Daiyu of the Red Chamber

Chapter 172 The Boss Leaves Home, The Little Chapter

Chapter 172
When Caixia Caiyun came in, Mrs. Wang's kang table was still full of account books, various house deeds and land deeds, and bank notes of different sizes and amounts.

As soon as Caiyun Caixia entered the room, Mrs. Wang opened her eyes with a "swish", with a gloomy face, she angrily said: "Who let you in?!"

Caiyun immediately explained wronged: "Madam, it's dawn." Mrs. Wang gave her an angry look and said, "Get out! I'll ask you to come back in later." Caiyun and Caixia looked at each other, then they both bowed their heads and retreated.

Mrs. Wang also sat up quickly, put away the house deeds and land deeds on the table, put them back in the box, and stacked the account books.Finally, he counted the bank notes again, then took a small box and put it in, and locked it in the small drawer beside his bed.

After tidying up, Mrs. Wang called Caixia and Caiyun to come in. The two of them just bowed their heads to offer water and tea, and they didn't dare to look more.After a while, Mrs. Wang was tidied up properly.

A golden phoenix dotted with emerald green hairpin on the high-spine bun firmly holds the bun in place.It is also decorated with two silk flowers, one deep and one shallow, on the right side.Three red gold hairpins are pinned on the left side.Then tie a forehead of the same color as the red Panlong Tuanhua gown between the foreheads.A pair of emerald green drip earrings are swaying, even shiny.

When Mrs. Wang stood in front of the bronze mirror and looked around, Zhou Rui's family walked in.He kept admiring and said: "My wife looks more and more youthful and energetic. The old saying often says that people are refreshed on happy occasions, so it is true." After hearing this, Mrs. Wang just pursed her lips and smiled. He took Zhou Rui's hand and went to the outside room to have breakfast.

After eating breakfast, Mrs. Wang sent Caixia and Caiyun away, leaving only Zhou Rui's family in the house.Looking at Caixia and Caiyun who had withdrawn, Zhou Rui's family secretly proudly said: After all, my wife still trusts me the most!
Mrs. Wang saw that she and Zhou Rui's family were the only ones in the room, so she turned and went back to the inner room. She took some house deeds and a land deed, and said to Zhou Rui's family: "Try to get rid of these house deeds and transfer the land deeds to my name. Do you know how many more families to visit?" Zhou Rui's family's heart blossomed as soon as they saw it!
Zhou Rui's family thought: This land deed cannot be held by oneself, but this house deed can be bought by his son-in-law.

Having made up his mind, Zhou Rui's family smiled and said, "Madam, don't worry, it will be done soon, without leaving a trace." Mrs. Wang nodded with a smile after hearing this, and said, "Well, you can do things well, and your help is indispensable." Good." After speaking, Mrs. Wang picked up the teacup and said, "Go ahead, this matter has to be taken care of." Naturally, Zhou Rui's family backed out without further ado.

Mrs. Wang thought that since returning the money would not disturb the big house, she could only make a decision from the old lady and her sister, Aunt Xue.

Just thinking about it, Aunt Xue came to see Mrs. Wang.Aunt Xue is also dressed in a festive squirrel fur-edged purplish gown, embroidered with rich and noble peonies all over her body with gold and silver threads. If she didn't only wear a side phoenix pearl hairpin on her head, she would look more energetic than Mrs. Wang!
When Mrs. Wang saw her coming in, her face immediately burst into a smile, she got up affectionately and said, "Why are you here now?"

Aunt Xue handed a gold-carved box in her hand to Mrs. Wang and said: "Yuan girl has survived in the palace, and now she is the empress. I think that although I can't go in and see her, at least I, my aunt, have to express Said, this is not to give her a head of the latest style. A place like the palace is the most prosperous, and the name cannot be weakened. "

Mrs. Wang took it and saw that inside the box was a whole set of gold inlaid jade emerald emeralds, her eyes lit up twice, and she said: "Yuan girl is not easy, this has been going on for many years, it can be regarded as hard work." If you are in the early stage, it will cost you money."

