Daiyu of the Red Chamber

Chapter 144 The Seventh Princess

Chapter 144
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Lin Ruhai was startled by the seriousness in Daiyu's eyes, and was about to say something, but was interrupted by Daiyu: "Father, let's use the medicinal diet first, it won't be good if it cools down carefully." Then he turned his head and looked at Huang Jiyun.Seeing this, Huang Jiyun didn't say anything more, nodded and ate the delicious lunch in front of him.

After both of them had finished their lunch, Daiyu said softly, "Father and master are just thinking about how to get the Holy Majesty to make another crown prince." The voice was very small, but it was enough for both of them to hear clearly.

As soon as Daiyu finished speaking, Lin Ruhai scolded angrily: "Your heart is unpredictable! How can you say such things! Even empresses and concubines are not allowed to participate in politics, let alone your girl who has not left the cabinet, quickly put away these things, and go Don't talk about it any more!"

Daiyu knew that Lin Ruhai really cared about her and felt sorry for her, so she just lowered her head and didn't distinguish between her, saving Lin Ruhai from getting angry and hurting her body.But Huang Jiyun's eyes lit up, and he looked at Daiyu thoughtfully.I sigh in my heart for Daiyu's keenness!

At this time, in front of Lin Ruhai, Huang Jiyun couldn't ask any more questions, but he still said: "Brother Ruhai, why are you so nervous? Yu'er is so smart and sharp, and she is just talking to the two of us." Just talk to me, I will never tell anyone else."

Lin Ruhai naturally understood that Daiyu had been very measured since she was a child, but her worries at this time have not diminished. She participated in it because her life was not long, so she had to do it. How could she be involved?So he interjected: "How does her little girl know anything about court affairs? Don't listen to her nonsense."

After finishing speaking, Lin Ruhai glared at Daiyu, Daiyu sighed slightly in her heart, and silently backed out.Before going out, Daiyu thought for a while, then turned back and said, "Yu'er only said one word, let the father and master hear it."

Lin Ruhai was about to stop her, but Daiyu had already said: "Access to the throne has nothing to do with whether or not a crown prince will be established." After speaking, Daiyu bowed lightly before she really backed out.

Lin Ruhai was so shocked that he forgot to be angry at this time, while Huang Jiyun couldn't regain his senses for a long time.After a while, the two looked at each other, and there was a sparkle in their eyes.

On the day of the Double Ninth Festival in Ninth Ninth, the Holy One announced that he would be the fourth son of the emperor and proclaim himself the Supreme Emperor.For a while, the government and the public were shaken, but no one objected, so the enthronement ceremony was scheduled on the eighth day of October.After being in the Ministry of Rites for a while, he became busy, and the fourth prince's mansion became more and more lively.

The seventh concubine originally had a very good relationship with the fourth concubine because of the close relationship between the seventh prince and the fourth prince.The Fourth Prince's family was going to move into the palace, and the Seventh Princess naturally wanted to come over to help. Of course, she didn't really need her to do anything, but she expressed an attitude.

Seeing the seventh princess coming, the fourth princess was naturally very happy, and even brought out the peach blossom tea from her collection.Seeing the rising and falling peach blossoms in the pink tea, the Seventh Princess praised: "Sister-in-law Si is very elegant, and this tea is also delicious. The bitterness in the peach blossoms alone is less than other peach blossom teas."

The fourth concubine, who is about to become the new queen, covered her mouth with a smile and said, "Where do I like to mess around with these? This is from my sister Wujun Wang's family. I got it from the girl of the Lin family. It is said that the girl made it herself, and it can be seen from the outside." no."

When the Seventh Princess heard this, she hurriedly asked: "That girl from the Lin family?" The fourth princess glanced at her sideways and said, "And that girl from the Lin family? It's the girl from the Lin Hai family who is the new head of the Imperial Academy. Every year, I have to make a lot of flowers, and my sister loves the tea and juice she made the most."

When the Seventh Princess heard that it was a girl from the Lin Hai family, she immediately became interested and said, "Speaking of the girl from the Lin family, she is quite courageous, but thanks to her courage, otherwise my prince might not be able to come back when he went to Yangzhou last time. "

The fourth concubine hurriedly asked: "What do you mean by that? Why are you getting involved with the seventh brother?" Then she frowned slightly.

The Seventh Princess explained: "Didn't my lord go to Yangzhou last year to investigate the assassination of Lin Hai? On the way, he also met the dead man sent by him. If it wasn't for that girl from the Lin family who happened to arrive, my lord would have been killed." It's a poisonous hand!"

The fourth concubine asked in disbelief: "And this thing? Why didn't I hear the prince mention it? Didn't I hear you mention it back then?"

The Seventh Princess smiled bitterly and said: "My lord said that it was the fourth elder brother who ordered him not to let it go out. Speaking of which, the two people who followed that girl from the Lin family are very skilled in martial arts! My lord said: Even if there are three or five imperial guards It may not be able to top one of them!"

The fourth concubine took a sip of peach blossom tea and said with a smile: "It's a pity to follow that girl, if she is put in the army, she might be a fierce general."

The Seventh Princess also took a sip of the peach blossom tea, then changed the subject and said, "I heard from the imperial doctor that this peach blossom tea is of cold nature, and that it should not be used too much."

The fourth concubine smiled complacently: "You don't know that, that girl is a student of Huang Jing, she said that jujube was added when making tea, and what else, it is best to drink in autumn, to clear away dryness and heat .”

