Chapter 161
At this point, this big chapter is over, and a new chapter will start from the next chapter.To be honest, Gu Jing himself cried and wrote the last few times. For a father like Lin Ruhai, Gu Jing needs to give him a fuller image. Gu Jing wants to say that his love is never pedantic!

Starting from the next chapter, there will be richer content for everyone. This book is getting more and more divorced from the original work, and will show more of Furui's understanding and cognition of the original character's nature, as well as the speculation of the background of the times. Of course By the way, I also hope to show an emperor that Gu Jing admires and admires very much.

There will be exaggerations, but there will be no non-human beings... I hope it will not disappoint everyone. After all, what Gu Jing wants to express is his understanding of the characters in the Red Chamber, not the original story.It's a story, not a history.Please forgive me!
Finally, thanks to the Light of Mountains and Seas, Sword Qi Lingtian, Qiaoge Muyong for their rewards, and Fengqi's monthly ticket support!Thank you for your continued support and love!

Daiyu didn't cry out hoarsely, even with a smile on the corner of her mouth, she just quietly raised her head and looked at Lin Ruhai who was still warm.No one dared to disturb her, even Jia Lian couldn't help crying when she saw Daiyu like this, so she kept silent.

After waiting for a long time, Daiyu gently stretched out her hand to caress Lin Ruhai's skinny cheek, and said softly: "Daddy, can you sleep for a while and then get up?" Said Daiyu resting her head on Lin Ruhai's arm, na na Authentic: "Don't sleep for too long, Yu'er is afraid..."

Seeing Daiyu's appearance, Huang Jiyun squatted gently beside her, stopped her in his arms and said, "Don't be afraid, Yu'er, you still have a master!" Jia Lian even bit his lips until blood flowed out. Hugging Lin Ruhai's straight legs, she let the tears keep dripping, but she didn't dare to make a sound.

Although the old doctor was used to seeing life and death, he still couldn't help but have red eyes.It was Huang Jiyun who said softly: "The dead are gone, let brother Ruhai go to the ground as soon as possible." He pulled up the petite Daiyu, looked her in the eyes and said, "Your father still has a lot of things to do, waiting You can do it for her! Yu'er is the strongest, isn't she?"

Daiyu nodded with tears streaming down her face, and was about to stand up and go to work on Lin Ruhai's affairs.But who knows, as soon as she stood up, Daiyu fell down in the dark.

Seeing this, Jia Lian couldn't help beating the bed any longer, crying hissingly: "Uncle! Wake up! Wake up! Look at what my sister has become? How can you bear it? How can you bear it!?"

Roaring and roaring, Jia Lian suddenly lost his strength and lay down beside Lin Ruhai's bed, crying softly: "Lian'er did not let you down! No! You haven't watched Lian'er pass the Jinshi exam, and you haven't watched Lian'er become an official. Ah? Aren't you worrying about your sister? My sister is not engaged yet, and my sister is not yet married! How can you be willing to..."

At this moment, Jia Lian seemed to remember the scene when his mother died when he was a child.At that time, he was still very young and didn't understand life and death, but since then he has become a redundant member of the Jia family.It was Jia Min and Lin Ruhai who gave his parents the warmth.

When Jia Min passed away, Jia Lian was not by his side. When he found out, Jia Min had passed away for many days, so the feeling was not so strong.And at this moment, Lin Ruhai fell before his eyes!

He even remembered that Lin Ruhai told him that he was worried about his studies.I still remember that Lin Ruhai still smiled at him in the early morning.He didn't even forget that he came back day and night to give Lin Ru a poster to congratulate him!But at this moment, his return seems to have become Lin Ruhai's death-knell!
Thinking of this, Jia Lian spurted out a mouthful of blood!After the list was released, Jia Lian immediately went to Beijing, and even left his luggage there, and Zhaoer packed it up and brought it back.I went to Beijing alone, and it took less than eight days to get to the capital day and night, just to make Lin Ruhai happy sooner!But the result...

