Daiyu of the Red Chamber

Chapter 160 Jia Lian Breaks into the Palace

Chapter 160 Jia Lian Breaks into the Palace
Start adding updates today and continue adding updates for seven days!Thank you Lei Linglong, Dong Yansheng, Sister Dong, and the three relatives who made me a little bit bad~ for your monthly support!In addition, Gujing is very grateful to the good readers who are as devoted as Parrotying!thank you all!Although our thoughts may not be the same, but we are all for our hearts!Thanks!


The person who came was Jia Lian who went south to Jinling to take the exam. He came out of the exam room on August [-]th, and after the results were released, he went to Beijing day and night.At this time, Jia Lian was not only dusty, but also had red eyes, thin face, and chapped lips.But he didn't care, he didn't even go back to Jia's mansion, changed into clean clothes, and came to Lin's mansion in a hurry, he needed to see Lin Ruhai immediately to be at ease.

Daiyu looked at Jia Lian who rushed into the room, and suddenly had a bad feeling.Looking at Lin Ruhai who was sitting on the couch again, that heart-piercing feeling suddenly hit the sky and cover the sky.She seemed to suddenly understand why Lin Ruhai sat up suddenly today.

Jia Lian looked at Lin Ruhai, who was much thinner than before he left, tears streaming down his face, and came to Lin Ruhai's bed in a few steps, knelt on the ground, looked up at Lin Ruhai, choked up and said, "Uncle, Lian'er did not disappoint you, Lian'er passed the exam!"

Lin Ruhai nodded with a smile, his eyes were full of joy and pride that couldn't be concealed.Looking at Jia Lian who was kneeling in front of him, Lin Ruhai raised his hand with difficulty, wanting to touch the child's head, but it seemed that this was too difficult for Lin Ruhai today, he tried several times but failed, and the eyes couldn't help but appear. A trace of helplessness.

When Lin Ruhai was about to give up, Jia Lian grasped Lin Ruhai's hand, looked at Lin Ruhai with tears in his eyes and said, "Uncle still wants to watch Lian'er get a Jinshi in the Jinshi exam and see Lian'er's title on the gold list! Only then can I live up to my uncle's reputation as Tanhua." head."

Looking at Jia Lian's eyes full of admiration, Lin Ruhai's eyes were also red, but he smiled and shook his head.The next second, when neither Daiyu nor Jia Lian was prepared, Lin Ruhai closed his eyes and fell down!

Jia Lian hurriedly supported Lin Ruhai, and put him gently on the couch.Daiyu had already rushed out of the house and summoned the imperial physician who was waiting at the mansion.

In order to facilitate the treatment, Daiyu directly arranged the imperial physician in the main courtyard where Lin Ruhai lived.At this time, Daiyu ran outside the door, the sharp and pitch-changed voice came to the ears of the imperial physician, who did not dare to delay, and soon came to Lin Ruhai's bed.

Lin Ruhai with her eyes closed tightly, her face like paper gold, her breathing was weak.After the imperial doctor took the pulse, he also frowned deeply, looked at Daiyu who was staring at Lin Ruhai in a daze, and Jia Lian who was kneeling in front of the couch, for a moment he didn't know how to tell them.

Unexpectedly, Jia Lian got up suddenly and rushed out of the room regardless.No one knew where he went, or even Daiyu never thought that Jia Lian would be so crazy for Lin Ruhai!
Jia Lian got on his horse when he came out of Lin's mansion, and he didn't care whether he was in the capital or making trouble, so he whipped his horse and whipped and rushed to the gate of the palace.When dismounting in front of Meridian Gate, I had already knocked over many vendors. Fortunately, no injuries occurred, otherwise it would be a trouble.

If Jia Lian is not an official, even if he wants to enter the palace, he needs to hand in the paperwork first.But Jia Lian rushed to the Meridian Gate at this time, and before the imperial guards stopped him, he grabbed the imperial guards and shouted with red eyes: "I want to see Master Huang! Huang Jiyun, Master Huang! Let me in! Let me in what!"

Jia Lian not only yelled, but even threw out the guard who had just been caught.Huang Jiyun was indeed in the palace and was discussing political affairs with the emperor in the imperial study.

But that's not a place that everyone can go to, even the imperial guards like them can't get there!Besides, Jia Lian looked so crazy at this time, even if he could go in, who would dare to report it?If something goes wrong, who can afford it?
Seeing this, the remaining imperial guards looked at each other and stepped forward together, placing the spears in their hands on Jia Lian's neck.One of them scolded in a cold voice: "What place do you think this is? How dare you make such a loud noise! ​​Get out of here! Be careful and catch you in the sky prison." After speaking, he winked at the others and prepared to go back.

