Daiyu of the Red Chamber

Chapter 145 Visit by Prince Wu

Chapter 145 Visit by Prince Wu

Princess Wujun went back to the mansion and talked about this matter with King Wujun. King Wujun frowned and didn't speak. Princess Wujun pushed King Wujun's arm and said, "My lord, I have something to say."

Prince Wu took a deep breath and said: "This king knows a lot about this matter, let's find an opportunity to talk to Lin Hai later." He shook his head and said: "It's the hard-working person of the family."

Princess Wujun was not happy when she heard this, she pouted and said, "How do you talk? How can you be miserable if you are our daughter?" Seeing her appearance like this, Princess Wujun smiled but didn't care. No explanation.

King Wujun specially found a day for Lin Ruhai to rest and take a bath, and brought Princess Wujun, County Master Wanyu and Shizi Hongjin to visit together, and specially posted a post three days in advance for this purpose.

Daiyu looked surprised, and smiled at Yang Nanny: "Wangfei and Sister Wanyu often come to our house, but this is the second time in many years that King Wujun has come back, unexpectedly he posted a special post. "

Although Daiyu said so, she didn't take this matter to heart.Lin Ruhai has been busy with official business recently, and managed to maintain a better body, but now he is much thinner, and because of the weather changes, he also suffered from cough, even Huang Jiyun's acupuncture effect is not very good, Daiyu is very worried about this.

When Hong Jin heard that King Wujun was going to visit Lin Hai with his whole family, he felt mixed emotions. He was excited that he might see Daiyu, but also bitter that he was already engaged, so he couldn't help being distracted when King Wujun was speaking.

Although the Prince Wu and his wife didn't see anything unusual about Hongjin, Wanyu could see everything in sight, and she couldn't help frowning, feeling very distressed in her heart.I can't hide this matter, but I can't say it, but what should I do?

On October [-]th, the Lin Mansion opened the middle door to welcome the arrival of Prince Wu's family. Lin Ruhai went out to welcome the family in person, and Daiyu also brought Yang Nanny and Sun Nanny, smiling Zhixuan and Ruizhu Lve to stand. In front of the instrument gate.

As soon as Princess Wujun and Wanyu appeared from a distance, Daiyu went up to salute with a smile, Princess Wujun said angrily, "It's true that you are getting more and more mature!" Daiyu laughed and said, "Where are you?" Is it a birth share? It’s only a rare time for the princess to come, and Daiyu is just happy when she sees her.”

Princess Wujun said dissatisfiedly: "Look at what you said? Is it possible that I have to come to see you? I haven't seen you go to see me once!" She reached out and tapped Daiyu's forehead and said: "What a heartless person! Little thing! We will be a family in the future, but this is not allowed, otherwise I will be angry."

Daiyu was confused when she heard it, and she didn't understand why they became a family, but she smiled and said: "What the princess said is true! Yu'er treats sister Wanyu as her own sister, and the princess naturally does too. Just like Yu'er's mother, where can we get birth?"

Princess Wujun was happy when she heard this, so she smiled and said, "You said this, and you can't go back on it in the future!" Then she took Daiyu's hand and walked inside.

Here, Lin Ruhai welcomed Prince Wu and his son into the main hall, and ordered someone to serve good tea to eat with his father and son.After the little servant retreated, Prince Wu served the tea ceremony unceremoniously: "Speaking of which, today's visit is a bit abrupt." He flicked the tea foam lightly, but did not continue talking.

Lin Ruhai was surprised and said: "The arrival of the prince is to make the officials flourish, and besides, it is already a great courtesy for the prince to send a message to the officials in advance, so why are you so abrupt?"

King Wujun smiled and said, "You know I don't like to play tricks." Lin Ruhai was surprised when he heard this, and King Wujun called himself "I" instead of "my king"!But then he heard Wu Jun Wang say: "My family is here today for a real reason." Speaking of this, Wu Jun Wang took a look at Lin Ruhai and saw his surprised face, which he couldn't hide even after years of official career.