The injury Jia Lian suffered in front of the palace gate was actually not serious, but after waking up in the imperial hospital, Jia Lian rushed to the palace gate regardless of the pain, only to learn that Huang Jiyun had left the palace, so Jia Lian rushed back. I didn't have time to clean up.

At this moment, a mouthful of blood spewed out, Huang Jiyun was startled, and quickly picked up Daiyu and put her on a soft couch not far away.The imperial physician was even one step ahead of him, grabbing Jia Lian's wrist, but Jia Lian threw it away, grabbed the imperial physician's lapel with his backhand and roared, "Aren't you an imperial physician? Aren't you a master of medicine? Save my uncle!" You save him!"

Jia Lian roared and shook the imperial physician, tears streaming down his cheeks, even during the shaking, many tears splashed on the imperial physician's face.Seeing this, Huang Jiyun settled Daiyu, turned his head to Jia Lian, and reprimanded him in a deep voice, "Look at what you look like now?! You don't have to embarrass your uncle!"

Hearing Huang Jiyun's words, Jia Lian stopped what he was doing, turned his head blankly, and stared at Huang Jiyun with a pair of red eyes.

Seeing this, Huang Jiyun was also sighing. Jia Lian was also watching him grow up, knowing that the relationship between him and Lin Ruhai was unusual, so he couldn't help but soften his tone and said: "Don't do this, your uncle looks distressed!"

Huang Jiyun turned his head to look at Lin Ruhai who was still lying on the bed and said, "Hurry up and change your uncle's clothes and prepare the mourning hall. You need to take care of these." After speaking, Huang Jiyun looked at Daiyu again, and said to Jia Lian, "Yu My son... let her worry less, it is to your uncle..."

Before Huang Jiyun finished speaking, Jia Lian nodded heavily, and said in a hoarse voice: "Thank you, sir, for your teaching! Lian'er knows what to do." After finishing speaking, Jia Lian looked at the imperial doctor who was turned pale by him, and bowed. A salute said: "Forgive me, my lord, Jia Lian is rude..."

The imperial physician saw that Jia Lian was also in a panic, with blood, tears, and dust all over his body.Sighing, he interrupted Jia Lian with a wave of his hand, and said helplessly, "Stop talking, and clean up for Mrs. Lin quickly." Jia Lian nodded and called someone to take Daiyu back to her own yard.They also ordered water to wash and change Lin Ruhai's clothes.

At this time, Aunt Liu didn't care about anything else, she rushed into Lin Ruhai's room and cried for Lin Ruhai.When Lin Ruhai left, Aunt Liu hesitated more than anyone else. Finally, under the persuasion of everyone, Aunt Liu asked with sobs to wash and wash Lin Ruhai herself.Aunt Liu was originally Lin Ruhai's concubine, so no one could say anything about such a request, so she exited Lin Ruhai's room one by one.

For a while, everyone in the Lin family knew that Lin Ruhai had gone, not to mention Lin Zhong, Lin Yi and others who had followed Lin Ruhai for many years, even Yang Nanny and others felt very sad for Daiyu.Aunt Luo sat on the edge of Daiyu's bed, looking at the pale Daiyu, her heart ached.

Seeing that Nanny Yang and Aunt Luo were guarding Daiyu's bed, Madam Tang frowned and said, "I'll go back to the palace to report a letter, and the county lord is too young to handle Master Lin's visit. "

After thinking about it, Yang Nanny nodded and said, "You're right, so I've worked hard for you." Tang Nanny sighed and said, "Since I've followed the county magistrate, how can there be any hard work?" After speaking, he turned and walked out.

Seeing this, Grandma Sun was very hesitant. She looked at Grandma Yang and said, "Old sister, who should go to Jia's house to report the funeral? After all, it's the girl's maternal grandfather's house. I really can't leave here, and I have to go to the front with Sister Lin soon." busy."

Without waiting for Nanny Yang to speak, Nanny Chen interfaced: "Since the old sister is not free, let me take a trip. After all, I have stayed in the mansion for decades and I am still familiar with it. Besides, the old man just Go, the girl is in a coma, after all, Uncle Lian doesn't care, there must be someone in charge."

