Chapter 147
Thanks to those friends who read "Daiyu in the Red Mansion" carefully, thank you for your suggestions, and thank you for helping to catch bugs~ Dear friends~ Gujing said that the three-day update is over, starting tomorrow, Gujing The normal update time will resume, 01:30 noon and 07:30 pm, thank you for your support and love all the time! O(∩_∩)O~

On the thirteenth day of the twelfth lunar month, all families who received invitations from the Prince Wu's Mansion came to the Prince Wu's Mansion early, even Wan Yu got up early to come to Daiyu's Meixiang Garden to make arrangements for her.

Wan Yu went up to the second floor of Nuanyun Pavilion, and saw Daiyu combing her bun near the cloud, a red gold flying phoenix beaded hairpin obliquely inserted on the bun, phoenix wings and tassels falling on her forehead, and two pink beaded flowers Stick it on the other side of the phoenix hairpin.Three pink beads, from large to small, were strung on a very thin gold chain and dropped under the earlobe.

The purple collared shirt is inlaid with light yellow teeth and rolled with light yellow edges.The collar and sleeves are embroidered with blooming magnolia flowers.It is paired with a purple streamer and moonlight skirt, with a magnolia stretching up from the skirt.Around the waist is the same purple waist with light yellow edges, and a piece of suet white jade carved in the shape of a magnolia flower is pendant on the light yellow palace belt, pressing down on the skirt.

Wan Yu couldn't help sighing, "I said I'm here to help you, but you've packed it up now." As she spoke, she took out the golden silk gauze dress from Chai'er's hand, put it on for Dai Yu, and took two steps back. She took a look and said: "Mother Concubine has such a good vision, this gauze dress can only be worn by my younger sister! No one else can wear it like this."

Daiyu took a picture in front of the mercury mirror, and went to the dowry for a long time to choose, and chose a gold collar to wear around her neck.There is a thumb-sized pearl inlaid in the middle of the collar, and three long strips of suet white jade are inlaid on the left and right sides of the pearl.Turning in front of Wan Yu like this, she asked, "What do you think, sister?"

Wan Yu clapped her hands and laughed: "My sister has become like this, a fairy and goddess who came up that day! We have all become ordinary people!" Daiyu blushed and pouted: "I don't want my sister to make fun of me like this. Yes!" Seeing her shyness, Wan Yu took her hand and laughed softly, "It's really pretty!"

When Wanyu lowered her head, she saw a jade bracelet on Daiyu's hand. It was given to Daiyu by herself back then. It was originally a gift from her father during the three dynasties. One was given to Daiyu, and she kept the other. Just, this morning, thinking about the younger sister I recognized back then, and from today onwards it is really my younger sister, and I was so happy that I put it on my hand, never thinking that Daiyu would also wear it.

Wanyu looked up at Daiyu, then let go of Daiyu's hand, gently rolled up her sleeves, and saw that Wanyu was also wearing a bracelet on her snowy wrist, which was exactly the same as her own, and Daiyu was also busy. Rolling up her sleeves, revealing half of her bright wrist, Wanyu burst out laughing, and Daiyu also pursed her lips and laughed.

The two of them had breakfast in Meixiangyuan before they went to greet the princess together, and followed the princess to meet many royal family members.

Although the King of Wujun is only the king of the county, everyone knows that the empress is the sister of Princess Wujun.Today, Prince Wu and his wife recognized their daughter and distributed invitations widely. Naturally, no one would refute his couple's face.

Even the seventh concubine also came in person. Seeing Wanyu and a strange purple-clothed girl behind Wujun princess, she knew that the purple-clothed girl was Daiyu. After looking up and down, she nodded with a smile.Naturally, Daiyu quickly followed Wanyu to salute the Seventh Princess. After the ceremony, Princess Wujun said with a smile, "You haven't seen my daughter before, so seeing her today is not for nothing."

The Seventh Concubine glared at Princess Wujun angrily, and ignored her. She only glanced at the nanny standing beside her, and saw that the nanny was holding a carved nanmu box to Daiyu and said: "The Seventh Concubine A meeting gift for you." Although she didn't know what was in the box, Daiyu hurriedly squatted down and took it with both hands: "Thank you Seventh Princess for your reward."

