Daiyu of the Red Chamber

Chapter 155 Meeting

Chapter 155 Meeting
Thank you Yaya~O(∩_∩)O~Thank you 381144215 Piaolingyan and Xiaotuni for their support~!

The Empress waited for Yuan Chun to say a lot of thanks, and then said to Yuan Chun calmly: "I heard that Yu'er's biological mother is Jia Cairen's aunt, is there such a thing?" Son, didn't you check it out earlier?Why pretend like this?

Yuan Chun heard the empress call Daiyu "Yu'er", which showed the closeness, so he hurriedly smiled and said: "Go back to the empress, it is true, but the aunt left Beijing early, and the concubine was not born at that time. When the concubine entered the palace, the aunt had not yet Returning to the capital, it is even more difficult to see now, so I have never seen it, and my concubines have always regretted it."

Hearing Yuan Chun mention Jia Min, Daiyu's expression became gloomy. Hearing Yuanchun's tone, Daiyu guessed that she might not know about her mother's death, so she said lightly, "Cousin Yuanchun is afraid that she will never see me again. mother."

Yuan Chun didn't expect Daiyu to speak at this moment, let alone say such words, so he couldn't help turning his head to look at Daiyu.

The queen actually didn't expect Daiyu to speak, but at this moment she really wanted to know what Daiyu would say next.

At this time, Daiyu's mind was full of Jia Min's figure before his death, and she didn't care what other people thought. She didn't even look at Yuan Chun and then said softly: "My mother passed away four or five years ago. Therefore, Cousin Yuan Chun is probably I will never see my mother again." As she spoke, Daiyu's expression became even darker.

Seeing Daiyu's expression, the queen also knew that she was thinking of her biological mother, so she smiled and said softly: "Yu'er now has Princess Wujun as her mother, and Mrs. Lin will feel at ease knowing that. The Ai family has heard that Princess Wujun said, She and Mrs. Lin are also very congenial."

Hearing the Queen's relief, Dai Yufang remembered that she was in the Kunning Palace and in front of the Queen, so she hurriedly got up and said: "Yu'er is rude, the Queen forgives the sin." Because the Queen called her "Yu'er" , Daiyu naturally called herself "Yu'er" and invisibly narrowed the distance with the queen.

Unexpectedly, the Queen opened her mouth and said: "Didn't you say that Aijia is Yu'er's aunt, Yu'er can be called Aijia's aunt, or is Yu'er unwilling?"

Daiyu raised her head in surprise, and saw that although the queen's face was unhappy, her eyes were full of smiles, so she knew that the queen was just pretending to be angry.

Daiyu pursed her lips and smiled, and replied softly: "It's Yu'er who climbs high, why would she not want to? I'm afraid my aunt will dislike Yu'er for being dull."

The queen was very satisfied when Daiyu changed her name to call her "Auntie", so she glanced at Jia Cairen standing below——Jia Yuanchun meaningfully, and said to Daiyu with a smile: "Yu'er's intelligence is a It was also praised by the Holy One, so why are you so humble?"

Seeing the interaction between the empress and Daiyu, Yuan Chun was startled, and secretly made up his mind that he must do a good job in wooing her, especially after hearing that the empress had just said that the sage had praised Daiyu, so he couldn't help but increase Daiyu's weight in his heart. .

Seeing Daiyu lowering her head shyly, and even the tips of her ears turning red, the queen couldn't help being amused, and then looked at Jia Yuanchun who was staring at Daiyu, the queen smiled and said: "In that case, Yu'er will go with Jia Cairen." Sit and sit, it can be regarded as a reunion of flesh and blood. The Ai family will send someone to pick you up during lunch."

Hearing what the queen said, Daiyu looked at the queen with some puzzlement, but the queen just smiled softly and said: "Go, Aijia won't let anyone follow you, so you don't feel uncomfortable when your sisters are reunited. Come later my mother Let's eat together."

Seeing this, Daiyu had no choice but to get up and salute and leave with Yuanchun.In fact, Daiyu really didn't want to go at all, it didn't mean that she didn't care about her kinship, but that she had no real relationship with Yuanchun, and Daiyu didn't want to be involved in the harem dispute.

