Daiyu of the Red Chamber

Chapter 141 May 7

Chapter 141 The sixth day of July
Ever since Lin Ruhai came back from the palace, every part of the capital has been in motion, and all kinds of precious medicinal materials have been sent one after another, including the Prince Wu's Mansion, the Fourth Prince's Mansion, and the Seventh Prince's Mansion. Naturally, the Jia Mansion is unwilling to be left behind. Send them to look at the medicinal materials, as well as fresh fruits and melons.

Princess Hanyi and County Princess Wanyu even visited Daiyu several times. If it wasn't for seeing that Lin Ruhai was really ill and Daiyu couldn't get away, they must have taken Daiyu back to relax for a few days.

The days that followed seemed to be calm again, and it wasn't until the end of June that Lin Ruhai's body seemed to be getting better, and Daiyu began to return gifts from each family.Leaving aside other family members, Huang Yuehua, Wan Yu and the others were naturally very happy.

She was busy until the sixth day of July, and when Wang Xifeng was about to give birth, Daiyu exhorted Aunt Liu to bid farewell to Lin Ruhai. He went to Jia's mansion and planned to live there until Wang Xifeng came back after giving birth.

Looking at Daiyu combing the flowing clouds and incense bun, pinning the plain white jade gourd Qianteng hairpin, hanging gold tassels to wipe her forehead, and the two jasper bracelets making melodious jingling sounds during her actions, the pink and tender jade hands are even more beautiful. Yingbai.

She was wearing a light blue gown with water sleeves, the neckline and sleeves were embroidered with rattan gourds, and the honey-colored moonlight dress was only embroidered with a circle of wishful auspicious cloud patterns on the skirt.The emerald bead strings between the necklaces and the dripping emeralds on the earrings make the elegantly dressed Daiyu look more dignified.

The first day Mrs. Jia heard that Daiyu was coming, she sent someone to tidy up the Linglong courtyard early. When she saw Daiyu, she hugged her in her arms and cried, "Liver, meat...for a while, Mrs. Jia He patted Daiyu again, crying and cursing: "You little heartless person, you don't tell grandma about such a big event as leaving Beijing..." There were endless grievances and sadness in the words.

It took a while for everyone to be relieved before they persuaded Mrs. Jia, who took Daiyu into the house with her own hands, as if she was afraid that she would disappear again in a while.

After everyone sat down and met with Sanchun and other sisters, Mrs. Jia asked what happened back then.Naturally, Daiyu had already agreed with Huang Jiyun, and now she spoke in accordance with Huang Jiyun's words.Old lady Jia nodded her head straight after hearing this, and then asked Lin Ruhai how she was doing, and Daiyu showed a slightly sad expression.

Seeing this, Mrs. Wang was secretly happy, and she put on a very concerned look on her face and said: "If there is something missing, just say it, there are still a lot of medicinal materials in this mansion." After hearing this, Mrs. Jia Rarely satisfied, she nodded and said: "Your second aunt said very well, there is no shortage of these in our house, just ask your second aunt for anything you want."

After talking for a while, Daiyu saw that Baoyu had also come in. She had grown a lot taller after not seeing her for half a year, but she didn't have a long heart and a brain. When she saw Daiyu, she ran over like that without a trace If it wasn't for Nanny Sun who blocked Daiyu behind her as if she was protecting her calf, she might have grabbed Daiyu and didn't know what she would say.

Seeing this, Daiyu smiled and said to Mrs. Jia: "I haven't seen Sister-in-law Lian for more than half a year. I heard that she is about to give birth. At the beginning, Brother Chun was born under the watchful eye of Yuer. Now Yuer I have to go and have a look to be at ease. So I apologized to my grandmother and went to see Lian's sister-in-law first."

When Mrs. Jia saw Baoyu coming in, she was afraid that Daiyu would be offended by him doing something out of the ordinary, but now seeing that Daiyu didn't feel disgusted, and what she said was normal, she smiled and said: "You sisters Let's go together, and I will rest too."

