Daiyu of the Red Chamber

Chapter 166 Recovering the Arrears : Anger and Tolerance

Chapter 166 Recovering the Arrears ([-]): Anger and Tolerance
I recommend a good book "Walking in the Mirror" with witty and vivid writing. I hope you like it. This book tells a lot of life philosophies, but you need to understand it slowly!

In addition, I would like to thank Xiaoye Shengxiang, just for growing vegetables, book friend 140304213759401 for her monthly ticket support!Your love for Gujing will be deeply remembered!Thanks also to Du Ruo who read on QQ!Thank you for always supporting Gujing!


Jia Zheng thought for a while and said: "If there is any movement in the court, I am afraid that the eldest brother is more aware, why not call to ask, after all, he is in the court every day, and he can face the saint. Listen." Mrs. Jia frowned and interrupted: "Okay, I've arranged for you to do it, so you just do it, what are you talking about?"

After finishing speaking, I still couldn't help telling: "You should also improve yourself. Don't hang out with those disciples all day long. You only know that it is useless to talk about poetry, painting and official career. Baoyu will still need you to do this in the future." Father's support is what it takes." Although Jia Zheng didn't think so in his heart, he still respectfully agreed on his face.

The old lady Jia saw that she had finished talking about Jia Zheng, and then she turned to Mrs. Wang behind Jia Zheng and said, "You are in charge of the big and small affairs of the mansion. I, an old woman, have left everything to you because I have left the house for many years. I only talk to you today Say something, and take it to heart."

Speaking of which, old lady Jia picked up the teacup and took a sip before continuing: "You sort out the account books in the mansion first, and send them to my room later. Baoyu and Sanchun are both grown up, so it's time to put them in order carefully." .” Seeing that Mrs. Wang was about to finish speaking, Mrs. Jia interrupted with a wave of her hand: “Just do what I say!” After speaking, she put down the teacup and closed her eyes to rest.

When Mrs. Wang came out of Mrs. Jia's room, her complexion was extremely ugly, and of course Jia Zheng's complexion was not very good either.In Jia Zheng's view, the old lady Jia's words just now, especially the last sentence, simply said that he is not as good as the ignorant Jia She!But in the end Jia Zheng left without saying anything, and went to Aunt Zhao's room.

Seeing Jia Zhengyuan's back, Mrs. Wang hated it even more!She even felt that the entire Jia family was against her, and no one understood her!Especially Mrs. Jia is the most hateful, wanting her to hand over the financial power of the mansion!

Thinking of this, Mrs. Wang couldn't help but look back at Mrs. Jia's room, her eyes were full of resentment.But Mrs. Wang didn't say or do anything irrational.It wasn't until she returned to the room that all her dissatisfaction burst out!
The tea set on the big round table in the middle of the room, the vase on the table by the window, and even the account book on the kang table on the kang table all became the objects of her venting.Fortunately, Mrs. Wang has not lost all her sanity. At least the treasures on the Bogu shelf and the bright treasure cabinet are safe and sound after Mrs. Wang loses her strength.

Caixia and Caiyun heard the commotion outside the house, but they also kept silent and did not dare to move a little bit. At this time, both of them were grateful that Mrs. Wang let them guard the door when she entered the house, instead of following in.Otherwise, I'm afraid they will also peel off their skin.

Zhou Rui's family came over and saw the two standing outside the door with their heads bowed and hands down, and the sound of things falling to the ground and porcelain breaking could be heard from time to time in the room.Zhou Rui's family couldn't help but glared at Caixia and Caiyun and said: "I don't know how to persuade my wife, but I just stick here!" Then he opened the curtain and went in.

As soon as Zhou Rui's family entered the house, they were stunned by the mess all over the floor.She was even more shocked by Mrs. Wang at the moment.

I saw Mrs. Wang wearing a purplish red peony gown, which was already full of wrinkles, and even the bun on her head was loose, and the green hairpins with phoenix tails were loosely slanted on the bun, and the palace flowers also fell out. If it wasn't for the strands of hair holding it, it might have reached the ground.