King Wu then continued with a serious face: "Come here to embarrass Duke Lin!" Not to mention Lin Ruhai, even Hong Jin couldn't help but widen his eyes at this time, and hurriedly said: "Father!"

Unexpectedly, King Wujun interrupted what Hongjin was about to say with a wave of his hand, and continued: "The princess likes the daughter of the Lin family and wants to be her goddaughter. Therefore, this king came here to snatch her daughter."

Lin Ruhai was nervous for a while at first, but he didn't want Prince Wu to say such words in the end, so he couldn't help being stunned for a while, and Prince Wu explained: "I saw Duke Lin's daughter for the first time many years ago, it was like recognizing this daughter, who knows Mrs. Zun refused at that time, but now Mrs. Zun has passed away, and this king wants to bring up the old story again, what will Mr. Lin think?"

Lin Ruhai was naturally overjoyed, but Hong Jin, who was sitting beside him, lost all blood in an instant, and was afraid of showing his expression, so he quickly lowered his head.Unexpectedly, his fist on his knee still did not escape King Wu's eyes, which made King Wu frowned involuntarily.

Lin Ruhai listened to King Wujun's words, and said with a smile: "It's her blessing that my little girl is loved by the princess." After speaking, Lin Ruhai glanced at King Wujun and said, "I'm afraid that my little girl will be favored by the prince and concubine."

At this time, King Wu Jun took his heart away from Hongjin and smiled: "The princess wants to recognize Ling Qianjin as her daughter. It's not enough to make a thousand gold filial, even this king is also honored a lot." After speaking, Prince Wu laughed.

But Lin Ruhai hurriedly said: "My little girl doesn't know the rules, so it's overstepped to be commensurate with the county master's sisters. It's a blessing to be able to win the prince and princess. Now she is favored by the princess and recognized as a daughter. I don't know when she cultivated it in her life. "

Lin Ruhai discussed with King Wujun in the front hall, Princess Wujun didn't hide anything in the backyard, and asked, "Since Yu'er said that she treats me like a mother, would you like to be my goddaughter?" Wanyu had heard about it before. Yes, naturally not surprised, but Daiyu couldn't react for a moment and looked at Princess Wujun.

Princess Wujun pretended to be angry when she saw this and said with a stern face: "Why? Yu'er doesn't want to? Aren't all the words you just said just to coax me?" Seeing that Daiyu was still in a daze, Wanyu touched her lightly , even Yang Nanny and Sun Nanny who were on the side looked anxious for her. How could such a good opportunity be missed?

Daiyu came back to her senses, and said with a quick smile: "How can Yu'er not want to? I'm afraid Yu'er's status is low and high, and she can't compete with the princess." Then she lowered her head.

Princess Wujun smiled and said, "Isn't it too late to think of climbing high and low? You have called Wanyu's sister for several years."

Seeing this, Daiyu quickly squatted down and saluted: "Yu'er has overstepped." Seeing Daiyu's behavior, Princess Wujun asked seriously, "Yu'er really doesn't want to?" This is what Princess Wujun never expected .Even Wanyu felt disappointed when she saw this, why did she suddenly not want to?

But Daiyu shook her head and said: "Such a big matter, Yu'er dare not specialize in it, she must report to her father."

Hearing what Daiyu said, Wan Yu breathed a sigh of relief, Princess Wu Jun also smiled and said, "Why do you have to say this? Naturally, the prince will come forward to explain everything to your father, you just say that you are willing?"

Hearing that King Wujun wanted to talk to Lin Ruhai about this matter, Daiyu immediately understood the intention of Prince Wujun leading the whole family to the door. She also felt a little shy at this moment, so she blushed and whispered: "Yu'er is willing." After finishing speaking He lowered his head and seemed afraid to meet people.

Princess Wujun was very dissatisfied and said: "What did Yu'er say? Why can't I hear you clearly?" Seeing this, Wanyu laughed and said, "Why do you bother my sister? Be careful to scare my sister from recognizing you!"