At this time, Yuanyang hurriedly expressed his merits to the old lady Jia: "No, the old lady has gone to the girls, so I can squint for a while, I heard that Miss Lin is coming, and the old lady has been waiting since yesterday. I can't eat well, and I can't sleep well, now seeing Miss Lin can be regarded as a relief."

When Daiyu heard this, she quickly took Old Madam Jia's arm and said: "Yu'er is not good, Grandmother is worried. It happened suddenly at the beginning, and Yu'er was distracted, so she only listened to the fourth prince's arrangement , followed the master and left, but even Mama Yang, Mama Sun, Hanxiao and others didn't bring any of them."

Grandma Yang, Grandma Sun and the others stayed in the mansion, and Mrs. Jia had already found out about it. Seeing what Daiyu said, she no doubt said: "Poor you must have been frightened at that time. If you were here In the mansion, grandma will make arrangements for you no matter what, and the princess of the fourth prince's mansion likes you again and wants to pick you up." He said with a look of pride and satisfaction in his eyes.

Daiyu bid farewell to Mrs. Jia, and followed Yingchun, Tanchun, Xichun and Baochai to Wutong Residence where Wang Xifeng lived.

My son Wang Xifeng got the news a long time ago, and hurriedly wanted to welcome her out, but Mother Zhao refused to say anything. Thinking of the punishment suffered by her brother Chun when she was born, Wang Xifeng didn't dare to do anything recklessly, so she asked someone to lift up the cool chair and put it on the table. In the middle of the yard, people brought refreshments, fresh fruits and other things, just waiting for Daiyu's arrival.

Not wanting all the girls to come, Baochai saw that there was only one cool chair in the courtyard, so she smiled and said, "Sister Feng, could it be that she doesn't welcome us?" Wang Xifeng said angrily, "How did I know you were here?" If you don't come, just Miss Lin will come." As he spoke, he asked someone to add a reclining chair.

After everyone sat down, Wang Xifeng naturally wanted to ask about the original matter again, although Jia Lian had already said it several times when he came back.But Wang Xifeng just wanted to hear Daiyu say it again.After Daiyu finished speaking, and after drinking two cups of tea, Daiyu asked, "I've been here for a long time, but I haven't seen Brother Chun come out, but isn't he here?"

Seeing Daiyu looking around for Brother Chun, Wang Xifeng smiled and said, "How dare I let him torment me in my current body? My wife saw that I was heavy, so she took it over. If you want to see him, send someone to hug me." Just come." Then he ordered Ping'er to carry Brother Chun back.

Seeing that Ping'er was gone, Daiyu turned around and took the small bag with pink makeup from Hanxiao's hand, and handed it to Wang Xifeng.Wang Xifeng took it suspiciously and said: "I have accepted the earthen ceremony you sent me at the beginning, and I will not return the gift if I accept it again." Then he took out the contents one by one to have a look.

There are little pink clothes, skirts, shoes, and aprons embroidered with fine cotton, everything you need.It looks so cute.Not to mention Wang Xifeng, even Sanchun and Baochai saw it straight away, grabbing it in their hands and reluctant to return it to Wang Xifeng.

Wang Xifeng smiled like a flower and said, "What an unreasonable girl! I haven't been born yet, how do you know that I'm a girl, why don't you want me to have a brother?" Daiyu concealed She smiled and said: "I don't know what my sister-in-law is going to give birth to, but as the saying goes: sons and daughters are a blessing, and it is really good to have sons and daughters!"

While talking, Mrs. Xing came over with Brother Chun in her arms. The girls all got up hurriedly, and even Wang Xifeng struggled to stand up.Daiyu hurriedly helped her, and then said to Mrs. Xing: "Where did you bother the eldest aunt to come over? We should have gone over to greet the eldest aunt later." Saying that, she let go of Wang Xifeng and walked towards Brother Chun.

This little guy seemed to recognize Daiyu after not seeing him for more than half a year. He looked straight at Daiyu with his big black eyes, and he was pecking at her pink mouth, as if hesitating whether to speak.Seeing this, Daiyu clapped her hands and laughed, "What's the matter? The little guy doesn't recognize Auntie?"

