Chapter 146
No matter what Hong Jin thinks, let alone what others think, the fact that King Wujun recognizes Daiyu as his daughter has finally spread, and the rumors have spread widely.

The Prince of Wu County recognized his daughter, and invited Qin Tianjian to watch the day with great fanfare, so naturally he wanted to have a big banquet for guests.

Naturally, Jia's mansion also received the invitation card. The old lady Jia was holding the invitation card from the Prince Wu's mansion, smiling like a flower.The day Qin Tianjian picked was on the thirteenth day of the twelfth lunar month, nearly two months before now, and Mrs. Jia had already started picking gifts.

Naturally, Jia She's family was extremely happy. Wang Xifeng hugged Qiaojie, who had just turned [-] days. After hearing the news, she couldn't see her eyes smiling. She happily chose fabrics and tailored new clothes. Wear it on the day of the banquet.Even Yingchun, who was waiting to get married at home, also prepared a gift by herself, and let Mrs. Xing take it with her when the time came.

But not everyone in the Jia family is so happy.Like Mrs. Wang!At this time, Mrs. Wang didn't have any conflicts in her heart. Her own daughter was in the palace, but there was no news about it for many years, and the relationship between the empress and the Wujun palace was needless to say.

At this time, Daiyu recognized Princess Wujun as her adoptive mother, and she might be able to help her own Yuanchun in the future, but she thought that Daiyu was Jia Min's daughter, especially the old lady Jia still wanted Baoyu to marry Daiyu As a wife, Mrs. Wang should not be too awkward.

When Baoyu heard that Daiyu wanted to recognize the royal clan as her righteous parents, she was very dissatisfied in her heart. In Baoyu's words: "The girl in our family is fine, why bother to do the thing of climbing dragons and phoenixes?"

After seeing the grandeur of Princess Wujun, Tanchun and Baochai felt unspeakable envy for Daiyu's ability to recognize such a person as her adoptive mother.

Especially Baochai, the original experience is still vivid in his mind, although he never revealed it after returning, but the resentment in his heart cannot be faked.Now that she heard that such a family wanted to recognize Daiyu as a righteous daughter, Baochai suddenly felt very unfair in her heart, but she didn't show it at all on the surface, and even followed her in detail about the congratulatory gift she wanted to send to Daiyu.

The calmest person in Jia's mansion is the cold Xichun. When Ruhua talked about this with Xichun, Xichun smiled slightly and said, "It just so happens that I painted a koi carp a while ago, so I will send it as a gift." Seeing this, Ruhua hesitated and advised: "Girl, is it too simple?" Xichun glanced at Ruhua lightly and said, "Do as I say."

But Xichun thought to herself: Is sister Lin that kind of ordinary person?Besides, I don't cling to anything, it's just a relationship between sisters, so why be so naughty.Thinking about it, I remembered the scene when Daiyu and her were painting together. They said they were painting together, but in fact it was Daiyu who taught her painting skills.A smile could not help but appear on the lips.

On the ninth day of the twelfth lunar month, Daiyu was taken to the county palace by Princess Wujun in advance.Naturally, the scale and grandeur of the palace is not comparable to that of ordinary people. Even Daiyu is full of expectations at this time. After all, she only saw Prince Gong's Palace and the Forbidden City in her previous life... many places are still sealed.

Wanyu was a very good guide, and she led Daiyu for a walk, and told her as she walked, "This will be my sister's home from now on, so you have to read it carefully and remember it clearly. The mother concubine prepared it for you." The yard is also very close to me, so it will be more convenient for us to come and go in the future."

Speaking of the two came to the edge of a plum grove, Wan Yu pointed to the yard on the other side and said: "This is the Meixiang Garden for my sister, and my yard is behind this plum grove." Although Daiyu didn't speak, But looking at this fiery cloud that looked like Merlin, there was a smile on his brows and eyes.

