Daiyu of the Red Chamber

Chapter 152 Two Yuer

Chapter 152
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Although Mrs. Wang didn't say it, she didn't show it on the face, but she felt that the snacks brought by Daiyu tasted very good, and secretly guessed that she must have obtained some secret recipe from the palace to make them.

Hearing that Daiyu said that she would give it to her sister, mother and daughter, she felt relieved a lot, and thought to herself: She can often enter the palace, if she can get along well, she might be able to help me Yuanchun, after all, she is still a family. Flesh and blood sisters, outsiders are incomparable after all.Then the face also looks a lot better.

Old lady Jia even used only two small pieces and asked Yuanyang to put it away for her to taste when Baoyu came back.Seeing this, Li Wan also wanted to leave some for Jia Lan, but he dared not mention it in front of Mrs. Wang.

Wang Xifeng and Sanchun sisters, after all, were reserved and reserved, so they didn't use much, they just tasted a piece carefully.Only Brother Chun and Sister Qiao ate and ate without any scruples.

Daiyu naturally saw Li Wan's expression, and said with a smile: "I made this in the morning, after all it's a bit cold by now, I'll make another basket in the afternoon and you can try the hot one, it tastes better. "

As Daiyu smiled at Li Wan, Li Wan naturally understood that it was for her son, and was very moved.In Jia's mansion, after Jia Zhu's death, for so many years, only Daiyu thought about their mother and child all the time, but at this moment she didn't know what to say.

Wang Xifeng smiled and said: "I should do more, teach me, and let your brother taste it later." Yingchun also looked at Daiyu with bright eyes when she heard Wang Xifeng say this.But Tanchun smiled and said, "It's not enough to just teach Lian's second sister-in-law, even we have to learn it. If you want to save money, you will have to beg you."

Daiyu laughed and said, "As long as you are not afraid of trouble, I have no objection to having someone do it together." Seeing that they were very harmonious, Mrs. Jia smiled and said, "It's good for you sisters to play together, and we are also happy to see them." .”

After lunch and returning to their respective courtyards for a lunch break, Li Wan, Wang Xifeng, Sanchun and Baochai all came to Daiyu's courtyard.

After Daiyu welcomed everyone into the room with a smile, she said to Ruizhu: "Go and prepare the materials I brought. After tea, we will go to the small kitchen to make cakes."

Hearing Daiyu mention that the pastry was called "Cake", Baochai raised her eyebrows and said with a smile, "Where did Miss Lin hear the name?" After eating eggs, I will name it Cake.” After speaking, he changed the subject and chatted about other things.

After tea, the group stayed in Daiyu's small kitchen all afternoon.Before, everyone thought that what Daiyu said was "made by hand" was just that after the maids finished it, they cut two knives or put a plate or something.

As a result, what Daiyu said about making it with her own hands turned out to be her own doing. The maids took out all the materials and then all exited the kitchen.Only Wang Xifeng, Li Wan, Sanchun Daiyu and Baochai remained.

For a while, everyone looked at me and I looked at you, but they didn't know how to do it, even Li Wan didn't know.

I saw Daiyu put on a blouse tied with a rope at the back, and after fastening the ribbon on the cuffs, she began to crack eggs, separating the yolk from the white...

Baochai, Sanchun and the others saw Daiyu's skillful movements, and knew that she must do it often. They never thought that one day they would really cook like this, so they couldn't help being stunned.

After Daiyu prepared everything, she poured the stirred cake batter into a large plate.At this time the water had boiled, Daiyu put the plate in, let Ruizhu watch the time, then led everyone back to the house, took off the cover, wiped her hands and face.

At this time, everyone was still in a state of bewilderment, and Daiyu's cake was ready before they could react for a while.The tempting aroma came out again, even sweeter than what I ate in the morning.