At this time, the Seventh Princess smiled and said: "What kind of reward is it? It's just a gift from your mother and concubine!" After speaking, she gave Princess Wujun a look.Princess Wu Jun didn't take it seriously and said: "I love my own daughter, and of course I have to ask for more for her if I have a chance, so I can save it for the dowry."

When the Seventh Princess heard this, she burst out laughing, opened her mouth to say something but saw Daiyu and Wanyu beside her, so she covered it up again.

Not long after, Mrs. Jia also brought her daughter-in-law and granddaughter-in-law and two granddaughters to come. Yingchun did not come because she was waiting to be married, so she asked Mrs. Xing to bring her a gift for Daiyu, and the gift was only her own. An embroidered Kang screen.The "Picture of Koi Carp" sent by Yu Xichun really won Daiyu's heart.

What Mrs. Jia gave away was a set of emerald heads, a box of rubies, and a box of sapphires.A set of ancient books, and a piece of "Golden Pheasant with Hibiscus" by Emperor Huizong of Song Dynasty.Not to mention anything else, just looking at this painting made Daiyu's heart skip a beat. If I remember correctly, this painting was kept in the Forbidden City in her previous life!

Even Mrs. Wang took out a piece of "Traveling in Streams and Mountains" by Fan Kuan of the Northern Song Dynasty.However, Mrs. Xing only gave away a pair of gourd vases with yellow background and red color with entangled branches and wishful patterns, and a pair of jade pot spring vases with blue, white, bamboo, stone and plantain patterns.

On the contrary, Wang Xifeng sent a set of glazed cups, which Daiyu saw in her room earlier, and said that drinking rose tea is very delicious.Now it's wrapped up and given to Daiyu.When Daiyu saw it, she laughed a lot, and when she saw Wang Xifeng in the future, she would often talk about it.

Everyone came, only Li Wan, who was widowed, and Yingchun, who was waiting to be married, stayed in the mansion. Of course, Xing Xiuyan and Xue Baochai, who lived in Jia's mansion, had learned from last time, so no one brought them here this time.But Baoyu, of course, will not fall.

But at this time Baoyu could only go to the main hall with Jia Lian and Jia Zheng and Jia She to meet the king of Wu Jun. Therefore, when Princess Hanyi came, she never met Baoyu, otherwise she didn't know what would happen.

Wanyu and Daiyu led the girls into the garden. Daiyu only knew the two sisters of the Huang family and Tanchun Xichun among the girls in the garden.So he took them around the garden and came to his Meixiang Garden.

With the help of Xue Baochai, Tanchun gave Daiyu a small bonsai with golden branches and jade leaves.Although the bonsai is not big, it has red gold as branches and emerald jade as leaves.Even the pots are made of Changhua ox horn jelly, which made Daiyu call it violent!Heartbroken.

Daiyu knew that Tanchun couldn't afford to give it to her, and Mrs. Wang had already given it to her, so how could she be willing to give such things to Tanchun?Then it can only be brought out by the Xue family.But now he doesn't point it out, he just pretends not to know.

In the Daiyu Courtyard, Huang Yuehua still sits dignifiedly and elegantly with Daiyu, while Xichun wanders around with the active Yulian with eyes full of curiosity.Tanchun was deeply shocked that the Prince Wu's mansion would prepare such a small courtyard for Daiyu.

Just when Tanchun was about to say something, a little maid hurriedly came to tell the princess to ask Daiyu to go to the main courtyard with her immediately to receive the order.After receiving the decree, Daiyu followed Lin Ruhai to receive it once. When he was in Gusu, Lin Ruhai was hand-picked as the doctor of Lantai Temple and also served as the inspector of salt. It was Eunuch Li who went to Gusu in person to announce the decree.

Now he says he wants to receive the order, but he doesn't know whose order it is for.Daiyu didn't have time to think about it, so she led the Huang family sisters and Tanchun Xichun to the main courtyard of the princess.On the way to the main courtyard of the princess, I saw Wanyu who was also rushing there.

When they arrived at the main courtyard, the concubine did not have time to explain, even the seventh concubine followed the concubine of Wujun and hurriedly led the girls to the main hall.

At this time, the main gate of Prince Wu's mansion was wide open, and there was an incense table on the east side. Prince Wu led a group of men who came to congratulate him, and they were already standing under the main hall.

