Daiyu of the Red Chamber

Chapter 169 Lin Clanology: Change Begins Here

Chapter 169 Lin Clanology: Change Begins Here

I recommend a good book "Walking in the Mirror" with witty and vivid writing. I hope you like it. This book tells a lot of life philosophies, but you need to understand it slowly!

Another: I would like to thank Yaoyao Tumi for its monthly ticket support!There are many friends who voted for Gujing~ I won’t name them all here, thank you!

Daiyu doesn't know anything in the capital, whether it's the turmoil in recovering the owed money, or the growing eccentricity of the two households in Jia's mansion.Although Daiyu had some predictions in her heart, none of these would affect Daiyu's most important thing at the moment—sending Lin Ruhai back to her hometown and reuniting with Jia Min!

Daiyu can't forget that what Lin Ruhai said at the end was that Jia Min came to pick him up. Daiyu, who was atheist in her previous life, came to this world inexplicably, and had to believe that there are some powers in this world that she doesn't understand, even—— space!
Daiyu had to choose to believe that as long as Jia Min and Lin Ruhai were buried together, they could truly be reunited.Perhaps Daiyu has long forgotten that Jia Min and Lin Ruhai are just the parents of this body, and that in that world, besides their son, there may be their real daughter...

After sailing on the Grand Canal for more than a month, Daiyu and her party finally returned to Gusu after the Laba Festival.Standing outside the city, looking at the simple and heavy city walls, Daiyu thought of not only the Guiyuan Temple where Jia Min's coffin was parked, but also the Hanshan Temple outside Gusu City.

Daiyu remembered that when she went to Hanshan Temple last time, the old abbot said to her the words "Origin and Fate", she didn't understand it at the time, and it was only then that she realized that this predestined relationship between Lin Ruhai and Lin Ruhai was probably the father-daughter relationship Bar!
Daiyu was looking at Gusu City, recalling Hanshan Temple, but she didn’t know that there was another person in the group who also recalled Hanshan Temple. At that time, he was reckless and hurt a girl... Later, he wanted to drink A cup of tea made by that girl...

Daiyu paused for a moment, then withdrew her thoughts, but did not go back to the ancestral house, but led "Lin Ruhai" and the others to Guiyuan Temple.Daiyu believed that her mother, Jia Min, had been there waiting to be reunited with her father.

The accompanying members of the Lin clan, monks and Taoists naturally tried to dissuade her, but Daiyu insisted on going her own way, no one could say no.

When Jia Lian found Daiyu and wanted to persuade her, it was Daiyu who explained softly: "Yu'er believes that her mother is alive and must be waiting for her father. Since her father still returns, why not go to pick up her mother first?" Can't say anything.

Lin Ruhai's coffin was finally parked next to Jia Min's coffin in Guiyuan Temple at Daiyu's request.Looking at the two coffins docked together, Daiyu suddenly felt her heart calm down, and all the uneasiness, anxiety, and worries seemed to have dissipated and drifted away.

After performing rituals for Lin Ruhai and Jia Min at Guiyuan Temple for seven days, Daiyu escorted her parents in this life back to Lin's ancestral tomb.

It was parked in the sacrificial temple of Lin's ancestral tomb for another three days, and Lin Ruhai and his wife were buried on an auspicious day.In addition to the Lin clan, many officials and gentry from Gusu City came to the funeral.The Yinglian family didn't know how to get the news, but they also rushed over.

At this time, Yinglian was married to Feng's family. Looking at Daiyu, Yinglian's eyes were full of tears, but she couldn't say a word.If it wasn't for Daiyu back then, I don't know where she would be now... Yinglian's father, Zhen Shiyin, also rushed over with his wife, Fengniang.

But Daiyu was not as sad as the world imagined at this time, but felt relieved.Looking at the coffins buried under the soil, Daiyu secretly said in her heart: Thank you for raising me and giving me a lot, and I will go on well!Most definitely.