Daiyu and Yuanchun met for the first time just today, so why talk about feelings?Even in the original book, Daiyu was only curious about Yuanchun's death. Now that she saw the deity, Daiyu was not surprised at her death.

As soon as he left the Kunning Palace, he saw Yigong'e walking towards Yuanchun. Yuanchun introduced to Daiyu: "This is the Baoqin I brought from the mansion." After speaking, Yuanchun smiled to Daiyu: "Now it's her It also reminds me of the years in the mansion."

Daiyu could easily see the bitterness and helplessness in Yuanchun's smile, but at this moment she didn't know what to say.I want to say a few words of relief, it seems inappropriate, Yuan Chun has become the emperor's woman, what else can I say?If not, maybe he could still think of a way to take her out, but now he dare not even think about it.

Yuanchun didn't need Daiyu's consolation, so he calmed down quickly, and smiled at Daiyu: "I urinate under my grandmother's lap, and my grandmother often said that I look like my aunt. I don't know what my sister thinks?" He turned his head to look at Daiyu.

Daiyu was very upset that Yu Yuanchun always mentioned her mother Jia Min, and felt that her mother who died early was being used.Although Daiyu lost her composure before, but now she won't.

Daiyu raised her head and looked at Yuanchun intently, and after thinking for a long time, she said, "Cousin Yuanchun and mother have two points of similarity in eyebrows and eyes, but if you say they look alike, it's not necessarily true."

Hearing what Daiyu said, Yuan Chun couldn't refute it. After all, she had never met Jia Min before, so she raised her eyebrows and said, "I'm afraid it's because my grandmother misses my aunt so much." Then she turned and walked forward. .

Seeing Yuanchun talking to Daiyu, Baoqin followed behind him at a distance of three or five steps, and Daiyu was caught between Yuanchun and Baoqin.At this time, Yuan Chun walked forward, and Baoqin also followed, so Daiyu had no choice but to follow Yuan Chun to move forward.

Yuan Chun did not take Daiyu to his own place, after all, he was just living in someone else's apse now.It is not beneficial to lead Daiyu there.

Arriving in front of an octagonal cornice pavilion in the Imperial Garden, Yuan Chun stopped, looked at Daiyu and said with a smile, "Sister, do you want to go in and have a sit? After walking for a long time, I'm a little tired."

Daiyu naturally heard that this was not a question, but just a message to herself.So he didn't say anything else, just laughed softly: "Since I came with Cousin Yuanchun, I naturally follow Cousin Yuanchun's arrangement."

Yuan Chun smiled and did not refute, and stepped into the pavilion first.Seeing Daiyu following in, Yuan Chun said to Baoqin, "Go get some refreshments. I think my sister is hungry too, so it would be good to have some refreshments first."

Baoqin knew that Yuanchun had something to say to Daiyu, so he knelt down and saluted, then turned and ran away.Daiyu looked back at Baoqin who ran away, and frowned.

When Daiyu sat down in the pavilion, Yuan Chun's expression changed.Regardless of Daiyu's expression, he grabbed Daiyu's hand and asked anxiously: "It's not convenient to ask in the empress's palace just now, sister, do you know how grandma is doing now? How is everything in the house?"

Seeing that the anxiety in Yuan Chun's eyes did not seem to be fake, Daiyu breathed a sigh of relief, and smiled reassuringly at Yuan Chun: "Cousin Yuan Chun, don't worry, grandma and everyone in the house are fine."

Hearing Daiyu say that everything in the mansion is fine, Yuanchun breathed a sigh of relief, and asked again: "How is Baoyu now? Can he make progress?" Daiyu smiled and said, "Cousin Baoyu is a man after all, so I don't know too well," listening to Daiyu Yu said that he didn't know Baoyu's situation, and Yuanchun was somewhat disappointed.

