Daiyu of the Red Chamber

Chapter 165 Pursuing the Payment of the Arrears : First Hearing the Purchasing

Chapter 165 Pursuing the Payment of Arrears ([-]): First Heard of Purchasing
I recommend a good book "Walking in the Mirror" with witty and vivid writing. I hope you like it. This book tells a lot of life philosophies, but you need to understand it slowly!

Another: I would like to thank Xiaotuni for her monthly ticket support!The codeword that Furui is working hard on! O(∩_∩)O~ Thank you for your love~ Gujing is working hard!


The emperor nodded with a smile, and asked again: "Then how does Ji Yun see the other thing?" I'm afraid that at this time...it's not easy to handle."

The emperor also lowered his head and tapped the dragon case with one finger, thought for a while and said: "If it can be done, it will be a great thing that benefits the country and the people." Huang Jiyun smiled and said: "But I'm afraid it will not be easy. , not to mention anything else, there will be people in Guangshilin who will jump out to oppose it, and will find many reasons to hinder it."

The emperor thought for a while, then sighed, "That's true. So let's put it aside for now." Then he discussed something else with Huang Jiyun.

At this time, Daiyu and his party have arrived at Tongzhou Wharf and are boarding the boat.Because of the escort of the imperial guards, nothing happened along the way, and it was smoother than before.When Jia Lian guarded Lin Ruhai's black lacquered nanmu coffin and boarded Daiyu's boat, two big, three small and five boats set sail and headed south.

Jia Lian had been busy guarding Lin Ruhai's coffin before, so he didn't realize that the person who led the imperial guards this time was actually an old acquaintance. Seeing Mo Xuan in silver armor, he looked so heroic. The childishness still fades away.

Jia Lian couldn't help but patted Mo Xuan's shoulder happily and said with a smile: "I haven't seen you for many years, and you have become the commander of the imperial guards!" After finishing talking, Jia Lian remembered the incident of breaking into the palace that day, and couldn't help saying with emotion: "I knew you In the Imperial Guard, I'm afraid it will save a lot of trouble."

Naturally, Jia Lian didn't know that if Mo Xuan hadn't happened to pass by the palace gate, that woman would have lost his life.

At this time, Mo Xuan didn't mention this time, but smiled and said: "Yes, I haven't seen you for many years, I heard that you passed the exam." After speaking, he looked back at the official boat behind him and said: "Now Brother Jia It's a pity that I can't catch up with Chun Wei."

When Jia Lian heard Mo Xuan mentioning this matter, Jia Lian smiled bitterly and said, "Even if you can catch up, how can you care about studying now?" After talking, Jia Lian also turned to look at the following boat, on which Lin Ruhai's coffin was parked.The mood could not help but drop down all of a sudden.

Seeing his appearance, Mo Xuan felt quite sighed in his heart, recalling the first time he saw Lin Ruhai in his memory, it was because he caused trouble and hurt Daiyu, but although Lin Ruhai was serious, he always blamed him.

When we met again, we were already in Yangzhou, Lin Ruhai at that time could be said to be as graceful as a fairy, with a refined air.Thinking of this, Mo Xuan also turned his head to look at the following boat. The little girl who was injured by himself lived on that boat.

Thinking about the pain in my heart now, I am afraid that it is much heavier than the injury on my body back then, right?Mo Xuan couldn't help but turned his head to look into Jia Lian's eyes, and sighed, "Brother Jia is sad! People who die cannot be brought back to life, but the living must continue to live!" After speaking, Mo Xuan lowered his head, not knowing what he was thinking.

Jia Lian didn't know why Mo Xuan was so emotional, and looked up at Mo Xuan, only to find that there was deep sadness and loneliness in his eyes.

Then I heard Mo Xuan say quietly: "Actually, I have always envied Mr. Jia, who can be truly loved by Mrs. Lin." As he spoke, Mo Xuan suddenly turned his head to look at Jia Lian and said, "Now Mrs. Lin has passed away, but Mrs. Lin is still alive." alive."