Seeing that someone dared to disobey her order and ran in without authorization, Mrs. Wang couldn't help being even more angry.Not wanting to look up, he saw Zhou Rui's family standing by the door, so he snapped, "Who let you in? Now you don't even listen to me?"

Zhou Rui's family came back to their senses all of a sudden, ran forward and stood in front of Mrs. Wang, and said with a mournful face: "My wife, what's wrong with you? Don't be so angry that you are so small." As he spoke, he stretched out his hand Go help Mrs. Wang.

Mrs. Wang was very ungrateful at this time, she waved away the hand extended by Zhou Rui's family, because of too much force, plus the fact that she had already lost her strength after venting before, she couldn't help shaking her whole body, Zhou Rui's family He quickly reached out his hand again to stabilize Mrs. Wang, and helped her to the side to sit on the heating kang.

After Mrs. Wang sat down firmly, Zhou Rui's family asked cautiously: "Why did Madam make herself so angry?" Zhou Rui's family looked at Mrs. Wang once again. But he comforted him and said: "My wife doesn't dare to do this. If there is something good or bad, what can I do if I call the second master and the eldest girl?"

The mention of Jia Baoyu and Yuan Chun by Zhou Rui's family made Mrs. Wang feel sad for some reason, and she couldn't help but lay down on the kang table and began to cry.Zhou Rui's family was also panicked when they saw it, and quickly comforted: "What's wrong with Madam? How wronged you must have been."

Talking about Zhou Rui's family, he rubbed the corners of his eyes vigorously with a silk cloth, making the eye frames look reddish, and then he began to comfort him: "Madam, even if it's not for your own size or for the second master Bao, think about it." The big girl in the palace! After all these years, it’s hard to get ahead, don’t let the big girl feel sad and worried.”

Hearing what Zhou Rui said, Mrs. Wang's thoughts changed abruptly, and she thought to herself: Yes, why did I forget about Yuan Chun, now she is a concubine, and she has been pregnant for a few days, who would dare not let me go? In the eyes?Who can be crazy with me?Even that old and immortal thing depends on my face!

Mrs. Wang was thinking about something Zhou Rui's family didn't know, but she saw that the expression on Mrs. Wang's face changed, becoming more and more ferocious.Zhou Rui's family couldn't help but gasped for air and calmed down, then reached out and took Mrs. Wang's silk. While wiping her tears, she said, "Madam, let me clean up after a while?"

Mrs. Wang had already buried all her anger and resentment back to the bottom of her heart, so although her eyes were still a little red and swollen, she couldn't see anything else on her face, she just nodded and didn't speak.

Soon Zhou Rui's family called Caixia and Caiyun to come in, and angrily reprimanded: "You little bastard! Seeing that the wife is not happy, she is standing outside the door without saying anything to comfort her. Hurry up and fetch water to wash the wife, Then tidy up this house! Move nimbly, carefully peel your skin!"

After finishing speaking, Zhou Rui's family trimmed Mrs. Wang's bun again, inserted the phoenix-tailed emerald hairpin back to fix the bun, and inserted the palace flower back to its original position.As soon as Zhou Rui's house was ready, Caixia also brought water. After Zhou Rui's housewiped the veil and wiped Mrs. Wang's hands and face, Caiyun also brought new tea.

Here Mrs. Wang's room was in a mess, while Mrs. Xing's room over there, Wang Xifeng and Mrs. Xing also looked at each other, not knowing what to do for a while.

Seeing Mrs. Xing's slightly red eyes, staring at the still shaking door curtain, Wang Xifeng couldn't help taking a deep breath and comfortingly said: "Mother doesn't have to be angry with father, presumably there must be something troublesome in the yamen, It’s just a moment of anger. Sister Lin once said: If you have to hide it in front of your family and relatives, then it’s meaningless.”

