Daiyu of the Red Chamber

Chapter 154 Ruyi, talented person

Chapter 154 Ruyi, talented person

Jia She looked at the vacant seat complicatedly, touched his stomach, got up and left the seat.

After Jia Amnesty had a simple lunch, when he returned to the Dushui Office, almost everyone had already had their lunch.

Calling the two principals over to inquire about their respective affairs, Jia Amnesty was surprised to find after listening to their reports that the two chiefs of Dushuiqing Lisi had almost taken care of Yuan Wailang's affairs.In the afternoon, Jia Amnesty found out that Jia Zheng never came to the Yamen after lunch...

At dinner, Jia She invited the two principals and six officers to drink. After three rounds of wine and five flavors, Jia She realized that Jia Zheng rarely came here on weekdays, and even when he did, it was mostly like today. Ordinarily, it was just flipping through the mansion newspaper, which left Jia Amnesty speechless.

Time flies, and in the blink of an eye, Daiyu is already 12 years old, and it has been seven or eight years since she came to this world at the age of four or five.Daiyu had to admit that she was assimilated, and sometimes even couldn't remember the things in her previous life, especially the year after Lin Ruhai was injured.

Wanyu simply celebrates Daiyu's birthday at the Prince Wu's Mansion, but the concubine and others are not present.Apart from Han Yi and the two girls from the Huang Mansion, only two girls from the clan were invited, one of them was very quiet and elegant, while the other looked cheerful and lively.

Fortunately, Daiyu's temperament is more easy-going, and she doesn't mind meeting two new friends, just like Hanyi's sudden visit back then, Daiyu didn't think too much about it.At this time, the reason for wanting to get to know Wanyu seems to be because the Prince Wu and his wife suddenly visited the Lin Mansion, and now they are also sisters.Of course, if it weren't for this, Daiyu might have collapsed when she first came to this world.

While the few people were joking, the little servant girl beside the princess hurried over, and before she could even catch her breath, she knelt down and saluted, "My maidservant pays homage to Your Highness, the princess..." Before she could finish speaking, Han Yi interrupted: " Tell me, what is the reason for coming here in such a hurry?"

The little maid was interrupted once by Han Yi, and she was stunned for a moment before replying: "The empress gave the county master a birthday gift, and the princess asked the county master to go to the inner hall immediately."

Not to mention that Daiyu was very surprised when she heard the little maid's words, even Hanyi was stunned and said: "I went to pay my respects before leaving the palace in the early morning, and the queen mother never mentioned it, so why is she giving a birthday gift now? Wouldn't it be cheaper for me to bring them together?"

How did Hanyi know that the empress didn't plan to give any birthday gifts, after all, Daiyu is just a little girl, and it's not a whole life.It so happened that the emperor went to the Kunning Palace to have dinner with the empress during lunch today, and asked about Han Yi casually.

The queen smiled at the emperor: "That girl Wanyu wants to give her new sister, and that girl from the Lin family celebrates her birthday. Hanyi knows about it, so she's going to join in the fun. Come early in the morning to greet her and leave the palace. gone."

Hearing this, the emperor asked in surprise: "Is it the Hua Dynasty today?" The empress did not expect that the emperor would remember Daiyu's birthday, but luckily the emperor made her the county head.Otherwise, the queen might have to think too much.At this time, the queen didn't think about it, she just replied with a smile: "Isn't it? Now the flowers in the imperial garden are also in bloom."

The emperor nodded thoughtfully and said: "The empress might as well join in the fun." The empress was surprised to hear the emperor say this, but she still smiled and said: "Everything in this palace is busy. Not finished, how can I have time to go out of the palace?"

The emperor gave the empress a sideways look and smiled and said, "It's just that people can't go, and this ceremony is always indispensable." Seeing that the empress nodded, but her eyes were full of doubts, the emperor thought for a while before saying: "Ji Yun and Ru Hai, It is not only my arm, but also my confidant."