Nanny Chen's words made Nanny Yang and Nanny Sun frown, but they couldn't refute.He had no choice but to nod and let Nanny Chen deliver a letter to Jia's mansion.

In fact, Daiyu knew about Lin Ruhai's body half a month ago, and it wouldn't be too long, so the preparations that should be made have already been prepared.At this time, he started to move up and down, and the coffin shed was set up in a short while, and Aunt Liu had already dressed up Lin Ruhai.Huang Jiyun even wrote a lot of obituaries here for a while, and handed them over to Lin Zhong to be sent to various families.

After all the arrangements were ready, Huang Jiyun made arrangements to Jia Lian: "You watch here now, I have to go to the palace." Huang Jiyun raised his hand and let Jia Lian see the booklet in his hand.

Jia Lian also understood that the only confession made by Lin Ruhai before his death was this letter, which shows its importance, so he nodded and said with tears in his eyes, "Mr. With the help of a few old housekeepers, uncle will not be humiliated!"

Seeing him like this, Huang Jiyun patted him on the shoulder and said, "Take care of Yu'er and take care of yourself!" After finishing speaking, he looked into Jia Lian's eyes firmly, and after Jia Lian nodded heavily, he turned around and left Lin's mansion, and went to the palace go.

Just now, Huang Jiyun glanced at Lin Ruhai's booklet, and was shocked after just one glance. He knew that it must be handed over to the emperor as soon as possible, and it must not be handed over to others.Otherwise, there will be violent wind and waves, and the consequences will be disastrous.

When Huang Jiyun handed Lin Ruhai's copybook to the emperor, the Jia family already knew the news of Lin Ruhai's death.

Not to mention Mrs. Wang's sombre face, full of joy, even Mrs. Jia frowned and thought about it for a long time before she called Madam Chen to ask her in detail.

After saluting to Mrs. Jia, Nanny Chen said with a mournful face: "The master left suddenly, and the girl also fainted. There is no one in this house who is in charge, and now it all depends on the support of Uncle Lian over there. "

After finishing speaking, Nanny Chen looked at Mrs. Jia, and continued: "The old lady is the master's mother-in-law, and the girl's maternal grandmother, so she has to help the girl manage the house. After all, the girl is young, and Uncle Lian has no After these incidents, don’t let anyone coax you away.”

When Mrs. Jia heard what Nanny Chen said, she nodded inwardly and said: Isn't that what she said?After all, I am Yu'er's maternal grandmother, I don't care who is in charge of this matter?How big is Lin's family business?You can't let people coax you into it!
Thinking of this, Old Madam Jia's brows relaxed a lot, she nodded to Nanny Chen and said, "I know you have had a hard time running this trip, so go back and have a look, I will let Yuer, her second aunt, and her Lian Er Sister-in-law go together."

At this time, Daiyu had already woken up faintly. After all, this mansion cannot be without the master's responsibility, so Madam Yang called in the imperial physician who was still in the front yard, gave Daiyu two needles, and woke her up.

Both Nanny Yang and Aunt Luo had experienced Jia Min's death, and they were very worried that Daiyu would not be able to hold on, but after waking up, Daiyu was very calm. look like.

After Nanny Chen left, Mrs. Jia told Mrs. Wang: "You and your master go to help with the funeral." After thinking for a while, she said: "The people in the mansion should be dismissed, and the only ones left We don’t need that many people if we only have Yu’er alone. We will bring Yu’er back when things are done later.”

Having said that, Mrs. Jia paused for a moment, and looked deeply at Mrs. Wang. The cold light in her eyes made Mrs. Wang's heart tremble, but she heard the old lady say: "The Lin family's property has been calculated clearly, and I will keep it for Yu'er." , will be Yu'er's dowry in the future."

In old lady Jia's mind, Daiyu has no father or mother now, even if the Holy Majesty makes the decision, I'm afraid she won't be able to get a good family. Why don't she go to the palace to beg the concubine in a year or two, and put the two jade children together , isn't it cheap?

(End of this chapter)

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