown up, and everything is well arranged, so let's do as Yu'er said." After speaking, he looked at Aunt Liu and said, "Since Yu'er wants to take you to Beijing, you Go and tidy up too, I don’t know which year I’ll be back.” After saying that, his face was tired.

After Jia Lian carried Lin Ruhai to the couch, Daiyu washed Lin Ruhai's hands, wiped his face, and fed him soup before helping Lin Ruhai to lie down.Daiyu turned around and broke up the medicine packets in the incense burner to use as incense, opened the window and lowered the curtains, but did not hang up the curtains, so she retreated with Jia Lian, leaving Aunt Liu waiting in the house.

In the next few days, Daiyu became busy, because she took away most of the things when she went north, this time it was mainly the things that Lin Ruhai used in Yangzhou. It is very busy to repack again.

But despite this, Daiyu still insisted on pushing Lin Ruhai out every day, even after Jia Lian came, Daiyu would invite Jia Lian to carry Lin Ruhai into the hot spring, soak in a stick of incense, and after soaking in the hot spring, Then give Lin Ruhai a medicated bath, and after a few days like this, Lin Ruhai's spirit has improved a lot.

On the third day of April, Daiyu and her party set out in five large boats and three small boats to go northward. Because Lin Ruhai was not in good health, every time she reached the shore, Daiyu would pull Lin Ruhai off the boat, soak up the atmosphere of the earth, and do some activities on the shore. After a while, after the Dragon Boat Festival, Lin Ruhai and his party were still on board.

On the contrary, Zhang Xin and Zhao Bing, who traveled by land, had arrived in the capital early. When Lin Yi heard that Lin Ruhai was also coming to Beijing this time, he was not to mention how happy he was. After more than ten days, they still couldn't wait for Lin Ruhai and his party's boats, so they couldn't help worrying that something happened.

Fortunately, more than ten days later, on May 27, Daiyu and his party finally landed in Tongzhou, and Lin Yi was relieved.

Back at the Lin Mansion, looking at the old house that he hadn't been back in for more than ten years, Lin Ruhai sighed for a while. He grew up here, married Jia Min here, and sent Jia Min together with him from here. After the father, then the mother.Now that he came back here again, Jia Min was no longer by his side.

Looking at the familiar houses amidst the strangeness, looking at the pavilions where he played when he was young, and even vaguely seeing the excitement when he married Jia Min, Lin Ruhai had to have a deeper understanding of right and wrong.

Pushing Lin Ruhai back to the main room, Daiyu asked someone to prepare a small bowl of medicinal food. After feeding Lin Ruhai with her own hands, Jia Lian helped Lin Ruhai soak in the medicinal bath and came out of the tub. Lin Ruhai was already fainted. Wanting to sleep, seeing this, Jia Lian said goodbye and left.

While Daiyu put away her belongings, she asked people to go to Huang's and Jia's mansions, and Wujun Wang's mansion to hand over the post, and even prepared several large carts of Gusu soil rituals to go to Jia's mansion, Huang's mansion, Wujun's mansion, and Send it to Seventh Prince's Mansion and Fourth Prince's Mansion.

One was to inform Lin Ruhai of her return, and the other was to thank the Fourth and Seventh Princes for their care.Looking at the large cart of earthen instruments, the fourth prince knew that it must have been prepared by the girl of the Lin family. There were no expensive items, but all of them were practical, especially the box of incense sticks specially made by Guiyuan Temple, which was very suitable for the fourth prince. mind.

When Huang Jiyun hurried over, Lin Ruhai hadn't woken up yet.Accompanied by Daiyu, Huang Jiyun helped Lin Ruhai's pulse.Daiyu kept staring at Huang Jiyun's expression closely, seeing Huang Jiyun's frowning relaxed a lot after helping his veins, Daiyu's heart dropped back in her throat.

Jia Lian returned to Jia's mansion, and went to Mrs. Jia's room before washing up.The old lady Jia looked at Jia Lian who came back alone, she was a little angry and disappointed, but she didn't know what to say before Jia Lian explained, a family member came to report: Lin Fu's salute has been delivered.