Princess Wujun gave Wanyu a sideways look and said: "This girl is very courageous! She dares to run to Yangzhou secretly without fear of accidents on the way! Why is it so easy to be scared?" After speaking, she turned around again. Looking back at Daiyu, he said, "Yu'er, tell me louder, would you like to?"

Daiyu suddenly had a very strange feeling, why was it so like the pastor asked when she got married in her previous life: "Are you willing?" Thinking of this, Daiyu almost laughed out loud, but still hurriedly replied: "Thank you for your kindness, Yuer willing!"

In this way, Princess Wujun held up Daiyu's hand in satisfaction and said, "From now on, you can no longer be called Princess, you are my daughter, you can call me Concubine Mother like your sister Wanyu, or call me Mother ,it is also fine."

Daiyu looked at Princess Wujun at this time, although she was still wearing the same princess dress, and the beads, rings and hairpins had never been changed, but she looked extraordinarily kind, her eyes were full of maternal love, she couldn't help being dazed for a moment, staring at Wujun. The eyes of the princess of the county called softly: "Mother"

The voice was very soft and soft, but Princess Wujun heard it clearly, so she hurriedly smiled and said: "That's right! From now on, we will be a family, and I will treat you like my own daughter. "

Daiyu came back to her senses in the words of Princess Wujun, she couldn't help but blushed, she hurriedly lowered her head, not daring to speak easily.

The king of Wujun also discussed with Lin Ruhai earlier, and asked the Qin Tianjian to count the auspicious day, and issued invitations to formally accept Daiyu as a righteous daughter.Naturally, Lin Ruhai was not unwilling. At this moment, Lin Ruhai only felt that a big stone in his heart had fallen to the ground, thinking that he would go by himself, and Daiyu could be counted on.

Thinking of this, Lin Ruhai looked at Prince Wu with gratitude, and quickly smiled and said: "Everything is only according to the prince's orders, and the lower officials will follow." Seeing this, Prince Wu was also very satisfied.

Prince Wu's family stayed in the Lin Mansion until after dinner, and Princess Wu took Daiyu's bottles and jars and left happily together with Prince Wu and his son Hongjin.But Wan Yu stayed in the Lin Mansion, saying that she wanted to get closer to her younger sister.

After returning to the mansion, Prince Wu and his wife were satisfied with today's trip. Prince Wu was naturally satisfied because of Lin Ruhai's gratitude. The reputation in China is excellent.

It would not be an exaggeration to say that he is strong and strong, Prince Xianyizhong has failed to win over him many times, but today he is extremely respectful to him as a martial artist.Although he is a county king and a member of the royal family, in the final analysis, few literati can look up to him.

Although those civil servants usually treat him respectfully and politely, they just look at his status, but today the King Wujun clearly felt Lin Ruhai's sincere gratitude.This made Prince Wu very satisfied, and for Daiyu, he had listened to Wanyu and the princess talking about Daiyu all these years, and he loved Daiyu in his heart.

In particular, Daiyu went to Yangzhou to save her father in private, which made King Wu Jun, who had fought in the battlefield for many years, couldn't help admiring him. It's the same feeling.

Needless to say, Princess Wujun was so happy that she was so happy that she kept saying to the nurse beside her, "From now on, you don't have to worry about not being able to drink the tea made by this girl."

The old mama followed the princess of Wu County before she left the cabinet, and naturally she was not courteous to the princess. Seeing what the princess said, she laughed and said, "The reason why the princess of affection recognizes a daughter is to have tea!"

Princess Wujun was also taken aback when she heard this, and laughed with the old mother for a moment.Little did she know that her only son was drinking to soothe his sorrows in the study...

Hong Jin felt that today was like a dream. The girl he was thinking of was suddenly going to become his younger sister. Yu became his younger sister, so there might be a reason to meet her again, but in the end she couldn't say anything happy about it.

(End of this chapter)

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