Wang Guizhong, the new Minister in charge of the Daming Palace, stood in front of the main hall, holding a black rhinoceros horn as an axis, with seven-color silk brocades flying silver dragons flying at both ends, and the four seal characters "Designed by Heaven" are dignified and simple. It makes people feel dignified and solemn.

When Concubine Wujun arrived, everyone waited in silence for a long time, but at this time Gu did not dare to make a sound, King Wujun only nodded to Concubine Wu, and Princess Wujun brought all the family members and Wanyu Daiyu and stood there Behind Prince Wu.Mrs. Jia and the others are naturally ranked further back according to rank.

Seeing that everyone had arrived, King Wujun knelt down first, followed by the others. Daiyu knelt behind Princess Wujun, and couldn't help recalling the scene when she received the imperial edict, and she was distracted for a while.

Seeing that everyone had already knelt down, the Inner Prime Minister Wang Gonggong shook his whisk and read out the imperial decree in a high-pitched voice:
"Fengtian Chengyun Emperor, the imperial edict said: Lin Hui, the king of Wenwu County, has a daughter. She is sensitive and intelligent, courteous, elegant and graceful, and I really love her. Lin Hui is now canonized as the county lord, and she can enjoy the county's staple food. Give a jade Ruyi handle, a gold Ruyi handle, a set of auspicious clothes for the county magistrate, ten bolts of palace silk, and ten bolts of palace satin, for this."

Then Eunuch Wang added: "Lin Hui accepts the order~~!" The voice dragged on for a long time, as if people might not be able to hear it.

Hearing that it was the imperial decree to confer Daiyu as the head of the county, not to mention the old snacks in Jia's family, even the seventh concubine and other members of the clan were also deeply surprised, but King Wu's heart skipped a beat, and he understood the emperor's meaning even more clearly. Huang Jiyun and Lin Ruhai knelt in the crowd, but they smiled at each other.

The imperial decree has been read, but the prince waited for a long time and did not see the girl named Lin Hui come out to receive the decree. The prince thought to himself: Is it possible that no one wants the imperial decree written by the emperor himself?Is it possible that the new county head wants to resist the edict?

Thinking of Prince Wang here, he couldn't help looking at Prince Wu, his eyes kept asking: Where is the person?What about people?What about people? !King Wu Jun was also very anxious at this time, and the sweat on his forehead was soaked.When she turned her head to look at Princess Wujun, Princess Wujun also looked puzzled.

Fortunately, Wanyu was clever, and lightly touched Daiyu with her hand, awakening Daiyu from her memories.But Daiyu woke up and didn't know what was going on, so she turned her head to look at Wanyu with doubts in her eyes. Wanyu could only wink at Daiyu, but Daiyu just didn't understand.

Wang Gonggong couldn't wait any longer, so he had to say loudly again: "Lin Hui accepts the order~~~!" The voice had completely changed its tone.

So Dai Yufang understood, she was sweating all of a sudden, knelt on the ground and walked hard to the stone steps of the main hall.Recalling Jia Min's appearance when he received the order, he raised his hands above his head and said in a loud voice: "Lin Hui, thank you Lord Long En, long live my emperor, long live, long live!"

Seeing that someone finally came out to receive the order, Wang Gonggong was greatly relieved in his heart, and thought: I am afraid that this girl is also scared to death, right?Go back and tell the sage, so that the sage will also be happy.Wujun Wang and his wife and everyone in Jia's house behind them were also relieved to see Daiyu come out to receive the order.Lin Ruhai and Huang Jiyun couldn't help wiping the sweat dripping from their foreheads.

Wang Gonggong put the imperial decree in Daiyu's hands in person, and said: "It's ready, but it can't be broken or lost." Daiyu nodded quickly and said, "Thank you, Eunuch, for your guidance." : "The county lord should please get up quickly, don't kneel down, the servant can't bear it."

Daiyu complained in her heart: Do you think I don't want to wake up?I've been kneeling for a long time and now I can't get up!What a wicked old society!Thinking of this in her heart, Daiyu still had no choice but to stand up with the imperial decree in both hands.

When Daiyu got up, the prince might have seen the clue, so he took a step forward and gently helped Daiyu, so that Daiyu stood up steadily holding the imperial decree.

(End of this chapter)

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