Chapter 170
Coming out of the Lin clan, Daiyu suddenly turned around to look at the son of the old patriarch Lin Tao before leaving, and said softly: "Uncle Tang, don't worry about the clan studies, if there is something missing, just let people go to the ancestors. Looking for Lin Bo. The two Lin Bos are old, and Yu'er can't bear them to run around. If you find them, they will send someone to tell me."

Daiyu's eyes were clear and sincere, and Lin Tao's son nodded and said, "Don't worry, you little girl. Since father agreed, he didn't take care of it."

Hearing what he said, Daiyu nodded and said: "After returning to Beijing, I will find a way to reprint all the books in the mansion. I don't know if I can see some books in the palace. If I can, I will also find a way to give them to the family Send a set here, and let the brothers and sisters in the family read, don't be limited to the Four Books and Five Classics. All good books are..."

Before Daiyu finished speaking, Lin Tao's son smiled and said, "You little girl! You are too worried. Father will arrange these matters, and I will help you look over them. What books do you want to send over?" , just send it over!" So Dai Yufang nodded, and got into the carriage with the help of Tang Nanny.

As the Chinese New Year was coming, Daiyu stayed at the ancestral house in Gusu for a few more days. After the Lantern Festival, she was ready to return to the capital.

Daiyu left Lin Zhong and Lin Yi behind, only Lin Ping, Lin An brothers and Lin De and his wife were unwilling to stay in Gusu and wanted to return to Beijing with Daiyu. Lin Zhong and Lin Yi also agreed very much, thinking that Daiyu There are useful people around Yu, especially Lin Ping and Lin An.

After two days of consideration, Daiyu finally decided to return to Beijing with only Lin De and Jin Er.As for brothers Lin Ping and Lin An, Daiyu let go of their affiliations, and let the couple who had followed Lin Ruhai's side pay homage to Lin Ruhai's memorial tablet, ordering them to study hard and seek fame, Let Lin Ruhai inherit what he has learned all his life.

The two brothers had already learned a lot when they were children with Lin Ruhai. At this time, they went to the school to learn again.

The only thing that everyone, including the parties involved, did not expect was that Daiyu actually left Nanny Chen in Gusu. At that time, Daiyu looked at Nanny Chen coldly and asked, "Is Nanny willing to ask to leave?" ? Or stay in Gusu and take care of Aunt Liu with Ruyi?"

Although Chen Momo was upset in her heart, she did not leave. After all, her husband left early, and now she only has one son by her side, and her son's deed is still in Daiyu's hands. She dare not take her son as a bet !
Daiyu originally didn't want to keep Aunt Liu in Gusu, but Aunt Liu took her hand and said, "Auntie knows what the girl wants, but Auntie was born and raised in Gusu, and now the master and wife are also buried in Gusu. Su, how can my aunt leave? My aunt is already over 50, and I don’t know when she will go to see the master and wife, so let me guard them here."

Looking at Aunt Liu with tears in her eyes, Daiyu couldn't bear to refuse.After thinking about it, Lin Zhong and Lin Yi finally found the two brothers, and said in front of everyone: "Today, in front of everyone, I returned Aunt Liu's body deed to her and changed the paperwork. "

Speaking of which, Daiyu looked up at Lin Zhong and his wife, Lin Yi and his wife, and Nanny Chen who had just been assigned to Aunt Liu's side, as well as Ruyi who had been with Aunt Liu for many years, and then continued: "From now on, Aunt Liu will She was my father's good concubine, and was buried in Lin's ancestral tomb after death, and will always be by my father's side."

After finishing speaking, Daiyu looked at Aunt Liu again and said, "As soon as the mansion pays for expenses, I will send someone to send them every quarter. If there is anything missing, or if you want to go to the capital to see Yu'er, I will tell Aunt Lin Bolin Say."

Seeing Aunt Liu nodded with a smile, and her eyes were soft, Daiyu continued: "Now that Ruyi is getting older, and she has reached her age, why not buy two more to serve Auntie, so Auntie will not be alone. Ling Yuer is also worried in Beijing."

