Daiyu of the Red Chamber

Chapter 168 Recovering the Arrears of Silver : Calculation and Unity

Chapter 168 Pursuing Payment of Arrears ([-]): Calculation and Unity

I recommend a good book "Walking in the Mirror" with witty and vivid writing. I hope you like it. This book tells a lot of life philosophies, but you need to understand it slowly!

Another: I would like to thank yzakrr for the monthly ticket support! O(∩_∩)OThank you

When Mrs. Wang came to Mrs. Jia's room, Jia Zheng had already sat back on the nanmu chair and was sipping tea slowly.The tea and blood stains on the floor of the house have also been cleaned up.

However, Mrs. Wang already knew on the way here that Jia Amnesty was smashed in the head by Mrs. Jia earlier.Seeing Mrs. Jia's expressionless face, sitting on the arhat bed and talking to Jia Zheng, Mrs. Wang sneered in her heart.

I don't know what the old lady Jia and Jia Zheng said after Jia Amnesty left, but seeing Mrs. Wang coming in, they stopped talking.Mrs. Jia waited for Mrs. Wang to salute and take her seat before ordering: "The Holy Majesty is pursuing the payment of the owed money. I think you already know about it."

Mrs. Wang was stunned when she heard this. What she already knew, she didn't know at all, okay?Then she opened her mouth and said, "My daughter-in-law doesn't know about this yet. I don't know where the old lady heard it from?" After speaking, Mrs. Wang looked at Jia Zheng on the left, and then turned to look at the old lady Jia.

Old lady Jia saw that what she did did not seem to be fake, so she frowned and told the whole story.Naturally, Mrs. Jia would not say that this matter was caused by Daiyu's donation of silver.Mrs. Wang heard that Mrs. Jia said it was serious, and even heard that all the houses in central Beijing were raising funds to repay the debts, so her heart sank.

Seeing Mrs. Wang bowed her head and remained silent, Mrs. Jia secretly resented Mrs. Wang for pretending to be that saw-mouthed gourd now, and she didn't expect her to say anything, so she directly ordered: "Take out 5 taels later, and let the two The master sent it to the household department."

Speaking of this, old lady Jia saw Mrs. Wang looking up, so she could only sigh and said, "Although people like us can't be the ones who take the lead, they can't be the ones who drag the legs either." Glancing at Jia Zheng, he frowned slightly and said, "Maybe this is also an opportunity for the second master. Didn't the boss do the same thing back then?"

When Mrs. Wang heard this, she looked at Jia Zheng, and she agreed with Mrs. Jia's statement in her heart, and said to herself: "Back then, Dafang used the plaque from his ancestors to change his current official position. Now I will take out 5 taels and give the master a fight." The future is also possible.Thinking of this, Mrs. Wang nodded her head and said, "I will obey the old lady's orders."

When Jia Zheng saw that the matter was settled, he was secretly happy. He thought that he had been suppressed by Jia Amnesty for the past few years, and the chance to turn around was in front of him.

I heard Mrs. Jia ponder again: "Let's do this for now, and I'm keeping 10 taels aside, maybe it will come in handy at any time."

Mrs. Wang deserved the 5 taels because she was fighting for the future of Jia Zheng, but now she heard that she had to prepare 10 taels. There isn't much silver left."

Hearing what Mrs. Wang said, Mrs. Jia frowned and said, "Didn't all the Zhuangzi shops collect it? How come there is not much money?"

When Mrs. Wang heard this, she was naturally displeased, but she didn't show anything, she just said: "Although the rents from Zhuangzi's shops everywhere have been sent, but now the south is flooded and the north is drought, the harvest is very good. It's not good, people like us can't be indifferent, so the daughter-in-law decided to reduce it by [-]%."

Jia Zheng nodded in satisfaction and interjected: "Ma'am is right, you can't ruin our family's reputation just because of renting a house, the old lady is used to pity the old and the poor. "

Hearing what Jia Zheng said, the old lady Jia's words were all blocked back, although she said angrily in her heart: "Damn whore!"He dared to be greedy for ink by [-]%!On the face, he could only nod his head and said: "Although I said so, there is no delay. The money must be collected. The second family will see where the money should come from."

When Mrs. Wang heard this, she thought to herself: The dead old woman wants me to pay the money, right?That can't be done, all my silver has to be kept for Baoyu.

Mrs. Wang thought for a while and said in a low voice: "This duke really can't get those out, why don't we let the old man get some? The old man has grown bigger and bigger over the years, and now he is the boss of the old man." Boss."

After hearing this, Mrs. Jia didn't object, she nodded and said: "Since I will call the old lady tomorrow, I will tell her. Now you take the 5 taels and give it to your master, and tomorrow morning Let your master send it to the household department, so as to leave a seal in front of the Holy Majesty."

When Mrs. Jia said so, Mrs. Wang nodded in response, thinking about how much she would ask Da Fang to make up for it.Jia Zheng was full of joy thinking about how happy the Holy One would be when he saw the money he had returned tomorrow, and how he would reward him.

The old lady Jia sent someone to call Mrs. Xing the next day. She wanted to talk about asking the big house to pay the money, but Mrs. Xing didn't come.Yuanyang only whispered a few words to Wang Xifeng, and Wang Xifeng let Mrs. Xing stay in the yard, and took the carriage to the old lady Jia's yard by herself.

Seeing that it was not Mrs. Xing, but Wang Xifeng, Mrs. Jia could not help lamenting with a sullen face: "I am getting old, and I am becoming more and more useless. I can't handle your wife."

