Chapter 140
Thanks to Parrot Shadow and I am Niu for their monthly ticket support (*^0^*) and Du Ruo! O(∩_∩)O~Thank you for your continuous support!

Huang Jiyun waited until Lin Ruhai woke up, helped her pulse again, and administered needles before leaving Lin's mansion.Daiyu sent Huang Jiyun to the Yimen all the way, and Huang Jiyun smiled and nodded to Daiyu, "You took good care of your father." He stroked Daiyu's head lovingly, what's the satisfaction in his eyes? Can't hide it either.

When Daiyu came in early the next morning with a small medicine bowl, she never expected that Lin Ruhai was already fully dressed, and even had the carriage ready.Her hair was full of silver hair, her complexion was slightly yellow, and she described her father as skinny. Daiyu bit her lower lip and took a few deep breaths before she said softly, "Even if father wants to go out, he must first drink medicine and eat food." .”

Lin Ruhai looked at Daiyu, took the medicine bowl, raised his head and drank it clean, and then said: "I'll take it when I come back later." After speaking, she was about to go out, and Daiyu hurriedly found a thin velvet Putting on the cloak for Lin Ruhai, he thought for a while before saying, "Why do you bother yourself, Father?"

Lin Ruhai looked down at Daiyu's palm-sized face, and after a moment of silence, he smiled and said, "Don't make it difficult for your father. As a court official, this is what you should do for your father. It's embarrassing me, Yu'er. Look at these days, I will I look like a water onion, so what kind of girl is it? It hurts my father to see it."

Daiyu raised her head and looked into Lin Ruhai's eyes. Seeing the paternal love, she tried her best to smile and said, "Don't be embarrassed, Yu'er is a father's daughter, this is what Yu'er should do." The father and daughter Then they looked at each other and smiled.

Daiyu personally helped Lin Ruhai out of the room, and then asked someone to carry Lin Ruhai to the carriage, and then went back, but as soon as she arrived at the gate of the ceremony, she saw from a distance that Aunt Liu was wearing a plain face after the rain Straight-fitting gown, with a moon-white plain gauze skirt.There is only one pearl hairpin on the head and the bun is fixed, and the person in his forties looks very ordinary.

Seeing Daiyu approaching, Aunt Liu grabbed Daiyu's hand anxiously and said, "Young lady, why did you let the master go out? What if there is something good or bad..." Before Aunt Liu could finish speaking, Daiyu turned red Eye sockets said: "Auntie, don't say such bad things. How can we stop what father wants to do?"

Daiyu's words "we" made Aunt Liu hold Daiyu in her arms and cry, and said angrily: "It's all because I didn't take good care of the master! The girl is angry and blames me. Punish me, even the concubine will admit it!"

Seeing Aunt Liu like this, Daiyu also had tears in her eyes, but she thought that Lin Ruhai's injury had nothing to do with Aunt Liu, so she comforted her: "Don't talk about this, let's take good care of father together in the future."

Seeing Daiyu's soft words to her, Aunt Liu was very shocked. In Aunt Liu's heart, in fact, Daiyu has always been superior, especially when Daiyu dealt with Aunt Bai, Aunt Liu still remembers deeply.Holding Daiyu and crying today, in fact, I have surpassed it, and I feel uneasy in my heart, but I don't think that Daiyu will comfort herself.Impressed for a moment.

The Fourth Prince did not expect that Lin Ruhai, who just returned to Beijing yesterday, would hand over his face today, looked at Huang Jiyun beside him, and asked with a frown, "What's the matter with him now?"

Huang Jiyun lowered his head and thought for a while before saying: "It hurts the root, it's hard to recover." The Fourth Prince looked at Huang Jiyun raising his eyebrows, and said with a half-smile: "Ji Yun also concealed something from this king?"

When Huang Jiyun heard this, he quickly bowed and said: "I dare not! When I was in Yangzhou, I believed that Mr. Lin would not be able to survive half a year. But now... I am not sure, why don't you see him?"

The Fourth Prince thought for a while and said: "He's a smart man, since he handed over the booklet to meet the Holy Spirit, then pass a message to the Holy Spirit for him." After finishing speaking, he threw Lin Ruhai's booklet on the case, got up and turned out .Huang Jiyun straightened up and wiped the sweat off his forehead before someone sent the booklet out.

The Holy Majesty has not been in court for several months, but it is not that he is indifferent to the affairs of the court. On the contrary, the Holy Majesty is stricter than ever in regard to the affairs of the court. Knows well.

Eunuch Li personally took Lin Ruhai's booklet to the outside of the palace gate. Eunuch Su took half a step forward, glanced at Eunuch Li and said, "What is this for? In such a hurry?" I'm going to send the booklet to the sage, for fear of delay."

After hearing this, Eunuch Su smiled and said: "Come on, bring it to the sage." Then he took the booklet that Eunuch Li handed over, shook the whisk in his hand, turned around and walked in, Eunuch Li stopped at the palace gate outside.

The old emperor sat behind the imperial case, took Lin Ruhai's booklet, raised his eyebrows after reading it, pondered for a moment and brought in Eunuch Li again, asked Lin Ruhai's original situation again, then nodded and said: "Xuan!"

When Lin Ruhai stepped into the palace gate and met Shengyan, both the monarch and his subjects were filled with emotion.When Lin Ruhai was hand-picked as the top three prostitutes, the Holy One was still in his prime, and his son Lin Ruhai was also handsome and personable at that time. At this time, although the age difference between the two is more than ten years, they are both in their dying years.

Lin Ruhai tremblingly knelt on the ground and saluted the emperor before the emperor asked him to stand up. Seeing that his complexion was yellow, his head full of silver hair, and his official robes were empty, he couldn't help but frowned and told him to sit down and answer.After Lin Ruhai thanked him, he sat down and started the dialogue between the monarch and his ministers.