Yuan Chun thought for a while and took out a plain silver carved flat square from his sleeve, handed it to Daiyu and said, "This was given to me by my grandmother before I entered the palace. Can my sister bring it to my grandmother?" Yuan Chun finished speaking. Then he looked at Daiyu, thought for a while and added: "By the way, help me tell my grandmother that everything is fine in the palace, I don't need to worry about it, and take care of myself."

Seeing Yuanchun like this, Daiyu didn't come up with the flat square, instead she shook her head and said, "Cousin Yuanchun's words will definitely be brought along. It's just this object... the rules in the palace, I think Cousin Yuanchun is very clear about it."

Hearing what Daiyu said, Yuanchun felt disappointed in his heart.But seeing Daiyu's eyes were cold, she bit her lips and was about to say something, but was interrupted by Daiyu: "Cousin Yuanchun, you'd better put away the things in your hands quickly. Also remember that no one has seen this thing before."

Seeing this, Yuan Chun had no choice but to swallow the words on his lips, nodded and put away the flat square, but he couldn't hide the disappointment in his eyes.

Just when he didn't know what to say, Baoqin came over with a food box in his hand.Neither Daiyu nor Yuanchun mentioned the matter of just now, but Daiyu knew that Yuanchun's concern for Jia's mansion was from the bottom of her heart, so she mentioned a lot about Jia's mansion in words, and even told a lot of interesting things about herself in Jia's mansion. , the recent situation with Mrs. Jia.

Yuan Chun also understood Daiyu's intentions, but told himself that everything in the house was safe, and his feelings towards Daiyu became complicated for a while.Thinking of Daiyu's closeness with the queen before, she smiled more at Daiyu.

While the two were talking, someone was sent from the Queen's Palace.Daiyu returned to the queen's palace with the visitors, and was about to have a meal with the queen when the emperor arrived at this time.

Hearing the sound of the leather whip outside, Daiyu didn't understand at first, but when she saw the queen standing up hurriedly and walking towards the palace gate, she realized it and hurriedly followed.

The emperor saw that the queen came out to greet her, and without waiting for the queen to salute, he said early: "No." After speaking, seeing Daiyu kneeling on the ground, he couldn't help laughing and said: "You also get up, why are you so disciplined today?"

Daiyu blushed and stood up, both the empress and the emperor thought Daiyu was shy, but Daiyu knew that it was because she dared not speak out.

Daiyu cursed secretly in her heart: The evil old society!Evil slave gift!On the face, he dared not show it at all.

Seeing that Daiyu was silent, the emperor laughed and said, "I remember you were very good at talking back then, how come you can't talk after seeing each other for more than a year?"

Just as Daiyu was about to open her mouth, the emperor said again: "Don't say anything. You are cowardly. You dared to sneak out of Yangzhou under your residence. It can be seen that you are more courageous than anyone else!"

Daiyu, who was about to speak, was completely choked back by the emperor's words.After staring at the emperor in embarrassment, he didn't know how to reply for a moment.

The queen saw Daiyu several times, but never saw such a lively and playful expression on Daiyu's face, so she couldn't help laughing.He opened his mouth to persuade: "Why should the sage embarrass Yu'er, she is a child after all, carefully frightened her."

Hearing what the queen said, the emperor gave the queen an annoyed look and said, "Child? Can a child have her ideas? Scared her? It's good if she doesn't scare others!"

When the emperor said this, Daiyu was immediately ashamed and angry, not knowing what to do.He stared and pursed his lips, almost stomping his feet.Unexpectedly, this expression just fell into the eyes of the emperor and empress.The queen was very surprised to find out that there were still people who dared to stare at the Holy Majesty, but the emperor even stared at her without being angry!
The two of them stared at each other for a while, before the emperor snorted coldly and said, "Have you seen enough? When you've seen enough, get ready for dinner. I have something to ask you later." He flicked his sleeves and walked in.

The Empress nodded angrily on Daiyu's forehead and said, "Sure enough, as the Holy Majesty said, you girl is really courageous, even dare to stare at the Holy Majesty!" After speaking, she also laughed.

Daiyu just came back to her senses at this time, the person she was staring at just now... is the emperor!
(End of this chapter)

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