Chapter 171

It’s been four consecutive days of ten thousand updates~ Gujing is very powerful, is there anything?Is there any?Give some encouragement and support! O(∩_∩)O~

From the books and books sorted out by Wang Xifeng, it seems that there is another person in Jia's mansion who is also sorting out these books and books.

Today in the palace, Yuan Chun secretly talked with Mrs. Wang and Jia Mu about repaying the money owed to the household department. It turned out that Yuan Chun was not the only person who was canonized this time, but also Concubine Shuhui Wu and Zhuang Guifei Chen.Concubine Zhuang Gui, like Yuan Chun, also repaid the money owed by her natal family.Although Concubine Shuhui was different, she offered money at home.

Yuan Chun had to suspect that this concubine was related to the repayment of Yin Xian and Yin, so he told Mrs. Wang and Jia Mu to pay back the debt as soon as possible.

In Mrs. Wang's mind, the Chen family is all right, she is also from a famous family, but what is the Wu family?He actually dared to sit on an equal footing with himself, Yuan Chun, and even faintly overwhelmed Yuan Chun in terms of arrogance.

After she came back, although Mrs. Wang was joking with everyone in Mrs. Jia's room, she was always thinking about money.It's a pity that Mrs. Wang never took the opportunity to talk about it, and after everyone dispersed, Mrs. Wang talked about it with Mrs. Jia, but Mrs. Jia didn't mention asking the boss Jia to pardon the money, and only asked Mrs. Wang to come back to clean up the account books .

Although Mrs. Wang was unwilling, Mrs. Jia explained: "The benefit of still owed money, if you want to fall on Yuan girl, you have to pay it back in person! Otherwise, the boss has been paying it back in the early court. I'm afraid nothing will happen to you!"

Mrs. Wang's heart skipped a beat!Isn't that what it is?The boss is able to go to court every day, but his master rarely goes to the yamen, so I dare not involve the big house in this matter!
After Mrs. Wang came back, she asked Zhou Rui's family to bring all the account books, and after sending them out, she wondered where to get the money. Mrs. Wang was cruel and wanted to fight for the only The name of the imperial concubine!
So when Mrs. Wang thinks about it, 10 taels may not be enough... because the concubine Shuhui Wu, it is said that her family followed that dead girl of the Lin family from the beginning, and donated 10 taels of silver to the saint. Then he was named a nobleman, and this time he was named a concubine Shuhui along with him in Yuanchun!

Mrs. Wang also tossed and tossed all night, until the sky was bright, she leaned on the heating kang and fell asleep drowsily.

Wang Xifeng, holding the box containing the title deed of Zhuangzi's shop, came to Mrs. Xing's room after washing up early. Mrs. Xing felt a little strange when she saw her so early. Startled, she hurriedly pulled Wang Xifeng to ask: "What's wrong with Feng'er? What happened? Didn't I sleep well yesterday?"

Before Wang Xifeng could answer, Ping'er pouted behind her and said, "My wife guessed it! Didn't grandma just stay up all night? I don't know..." Before she could finish speaking, Wang Xifeng turned her head and slapped her hard. stare!Ping'er quickly stopped talking, and stood aside with his head down, not daring to speak again.

Seeing this, Mrs. Xing frowned in confusion and asked: "But what happened?" Wang Xifeng forced a smile and said: "It can't be anything, it's just worrying for nothing, wait for my father to come later Let's talk together and listen to my mother, and it will save me talking on both sides, my throat is still smoking."

When Mrs. Xing heard Wang Xifeng said that her throat was smoking, she hurriedly asked someone to bring tea to Wang Xifeng.When Wang Xifeng picked it up, he breathed a sigh of relief, and drank it up to the sky.After drinking, it seemed that the thirst was still not quenched, so I filled another glass and drank most of it.

Mrs. Xing hurriedly dissuaded her: "Why are you eating so much tea? You won't be able to eat for a while." As she spoke, she snatched the teacup from Wang Xifeng's hand.Wang Xifeng was not annoyed, she just kept looking at the door, Mrs. Xing knew she was watching when Jia Amnesty would arrive, so she said, "Master, I'm afraid it will be late today, it was too late to make a fuss yesterday."

Wang Xifeng nodded and didn't say anything else, just chatted with Mrs. Xing about the family while quietly waiting for Jia's amnesty.

When Jia Amnesty's voice came from outside the door, Wang Xifeng couldn't sit still, stood up abruptly, took two steps forward, and then stopped again.

Not to mention Mrs. Xing, even Jia She, who had just entered the door, was also very surprised to see Wang Xifeng standing in the middle of the room with an awkward expression, as if welcoming him, but felt a little strange.

Wang Xifeng recovered quickly, saluted Jia Amnesty with a smile, then got up and looked at Mrs. Xing, Mrs. Xing nodded, and Wang Xifeng arranged for the food to be served and arranged the bowls and chopsticks.