Who knows that Jia Lian is really crazy at this time, seeing him speak, he rushed up from the back door and grabbed him firmly: "Let me in! Or you can pass the news for me! I want to see Mr. Huang !" Several other guards did not react.At this moment, they reacted and were furious!He rushed over a few times and beat Jia Lian to the ground.

Even if Jia Lian had learned boxing for two days, it was only for physical fitness. After all, Jia Lian was just a literati, how could he stand up to the beatings and kicks of these imperial guards?

After a few strokes, Jia Lian spat out blood and curled up on the ground.But at this moment, Jia Lian, who was all huddled together, kept saying, "Please! Go and tell Mr. Huang. Mr. Lin is waiting for him to help!" "Go and save my uncle!" "Save my uncle!"

Those imperial guards couldn't help but stopped, looking at Jia Lian for a while, not knowing what to say.It was the same imperial guard from before, who took two steps forward, squatted in front of Jia Lian and said, "I think you should go back and find someone else to save your life! Mr. Huang is a famous person in front of the Holy One. How can you see him as soon as you say you want?" ?”

But Jia Lian seemed to have lost consciousness at this moment, and turned a deaf ear to the guard's words, and just kept repeating: "Master Huang, help me, save my uncle..." The guard also shook his head when he saw this, and went to the other side. A few people said: "Put him aside, so that other adults will come out later, we can't afford it."

After talking, they walked out and the two wanted to get Jia Lian aside.At this moment, a voice sounded: "What's going on?" The guards were so frightened that they threw Jia Lian, who had just been lifted, to the ground.

The visitor came closer and saw that it was Jia Lian lying on the ground, he couldn't help but frowned and asked again: "What's going on?! Who beat someone?" His voice became colder.

The imperial guards looked at each other, and the person who spoke before stepped forward and said, "Commander, this person is going to forcefully break into the palace gate, saying that he is going to find Master Huang Jiyun."

The person who came was Mo Xuan, he did not expect to see Jia Lian here, his head was beaten and bleeding, and he heard that Jia Lian was going to look for Huang Jiyun, so he couldn't help asking: "So why are you looking for Mr. Huang?" After speaking, he waved to Bian'er and said, "Two people come here and send him to the Imperial Hospital for bandages." After speaking, he turned back to look at the Imperial Guard who had spoken before.

The imperial guards didn't know what happened to their commander, they suddenly asked about such a trivial matter, but they still replied seriously: "The man said he wanted to ask Mr. Huang for help." Mo Xuan raised his eyebrows and said: "It's okay Did you save anyone's life?" The guard thought for a while and said, "I didn't hear clearly, it seems to be talking about his uncle."

Mo Xuan's face changed when he heard that, and he asked urgently: "But Master Lin?!" The guard was taken aback, nodded and said: "It seems to be." After saying that, the guard turned to look at his companion.One of the companions walked out, clasped his fists and replied: "That person said to ask Mr. Huang to save his uncle, Mr. Lin. He didn't mention Mr. Lin."

Mo Xuan didn't ask any more questions, and ran into the palace, and stopped in front of the imperial study room in one breath.

Wang Gonggong followed the emperor when he was still the Fourth Prince, so he was very familiar with Mo Xuan. Seeing Mo Xuan running like this, he thought something serious happened, so he hurried forward and asked: " What happened, Third Master Xuan?"

But Mo Xuan didn't have time to explain, he directly grabbed Wang Gonggong and asked: "Is Master Huang Jiyun in the imperial study?" Seeing Wang Gonggong nodded in confusion, Mo Xuan hurriedly said: "Quick! Go to report, just Say that Mo Xuan is in a hurry to see you!" Seeing that Mo Xuan's expression was serious, not joking, the prince hurriedly turned around and walked in.

The emperor was discussing the key points with Huang Jiyun, so he didn't notice the movement outside and didn't know that Mo Xuan was coming.Therefore, the prince walked in without being summoned, and the emperor said very displeased: "If you can't give me a reason to satisfy me, be careful with your head!"

The prince's heart tightened, and he wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and said in a respectful voice: "Master Mo, the commander of the imperial guards, asked to see him outside, saying that he has something important to do."

When the emperor heard this, he couldn't help frowning. The child Mo Xuan had stayed in both the Prince Wu's Mansion and the Fourth Prince's Mansion back then, so he could be regarded as the emperor watching him grow up.The emperor knew that he was very young, but he was extremely safe in doing things.At this time, I was seeking to see you outside, and I was afraid that there was something serious, so I nodded and said to the prince, "Xuan!"