When Wang Xifeng heard what old lady Jia meant, didn't she say that Mrs. Xing was not filial?With the reputation of being unfilial, not to mention whether Mrs. Xing can afford it, even Jia Amnesty and Jia Lian dare not accept it.What's more, Yingchun is getting married soon, and her children are still young!

Wang Xifeng hurriedly explained: "I don't know why. I heard from the people in the wife's room that the wife didn't sleep all night yesterday. They said that what happened to the master, but I don't know the details. I didn't see the master coming out for dinner this morning. I asked my wife, and I only said that the master went to the yamen, and my wife started to cry, and passed away without eating, and now I can't get up."

When Wang Xifeng said this, he saw that Mrs. Jia's face was a bit unsightly, so she ignored it, and hurriedly stepped forward two steps, walked up to Mrs. Jia and said with a smile: "What's the matter, just tell me to come. Although I People are stupid, the old lady can't stop teaching me, can't she?"

Seeing this, Old Madam Jia knew that she couldn't talk about it, so she had no choice but to ask: "Did you hire a doctor for your wife? If it's not good, it's okay to take my post and invite the imperial doctor to have a look. "

Wang Xifeng said with a smile: "I said I was going to invite her, but now Sister Yuanyang came to call. The wife struggled and said she wanted to come, I am afraid that the old lady has something to order. I had to leave the girl Ying to wait in the room." Come on, rush over by yourself."

Said Wang Xifeng laughed again: "Old lady, don't dislike me for being careless, just give orders, if not, I will also come back and ask the old lady, I will definitely not make up my own mind." After speaking, Wang Xifeng's eyes were full Looking expectantly at old lady Jia.

Mrs. Jia sighed in her heart, but smiled on her face: "Okay, it's nothing serious. Seeing that the New Year is approaching, but your aunt is not feeling well recently, so I thought, let your wife help the New Year's Eve. It’s a problem. Since she’s sick, let’s just think of another way. She hasn’t done these things, and it’s hard for her to go when she’s not sick.”

Wang Xifeng smiled and said: "Leave this matter to me, the old lady, I promise to handle it properly."

The old lady Jia didn't agree, she just smiled and said: "I know you are a filial person, go back and take good care of your wife, you also have two little ones to take care of in your room, so don't bother about these, I will let you take care of it later." It’s enough for sister-in-law to help your aunt.”

So Wang Xifeng nodded, joked with Mrs. Jia, then said goodbye and went back to the east yard.

Mrs. Xing didn't know what was going on, and she didn't understand why Wang Xifeng didn't let her go. Seeing that Wang Xifeng sent someone to invite the doctor as soon as she came back, she was even more puzzled.

After everyone sent them away, Wang Xifeng explained the matter to Mrs. Xing.When Mrs. Xing heard that Mrs. Jia had such an idea, she was also very dissatisfied, but thinking about Jia Amnesty's attitude, she endured it again.

Mrs. Xing lowered her head and sighed: "I don't care, but now Lian'er is studying, and it costs money to become an official. Besides, to welcome the girl to marry, the public only pays five thousand, and we have to subsidize the rest. Brother Chun is growing up too, and the old master said that he must find a good teacher to enlighten Brother Chun."

Madam Xing wiped away her tears and said: "You didn't see it. Last night, the master came back from the old lady's house. The blood on his head and face didn't scare me to death! Fortunately, the doctor came. Said it's nothing serious. It's just on my mind. The master was afraid of scaring you, so he went out early in the morning before even Brother Chun saw him."

Seeing Mrs. Xing's appearance like this, although Wang Xifeng disliked her for being incompetent, but after all, Mrs. Xing has been taking care of their husband and wife all these years, so Wang Xifeng has nothing to find fault with.Then he comforted him: "It's no big deal, Madam, don't worry, the master will support you outside, and I'm on Madam's side in the mansion."

Mrs. Xing heard what Wang Xifeng said, raised her head and pulled Wang Xifeng's hand and said emotionally: "I have wronged you all these years, and when you came in, you were caught between your aunt and us, and Lian'er is often too busy to go home. I'm also a worthless person, and this up and down depends entirely on your encouragement and support."

When Wang Xifeng saw Mrs. Xing's affirmation of her, although she felt proud, she was more emotional. On the day they got married, Jia Lian said to herself: "Family and everything will prosper!"Now it seems that it is as expected!

Wang Xifeng then said to Mrs. Xing: "What are you talking about, mother? The master and the master are working hard for this family, and we will work together to protect it. The master often talks about the prosperity of family and everything, but now I think about it. Is that right? Look at the present, although we have not won anything in the public, but now we are separated, our life will not be bad."

After hearing this, Mrs. Xing said happily: "Isn't it? Although the master is not reconciled, there is nothing he can do. He always wants to follow the old lady's lead. When the old lady is gone, our family will sooner or later No matter how much is left in the public house by then, as long as the ancestral property is still there, with what we have now, our life will definitely be more prosperous."

Mrs. Xing said happily and thought well.But Wang Xifeng knows how to separate the family, it's easier said than done!The most important thing now is to find a way to force the old lady to let the public take the money out and pay back the money she owes!After she is filial piety, she will marry Yingyatou in a graceful manner.Such a large house will save more than half of the money.

Thinking of welcoming the spring, Wang Xifeng inevitably thought of the other girls living in the mansion, and couldn't help but sigh for them too.Yingchun's fate is good, and when she meets a brother like Jia Lian, other people's fate is not so good.Especially Xichun, who became more and more deserted at such a young age, and didn't know what to do in the future...

(End of this chapter)

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