After Jia She was seated, Wang Xifeng dismissed all the maids and women in the room, even Ping'er was dismissed by Wang Xifeng.

Although Mrs. Xing didn't understand why Wang Xifeng did this, she also knew that Wang Xifeng wanted to talk about something, so she wasn't surprised.Seeing Wang Xifeng's movements like this, Jia She knew that something must have happened, so he was not busy eating.Jia Amnesty put down the bowl and chopsticks, looked at Wang Xifeng, wondering what exactly Wang Xifeng wanted to say.

Wang Xifeng was originally a straightforward person. Seeing that the maids and women had retreated and Jia She also put down the bowls and chopsticks, she took out a small box and put it on the small round table without opening it, but looked at Jia She Said: "My daughter-in-law doesn't know what happened in the palace yesterday, and she doesn't want to know, but I feel a little uneasy."

When Jia She heard Wang Xifeng say this, his complexion darkened a bit. Although he was not smart, he was not a fool either. He had learned some tricks in the past few years in the officialdom.Especially since Jia Amnesty was in the Ministry of Rites!
After all these years, who has heard of concubines like "Xiande" and "Shuhui"?Not to mention this dynasty, there are so many dynasties in history, and I have never heard of two-character concubines, but now the Holy One actually has two characters!
The concubine conferred by the sage had nothing to do with them, but by coincidence, Yuan Chun was one of these strange concubines!This has to be related.

Yesterday when Jia She heard about it, he felt terrified, but Mrs. Jia and the others were in high spirits, so Jia She didn't dare to say anything, otherwise he wouldn't have slept well all night, and he got up late this morning.

Seeing that Wang Xifeng also said he was uneasy, Jia Amnesty narrowed his eyes, nodded and said, "Go ahead."

Wang Xifeng thought for a while and opened the box at hand and said: "I don't know what will happen, but no matter what happens, we must leave a way for Brother Chun and Sister Qiao, right?" Wang Xifeng pushed the box to Jia She said to Qian'er: "My master is no longer at home, and I have no one to discuss with. Father, do you want to put these under the names of Brother Chun and Sister Qiao?"

Puzzled, Jia Amnesty picked up the box and took out the contents to have a look. They were all title deeds, three houses in Zhuangzi and six shops!Among them is a villa and a shop that Jia Lian gave to Jia Lian when he got married.

It was in Jia Lian's biological mother's dowry, and he hid it by himself. Now most of his biological mother's dowry is sealed with the old lady.It was said that it would be kept by Jia Lian, and it would be given to Jia Lian when he grew up, but these years, Brother Chun was three years old and almost four years old, but the old lady didn't mention it.Jia Amnesty's eyes turned red when he thought of this.

But Wang Xifeng couldn't control what Jia She was thinking, after all, there was not much time, and Jia She should go to court later.

Wang Xifeng then hurriedly explained: "These three Zhuangzi were all given by my father and uncle when my daughter-in-law got married to my grandfather. Among the six shops, one was given by my father, and the other five were 1 yuan from my sister. It was bought with two silver coins." The younger sister is mentioned here, and everyone knows that it is Daiyu, because most of the Yingchun people call her to greet the girl or to welcome the younger sister.

Jia She looked at the Zhuangzi and the shop in his hand, and asked incredulously, "Your sister from the Lin family gave it to you?" Wang Xifeng nodded with certainty and said, "And they didn't enter the account in the mansion! My daughter-in-law was wondering if it was for Brother Chun." Leave a way for my son and sister Qiao."

At this time, Jia Amnesty also had no choice but to feel the sincerity of the Lin family's family towards Jia Lian, so he nodded and said, "You are right, leave this matter to me, and I will take care of it when I come back from the Yamen tonight." Mrs. Xing Seeing Jia Amnesty putting away the box, he quickly said, "Master, do we want to add some?"

Wang Xifeng didn't expect Mrs. Xing, who loves money the most, to say that, she couldn't help looking over, but Mrs. Xing said with a smile: "No matter how much I keep, it's for you and Ying girl? Now I will also buy Ying girl's dowry It's almost done, and I'm relieved to keep the turnover and give it to Brother Chun and Sister Qiao."

After hearing this, Wang Xifeng couldn't help but her eyes turned slightly red, and said in her heart: Master was right!Although Mrs. Xing's family background is not good, but after all, she cares about what is good for her.Thinking of this, Wang Xifeng said with a smile: "If mother is not afraid that my father and I will not honor you in the future, you can give it all to me and take it away!"

Mrs. Xing smiled indifferently: "Even if the master despises me that day, Lian'er will not be with you. If you all despise me, my brother Chun is also against me! I gave it to him. I don't feel bad no matter how much." Then he got up and turned into the inner room.

Suddenly Mrs. Xing came out with a box in her arms. The box was not small, one foot long and four inches wide.It is neither carved nor painted. If it is placed on a normal day, no one will take a second look.No, Jia Amnesty asked inexplicably, "Where did this come from? Why haven't I seen it before?"