Daiyu took out steamed red beans after soaking in water, mixed with cane sugar, cut the cake from the middle, poured the red beans in, and closed the cake again, sighing in her heart: If there is some pineapple, mango, or Just canned peaches.

Up to now, even Wang Xifeng was dumbfounded, not knowing what to say.By this time, Tanchun can be regarded as completely convinced of Daiyu.The way she looked at Daiyu was also very different.Baochai looked at the cake thoughtfully, then at Daiyu, and said with a smile, "Why don't we try it too?"

Set aside half of Daiyu's new cooking for Brother Lang, Brother Chun and Sister Qiao, and after sharing the food with the rest, they went back to the kitchen.

But after tossing all afternoon, there was no more decent cake, and everyone couldn't help but feel a little discouraged.But Daiyu said with a smile: "Don't worry, I've already told you the solution, try it slowly later, it will work."

Now everyone feels exhausted, and they have to find a chance to try it next time.Xichun thought for a while and said, "Can I stay with Sister Lin tonight?"

For Xichun's initiative to approach, Daiyu was very happy in her heart, she nodded quickly and said: "I just feel lonely by myself, so it's good that you can come to accompany me."

Two days later, on the 26th of the twelfth lunar month, which was Jia Zheng's birthday, just after the hour passed, Lin Ruhai came to Jia's mansion.While exchanging greetings with Jia Zheng and his brothers, Mrs. Jia got the news and sent someone to invite him in.

When Daiyu saw Lin Ruhai in Mrs. Jia's room, she took a very careful look at Lin Ruhai's clothes and complexion. Although she was still skinny and sallow when she met her, she seemed to be in good spirits, so she breathed a sigh of relief.

Mrs. Jia asked about Lin Ruhai's physical condition, and sent Daiyu and Sanchun to play together.Daiyu looked at Lin Ruhai very worriedly, and saw Lin Ruhai nodded slightly with her.Fang reluctantly backed out.

After Daiyu left, Mrs. Jia was shocked when she saw Lin Ruhai's thin face.

How handsome and handsome Lin Ruhai was when he was in high school, and how pleasing it was to stand with his daughter Jia Min, Mrs. Jia has a deep memory.

But goodbye at this time, Lin Ruhai is actually in his dying years, very old!Compared with myself, I'm afraid she looks more old lady!

Old lady Jia looked at Lin Ruhai, took a deep breath and was about to speak, Lin Ruhai said, "My mother passed away, and after returning home to observe filial piety, I never had the chance to return to the capital."

Speaking of this, Lin Ruhai breathed a little and said: "When Min'er was alive, she was always worried, Mrs. Mother-in-law, now I have come to see Mrs. Mother-in-law, and I know that Mrs. Mother-in-law is in good health, so it's over. Miner's incident wish."

When Mrs. Jia heard him mention Jia Min, it was not difficult to hear from the words that the two were deeply affectionate, but now they are separated forever, so she couldn't help but feel a little sad.

Old lady Jia wanted to ask what happened back then with red eyes, but seeing Lin Ruhai's appearance, she couldn't tell.

After thinking about it, the old lady Jia comforted: "Don't think about what you have and what you don't have. Min'er and you are just like Yu'er. It is only serious to take good care of your body and take care of Yu'er."

Lin Ruhai nodded and said: "My mother-in-law is right, my son-in-law has been educated. Because Min'er can't go back to Beijing to visit your old man, I have always been worried about it. It's a pity that I was working outside all those years ago, and I didn't dare to go back to Beijing without purpose. It's because my mother-in-law and Min'er can't see each other. My son-in-law feels guilty."

She had already said not to mention it again, but Lin Ruhai would still talk about Jia Min. The old lady Jia frowned and said, "What's the use of talking about that? How can Min'er come back? You are in this body now."

At this point, Mrs. Jia paused, thought for a while before continuing, "Do you have any plans for Yu'er's future?"

Lin Ruhai obviously didn't expect that Mrs. Jia would ask this question so directly, and couldn't help being stunned.