With the burial of Lin Ruhai and Jia Min, everything returned to peace.Daiyu stayed in the Lin clan for a few days before finding the old patriarch Lin Tao.Daiyu met him back then, and he was already very old when we met again.The old man whom his father Lin Ruhai respectfully called his uncle has gone, and now Lin Tao has become the eldest of the Lin clan.

At Daiyu's request, Lin Tao met Daiyu at the ancestral hall.Originally, women were not allowed to enter this ancestral hall, but who made Daiyu not only Lin Ruhai's daughter, but also the magistrate of the country?Even so, the faces of the members of the Lin clan were not very good-looking.

Daiyu didn't care about these things, after all, she didn't have much time to stay in Gusu.As soon as Daiyu stepped into the ancestral hall, the Lin clan had no choice but to stand up and salute, even though they were unwilling.

Can Daiyu not know what they think?So without waiting for them to salute, Daiyu walked up to Lin Tao and knelt down to salute, "Lin's Daiyu has met my uncle."

For a moment, the members of the Lin family in the ancestral hall were all shocked. They didn't expect Daiyu to be like this. Lin Tao hurriedly helped Daiyu up with his own hands, looked into Daiyu's eyes and said, "How dare you be the gift of the county head!" Daiyu smiled slightly Said: "Yu'er remembers the last time I came to the clan to pay New Year's greetings with my father. My father called my uncle uncle, and my uncle was still there at that time."

When Lin Tao heard Daiyu talk about the past, he couldn't help sighing: "I didn't expect your father..." Before Lin Tao finished speaking, Daiyu interrupted him: "Uncle, don't be like this. Yu'er believes that he can be reunited with his mother. I'm happy." Having said this, Daiyu still couldn't help but her eyes were red.

Seeing that the atmosphere was somewhat depressed, Lin Tao's son came out and said with a smile, "Little Yu'er, do you still remember me?" Daiyu turned her head and smiled, and called sweetly, "Yu'er has seen Uncle Tang!" About to salute, Lin Tao's son stopped her and said, "Quickly save those red tapes and sit down and talk."

Daiyu nodded and sat in the guest seat according to their guidance. Originally, according to her status, Daiyu should sit in the main seat, but Daiyu's previous performance has already told everyone. Only members of the Lin clan are here today. Lin Ruhai's daughter, not a county lord!Therefore, a place was arranged for Daiyu close to Lin Tao, which was also convenient for her to talk.

After Daiyu sat down, she took out two envelopes from her sleeve and handed them to Lin Tao.Lin Tao took it puzzled, and before opening it, Daiyu said softly: "Father had been thinking about something in the family before he left, but unfortunately he couldn't wait to come back in person, and he went before he even had time to explain, but Yu'er, as a father, daughter, but you can’t pretend you don’t know.”

After saying that, Daiyu got up and knelt down in front of Lin Tao!Seeing Daiyu in sackcloth kneeling in front of him, Lin Tao even forgot to call out for a moment, and just looked at Daiyu with red eyes and said, "Xiao Haizi, if you have any unfulfilled wishes, you can just ask! I, Mrs. Lin Although the family is small in number, they will do their best to help him."

Daiyu raised her head and looked at the head of the Lin clan with tears in her eyes, and said softly: "Father once said that the Lin clan has always had a small number of people, but the prosperity of the clan lies not in the population but in education, and the future of the clan does not lie in the population. knowledge."

Speaking of this, Daiyu paused before continuing: "Father said that the ethnology has been established for many years, but it is not perfect after all. I have always wanted to improve the ethnology, but I have no time to spare. When I am free, my father has no energy to come back..."

As she spoke, the tears in Daiyu's eyes could no longer hold back and fell down.Many members of the Lin clan in the ancestral hall also quietly wiped their tears with red eyes.The old patriarch Lin Tao even closed his eyes, letting the tears flow down his cheeks.

