Daiyu of the Red Chamber

Chapter 142 Clever, Trick

Chapter 142 Clever, Trick

When Mrs. Jia and Mrs. Wang heard that Wang Xifeng was going to give birth, they rushed over one after another. When Jia Lian came back, the room was already full of people.

Fortunately, Gua Chun's experience is ahead, so Jia Lian is not in a hurry at this time, and still maintains a calm and elegant appearance.Seeing Mrs. Wang frowning, even Mrs. Xing and Mrs. Jia shook their heads, but they couldn't say anything more at this time, so they all took a look at Jia Lian and went into the delivery room.

But several hours later, Mrs. Jia couldn't bear to go back, only Mrs. Wang and Mrs. Xing remained in the delivery room to accompany Wang Xifeng. Wang Xifeng was still not born, so Jia Lian couldn't help becoming anxious.Knowing that the child's time was approaching, and Mrs. Wang made an excuse to go back, Jia Lian couldn't sit still any longer.

It's a pity that just like last time, Mother Zhao and Wang Baoshan's family guarded the door tightly and refused to let him in no matter what.Just when Jia Lian didn't know what to do, Daiyu rushed over. Seeing Daiyu, Mother Zhao showed gratitude in her eyes, but Wang Baoshan's family looked blank.

Jia Lian didn't think so much at this time. Seeing Daiyu coming at this time, he couldn't help asking, "Is Feng'er going to be all right?" Knowing what's going on inside, it's useless to be anxious." After speaking, Daiyu glanced at Nanny Sun and said, "May I go in and have a look for us?"

Naturally, Nanny Sun had no reason to refuse, she just warned: "It's okay for the old slave to go in, but the girl is not allowed to run in!" Seeing Daiyu nod her head, Nanny Sun turned in.

After Nanny Sun entered, Daiyu hurriedly asked Jia Lian, "Brother, did you invite a doctor? Have you prepared ginseng soup? Has hot water been boiled in the kitchen?" A series of questions made Jia Lian stunned and couldn't help but turn to look at Mother Zhao, Mother Zhao also heard Daiyu's question, she slapped her thigh and said, "Master! Hurry up! Get someone to send for the doctor!"

It turned out that Daiyu didn't say anything, but everyone was too busy to forget.When Jia Lian heard that the doctor hadn't been invited yet, she panicked and hurried out, but Daiyu hurriedly grabbed him and said, "It's better for someone to invite you. It's better for my brother to stay here with my sister-in-law." Listen to Daiyu Having said that, Jia Lian slapped his forehead and said, "I've lost my head." Then he arranged for someone to invite the doctor.

Unexpectedly, the doctor had just stepped into the yard when he heard a loud cry of a baby coming from the delivery room.At this time, the Zi hour of the seventh day of the seventh month has just passed.

Looking at the little baby wrapped in emerald green swaddling clothes, Daiyu smiled and said, "How could it be such a coincidence? You came out right after I came here, so it can be seen that we are destined, right?" Daiyu tilted her head and looked at the baby. Jia Lian said: "Today is the seventh day of the seventh lunar month, and this girl is destined to be with me again. Why don't you call her sister Qiao?"

Why does Jia Lian care about that at this time?Now that he has both sons and daughters, his heart is full of joy, so naturally whatever he says at this time is good.Wang Xifeng listened at the side and said with a smile: "My sister is always right, even the little clothes are from the girl's family who prepared in advance, so it can be seen that I really have a relationship with my sister, so I will call her sister Qiao according to my sister."

When Jia Lian and his wife were full of joy and Mrs. Xing was not tired, no one knew that a major event had happened in the western suburbs of the capital: the deposed prince had escaped from Huangzhuang in the western suburbs!
When I found out about this, it was already the next morning. The little eunuch who delivered meals to the deposed prince found no one in the house, and no one was found after searching the whole village.Hastily informed the emperor, and the emperor ordered the four princes to search and arrest the whole city.Little did he know that the abolished prince had already entered the Dongcheng barracks at this time.

Because the Holy Majesty did not wantonly eradicate the abolished prince's party before, the abolished prince still has a group of diehard loyalists. At this time, everyone gathered in the barracks outside the city, and Wang Ziteng was one of them.

Everyone agreed to send troops to force the palace on the [-]th of July during the Hungry Ghost Festival!And already contacted the guards of the imperial army, the left and right captains' battalions.Seemingly powerful, but he didn't know that Wang Ziteng, who was standing beside the deposed prince, had taken refuge in the Fourth Prince as early as half a month ago.

This is a conspiracy doomed to fail, not even a conspiracy, because everything is planned by others, and the deposed princes are just like puppets on a string.

On the night of July [-]th, Lin Ruhai ordered the mansion to be closed early on, and even sent Aunt Liu, Nuaner, Lin Ping and Lin An to lie on the bed in new clothes.

In the middle of the night, Song Shi came to report that there were flames burning outside the city. Lin Ruhai said calmly, "Go down, and let someone guard the warehouse." The two gathered the female family members of the mansion into Aunt Luo's courtyard, and Zhang Xin personally led the healthy women to guard them, and finally Zhao Bing personally sat in the study to guard the collection of books.

