Daiyu of the Red Chamber

Chapter 143 Rumors

Chapter 143 Rumors
Thanks to tatacoo, Xiangpiwa, Shanhaizhiguang for their rewards~Thanks to fullmoon for their monthly ticket support~And those who voted for Daiyu in Gujing~Thank you for your love!

After listening to the words of the fourth princess, Han Yi said in a daze: "Then did I make a mistake?" The fourth princess then smiled and said: "Of course you made a mistake!" After finishing speaking, the fourth princess remembered what Han Yi said before If the daughter-in-law was snatched away, she asked with a smile: "Tell the concubine mother, who actually fell in love with that girl?"

Although the fourth princess was smiling, she knew in her heart that the girl prince would not allow her to marry casually.When asked at this time, he never thought that Han Yi would say Mo Xuan's name!
The fourth concubine couldn't help being stunned for a moment, and asked anxiously, "Who did you hear that from?" frowned.After Han Yi left, the fourth concubine immediately sent the most useful mother around her to inquire in detail.

When the nanny found out that Daiyu was Yuanchun's cousin and that she was still living in Jia's mansion, her face turned pale, and naturally she would not have any good things to say when she came back.

But after half a day, the nanny hurried back to report to the fourth concubine, but saw that the fourth concubine was talking to the side concubine, so she stood aside and waited quietly, until the side concubine and the maids had all retreated to speak to the fourth concubine He bowed and said: "Go back to the princess, the old slave has found out that the girl is the cousin of the female official Jia in the mansion, and she is still living in Jia's mansion."

If there is no coincidence in this world, it just so happened that Princess Wujun walked in and bowed to the fourth princess: "I have met my sister, and I haven't visited my sister for a long time. You don't think my coming is abrupt, do you?"

Princess Wujun and the fourth princess are sisters of the same mother, and it is very good to have a small relationship, so she doesn't need to report to her, so why would the fourth princess dislike or mind?

The fourth princess hurriedly woke her up, and asked her to serve tea, and asked her to sit next to her.After sitting down, Princess Wujun looked at the old nanny next to her and said, "What did Nanny Zhou just say?"

Nanny Zhou is naturally very familiar with Princess Wu, she even grew up watching the two sisters of Princess Wu, so she didn't shy away from her and said: "Someone spread rumors before, but it actually reached the ears of the princess. , It’s not that the princess asked the old slave to inquire about it, and the old slave will report back to the princess.”

Princess Wujun asked curiously after hearing this: "Tell me what's going on?" Nanny Zhou pursed her lips and said, "Miss Jia's cousin in the mansion wants to climb up to brother Xuan." After all, even though Mo Xuan is a nephew, he has been with her and the fourth concubine since childhood, and even more often by her side.

At this time, when she heard that a cousin of a female official wanted to climb up, Princess Wujun also said with a dark face: "Tell me specifically, who is that cousin? How did you get to know Brother Xuan? Brother Xuan is not that Wait for anyone!"

Mother Zhou felt more confident when she saw this, and said with a sneer, "Even the girl from Mrs. Lin's family who just came from Yangzhou, somehow such words came out from outside, so it can be seen that she is not a good girl. It’s living in the family house of Lady Jia who climbed the bed!”

The Princess of Wu County was stunned by what Mother Zhou said, and it took a long time before she realized, "You are talking about Lin Hai, the current head of the Imperial Academy, the girl from Lin Ruhai's family?" Mother Zhou didn't notice Princess Wu at all. Even in her opinion, Princess Wujun disdains the head of the Hanlin Academy.

Nanny Zhou smiled coldly and said, "Isn't that the head of the Imperial Academy? How dare you be the head of the civil servants, and my girls are so ignorant of propriety and shame!" Nanny Zhou was very proud of herself and didn't want to "crack!" The slap fell firmly on her face.

Mother Zhou didn't know why Princess Wujun got angry, but the Fourth Princess hurriedly tried to persuade her: "Why are you losing your temper? I don't know when you can restrain your bad temper!"

Princess Wu Jun did not buy it and said: "Didn't my sister hear how this old servant slandered Yu'er? If Jia Min was not afraid that Lin Hai's position would be sensitive and would involve our palace, I would have recognized her as the queen five years ago. I'm a daughter! Besides, although we haven't seen each other often in the past few years, that girl Wanyu and her are very good, is this old slave talking about me, Wanyu?"

Seeing Princess Wujun getting angry, Nanny Zhou quickly prostrated herself on the ground and begged for mercy: "Princess, please calm down, princess, please calm down! This old servant has absolutely no intention of slandering County Master Wanyu!"

Princess Wujun snorted coldly and was about to say something more, when the fourth princess interjected, "Then tell me, how did that girl get involved with Mo Xuan?" Talking about Mo Xuan's trouble in Hanshan Temple.The fourth concubine also shouted that she was destined.

At this time, Princess Wujun came to her senses and said, "How could it be Chuan Yu'er and Mo Xuan? What's going on? Why don't I know?" She clapped her hands and said, "This is really a wonderful couple. Yes! It’s not unacceptable even if Yu’er loses her mother, I just don’t know what will happen to my elder brother.” As he spoke, he became depressed again.

Seeing this, the fourth princess said angrily: "Where is this going? Let's find out what's going on with this rumor before we talk about it. That girl...is still young!" The Fourth Prince had to say it, but after thinking about it, he changed his mind and didn't say it.

