Chapter 153
Thank you mizhuomm, I am a cow, fullmoon’s monthly ticket support, the end of the month ~ whoever has a ticket, support it O(∩_∩)O~ Also thank God Jianqi Lingtian for his encouragement and support!Thanks!Thanks to tatacoo's loyal fan Fengzhige for supporting Gujing!I also thank those friends who silently watched Gujing's Daiyu grow up and gave Gujing support and recognition!thank you all!

On the day of Jia Zheng's birthday, Daiyu proposed to go back to the Lin Mansion with Lin Ruhai.When bidding farewell to Mrs. Jia, for the first time, Mrs. Jia did not stop her, but instead told Daiyu to take good care of Lin Ruhai.Although Daiyu was surprised, she readily agreed.

On the third day after returning to the Lin Mansion, the Holy Majesty sealed the pen, and officials at all levels also started their annual leave.Lin Ruhai spent a lively and warm New Year's Eve with Daiyu and the servants in the mansion.Lin Ruhai came out of the ancestral hall early in the morning, and stayed quietly with Daiyu in the mansion, spending a rare and quiet year.

The members of the Lin clan are all far away in Gusu, so only Jia's mansion needs to go to pay New Year's greetings on the second day of the Lunar New Year, but Princess Wujun picked Daiyu back to Wujun Wangfu's mansion early in the morning.Daiyu had no choice but to ask Nanny Sun to run for her.

It wasn't until after lunch in the third day of junior high that he came back to the Lin Mansion with a lot of gifts, including gifts from Prince Wu and his wife, from Wanyu, from Hongjin, from Mo Xuan, and even from the palace. down.Especially no one thought that the Holy Majesty would reward Daiyu.This made the king of Wujun pay more and more attention to Daiyu.

In the early morning of the fourth day of the fourth day, Daiyu went to Huang's mansion again, and met Mrs. Huang and two Mrs. Huang.Of course there was Huang Jiyun, the master, so Daiyu naturally got another big cart of gifts to take back.

On the fifth and sixth day of the lunar new year, Daiyu stayed in the mansion to accompany Lin Ruhai well, and by the way, sorted out all kinds of gifts received this New Year.

What kind of clothing materials, what kind of head jewelry, what kind of pearls, emeralds, agates, they have everything.But these are not things that Daiyu cares about, and Daiyu is not short of these things.

What made Daiyu most happy was Huang Quan's "Bamboo Plum and Hanque Picture Axis" given to her by Huang Jiyun, and Mo Xuan's "Osmanthus, Chrysanthemum and Mountain Birds" that Mo Xuan got from somewhere.As if I was overjoyed, I took it out to observe every day.

Happy days always pass quickly. On the Lantern Festival on the 15th of the first lunar month, Lin Ruhai will naturally be present to participate in the grand banquet of the emperor, while Daiyu was brought to the Queen's Palace by Princess Wujun.

Princess Wujun talked and laughed with the queen for a while, and then followed the queen to the imperial garden. At this time, it was the first time that the lights came on, and there were palace lanterns hanging everywhere in the imperial garden, with different images.But for Daiyu who lived in the 21st century in her previous life, this is really not attractive.

Daiyu followed Wanyu vigorously, walking and stopping.It was some lantern riddles that aroused Daiyu's interest, but she didn't try to compete with others.In Daiyu's mind, this kind of garden tour might be better than going to the street to watch lanterns, which might be more interesting.Of course, even if Daiyu is at home right now, she probably won't go out to see any lanterns...

The new year passed without anything new, and the only thing Daiyu was happy about was that Lin Ruhai survived another year!
On the [-]th day of the first lunar month, the pilgrimage started early, and Lin Ruhai naturally went out to make the pilgrimage early.When Xia Ya came back, she brought back a piece of good news that Daiyu didn't know what to say.

The Holy Majesty didn't know what to think, so he transferred Jia She, who hadn't moved his position for several years, from the Ministry of Rites to Ren Dushui Langzhong in the Ministry of Industry. Although it was a flat transfer, it happened that Jia She became Jia Zheng's immediate boss!

When Jia Amnesty returned to the mansion, he looked at Mrs. Xing with complacent eyes.Mrs. Xing didn't know why, but she didn't want to pour cold water on Jia Amnesty, so she pretended not to know.But at this time Jia Zheng locked himself in the study with a gloomy face.

For many years, Jia Zheng thought he was better than Jia She in everything, not to mention studying and learning calligraphy when he was young, and he worked hard. After his father passed away, although Jia She inherited the title of the family, he took a real job.After more than ten years of hard work, when he climbed from a sixth-rank manager to a fifth-rank Yuanwailang, Jia Amnesty was still an idler who could only eat, drink and have fun, claiming his title.

However, in the past few years, Jia Amnesty has suppressed himself everywhere.In the beginning, it can be said that the starting point was different. I started as the master, but Jia She was Yuanwailang from the beginning.But after more than [-] years of hard work, I am only Yuanwailang!But now Jia Amnesty has climbed on top of him and became a doctor!

Although Jia She was already a doctor a few years ago, but at that time he was in the Ministry of Industry, and Jia She was in the Ministry of Rites.The different feelings of the government are not so strong, so they don't feel unacceptable. They always think that sooner or later they will be able to level up again.

But now, that is, at the early court today, the Holy Majesty actually appointed Jia Amnesty to be the doctor of the Ministry of Industry and Affairs!He happened to be the immediate boss of himself, the official of Dushui Qing, Wai Lang!

Thinking of this, Jia Zheng clenched his fists and closed his eyes.After half a cup of tea, Jia Zheng still couldn't suppress the ups and downs in his heart.He was upset and unwilling!But there is nothing to say...