Entering the courtyard is different from Jia's Mansion, Huang's Mansion, and even Lin's Mansion.In the middle is a row of three main rooms facing the sun. There are many peach and pear trees planted on the left and right sides, and at this time only the branches are left.

Entering from the main room, there is a plum vase on the table with a well-opened red plum inserted in the plum vase written by Ma Yuan, one of the four great masters of the Southern Song Dynasty, on the hall.The rosewood tables and chairs of the same color are neatly arranged according to Daiyu's preference.

From the back door of the main hall, there are corridors on the left and right connecting the east and west rooms, but in the middle is a small two-story building called "Nanyun Pavilion".

Wan Yu pointed to Nuanyun Pavilion and said: "This is the embroidery building that my concubine specially chose for you. Most of the north don't like this, but the girls in our house all live in the embroidery building."

Daiyu looked at the antler building with flying eaves on the second floor in front of her, her eyes were shining brightly. She always wanted such a small building before, and now her dream has come true!Can't help pulling Wan Yu and laughing: "Thank you, Sister Wan!"

Seeing Daiyu's eyebrows and eyes crooked with a smile, Wan Yu couldn't help but nodded her forehead and said, "Thank me for what? I didn't prepare it for you." She covered her mouth with a smile and said, "You still think about what to get for yourself." Go honor your mother and concubine."

Walking into Nuanyun Pavilion, the first floor is divided into three rooms by embroidered screens.On the front is a picture of peacocks and peonies, and on the left and right sides are magpies climbing plums and butterflies wearing flowers.All are rich and bright colors.It contrasts sharply with the light yellow and light green veils in the room.In the middle is a sandalwood round table with six drum stools.

Behind the magpie climbing the plum screen is an arhat bed facing the window.Covered with thick pink upholstery.There are rose-red pillows and pillows, and there is a small Kang table in the middle.In front of the Arhat's bed is a one-color carved hibiscus pedal.It can be seen that this is a place where knowledge is chatting and laughing.

Behind Baidie wearing the flower screen, there is a chaise longue chair covered with fox fur against the wall.The plum-blossom table is placed on the side, and in front of it is a three-legged and two-eared smoker with copper body and cloisonné enamel.A pot of emerald jade tree on the twig flower stand is particularly eye-catching.

Turn around the peacock and peony screen, and behind it is the wooden staircase connecting the second floor.The handrails of the stairs are engraved with wishful auspicious clouds.The stairs are covered with velvet felt, which is very soft to walk on.

When I went up to the second floor, I saw that on the west side was a bed with thousands of craftsmanship, painted with gold and inlaid with treasures.The dressing table is placed near the south window not far from the bed.The large mercury dressing mirror is inlaid behind the Dongyang wood carving screen.On the east side is a large desk with three drawers inlaid with mother-of-pearl with flying dragon and lotus pattern, and a three-screen chair with mother-of-pearl of the same color in front of the desk.

The north wall is leaning against a row of chicken wing wood top box wardrobes and Duobao Pavilion, with a staircase in between.The Duobao Pavilion is filled with all kinds of curios and ornaments.In front of Duobaoge, there is also a flat-headed picture table carved with rosewood.At the foot of the painting table is a big pastel figure urn, with several scrolls inserted in it.

The whole floor is transparent and bright without partitions or obstructions.The white walls are matched with red lacquered multi-lattice windows, and the windows are pasted with silver and red silk gauze.Looking through the window, to the east is the plum forest sandwiched between two small buildings, Wan Yu pointed to the small building and said: "See, that's my yard, my sister should come here more often when she has free time. "

Daiyu looked at Mei Hualin who was like smoke and said with a smile: "Even if I don't have time, I would like to sit with my sister, or with my sister in this plum forest, painting and admiring flowers, playing the qin and making tea, walking and laughing is also very beautiful. Wan Yu laughed and said, "Your sister has agreed, but you are not allowed to go back on your word."