Aunt Liu looked back at Ruyi with blushing cheeks, thought for a while and nodded and said, "Since that's the case, the girl will arrange it." Daiyu thought for a while and said, "I'm afraid it will be too late today, so Auntie can decide on her own. It’s okay to ask Aunt Lin to find someone else to come in another day, or you can choose from the house. In short, it’s fine to make Auntie satisfied.”

After the crowd dispersed, Daiyu quietly took out another thirty silver notes of 100 taels and handed them to Aunt Liu, saying, "Yu'er is no longer here, Auntie has to take care of herself, even though Yu'er will send someone to send someone to pay for the expenses in the house." Come, one is to visit my aunt, and the other is to add or subtract according to the time. But I have to keep some in my aunt's hand, just in case."

Aunt Liu didn't expect that Daiyu would treat her like this, so she couldn't help but suddenly started crying with her arms around Daiyu, and she was reluctant to part with each other, exhorting her every time.

But there is no permanent banquet in the world, and Daiyu set off for the north on the second day, the seventeenth day of the first lunar month.Daiyu still remembered that it was the seventeenth day of the first lunar month when Lin Ruhai and his family left for Yangzhou.

What Daiyu didn't expect was that history would change so quickly. On the day of Lin Ruhai and Jia Min's burial, which was also Jia Zheng's birthday, Xia Shouzhong, the eunuch of the Six Palaces, and Chief Xia Xia came to Jia's mansion to deliver an order.

Na Xia Shouzhong never betrayed the edict, dismounted in front of the eaves of Jia's mansion, walked to the hall with a smile on his face, stood facing the south, and said in his mouth: "Special decree: Immediately declare Jia Zheng to enter the court, see you in the Linjing Hall."

After finishing speaking, Xia Shouzhong didn't drink tea, and even ignored the people of Jia's family to keep him, so he rode away on horseback.Jia Zheng didn't know what was going on, so he hurriedly changed his clothes and entered the court.But Mrs. Wang guessed in her heart: I am afraid that because she repaid the 5 taels of silver, the Holy Majesty will reward her family!He couldn't help feeling secretly proud, and looked at Mrs. Xing with even more disdain.

Ever since Mrs. Jia, the whole family waited to get rid of Mrs. Wang, and they were all anxious. Even Mrs. Wang didn't dare to show her complacency on her face, and she kept sending people flying horses back and forth to report the news.

After two hours, I suddenly saw Lai Da and other three or four housekeepers panting and running into the gate of the ceremony to announce the good news, and they said loudly after leaving a long distance: "By the master's order, please quickly invite the old lady to lead the wife and others to come in to thank you. "

At that time, Mrs. Jia was in a state of restlessness, and she was standing in the corridor of the lobby. Mrs. Xing, Mrs. Wang, Mrs. You, Li Wan, Sister Feng, Sister Yingchun and Aunt Xue were all guarding the same place.Hearing Lai Da and others' report, Mrs. Jia couldn't help calling Lai Da to come over and ask carefully.

Lai Da smiled and said: "The little ones are only waiting outside the Linjing gate, and you can't know the information inside. Later, eunuch Xia came out to congratulate me, saying that our eldest lady was promoted to be the Minister of Fengzao Palace and a virtuous person Concubine. Later, the master came out and asked the young lady to lead the ladies to thank you."

After hearing this, Jia's mother felt at ease, and she couldn't help but beam with joy.So they all put on makeup according to their products.Jia Mu led Mrs. Xing, Mrs. Wang, and Mrs. You into the court in four sedan chairs.

Although Jia Amnesty was very reluctant, he and Jia Zhen still changed their court clothes together, and led Jia Rong and Jia Qiang to serve Jia Mu's sedan chair.So the east and west, up and down, inside and outside, everyone is happy and enthusiastic, with complacent faces on all faces, talking and laughing endlessly.

But Wang Xifeng frowned secretly in his heart, thinking: I'm afraid that there are more and more things in this mansion!
Seeing Wang Xifeng standing in front of the door, Yingchun didn't know what she was thinking, so she stepped forward and took Wang Xifeng's arm and said, "Sister-in-law, what are you thinking? She's lost her mind?" Wang Xifeng turned her head and forced a smile, "Don't stand there, let's Go back." Then he led Yingchun and the others back.