As soon as the prince went out, Mo Xuan walked in, and after saluting, he said to the emperor, "Jia Lian wants to see Lord Huang for breaking into the palace." As soon as he finished speaking, the emperor stood up, and Huang Jiyun stepped out, staring wide Eyeing Mo Xuan, he asked, "What's the matter?"

Mo Xuan looked at the emperor and lowered his head and said: "Please help Master Huang!" As soon as Mo Xuan said this, Huang Jiyun immediately knelt down in front of the emperor, but before Huang Jiyun could speak, the emperor hurriedly said: "Ji Yun, go! We must keep Ruhai!" The emperor's eyes were slightly red as he said that.

Huang Jiyun didn't even have time to finish the ceremony, so he turned around and left the imperial study room, ran out of the palace gate without taking a carriage, directly asked the imperial guards for a horse, and rushed to Lin's mansion.

After Huang Jiyun left, the emperor asked about Jia Lian's situation, and Mo Xuan replied, "The imperial guards couldn't stop persuading them, and they were beaten to the point of bleeding." After hearing this, the emperor couldn't help but think of the matter of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and clicked Nodding but not saying anything.

Jia Lian rushed out of the room, but Daiyu did not stop him.After Jia Lian left, Daiyu looked at Lin Ruhai who was lying motionless on the couch, and only looked at the imperial physician and asked, "Are you still awake?"

The imperial physician looked at Daiyu, she could see how hard this girl is working these days, but sometimes human power is really... The imperial physician thought for a while and said, "I will give Master Lin an injection." Then he said Turn around and take out the medicine box and get ready.

Daiyu also took out a small wine jug from the cabinet, and wiped it for Lin Ruhai with cotton soaked in the wine.Since two months ago, Daiyu was afraid that Lin Ruhai would be infected with bacteria, so she began to disinfect him with spirits. Although she didn't know if it would work, Daiyu didn't want to lose Lin Ruhai because of a little carelessness.But now...

Daiyu rubbed silently, and stepped aside when the imperial physician was ready.The imperial physician looked at Daiyu and concentrated on giving Lin Ruhai an injection.But a quarter of an hour passed, two quarters of an hour passed... until half an hour passed, Lin Ruhai still did not respond.Even breathing became weaker by two points.

Daiyu stood at the end of the bed without saying a word, she didn't cry like she did when Jia Min passed away, she just stood quietly, looking at Lin Ruhai who was breathing weakly on the bed.

When Huang Jiyun rushed over, Daiyu just rolled her eyes, but she just took a look, didn't say anything, then turned her head and continued to look at Lin Ruhai, as if if she didn't take a look, she would never see her again.

Huang Jiyun also just glanced at Daiyu, and Huang Jiyun's eyes turned red at just one glance. Is this still his lively and lovely student?Huang Jiyun didn't have time to think about it, after washing his hands, he sat down where the imperial physician had been sitting just now, took Lin Ruhai's pulse first, and then took over the work from the imperial physician.

Huang Jiyun took a few needles inserted into Lin Ruhai's body, and then re-selected a few acupuncture points for injection.After a while, Daiyu's eyes lit up, and she couldn't help but took two steps forward.

I saw Lin Ruhai opened his eyes faintly, maybe still a little confused, Lin Ruhai looked at the top of the tent, stared blankly for a while, and then rolled his eyes to look at Daiyu when Daiyu held his hand.

Daiyu also looked at Lin Ruhai. At this moment, the whole room seemed extraordinarily quiet.No one made a sound.After Daiyu watched Lin Ruhai work hard for a long time, a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.Seeing this, Lin Ruhai blinked his eyes in satisfaction, his eyes were full of reluctance and kindness.

The father and daughter looked at each other, no one wanted to disturb them at this moment, even Aunt Liu consciously stayed outside.Until Jia Lian stumbled in.He hugged Lin Ruhai's leg and began to cry.

Lin Ruhai opened his mouth, but Daiyu couldn't hear what he said, so she couldn't help leaning her ear, and Lin Ruhai said desperately, "Under the head." Daiyu stood up understandingly, bent down and picked up Lin Ruhai's head, and lifted it from under the pillow. , found a memorial.

Daiyu's eyes widened in disbelief, she looked at Lin Ruhai, but said nothing.Following Lin Ruhai's gaze, he handed the memorial to Huang Jiyun.After Huang Jiyun put the memorial into his sleeves with tears in his eyes, Lin Ruhai opened his mouth again.

Daiyu hurriedly passed the test, but only heard Lin Ruhai's last words: "Your mother", "come", "pick me up", "it's..." Immediately, Daiyu felt Lin Ruhai's big, skinny hand in her hand sinking, Although it was because I was holding onto it and didn't fall, but... after holding back the tears for many days, it seemed that it slipped down uncontrollably...

(End of this chapter)

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