After hearing this, the Seventh Princess thought for a while before she said: "Sisao said that, but I remembered it. A few years ago, I heard that Huang Jing accepted a student, and she was a female student who couldn't go to the examination room. So it was her?"

Speaking of this, the seventh princess smiled mysteriously: "Speaking of which, the fourth sister-in-law probably doesn't know yet. When my lord was in Yangzhou, he joked that he would protect Mo Xuan for your family."

The fourth concubine regained her spirits when she heard that, and quickly asked, "Oh? For which family should the seventh brother protect Mo Xuan for us? If it's not good, we don't want it, and then don't say that my sister-in-law refuted his face." yes."

The Seventh Princess raised her eyebrows and smiled and said, "Why don't Sister-in-law Si guess?" Seeing the appearance of the Seventh Princess, the Fourth Princess deliberately ignored her, took a sip of the tea cup, and said indifferently: "If the Seventh Brother really wants to For whom, to protect Mo Xuan for our matchmaker, it is natural to say it, why should I embarrass myself right now?"

Seeing this, the Seventh Concubine wanted not to say anything, but felt itchy, so she held her mouth angrily and said, "Sisao is really boring!" After speaking, she laughed again: "I'm afraid Sisao couldn't have imagined that my prince would I just want to protect the matchmaker for that Lin family girl." After speaking, he covered his mouth and laughed.

The fourth concubine suddenly realized that it was no wonder there were those rumors spread a few days ago, so she smiled and said: "Seventh brother has a good eye, but it's a pity that the girl is a little younger." It's a good relationship, but I don't know what the master plans in his heart, and what kind of rules the eldest brother has.

Thinking of this, the fourth princess also sighed in her heart. All these years, her eldest brother has really ignored Mo Xuan's son. The child is also very pitiful. He lost his mother when he was born, and he doesn't even want to see his father and brother.

The fourth prince is busy with affairs in the court, the army, and the enthronement ceremony every day. It can be said that he is too busy to touch the ground. It is rare to come back earlier this day. The fourth princess told him what the seventh princess said today He also talked about the matter that Princess Wujun said before that she wanted to recognize the girl from the Lin family as a foster daughter.

After hearing this, the Fourth Prince asked, "How do you say that?" The Fourth Princess smiled and said, "My sister said that she had such thoughts a few years ago. Mrs. Pian Lin was worried that Lin Hai's position was sensitive, so she insisted on not agreeing. It's mother bereavement and filial piety, my sister didn't mention it for fear of making her sad."

Speaking of this, the fourth concubine saw that the fourth prince had no displeasure on his face, so she continued: "But that girl Wanyu is very close to her, and she even recognizes her as a sister. Now it's great to see our family Hanyi and that girl of."

After the fourth prince heard this, he clasped his index finger on the table, and changed his mind quickly: It would be great if the Prince of Wujun's family is married at this time, but if Lin Hai disappears in the future, it will be difficult to recognize the married couple, and there is no need to let him go. People say that the royal clan is greedy for the family property of heroes.It can be regarded as finding a support for that girl.

The Fourth Prince also remembered that Lin Hai had asked Huang Jiyun to beg him to give that girl lifelong guidance in the future, so he said with a smile: "I look very good. If my sister has the heart, she can pick a good day to recognize her. It just so happens that the girl is gone." Mother, Lin Hai doesn't want to continue."

When the fourth concubine heard this, she looked at the fourth prince in a puzzled way, and thought to herself: Why did you care about these things?With a smile on his face, he said: "Since the master said so, I will tell my sister later." The fourth prince didn't say anything more, just nodded and said no more.

When the new empress met her sister, Princess Wujun, for the first time, she mentioned this matter.Although Princess Wujun was not displeased, even a little happy, she still asked in doubt: "How do you say this? Your Majesty takes care of everything every day, and he still has time to care about whether the concubine will recognize her as a goddaughter?"

The empress smiled slightly and said: "Your Majesty liked that girl very much in the early years. If it wasn't for worrying about causing trouble to that girl, it would be possible to personally recognize her as a goddaughter." Princess Wujun hurriedly asked with a smile: "Why, The Holy Majesty also had contact with that girl?"

The Empress smiled and said, "What's the matter? Didn't you come up with a new bookkeeping method a few years ago? I heard from the Holy Majesty that it was created by that girl when she was playing."

Princess Wujun couldn't believe it when she heard this, and said: "What's the matter? That girl never told my concubine!" As she spoke, she felt sour: "My concubine has loved her all these years! Seeing this, the queen smiled and said, "I'm afraid that girl didn't care about it herself, but Lin Hai used it when she was the last inspector of salt and censor, and she thought it was good to play the role of the Supreme Emperor."

So Princess Wujun smiled in relief: "Just say it, how could that girl have good things and never forget her concubine!" Speaking of this, Princess Wujun's face was not without complacency and said: "I just forgot The concubine, the concubine's Jia Wanyu, she will never forget."

Seeing this, the queen gave her an angry look and said: "How old are you? You are still so childish! The Holy Majesty, I'm afraid it will be difficult to handle this matter if it is too late. You can choose a good day and let Wujun Wang came to the door to talk to Lin Hai, after all her mother has gone, and there is no one in charge in the mansion, I heard that the girl is in charge of all matters."

Princess Wujun hurriedly nodded in response.

(End of this chapter)

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