Speaking of this, the emperor couldn't help sighing and said: "Speaking of which, the fate of the two of them is very ill-fated. One has not yet married, and the other has died of his first wife early, and neither has any heirs to inherit." The emperor glanced at the queen and continued: "Now One is the biological father of this girl, and the other is the mentor of this girl. Treating this girl better can be regarded as reassuring the two confidants."

So the Queen nodded, and then asked: "Since the Holy Majesty said so, I think I must have made a decision in my heart. I don't know what the Holy Majesty thinks is best to give?" Hand said: "Having been married for many years, since you know what you want, you can think about it right. It is according to your heart."

When the queen heard the emperor calling himself "I" instead of "Zhen" and calling himself "you" instead of "queen", she felt a burst of warmth in her heart. She looked at the hand on the back of her hand that the emperor had placed on her hand, bowed her head and smiled and said: "Leaving this matter to my concubine will definitely not disappoint the Holy One. From now on, the concubine will just take care of that girl."

The queen quickly selected a pair of golden phoenix hairpins with three tails. This is a princess style, and even the princess would not dare to wear it. Of course, it is another matter if it is bestowed by the queen like this.I also chose a pair of red dragon beard bracelets and a pair of red coral bracelets.The point is, after the emperor bestowed gold and jade Ruyi, the queen also bestowed a handle of jade Ruyi today.

Although the golden phoenix hairpin was made by a princess, no one else dared to wear it except the one bestowed by the emperor and empress.But this golden phoenix hairpin is not a difficult thing, and the princesses and county masters get many rewards during the New Year's Day.But wishful thinking is a difficult thing, and there are seldom rewards.

Not to mention Wanyu, those juniors like Hanyi, or the ancient people who were born and bred like Princess Wujun, even Daiyu's heart skipped a beat when she saw that Ruyi!What kind of grace is this? ? ?
Not long ago, the Holy Majesty bestowed Jinyu Ruyi, but at that time, he recognized the Prince Wu and his wife as righteous parents, and the Holy Majesty named himself the county lord.Now it was only my 12th birthday, and the empress actually bestowed Ruyi, and it was Yu Ruyi!Daiyu's heart trembled when she saw it!
In the early morning of the second day, Daiyu changed into the auspicious clothes of the county lord, specially inserted the golden phoenix given by the queen yesterday, put on the gold bracelet given by the queen yesterday, and handed the sign to the palace to thank her.

It was still the little eunuch in gray clothes leading Daiyu through the long corridor, and then the maid in blue clothes led Daiyu to move on.

Turning east and west, Daiyu finally came to Kunning Palace.The empress wears an orange-red multicolored golden phoenix peony gown, a nine-tailed red golden phoenix on her head, and a huge oriental pearl garland on her neck. She leans on the phoenix, looking graceful and luxurious.Daiyu hurriedly kowtowed and saluted, not daring to make any mistakes.

Seeing that Daiyu was reserved, but the rules were very good, the queen recalled what the emperor said yesterday, so she couldn't help but be gentle with Daiyu and said: "Since you recognize Princess Wujun as your mother, you are the niece of the Ai family. You are more reserved than you." Then he beckoned to Daiyu and said, "Come forward, let us talk for a while."

Even though the queen said so, after Daiyu saluted respectfully, Fang Lian stepped forward slowly, and lowered her head to look at the carpet on the ground, not daring to look casually.Seeing Daiyu like this, the queen laughed.

When Daiyu came to the queen, a maid brought a drum stool.After the queen gave her the seat, Daiyufang sat down on the drum stool at the feet of the queen.

The queen saw that she was a little nervous, so she asked her about the past in Gusu, and about her apprenticeship. Following the queen's questioning, Daiyu gradually became less nervous.Daiyu was even able to tell the queen two interesting stories from the past, which almost made the queen laugh out of tears.

Just as the conversation between the Empress and Daiyu was getting better, a palace lady came to report: "I want to report to the Empress, the newly-appointed Jia Cairen came to thank you."

Hearing the word "Jia Cairen", Daiyu was taken aback for a moment, and unconsciously muttered softly: "Is there a fake person like this?"