Mrs. Xing gave Jia She an angry look and said, "It's just placed on top of the big box, where it's been kept, and the master insists that he doesn't see it, so I can't help it." Wang Xifeng couldn't help laughing when he heard this. With a sound, the serious atmosphere of the morning was also disrupted.

Mrs. Xing also put the box on the table. After opening it, Wang Xifeng and Jia She looked at Mrs. Xing inexplicably, and Mrs. Xing unknowingly took out a smaller box from it. Scattered silver and a few banknotes.

Mrs. Xing felt a little bit reluctant, handed the bank note to Jia She, stared straight at Jia She and said, "This is for Brother Chun to marry a wife, master can't use it for other things. "If there was a hint of dodge in Jia She's eyes at this time, Mrs. Xing would probably try her best to snatch it back immediately.

Jia Amnesty took it over and counted, there were 100 bank notes of 26 taels, four bank notes of 500 taels, and seven bank notes of 50 taels, totaling 300 taels!
Jia Amnesty looked up at Mrs. Xing, seeing Mrs. Xing staring intently at the bank note in his hand, he couldn't help laughing, and seeing Mrs. Xing's expression changed after a while, he said, "Okay! I'm not that ignorant, sir. My son’s son, can’t you still grab money from the eldest grandson?”

After finishing speaking, Jia She put the things on the table, got up and left the room.Not long after, Jia Amnesty turned around again, and after taking his seat, he took out two land deeds and a few bank notes from his sleeve.

Seeing Mrs. Xing and Wang Xifeng looking at him, Jia She said proudly: "Master, I didn't do anything in the early years and didn't save anything. In recent years, Master, I have also saved some property for my grandson."

As he spoke, Jia Amnesty put the land deed and bank notes together with those brought out by Wang Xifeng and Mrs. Xing earlier.Now there are five Zhuangzi, six shops, and 3 taels of silver bills on the table.

Looking at these things, Wang Xifeng couldn't help but her eyes turned red and said: "No wonder my sister sent someone from all over the world to bring me a message when I got married." She lowered her head and wiped the corners of her eyes.

Mrs. Xing and Jia She naturally didn't know about this, so Mrs. Xing asked curiously: "What words are worth traveling thousands of miles to bring?" Wang Xifeng said with tears: "My sister said: "Family and everything Xing!" As he spoke, tears fell from his eyes.Mrs. Xing and Jia She fell silent after hearing this.

After a long while, Jia She nodded and said, "It's still your uncle who knows how to educate people!" After talking, Jia She put away the bank notes and land deeds, looked at Madam Xing and Wang Xifeng and said, "These things, all Put it under the name of Brother Chun, and the master will do it today."

Upon hearing this, Mrs. Xing naturally nodded in agreement. In her heart, no one can go past Brother Chun, but Wang Xifeng stopped Jia She and said, "Father, Miss Qiao is going to marry someone in the future." , I have to leave her a dowry."

Before Jia Amnesty could react, Mrs. Xing hurriedly said: "Don't worry, don't worry, Miss Qiao is still young! Besides, I still have something left for Miss Qiao." Saying this, Mrs. Xing pushed Pushed the big box in front of her.

Jia She turned his head and took a look in. With just one glance, Jia She lost interest and said, "Quickly put away your rags, what kind of treasure are you!"

Hearing what Jia She said, Wang Xifeng became interested, and stretched her neck to look in, and saw all kinds of pearls, hairpins, gold, silver, jade, emerald, all kinds of things. They look old and their condition is not good.She couldn't help but look up at Mrs. Xing, and thought: This is the dowry for my sister Qiao?This is too eccentric!

However, Wang Xifeng said with a smile: "What father and mother gave to Chun Ge'er is all recorded in Chun Ge'er's name. Master Zhuang said that Chun Ge'er and Qiao Qiao'er each have one, and the two brothers and sisters in the shop are also divided equally. The Zhuangzi shop that my father gave me back then was recorded under the name of Brother Chun."

After hearing this, Jia Amnesty nodded and said: "That's fine, I'll just add things later." Then he put away all the things.

Mrs. Xing saw that Jia She was looking down on the things in her box, she was very dissatisfied and said: "Don't look at these things are old, but they are all good. It's good to sell them for silver. A few hundred taels! It’s all there for Qiao’s sister in the future!”

Wang Xifeng couldn't help feeling warm in his heart, but when he looked at Mrs. Xing, his eyes turned red again, and he said: "Mom, just put it away, when sister Qiao grows up, wouldn't it be better for my mother to call her after seeing her good looks?" ?”

Hearing Wang Xifeng's words, Mrs. Xing thought it was very reasonable, and felt a little happy in her heart, so she quickly put it away again and carried her back to the house.

After Mrs. Xing entered the room, Wang Xifeng lowered his voice and said to Jia She: "If the daughter-in-law wants to fight for the housekeeper right in this mansion, father thinks it is feasible?"

(End of this chapter)

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