After finishing speaking, Mo Xuan looked towards the river in front of him, and said in a low voice: "The only one who can worry Mrs. Lin now is Miss Lin." Mo Xuan suddenly smiled at Jia Lian and said, "Take care of Miss Lin, don't worry. Let him be wronged, that's what Brother Jia should do, what else is there to worry about?"

After hearing this, Jia Lian smiled bitterly and said, "Of course what you said is reasonable. But how do you know that my uncle and I are more than just uncles? It is not an exaggeration to say that we are reborn parents! It is my duty as an elder brother to take good care of my younger sister, but this has nothing to do with Uncle..." At this point, Jia Lian shook her head, unable to continue.With red eyes, he turned and went back to the cabin.

Looking at Jia Lian's leaving back, Mo Xuan could only shake his head and sigh.Mo Xuan raised his hand to touch the flute pinned to his waist, and put it down again after thinking of something, but a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

After the ship left Tongzhou Wharf, Daiyu could hear it every night, the sound of the flute coming from a distance, the sound of the flute was very familiar, but she couldn't remember where she heard it.Mother Tang naturally knew that this was the sound of Mo Xuan's flute.

So when Daiyu asked, "Mama, can you hear the sound of the flute?" Tang Mama didn't hide it and said, "This is the sound of the third master of the Mo family. I haven't played it for several years. I don't want to play it again now." After Mother Tang said this, Daiyu stopped asking any more questions, and just leaned quietly on the boat, listening to the sound of the flute from the boat ahead.

Its voice is sad, its voice is sad.There was even a hint of sadness in his voice.In the past, Daiyu would not have liked it. Although Daiyu was always fond of music, she also preferred those melodious and ethereal tunes, rather than such bleak and lonely tunes.But now he happened to be with Daiyu, what was his state of mind at this time.

After more than a month of sailing on the water, Daiyu fell asleep with the sound of the flute on her pillow every night, sometimes one song, sometimes three or five, and Daiyu seemed to have formed a habit of always waiting for the sound of the flute every night.

The matter of Daiyu donating millions of dollars, under the intentional spread of the emperor, caused a lot of uproar, almost to the extent that everyone knew it.The emperor was also furious at the courtiers at the court meeting!

During the court meeting on the second day of Daiyu's offering of silver, the emperor asked the courtiers standing under the imperial steps with a gloomy face: "A 12-year-old child knows how to share the country's worries! A woman understands that everyone is responsible for the country's difficulties! And You ministers with royal salaries not only don’t worry about the country, but also pay attention to the treasury! Why did you come here? What use are you waiting for!”

A big drama of recovering arrears kicked off under such circumstances.The emperor stipulated that all debts owed to the state treasury of less than 5 taels should be paid within three days; those of less than 10 taels should be paid off before the year; those of less than 20 taels should be paid off within one year; those of less than 50 taels should be paid off within three years.

For those who owe more than 50 taels of silver, the Ministry of Household Affairs and the Ministry of Punishment will jointly send officials to check the property, or auction it off, or confiscate it!Anyone who fails to return within the time limit will be punished according to the law!

At first, many officials were lucky enough to go to the Ningshou Palace, where the Supreme Emperor honored him, to pay their respects, only to find out that the emperor handled the matter very quickly and safely, and the Supreme Emperor agreed, and the Supreme Emperor did not receive these people who went to pay their respects. official.

Because of having Jia Amnesty, a doctor of the Ministry of Industry who can be ranked in the imperial court, the Jia family learned about Daiyu's donation of silver and the treasury's recovery of the owed silver on the second day after Daiyu left Beijing.