Although the queen didn't show it on the face, she was somewhat displeased.But at this time Daiyu was too close to the empress, so Daiyu's whispers got into the empress's ears, and the empress couldn't help laughing out loud.

Looking at Daiyu's eyes became more and more friendly. Seeing Daiyu squinting at the palace gate, she smiled and said, "Don't look, this newly appointed talented person's surname is Jia, it's not true or false." Seeing Daiyu With Yu's suddenly enlightened expression and the thoughtful look in her eyes, the Queen nodded and said, "This Jia Cairen is the cousin of your maternal ancestor's family. You will see me later."

Daiyu's heart tightened when she heard this, she quickly got up and saluted and said, "I would like to obey the queen's order." The queen looked at her like that, and said angrily, "Why do we girls need to be so polite? Even though the talented Jia outside is you Cousin, but Ai's family is still your aunt!"

Hearing what the empress said, Dai Yufang lowered her head and smiled and said, "Thank you, empress, for your praise." The empress smiled and said, "What kind of praise is not flattering? Could it be that Princess Wujun is not your mother? Since you can call her your mother, you can call her your mother." You can call Aijia your aunt."

After finishing speaking, the queen saw that Daiyu was still standing, so she said softly, "Sit down quickly, don't stand still. Remember, in this palace, you are the county lord, the daughter of Princess Wujun, and the niece of the Ai family. "

What kind of transparent and intelligent person is Daiyu?The queen's words were just telling her to clarify her position.In Daiyu's mind, the reason why Jia's mansion finally boiled oil and flowers with brocade was only because of Yuanchun's concubine!If it wasn't for the exhaustion of confidence in the construction of the Grand View Garden, why did it come to this in the original book?
Therefore, from the bottom of her heart, Daiyu didn't want Yuanchun to be a concubine, so how could she stand in the wrong position?

Thinking of Jia Min's objection to sending Yuan Chun to the palace at the beginning, and thinking of Mrs. Jia and Mrs. Wang's disregard of Jia Min's words, Daiyu was also angry.How much thought did I spend before Jia Min sent people to Beijing?But what happened?

While Daiyu was thinking wildly, the queen said coldly to Gong'e: "Xuan!"

Daiyu didn't know that it was precisely because Yuan Chun found out that she was here that she rushed to see her.

He only heard a sharp and inflected voice outside the palace gate saying: "The empress, Xuan Jia, is here to see you~!" Daiyu's thoughts were pulled back in an instant.Daiyu remembered that when she came in, she had never heard such a summons.It was Gong'e who led her in directly outside the palace gate.

Thinking of this, Daiyu couldn't help but raised her head to look at the Empress Empress sitting on the phoenix tower, she had a very well-maintained appearance, coupled with the demeanor of the superior, thinking of the Empress Empress's kind and cordial expression when she was talking to her, Daiyu laughed.

Originally Daiyu wanted to see some expressions on the empress's face, but the empress was the empress after all, her face was calm and there was no expression.

Daiyu's scrutiny naturally couldn't escape the Queen's eyes, but seeing that Daiyu looked at her with sincere eyes, the Queen didn't care about it, and instead smiled very affectionately at Daiyu.

At this moment, a woman in palace attire in her twenties walked in from outside the palace gate.She was wearing a long blue dress with mixed silk and flowers on the cuffs.Hundreds of butterflies are embroidered on the skirt, and a piece of Pisces white jade pendant is tied on the light yellow palace sash, pressing down the corner of the skirt.It is covered with a thin smoky gauze dress after the rain, but the hibiscus flowers are embroidered in the thin silk thread, which is elegant but seductive.

When Daiyu saw Yuanchun, she looked similar to Jia Min in her eyebrows and eyes, with a melon-seeded face, with willow-leaf eyebrows filled with autumn water, a small and straight nose, and a small cherry mouth with a slight smile.Now I know why she was able to become a concubine.How could the empress tolerate such a woman?

Daiyu also suddenly understood why in the original book, the eunuch Xia, the head of the queen's side, would go to blackmail Jia's mansion!More or less have the empress's instruction, at least tacit approval...

(End of this chapter)

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