As soon as Daiyu spoke, Brother Chun immediately closed his eyes with a smile, and rushed towards Daiyu regardless of who was holding him.Daiyu's body is not as old as before, and Brother Chun is also older now, and has weighed a lot, this flutter did not scare Mrs. Xing, Wang Xifeng, Hanxiao and others to death!

It's no wonder these people were terrified, Daiyu just hugged Brother Chun, before Mrs. Xing could let go, Daiyu fell on her back.Fortunately, Xichun Station was not far from Daiyu, so she helped Daiyu in time.Otherwise, Daiyuchun's elder brother, Mrs. Xing, would be smashed into a bunch of gourds.

After everyone sat down again, Daiyu held Brother Chun on her lap, teasing Brother Chun, and said: "Lue, go and see if the box we brought is open? If it hasn't been opened, open it and pack it up. Open it and take the gift for Brother Chun."

Hearing that Daiyu said that there was a special gift for Brother Chun, everyone was very curious.Especially Mrs. Xing said with a smile: "Oh! I haven't seen anyone bring me a separate gift, and we, Brother Chun, have this blessing." Everyone laughed for a while, and the atmosphere became more and more good.

After a while, smiling and leading the two women to carry a box over, Wang Xifeng saw the big box of three feet square, and couldn't help saying: "Yuer is buying this as a betrothal gift for Brother Chun? How much does it cost? "As soon as the words came out, everyone looked over, and Daiyu smiled and said: "Brother Chun's dowry is naturally prepared by brother and sister-in-law, so why is it my turn?"

After Daiyu finished speaking, she motioned for Hanxiao to open the box, then Brother Chun seemed to understand that everything in the box belonged to him, so she didn't want to hug Daiyu, and slid down from Daiyu's lap desperately.He ran to the big box on tiptoe, but unfortunately the box was taller than him, so he was running around in a hurry.

When the contents of the box were taken out, everyone stared wide-eyed, only to see a wooden horse the size of a pony was lifted out, the inside was made of unknown material, the outside was wrapped in looped fleece, and a silver pair was hung on it. There is also a custom-made saddle on the back, which looks like a real horse.A pair of horse eyes are made of black jade, which looks lustrous and lustrous.

Brother Chun didn't look at anything else, and immediately fell in love with this new toy.Wang Xifeng looked at Brother Chun's happy face, then turned his head to look at Daiyu who was also smiling like a flower, and said, "But it made you bother, there is no need to spoil him like this." Daiyu didn't think so. Yi said: "Where do you just spoil him? I heard that children who play with him since childhood are smart."

The crowd helped Chun Geer ride on the horse's back, only to find that the horse could still move, and the person supporting Chun Brother exerted a little force, and the horse moved forward.Seeing that Yaya who was following Brother Chun was extremely envious, with one finger in her mouth, her dark almond eyes stared blankly at Brother Chun on the horseback.

While talking and laughing, Wang Xifeng got up and took two steps toward Brother Chun, then suddenly stopped with his arms around his stomach.Sanchun and the others didn't pay attention, even Daiyu thought that the child would not be born until the seventh day of July, so she didn't care. At this time, the eyes of the big guys fell on the horses that Brother Chun and Brother Chun were riding. .

It was Baochai who discovered Wang Xifeng's abnormality first, and hurriedly stepped forward to support Wang Xifeng, while shouting: "Sister Feng, what's wrong?" Baochai's voice drew everyone's attention back, Mrs. Xing When the mother saw that Wang Xifeng's skirt was bleeding out, she hurriedly asked to help Wang Xifeng to the delivery room that had already been prepared.

After finishing her work, Mrs. Xing found out that Sanchun followed Daiyu Baochai and brother Chun, and hurriedly asked Sanchun and others to go back, even Daiyu was not allowed to stay here.

Three chapters Oh!Gujing keeps his word, right? \(^o^)/~Give some encouragement~!

(End of this chapter)

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