As she said that, Wang Xifeng took Mrs. Xing's hand and said with a smile: "Father is willing to write his thoughts on his face now, doesn't he get closer to mother? Mother should be happy." Although Mrs. Xing also knew that Wang Xifeng was I was comforting myself, but after all, I felt so much in my heart, I couldn't help but smile from the corner of my eyes.

Mrs. Xing took Wang Xifeng's hand and said: "It's really embarrassing for you. Once your uncle from the Lin family went, Lian'er delayed Chunwei and didn't say anything. This person is not in the mansion. Now there is no one up and down. , inside and out are all supported by you alone, and nothing can be separated from you, and the master will find some bad things to come back and throw face."

Hearing Mrs. Xing's words, Wang Xifeng quickly smiled and said, "Mother, please don't say that, I have nothing to do with you, but it's true to say that this uncle went at an inappropriate time. Seeing that the eldest sister is about to get married, it's a bit biased." You have to observe filial piety at all times, and I don't know what kind of regulations it will be." After speaking, Wang Xifeng also became worried.

When Madam Xing heard this, she hurriedly asked: "How do you say this? Could it be that the Yun family still dislikes our family's Spring Festival?" Wang Xifeng smiled and said: "How can it be! It's just that I am worried for nothing. I am afraid that the Yun family The kid can't wait, it's just that something happened." So Mrs. Xing nodded and said: "I invited Mrs. Yun's house to have a drink later."

The night was like water, because Jia Lian was not in the mansion, Wang Xifeng returned to the Wutong residence only to look at his children, talked and laughed with Ping'er before falling asleep carelessly, but he was thinking about Jia Amnesty in his heart.Although she reassured Mrs. Xing that it was all right, for some reason, Wang Xifeng felt that something serious must have happened, and she was panting in her heart.

Early the next morning, Wang Xifeng sent someone to find Jia Lian's two nurse brothers, Zhao Tianliang and Zhao Tiandong, and then called Laiwang.Wang Xifeng didn't go around with them, and said in a cold voice: "I don't care what method you use, just go out and find out what happened outside these two days, come back to me."

Said Wang Xifeng lowered her voice and said: "Especially what happened in the court!" Seeing the three people's bewildered looks, Wang Xifeng added: "My master is not in Beijing, we have to be careful about everything. Do you understand? Do it well I can’t do without your benefits after Grandma.” After speaking, Wang Xifeng got up and walked back.

The two brothers Zhao Tianliang and Zhao Tiandong and Lai Wang saw this, so they said respectfully: "Don't worry, grandma, I will find out soon. I will come back to grandma early in the morning." After speaking, the three of them also looked at each other. Inquire.

What Wang Xifeng didn't expect was that after she sent three people to inquire about the news, when she came to Mrs. Jia's room to say hello, Mrs. Jia actually said to her: "Now that the girls are all grown up, Yingchun's marriage It has already been decided, and the days are not far away, you, a sister-in-law, should also take care of it."

Speaking of which, Old Madam Jia dropped the bomb lightly, and only listened to Old Madam Jia's order: "As for me, I'm old now, and my eyesight is also blurred, but I can't ignore the affairs of the girls. Yesterday I told your aunt to bring all the account books of the mansion into my room, and you will come over to help take a look later, and also arrange the dowry for the girls."

Wang Xifeng only felt short of breath. She didn't expect that Mrs. Jia would let her touch the account books, but she remembered Jia Lian's previous confession, so she suppressed her heartbeat and said with a smile to Mrs. Jia: "Look at what the old ancestor said, Where did I experience this when I was young? An aunt looks at the old lady and just rest assured."

It just so happened that Mrs. Wang, who had just entered the room, heard these words seriously, and Mrs. Wang asked, "What is the old lady worried about?"

Old Madam Jia raised her eyes and saw Mrs. Wang coming in empty-handed, so she asked with a sullen expression, "Where is the account book that I asked you to bring? Why did you come here empty-handed?"

(End of this chapter)

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