After a while, the sound of fighting outside could be heard even in the mansion. Lin Ruhai knew that the abolished prince would definitely not let him go, and he didn't want to hurt others, especially if there were female relatives in the mansion, so instead Lin Ruhai lit the candles in the house. fire.Tell everyone that you are in this main courtyard!
Just as Lin Ruhai closed his eyes and waited to die, Zhang Zheng, who was staying in the main courtyard, came to report: "My lord, the rebels came ahead, but they were repelled by the soldiers sent by the Fourth Prince! I was in the front yard." Hearing that the Fourth Prince sent his own soldiers, Lin Ruhai was suddenly moved to die for his confidant.

Lin Ruhai thought about his plot against the fourth prince, and thought that the fourth prince also saw it in his eyes, so he couldn't help feeling a little ashamed at this moment.But then I thought, all this is just to earn a chance for my only flesh and blood!Then he was relieved again.

In the end, the turmoil subsided quickly. The rebels entered from the north gate of the palace. If it wasn't for the purpose of eradicating some political enemies, no one would come to the Lin residence. Of course, Lin Ruhai was their primary target.

But after all these rebels entered the city, they suddenly found that the city gate was closed.It didn't even cause much trouble and it ended hastily.

At least Daiyu, who was staying in Jia's mansion at this time, didn't know about it, and even the civilians living in the south and west of the city didn't know much about it.

Lin Ruhai went to the front yard after listening to Zhang Zheng's report.Lin Ruhai never thought that the commander of the soldiers who came to the rescue would be Mo Xuan!Looking at Mo Xuan's childish face, which already has the taste of an iron-blooded soldier, he can't help being even more optimistic about Mo Xuan.

Seeing Lin Ruhai coming out in person, Mo Xuan rushed forward and said, "The rebels have been wiped out, great." As soon as he said this, Mo Xuan somehow remembered the joke of the Seventh Prince, and wanted to change his name. The word "Lin" just Exiting, Mo Xuan felt that it was inappropriate again, so he scratched his head shyly.

After thinking for a long time, Mo Xuan finally changed the subject and said: "You can rest at ease, there will be no more rebels coming, and I will personally guard the Lin Mansion tonight." Hearing what Mo Xuan said, Lin Ruhai was suddenly in a good mood Haha laughed, and Mo Xuan felt even more embarrassed seeing this.

The soldiers didn't know why, but before Lin Ruhai thought he was going to die, he had expressed his heart to Lin Zhong.Seeing Mo Xuan's expression at this time, Lin Zhong said with a smile: "Your family is welcome, this old slave will clean the two yards for Young Master Mo, you rest first. When I turn around, this old slave will send some to Young Master Mo Eat."

Lin Zhong's words made Mo Xuan's face burn even more, even the soldiers next to him saw the clue, Lin Ruhai glared at Lin Zhong angrily, Lin Zhong didn't care at all, and smiled for Mo Xuan himself Xuan and others lead the way.

The next day when these soldiers returned to the Fourth Prince's Mansion, the news spread quickly. Mo Xuan didn't even explain it. He didn't want these rumors among the soldiers to reach Princess Hanyi's ears somehow.Princess Hanyi was enraged for a moment, so she ran to the fourth concubine to file a complaint.

The fourth concubine saw Princess Hanyi sitting beside her for a long time, but she just pouted and didn't speak, looking very displeased.Then he asked warmly: "Who made our Wenhui unhappy? Just say it, mother and concubine make the decision for you."

Hearing what the fourth concubine said, Hanyi County opened his mouth but couldn't speak, the fourth concubine couldn't help but asked with a curious smile: "Why do you have a secret with the concubine mother?" .

Seeing the expression of the fourth princess, Han Yi muttered in dissatisfaction: "Your son and daughter-in-law are about to be snatched away, so don't worry at all!" After swallowing it, the fourth princess spit it out, and coughed continuously.

The maids, of course, hurriedly exchanged tea for tea, and those who took out handkerchiefs took out handkerchiefs, and they had a busy meal.After the fourth concubine had calmed down, she sent everyone out with a wave of her hand.

Seeing the displeased Han Yi, the Fourth Princess took her hand and hurriedly asked: "But your brother has someone in mind? Whose girl, tell me."

What the fourth concubine said made Han Yi stunned, and said blankly: "Isn't it the girl from the Lin family that you and the king have arranged for?" That girl from the Lin family that your father appointed?"

Han Yi didn't understand, so he asked: "It's Lin Hai who has just been promoted to the head of the Imperial Academy, oh, it seems that he hasn't taken office yet." When the fourth princess heard that it was him, she couldn't help being stunned, looked at Han Yi and said: "You How do you know that your father gave his daughter to him?"

Han Yi was a little embarrassed and learned the words he heard outside the door that day, and the fourth princess nodded Han Yi's forehead and said, "what do you want to write all day long, girl? You can spread such words indiscriminately." Is it? It doesn't hurt the girl's reputation!"

Han Yi said dissatisfiedly: "Where did the rumors spread? It's not what you made up, and besides, I didn't tell anyone, not even Auntie and Wanyu." As he spoke, he talked about Dai The sum of jade.Unexpectedly, the last four princesses said: "You don't need to use your brain! Your brother is almost nineteen, and that girl is only eleven! How many years will your brother have to wait? I'm still waiting to have a grandson!"


Chapter 1 Oh, continue with three chapters today, the time is the same as yesterday O(∩_∩)O~ Thank you for your support and love!
(End of this chapter)

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