When Mrs. Jia learned about it, she naturally had a gloomy face, resentful in her heart that Wujun Wangfu and Huangfu deceived Daiyu into being young and ignorant!Of course, more people complained about Daiyu's indiscriminate relatives and estrangement, such a large family fortune, if not all of it, most of it went to the Lin family, these were originally intended to be used as dowry.

And Mrs. Wang gritted her teeth with hatred!So much silver, so much! 100 million!Even gave it to irrelevant people!

Mrs. Wang thought, with such a large sum of money, she should leave some for Baoyu, and take some ideas to send to Yuanchun in the palace, so that Yuanchun could manage around the palace. I am afraid that Yuanchun's position would have been promoted long ago.It's time for him to change his fate, so how can he still be a little pleasant?

(Sidenote: Officials of the first to fifth ranks are granted imperial orders, and officials of the sixth to ninth rank are granted imperial orders. The wives follow the husband's rank. There is a saying in the past that "the wife of the imperial order". The wife of the imperial order has a salary, but no real power.)
However, Mrs. Jia and Mrs. Wang thought a lot, but none of them remembered that the Jia family still owes nearly 50 taels of silver to the treasury!
Seeing that Mrs. Jia didn't mention the matter of repaying the money, Jia She couldn't help reminding again cautiously: "The old lady sees the silver taels owed by our family. What kind of regulations are there? At this time, the old lady needs to make a pretentious decision." .”

When the old lady Jia heard this, she became even more angry, she cast her knife-like gaze at Jia She, and said coldly: "Our mansion is the same as others? If it wasn't for the old man to pick him up back then, how could it be? Would you owe these taels of silver? After all, it was the old sage who spent it, and now the sage wants to ask us if we can't pay it back?"

Old lady Jia's words made Jia Amnesty break out in a cold sweat, but she didn't dare to say anything else, so she asked in a nasty voice: "Then why should our family return it? I heard that many old relatives went to Ningshou Palace , I didn’t see the old saint either.”

Mrs. Jia frowned and thought for a while, "Let me think about this, and then I'll see how other families do it." After speaking, Mrs. Jia waved Jia Amnesty to leave.Although Jia Amnesty had a thousand words in his heart, he didn't dare to say them in front of Mrs. Jia.

When Jia Amnesty returned to the east courtyard, he threw a set of tea sets in a rage.Not to mention that Wang Xifeng has never seen Jia She like this, even Mrs. Xing has not seen it for many years!The mother-in-law and daughter-in-law couldn't help but tremble with fear.

It was Wang Xifeng who was the first to calm down, and asked tentatively: "I don't know why my father lost his temper so much, but don't make yourself angry." Mrs. Xing also hurriedly said at this time: "Feng'er's words are very embarrassing. Yes, Master, don’t get so angry that you won’t be able to take advantage of it and let someone else go.”

Jia She glared impatiently at Mrs. Xing and said, "It's really a group of women with long hair and short knowledge! Be careful what you will do when disaster strikes that day!" After saying that, Jia She flicked his sleeves and walked out.Monk Zhang Er was left behind Wang Xifeng and Mrs. Xing, mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, who were puzzled.

Here, the old lady Jia had just dismissed Jia Amnesty, so someone called Jia Zheng and his wife.Mrs. Wang was angry at this time, and she didn't ask why. She followed Jia Zheng quietly, acting like the sawed gourd.

Jia Zheng stepped into Mrs. Jia's room one step at a time, and hurriedly bowed to say hello. Although Mrs. Jia looked at the hot stamp in her heart, she couldn't bear the red tape at this time, so she didn't wait for Jia Zheng to finish her salute. Then he asked, "Has there been any movement in the court recently?"

How many days has Jia Zheng not been to the government office, how would he know what happened?Then he immediately bowed and replied: "My son has not heard of any movement." After hearing this, the old lady Jia relaxed her frown a lot, nodded and said: "Since this is the case, you should inquire carefully recently. If you have any news, please contact me as soon as possible." Back and forth with me."

(End of this chapter)

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