To the west is an artificial lake, even though it is winter, it is still rippling with blue waves.At this time, the weeping willow has not yet taken its leaves, and its bare branches are swaying in the wind, but the sylvestris pine and red bark spruce are still surrounded by the lakeside veranda in lush greenery.There are three pavilions in the middle of the veranda, which divide the veranda into five sections.

From the shore, a Jiuqu Bridge is connected to a small lake pavilion.Ting Wanyu said: "I can't tell at this moment, the pavilion is good in summer, there are lotus flowers planted around it, no worse than the ones in your mansion, only the remnants of lotus have been harvested now."

After hearing this, Daiyu said regretfully: "It's a waste. I like the artistic conception of leaving the lotus to listen to the rain." Wanyu patted the back of Daiyu's hand angrily. It's red!
Wan Yu scolded in a low voice with a stern face: "Since you call me elder sister, listen to me! Good little girl, what kind of remnant lotus mood do you want? Now is the year full of flowers!" Daiyu saw Wan Yu very excited With a serious look, she couldn't help laughing out loud, she took Wanyu's arm and said, "My good sister, I remember!" Wanyu just smiled.

Just as he was about to say something, the servant girl came to report that the concubine had served refreshments and asked her to go.Daiyu followed Wanyu to the main courtyard of the princess.

The main courtyard of the princess is naturally different from other places. The main house with seven large bays is built on seven steps. The top of the double eaves is covered with glazed tiles. form a corridor.

Daiyu saw that although it was not as good as the Forbidden City in memory, it was not far behind.This can no longer be called a house, Daiyu thinks it should be called a palace.Wearing pink Confucian shirts, green skirts, and light fan sash around their waists, the eight maidservants and two nuns stood outside the door.

Seeing Daiyu and Wanyu ascending the stairs, the maidservant squatted down to salute in place, and the mother quickly stepped forward to salute and said: "The county master and the girl are here, the princess has been waiting for a long time." She also did not enter, Then he led Wanyu and Daiyu along the corridor to the east.

After turning around the seven main rooms, there are two side rooms. Enter from the side room, pass through a hall, and then a small courtyard. Wan Yu explained with a smile: "This is the favorite courtyard of the concubine mother. As for why, I will Leaving aside, you will know when you go in and take a look. But I didn't expect that the mother concubine would throw a banquet here to welcome you." After speaking, he covered his mouth and laughed.

Daiyu looked up at the gate of the courtyard. There was neither a plaque nor a couplet. She couldn't help being curious about the courtyard.

Pushing open the courtyard door, there is a wall of koi playing with lotus.Turning around the screen wall, Xiangfei bamboos are planted all around. There are no wing rooms or verandahs, only three main rooms in the middle.

Seeing Wanyu and Daiyu enter the yard, the nun bowed and retreated, and two maidservants who were dressed in the same clothes as the maidservants she had seen before came up to greet them, and bowed to salute Wanyu and Daiyu before going out. Gently lifted the brocade curtain on the door and let Daiyu and her two in.

As soon as she entered the house, Daiyu was stunned!There are no three rooms in it, just a big room, the floor is covered with white marble!On the right hand side of the door stands a seven-screen screen with figures, flowers, birds and red sandalwood.Can't see what's behind.On the left is a translucent double embroidered peony screen.Daiyu happened to be able to vaguely see the big steaming hot tub behind her!

At this time, the princess was sitting in front of a large round table of eight treasures red sandalwood, drinking tea leisurely, looking at Daiyu's surprised appearance, her eyes were slightly smug, and the corners of her mouth were also pursed into a smile.

Daiyu hurriedly stepped forward and said: "Yu'er has seen the princess." The princess was not happy when she heard that, she put down the teacup in her hand and said, "What was Yu'er's name just now?" Wanyu smiled and said to Daiyu: "Why don't you call me concubine mother?" Daiyu said with a blushing face, "Yu'er greets concubine mother."

(End of this chapter)

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