Old lady Jia looked at the list of gifts in her hand, although it was not worth anything, they were all unique to the south, especially when Jia Lian was still explaining how Daiyu chose one by one for old lady Jia, which made old lady Jia feel satisfy.The old lady Jia asked about Lin Ruhai's body again, and Jia Lian's face showed a sad look.

Jia Lian briefly explained Lin Ruhai's injury and poisoning to Mrs. Jia. If Mrs. Jia wanted to ask more questions, Jia Lian said she didn't know, so Jia Lian left Mrs. Jia's room two hours later.

When Jia Lian returned to Wutong Residence, the servants looked at him with congratulations, which made Jia Lian confused.After going out for several months, although Jia Lian has been writing letters back, he has been on the road and has not received any news from home.

Now that he didn't see Wang Xifeng coming to meet him when he returned home, he was somewhat dissatisfied, so Jia Lian didn't respond to Daoxi's maid.When Jia Lian stepped into the inner room, she was shocked to see Wang Xifeng who was lying on the Arhat's bed, holding her big belly and smiling at him.

Seeing his dumbfounded look, Wang Xifeng couldn't help laughing, and was about to stand up, Jia Lian hurried forward to support her, and kept saying, "Be careful, what are you doing when you get up?" She couldn't help complaining: "Why didn't you tell me about such a big thing?" Wang Xifeng gave Jia Lian an angry look and said, "Is there a place for me to tell you, sir?"

After Wang Xifeng said this, Jia Lian started to giggle, but Wang Xifeng ignored him, and just asked his family to bring water for Jia Lian to wash.

After washing, Jia Lian looked at Wang Xifeng's huge belly, feeling both emotional and worried. After thinking about it, he finally went to Mrs. Xing's courtyard to pay his respects.The couple didn't go to Mrs. Xing's yard for dinner, but stayed in the house for a brief meal, and then talked about Zong Zong after parting.

When Jia Lian learned from Wang Xifeng about the scene of Qin Keqing's funeral, especially the coffin board she used, she broke into a sweat, and hurriedly asked, "Didn't the old lady, madam, and father say anything?" Wang Xifeng shook his head. Said: "What kind of temperament is the wife, I should know very well. I see that the master has been too busy recently."

Hearing what Wang Xifeng said, Jia Lian could only sigh and pray in his heart: It is best that nothing happens!After thinking about it, he told Wang Xifeng about this trip to the south.When Wang Xifeng heard that Lin Ruhai was so dangerous, he turned to look at Jia Lian and asked, "Is it appropriate for me to go and see my uncle and sister tomorrow?"

Jia Lian originally thought that he should go and have a look, but looking at Wang Xifeng's shocking belly, he finally shook his head and said, "You should stay at home quietly, in case something goes wrong with such a big belly What do you want me to do?" Then he remembered that he hadn't seen Brother Chun when he came back, so he asked again.

Wang Xifeng was very speechless about Jia Lian's bewilderment, and said with a smile: "Today is said to be the birthday of a colleague of the master, and it happened to be Xiumu again, so the master took Brother Chun to a birthday banquet." Jia Lian listened in his heart Nahan, I have never seen the master take me out of the house at this age, which is good, the little guy is only one year old...

Thinking that the little guy was already one year old, Jia Lian asked about the little guy's arrest, Wang Xifeng sighed and looked at Jia Lian for a while, not knowing what to say.She knew in her heart that Jia Lian had always hoped that the little guy would be a material for studying, and wanted to catch Zhou's results, and told Jia Lian that she was afraid that he would be disappointed, so she didn't know how to start.

Seeing Wang Xifeng's expression, Jia Lian looked at Wang Xifeng with a very bad face and said, "Don't tell me that he grabbed the rouge like that precious jade!"Seeing this, Wang Xifeng also raised her eyebrows and said angrily: "You are the one who catches the rouge!"

Seeing Wang Xifeng like this, Jia Lian suddenly felt relieved, and after a good reassurance, he learned from Wang Xifeng that when Brother Chun was one year old, he even grabbed the weapon box that Daiyu was going to put down!

It is said that it is a complete set of [-] kinds of weapons, made of pure gold, inlaid with gems of various colors, the little guy will not let go when he sees it, and even after a few months, it is also an object that no one else can touch. He is close to the big maid, and the maid can have a look around.

(End of this chapter)

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