Thinking of Jia Amnesty, Jia Zheng couldn't help but think of Jia Lian. Now that he thought about it carefully, the change of Jia Amnesty was when Jia Lian went south to follow Lin Ruhai, and Lin Ruhai was hand-picked as the inspector of salt and censor!
At that time, for some reason, Jia She, who had always been greedy and lustful, suddenly made a big change and dismissed many concubines in the mansion.Thinking about it now, I vaguely remember that Jia Amnesty at that time seemed to shut himself in the study for many days before dismissing his concubine, and then he, who never went to court, went to the early court.

It was that early court that not only took away the plaque of the Duke's Mansion, but also made Jia Amnesty obtain an official position!Maybe...Jia Amnesty simply exchanged his own plaque for an official position!

The more Jia Zheng thought about it, the angrier he became!Especially considering that Jia Lian has now achieved the fame of a scholar, he even worshiped Huang Shufeng as his teacher and studied in the Imperial College.But his son Jia Baoyu was still ignorant all day long. Although he had moved from the inner house to the front yard, he was even worse after moving out.

Jia's mother got the news from Mrs. Xing during dinner.When I first heard it, I even praised Jia She, and I also know that this eldest son has been very motivated and hardworking in recent years.But after calming down, I was as shocked as I was!Isn't it that the two brothers are in the same government office now, and they are in a superior-subordinate relationship?
After dinner, Mrs. Jia kept leaning on the Arhat's bed, closed her eyes and meditated silently. Even the maids in the room were sent away from afar.

What on earth does this mean, my lord?If you want to promote the boss, there are so many positions, but this one is chosen.If you want to suppress the second child... The second child has been well-behaved all these years and has not made any mistakes.Mrs. Jia was puzzled.

In fact, not only the old lady Jia didn't understand, but Daiyu was also puzzled, and even had a discussion with Lin Ruhai after dinner for the first time.

Ever since Lin Ruhai was injured and poisoned, Daiyu never talked with Lin Ruhai about the current situation, government affairs and other topics. Even if Huang Jiyun occasionally came to discuss something with Lin Ruhai, Daiyu was very dissatisfied.But what happened today was so strange that Daiyu couldn't help but become curious.

Lin Ruhai looked at Daiyu tilting her head amusedly, her eyes were full of curiosity, but she just coughed lightly, instead of resolving Daiyu's confusion, she said very seriously: "Well, I don't talk about official business in the mansion, no Talk about government affairs, not the current situation... I need to rest for my father."

Daiyu opened her mouth as soon as she heard it, and looked at Lin Ruhai incredulously, but at the end she had to pout and say, "How could Daddy bully Yu'er like this? To whet her appetite, but not tell Yu'er the answer." !"

Lin Ruhai saw that Daiyu's appearance was really cute, and it was rare to see her on weekdays. After Jia Min left, Yu'er became more calm and lost the vitality of a little girl.Although I am often proud of Yu'er's precocious wisdom, I am also heartbroken and worried.Now seeing Yu'er like this is very interesting.

After all, Lin Ruhai didn't tell Daiyu Shengshang's intentions, in fact, Lin Ruhai was also confused.But no matter what everyone thought, Jia Amnesty returned to work in the Ministry of Industry after the morning court on the second day.

Jia Zheng, who was sitting behind the desk and reading the mansion newspaper, suddenly saw Jia Amnesty walking in behind Ma Qi, the right servant, and couldn't react for a while.

Although Jia Zheng had thought a lot about it yesterday, and had imagined meeting Jia Amnesty in the official office, it was still difficult to accept the real face at this moment.

It was not time for lunch yet, and everyone in the official office was either dealing with affairs at hand, or copying something, or looking through materials, or looking up classics. There are not many newspapers in the residence.

Seeing that Jia Zheng was so leisurely in the official office, Jia She was not calm anymore, and said to himself: I am in the Ministry of Rites, and I am as tired as a dog every day, but my second child is so leisurely in the Ministry of Industry!
Immediately Jia Amnesty thought, now that he has become Jia Zheng's boss, if he is still like this, wouldn't it mean that there is one less person working under him?
Just as Jia Amnesty was complaining in his heart, all the people staying in the office of officials in Dushui Qing all saw Ma Qi's arrival and hurriedly stood up to salute.

Ma Qi looked at Jia Zheng, his eyes were a bit complicated, but after all, he introduced Jia Amnesty to everyone present, and finally said to Jia Zheng: "Since you two are brothers, I think you can cooperate well." Ma Qi said walked out.

For a while Jia She looked at Jia Zheng, and Jia Zheng also looked at Jia She. They didn't know what to say to each other. It was embarrassing. Jia She folded his hands and smiled at the rest of the people who stayed in the yamen: "It's just a newcomer, and I will look at you later." Colleagues would like to take care of you and support you.”

Except for Jia Zheng, the rest of the people naturally hurriedly handed over their hands.But he saw Jia Zheng standing there blankly, staring at Jia Amnesty, wondering what he was thinking.Jia Amnesty took a deep breath and ignored Jia Zheng.

The layout of the Ministry of Industry's Dushui Qingli Department is the same as that of the Ministry of Rites and Rituals Department that Jia She stayed in the past few years. Jia She found his position easily.

Sitting in his seat, Jia Amnesty found out the daily minutes of the former Dushuiqing Lisi Langzhong and looked through them.After reading it, Jia Amnesty basically figured out the daily affairs of Dushuiqing Lisi.He also found out the personnel list of Dushuiqing Lisi. There are not many people except himself, only Yuanwailang, two principals, and six officers.

Jia Amnesty was about to call the two principals to inquire, but he looked up and saw that everyone was eating... Then he turned his head to look at Jia Zheng's position, and it turned out that everyone had gone to the building and disappeared...

(End of this chapter)

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