I don't know what to say, until two hours later, the Holy Majesty sent an order to serve the meal in the Imperial Garden, and left Lin Ruhai to eat with him.

The two monarchs and ministers walked slowly to the imperial garden, and after lunch, the emperor said with emotion: "I have worked so hard to love you these years." He paused here, thought for a while and said: "Love you and live well in the mansion." I will take care of my health." After saying that, there was a look of concern in his eyes.

Seeing that Lin Ruhai had been away for half a day and hadn't returned after noon, Daiyu couldn't help but wandered around the Yimen gate very worriedly. Seeing Daiyu like this, Madam Yang could only sigh and comforted her: "Don't worry about it." Worried, the master must know it well, the girl should go to have lunch first, maybe the master will come back soon?"

Unexpectedly, Daiyu just shook her head silently, still looking out of the door, knowing that Lin Zhong sent people to report that Lin Ruhai was kept in the old emperor's palace, so Daiyu was relieved, but she hurriedly sent people to wait outside the palace gate .

At the end of the day, Lin Ruhai returned from the palace, followed by several young eunuchs, holding various precious medicinal materials bestowed by the Holy Majesty in their hands.Daiyu looked at the medicinal materials, although she was grateful for the royal family's kindness, she felt sorry for her father when she saw Lin Ruhai's tired face.

Daiyu didn't ask about the affairs of the palace, and hurriedly sent Lin Ruhai back to the main room.After washing Lin Ruhai, he brought some soup and medicine. Seeing that Lin Ruhai had run out, Fang helped Lin Ruhai to lie down and rest.

There was nothing to say all night, until the next day, Lin Ruhai ordered Daiyu to bring her own handwritten letter and send a post to visit Huang's residence.Although Daiyu was secretly startled, she didn't ask any questions.

According to Lin Ruhai's words, two days later, Daiyu visited Huang's mansion in person, and even quietly handed over Lin Ruhai's letter to Huang Jiyun in Huang's mansion.

Huang Jiyun looked at the letter in his hand, and asked with a very serious expression: "Who else knows about this?" Daiyu lowered her head, biting her lips and said softly: "My father secretly arranged this matter with me, and Yu'er never told anyone about it." .”

Seeing Daiyu's expression, Huang Jiyun frowned and asked nervously, "Has Yu'er ever seen it?" Hearing this, Daiyu immediately raised her head to look at Huang Jiyun, seeing Huang Jiyun's eyes were both nervous and sharp. Worried, after a moment of silence, he shook his head and said, "Father didn't let Yu'er see it, so naturally Yu'er wouldn't peek at it privately."

After hearing this, Huang Jiyun breathed a sigh of relief. He didn't want to see Daiyu but said again: "Although I didn't read it, my father was very cautious when handing it over to Yu'er. It will be delivered two days later, and Yu'er naturally saw the seriousness of Master Cai's expression just now."

Speaking of this, Daiyu looked into Huang Jiyun's eyes firmly, and said in a faint voice: "It's about the throne." After speaking, Daiyu lowered her head.

Although Huang Jiyun didn't hear what Daiyu said clearly, he could understand what Daiyu said just by looking at the shape of his mouth. His face suddenly changed, and he grabbed Daiyu's shoulder and said: "This matter, don't talk nonsense!" Daiyu didn't look up, and sighed again: "No one should mention it again! Do you understand?"

Daiyu nodded lightly, but seeing tears rolling down, Huang Jiyun's heart trembled when he saw this, he lowered his voice and asked, "What else does Yu'er know?"

Daiyu shook her head and said: "Yu'er only knows that everything my father did was for Yu'er..." After speaking, she broke down in tears.Seeing this, Huang Jiyun could only sigh, not knowing how to comfort him.

It was already time for Daiyu to light the lamps when she returned to Lin's mansion, usually Lin Ruhai would have already fallen asleep at this time, but today the lights in Lin Ruhai's room were still on.

Daiyu knew that Lin Ruhai was waiting for her, so she hurried to the main room of the main courtyard. Looking at Lin Ruhai who was still clinging to the thin blanket in June, Daiyu's eyes were moist, and she hurried forward and said, "Father, why are you still so busy at this moment?" No rest? Did you use any medicine? What did you use for dinner?" A series of questions made Lin Ruhai laugh.

Daiyu didn't care about Lin Ruhai's expression, and quickly called Nuan'er, the little maid who was serving beside her, and asked, "Master, can I have dinner? Can I use medicine?" Seeing her like this, Lin Ruhai shook his head with a smile, his eyes widened. It's all pampering.

Nuan'er also bowed her head and smiled, "Returning to the girl, the aunt personally made the medicine for the master. According to the girl's instructions, three bowls of water should be boiled on a high fire, and boiled to half a bowl on a low fire. After taking the medicine, the master rested for an hour and a half. Then, my aunt made porridge for the master with old turtle soup and papaya soup, made salted peanuts, boiled them soft and rotten, fried vegetables and ate them with porridge."

Daiyu was relieved after hearing this, looked at Lin Ruhai with a smile and said, "Then why doesn't father rest? It's been a while, let's have a bowl of white fungus and lotus seed soup for a while before going to bed." Nuan'er retreated knowingly after hearing this ,
Daiyu briefly told Lin Ruhai about what happened at Huang's house today, and Aunt Liu came in with tremella soup, and Nuan'er, who was behind, came in with a large pot of medicinal juice for soaking her feet.Daiyu returned to her yard after serving Lin Ruhai with white fungus soup, soaking her feet and lying down.

(End of this chapter)

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