A virtuous concubine came out of Jia's mansion, the empress who was the lord of the first palace, and people close to Jia's mansion also acted with You Rongyan.

When Mrs. Jia and her party returned to the mansion, they were all beaming, even Mrs. Xing didn't think so, and she couldn't stop laughing with others on her face.Everyone chatted and laughed until late at night before gradually dissipating.

When Wang Xifeng returned to Wutong Residence, the smile on his face disappeared.It's not that she is not happy for Yuan Chun, but that she is very worried about herself.She was no longer like in her previous life, she only focused her eyes on the three-acre land of Jia's mansion.Now that the situation in the court is changing, although Wang Xifeng can't see clearly, she also feels deeply uneasy.

Tossing and turning, Wang Xifeng still couldn't fall asleep, so she simply sat up.Seeing Wang Xifeng get up, Ping'er couldn't help asking softly, "What's wrong with grandma?"

Wang Xifeng didn't answer, but just ordered: "Go, light the lamp for me." Although Ping'er was puzzled, she didn't dare to ask more questions, and hurried to light the lampstand.

When Ping'er turned around, Wang Xifeng had already put on her outer robe, and was pacing up and down in front of the couch with her arms folded, frowning and thinking about something.Seeing this, Ping'er smiled and said: "Grandma is thinking about the essay, is she going to take the No. [-] Scholar exam?"

If it was normal, Wang Xifeng would definitely joke with her, or come forward to tear her mouth.But today Wang Xifeng didn't seem to hear it, she didn't even raise her head.

For a long while, Ping'er didn't know what to do, so she just stood quietly, watching Wang Xifeng keep moving around, and finally couldn't bear it anymore, so she stepped forward and pulled Wang Xifeng and said, "Grandma, please sit down and turn around." I'm dizzy."

But Wang Xifeng seemed to come back suddenly, looked up at Ping'er, frowned and said: "Go quickly and take out the account book from my box! Take it together with the one just delivered this year."

Hearing this, Ping'er was startled, couldn't help but look out the window, and said uncertainly: "Grandma, it's already midnight." Wang Xifeng glared at her impatiently and said: " What are you talking about? I told you to go, why don’t you go quickly?” Ping’er had no choice but to turn out of the inner room and head for the Nuan Pavilion.

But when it was time for two cups of tea, Ping'er walked in lightly with a stack of ledgers in his arms.

Wang Xifeng got up to take it, put it on the kang table, and started looking through the books.It contains her dowry list, the Zhuangzi shop that Jia She and Mrs. Xing entrusted to her to manage in the past two years, and the newly purchased Zhuangzi's land.

Wang Xifeng thought about it, sorted out the account books again, took out half and put it on the side, and handed over the rest to Ping'er to lock it back, and ordered to take out the real estate deed.

Ping'er didn't know why Wang Xifeng was bewildered today. He got up in the middle of the night to do all this, but still nodded and followed Wang Xifeng's instructions. Because of her side.

After a while, Ping'er took the box containing the title deed and put it in front of Wang Xifeng, but couldn't help complaining: "Grandma, please calm down, seeing that the sky is about to dawn, I have to go to my wife's room for a while. After the meal, I have to go to the old lady's room to say hello, the girl and brother wake up and don't know what's going on, and grandma doesn't care about her size."

Wang Xifeng looked at Ping'er, and said with a sneer, "You're the one who talks a lot. If you're okay, come and help me find it." Then he pushed the account book at hand to the middle and said, "See? Take these All the deeds of Zhuangzi's shop have been found." Ping'er sighed, so he had to search for it.

After the two of them sorted out all these house title deeds, the sky would really be bright.Wang Xifeng asked Ping'er to put away the account books and the rest of the house title deed, but took out a box for these in his hand, put them in a box, locked it, and put it on the bedside.

Sitting on the head of the bed, Wang Xifeng somehow remembered what Qin Keqing said back then, Wang Xifeng couldn't help but took a breath, and thought to himself: It seems that the housekeeper right in this mansion must be obtained somehow!
(End of this chapter)

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