Seeing this, old lady Jia sighed and said: "Looking at your appearance, I know you have not made any plans for Yu'er. If you really have something, what can I do for Yu'er?"

Speaking of which, the old lady Jia gave Lin Ruhai a very dissatisfied look, but without waiting for Lin Ruhai to speak, she continued: "The Baoyu of her second uncle's family is born blessed, and I see that the two Yu'er's appearances are also very good. Yes, I still have my care in this mansion, so no one can bully Yu'er."

Speaking of this, Mrs. Jia stared at Lin Ruhai, and said very seriously: "You can discuss with your second brother in a while, and make a settlement for the two Yu'er as soon as possible. This is what a father should do!"

Lin Ruhai naturally understood what old lady Jia meant, but how could Lin Ruhai agree to betroth his precious daughter to a person who could only mess around in the inner circle?

No need to think about it anymore, Lin Ruhai shook his head with a wry smile and said directly: "How can my son-in-law be in charge of Yu'er's future? Not to mention that King Wu Jun said earlier that he will take care of Yu'er's marriage. It was the Holy Grace who bestowed her the title of county lord, and I am afraid that the king of Wujun will not be able to be the master."

When Mrs. Jia heard this, she hurriedly asked, "What do you mean? Your daughter, you still can't make up your mind?"

Because the Holy Majesty once promised to give Daiyu a future, Lin Ruhai shook his head frankly and said: "The Holy Majesty likes Yu'er very much, and before he canonized Yu'er as the county lord, he told my son-in-law that Yu'er's In the future, my son-in-law will not have to ask."

When Mrs. Jia heard this, the shock in her heart was unparalleled, but she couldn't say anything. Looking at Lin Ruhai's expression, she also knew that such a thing was definitely not a joke. He would use the king of Wujun to shirk, but now the saint is involved.

Old lady Jia frowned and lowered her head to think for a long time, her complexion was also dark and changing, she didn't know what she was thinking about, but in the end she didn't say anything about "two jade children".

Seeing that there was nothing to be done, Mrs. Jia changed the topic, talked about something else with Lin Ruhai, and after chatting for a while, she told Lin Ruhai to take care of her body and sent him out.

Lin Ruhai returned to the outer courtyard, and chatted with the Jia She brothers and some guests from the honored family for a while, and at the request of Jia Zheng, he took a test of Jia Baoyu's studies.

Seeing that Jia Baoyu couldn't answer many questions, Jia Zheng couldn't help feeling angry. He was about to beat and scold him, but was stopped by Lin Ruhai. Find another way out with him?"

Originally, Jia Zheng was full of thoughts on Jia Baoyu's ability to obtain fame in the future.Hearing what Lin Ruhai said now, he couldn't help but hate Jia Baoyu even more, and couldn't help cursing: "Get out! Don't dirty my place here!"

Seeing Jia Zheng's education like this, Lin Ruhai couldn't help but be tongue-tied, and quickly persuaded: "Although Baoyu's mind is not on the Jingzi History Collection, his handwriting is really good, and he is also very clever. As long as he guides him well, he may not be able to do so in the future." There can be no achievements. Why should the second uncle do this?"

In Jia Zheng's heart, Lin Ruhai was the most convinced. Didn't he see that Jia Lian, who knew nothing, had already achieved fame under Lin Ruhai's teaching?

Jia Zhengsui quickly smiled and said, "I don't know what my sister-in-law's opinion is?" Lin Ruhai thought for a while and said, "In ancient times there was Wu Daozi and Wang Xizhi. Today there are Wang Yuanmei and Xu Wenchang. Why don't the second brother start from here?"

When Jia Zheng heard what Lin Ruhai said, he smiled and said, "Sister-in-law is right." But he was extremely disappointed in his heart.

But these words, it was a coincidence that Mingyan who was outside the door heard it seriously.

(End of this chapter)

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