After a while, Lin Tao opened his eyes, picked up the two envelopes that Daiyu had just handed to him, and opened them. One envelope contained a 5 tael bank note, and the other contained a 5000 tael bank note.Lin Tao looked at Daiyu puzzled. He thought it would be Lin Ruhai's last words, but he didn't expect it to be a bank note!
Daiyu and Lin Tao looked straight at each other and said, "Yu'er can't stay in Gusu for too long, so I have to entrust it to my uncle at this time, and I hope my uncle will help Yu'er share my father's worries!" Daiyu was about to kowtow to Lin Tao .

Seeing this, Lin Tao hurriedly got up and helped Daiyu up and said, "You child! What are you doing?" Lin Tao glared at his son angrily and said, "I forgot to wake up your niece, but you also Won't you scream?" Lin Tao's son looked at Daiyu in embarrassment, and lowered his head a little bit afraid to meet Lin Tao's gaze.

At this time, many people in the ancestral hall turned their heads sideways, they were really attracted by Daiyu's words just now, and they forgot to ask Daiyu to get up.

But Daiyu struggled and knelt down again and said, "I beg my uncle to make Yu'er complete!" Looking at Daiyu, Lin Tao nodded and said, "Get up, and if you have anything to say, feel free to say it. It's for Xiao Haizi but your wish, and it's for Xiao Haizi. It's for my Lin clan, my uncle has absolutely no reason not to allow it."

So Daiyu stood up, sat back on the seat just now and said: "As the saying goes: the state owns the state law, and the family has family rules. But the state is the state, the state is in front and the family is in the back. If there is no state, then the family? Children in the school must learn the laws of the country!"

When Daiyu said this, she was actually very disturbed in her heart. She knew that she was just borrowing Lin Ruhai's name now!But she had to give it a try, so she went on to say: "And both men and women in the clan must study and practice rituals."

As soon as this remark came out, the ancestral hall was no longer as quiet as before, and everyone was talking about it for a while.But Daiyu turned a deaf ear and just looked at the old patriarch Lin Tao quietly.

Lin Tao stared at Daiyu for a long time, seeing that she didn't give in at all, but became more persistent, so he said in a deep voice, "How is Yu'er going to convince me?"

Daiyu lowered her head and thought for a while before she said: "Men are outsiders, women are inside. But what is outside? What is inside? If a woman doesn't know the etiquette, how can she teach her family and grandchildren who know the etiquette and law-abiding? If a woman doesn't know right from wrong, How can you explain the truth to others? That's why my father said that women in the family must also learn the Fa."

Speaking of this, although there are still people in the ancestral hall who disagree, the old patriarch Lin Tao nodded and said: "Since it is Xiao Haizi's wish, why not my Lin family fulfill it? I just don't know Do you just study the law, or do you need to study other things?"

The old patriarch Lin Tao looked at Daiyu with deeper eyes, as if he wanted to see through Daiyu's heart, but Daiyu knew that she could not back down at this time, so she also looked into the eyes of the old patriarch Lin Tao and said: "The world often says A ruler is long and an inch is short. Women also have areas that women are good at, and my father said: "Educators should teach according to their aptitude!"

After finishing speaking, Daiyu didn't say anything else, just sat quietly in her seat and looked at Lin Tao.Lin Tao obviously didn't expect Daiyu to say such words. After thinking for a long time, he didn't give Daiyu a clear answer or promise. Instead, he picked up the two bank notes and asked, "What's the meaning of this?"

Daiyu stared into the eyes of the old patriarch Lin Tao and said: "Yu'er is about to go north. As a lonely girl, Yu'er doesn't know when she will be able to return to her hometown, so the 5000 tael silver note is Yu'er's request. Uncles in the family take care of the expenses of parents' tombs."

Speaking of this, Daiyu paused for a moment before saying: "The other 5 taels of silver note is all Yu'er can come up with, and it is to fulfill her father's wish. Let all the children in the clan be able to grow, the old saying goes Said: 72 lines, line up to be the champion! Let the brothers and sisters in the clan learn and achieve something according to their own preferences. It is not only the wish of the father, but also the wish of Yuer. I hope my uncle will make it happen!"

(End of this chapter)

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