After a few days, the court situation stabilized.This matter was reported back to Jia's mansion from Jia Amnesty's mouth. When Daiyu found out, she couldn't stay still any longer and hurriedly bid farewell to Mrs. Jia and returned home.

As soon as he got off the carriage, Lin Zhong greeted him, but Daiyu didn't care about it, just nodded lightly, and went directly to Lin Ruhai's main room, but unexpectedly, she went to the study room again, but no one was there.Daiyu couldn't help panicking, she turned around and grabbed Lin Zhong who was following behind her and asked urgently, "Uncle Lin, where is my father? What happened in the mansion?"

Seeing Daiyu like this, Lin Zhong felt very comforted, and couldn't help but smiled kindly: "Miss, don't worry, the master has gone to court. Say," Daiyu became anxious before she finished speaking, and said sharply, "Uncle Lin Don't you stop your father? How can he go up to court with his body?!"

Seeing that Daiyu was really in a hurry, Lin Zhong's eye circles were red, but he was also choked up, thinking: Why didn't you persuade her?But you have to be able to persuade me.

But at this moment, Daiyu was on the verge of tears, so Lin Zhong naturally couldn't say this. Just as he was thinking about what to say, Daiyu had already turned around and walked out. Said: "My lady and master said, I want you to stay in the mansion when you come back. There has been some chaos outside recently."

But Daiyu didn't even listen, and asked someone to hitch the carriage again. Seeing this, Yang Nai couldn't bear to see it, so she sighed and stopped Daiyu, saying: "What are you going to do, Miss?" ? Since the master told the girl to stay in the mansion, won't the girl go out now to make the master worry?"

Daiyu's teardrops rolled down all of a sudden, she took Yang Nanny's hand and said, "I want to go to the palace gate to pick up my father." Lin Zhong, who was at the side, heaved a sigh of relief and said, " Don't worry, girl, not only Lin An and Lin Ping have gone, but Zhao Bing and Zhang Xin are also waiting for the master outside the palace gate, and they will bring the master back safely."

Hearing that Zhao Bing and Zhang Xin had also gone outside the palace gate, Daiyu felt a little more at ease, but she still couldn't feel relieved, so she dragged Mammy Yang and begged, "Let me go, Mammy, I really don't want to be in the mansion." Don't worry about it."

While talking, Lin An drove the carriage and came in. Daiyu was taken aback, and hurriedly asked: "Why did you come back? Where is father?" Lin Zhong also asked quickly: "The master is back?"

Lin An scratched her head and nodded, "The master has already returned home, and he is talking to Mr. Huang in the study." As soon as Daiyu heard this, she lifted her skirt and wanted to run away, but she was grabbed by Nanny Yang. Nanny Yang was very displeased and said: "Miss, have you forgotten the rules more and more?"

Hearing what Yang Nanny said, Daiyu lowered her head and gently lowered her skirt, quietly raised her eyes to look at Yang Nanny's face, then glanced at Lin Zhong and his son who were smiling, and heard Lin Zhong laughing. Said: "Young girl is so nice and lively."

Unexpectedly, when Nanny Yang heard this, she gave Lin Zhong a cold look and said, "It's better not to say such things, butler, the girl is not young now." Seeing Hanxiao came over, Only then did she lead the way to the inner courtyard, Daiyu had no choice but to follow behind Nanny Yang, with a smile on her face, so she also followed behind Daiyu.

Although Nanny Yang pushed Lin Zhong down, Lin Zhong was really happy. On the one hand, Daiyu looked very energetic, which reassured him; on the other hand, Nanny Yang really loved and cherished Daiyu, so naturally He will also teach Daiyu well, which makes Lin Zhong feel more at ease.

Daiyu didn't know that Lin Ruhai almost fainted in Chaoshang, so the fourth prince specially ordered Huang Jiyun to come back with him.

One is to ask Huang Jiyun to take a look at Lin Ruhai again. Regardless of the fourth prince, Huang Jiyun will do it, not to mention that Daiyu is his only proud disciple, even if the two have been friends for many years, he can't just ignore it. .

The second is that Lin Ruhai came up with the previous idea. Now that the matter of abolishing the prince has been successfully resolved, it is time to find a way to ascend the throne in a legitimate way. Naturally, this matter cannot be separated from Lin Ruhai, and Lin Ruhai is also obliged.

Therefore, Huang Jiyun and Lin Ruhai stayed in the study until lunch time and did not come out, so Daiyu had to bring their meals to the study.

Seeing Daiyu come in, Huang Jiyun and Lin Ruhai tacitly stopped the topic and talked about other things. Daiyu looked at them helplessly and said, "It's so boring to hide! It's not hard to guess what you are thinking."

After finishing speaking, Daiyu took the tray from Hanxiao's book, put it in front of Huang Jiyun, picked up a small porcelain bowl, and filled Lin Ruhai with a small bowl of medicinal food from the clay pot in Zhixuan's hand, and then sent the two maids away go out.

Seeing this, Huang Jiyun remembered that Lin Ruhai's letter had been almost guessed by Daiyu before, so he said with a smile: "Then why should Yu'er guess, what is the teacher and Naifu having a headache now?"

Daiyu looked up at Huang Jiyun, then turned to look at Lin Ruhai, Lin Ruhai was startled by the seriousness in Daiyu's eyes, and was about to say something, but was interrupted by Daiyu...

(End of this chapter)

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