Aunt Xue said with a smile: "That's my niece and daughter, why don't you say that it costs money? If you get a dragon child in the future, why don't you still recognize me as an aunt?"

Hearing what Aunt Xue said, Mrs. Wang made up her mind, and sighed: "But now we are dragging her down, and I don't know what will happen to her in the palace." As she spoke, she looked even more frowning. .

Aunt Xue asked in amazement: "What did my sister say? Why did you drag the empress down? Didn't you just seal the concubine yesterday? Or the first palace lord."

Mrs. Wang then explained with a bitter face: "In the early years, the old man owed a lot of money to the palace in order to pick up the driver, and this holy majesty is pursuing it! This big family saw that it was the end of the year again, and they finally paid it back years ago. Some, and now I'm urging for it, but if I take it easy, I can draw it out, now that I'm in such a hurry, where can I go?"

Speaking of this, Mrs. Wang suddenly changed her face, and said resentfully: "The most hateful thing is that Concubine Shuhui who was canonized with me in Yuanchun, and now the Holy Majesty is chasing around to collect the money, but his family will be speculative and offer it every now and then. Silver, won’t you win the favor of the Holy One? You didn’t see the arrogance yesterday, didn’t you rely on the silver?”

When Aunt Xue heard this, she smiled and said, "It's a big deal, but my sister said how much worse it is. If it's too much, I'm afraid it's not. People like us don't pay attention to tens of thousands of taels."

Mrs. Wang was waiting for her words, but she shook her head and said, "Where can I get your money? It's not easy for you to pull this pan'er by yourself now. Besides, the pan'er is not there yet. Getting married!"

Aunt Xue smiled indifferently: "We sisters still care about this? Besides, my sister is just not taking advantage of it now, and she will return it to me when she recovers."

When Mrs. Wang heard what Aunt Xue said, she felt happy in her heart, but she said with red eyes on her face, "Then there is trouble for my sister, don't worry, I will make it up for you immediately when I get it out!"

Aunt Xue laughed hurriedly: "My sister, what can I worry about?" Then she got up and wanted to go back to get the silver, Madam Wang hurriedly pulled her away and said: "At least eat tea before leaving, why don't you rush for a while gone?"

Aunt Xue said: "It's the same when I come back to eat later. It's not always happy to keep things on my mind." Then she got up and went out.Seeing Aunt Xue's figure disappearing outside the door, Mrs. Wang showed a smug smile.

After the Chinese New Year, Xue Pan had to learn how to do business and go shopping with the old people in the shop.Aunt Xue didn't have much cash in hand, and in the end she only brought 6 taels to Mrs. Wang.Although Mrs. Wang felt that Aunt Xue was stingy in her heart, she was always grateful on her face.

After Aunt Xue got it together, Mrs. Wang had 14 taels of silver bills in her hands. After thinking about it, Mrs. Wang only took out 9 taels, and asked Jia Zheng to take it to the household department to return it.In this way, the Jia family only owed the Ministry of Households 40 taels.

Mrs. Wang thought to herself, when the master gets the reward, let the big house pay for it. Now that there is a concubine in the palace, if the master outside gets a good job, she has nothing to be afraid of.

Sure enough, not long after the beginning of the first lunar month, the Holy Majesty appointed Jia Zheng as the school administrator of a town in the south, and set off to take up the post on a certain day.In this way, although Jia Zheng is still one level higher than Jia Shedi, he is still a fifth-rank official, in charge of the imperial examinations for one party's students.

Mrs. Wang believed that this was what she got by paying back the 10,000+ taels of silver, and she couldn't help being proud even in front of Jia Zheng.

Because Jia Zheng's visit may take three to five years, so all kinds of salutes in the mansion, the maids, women, and young servants, prepared everything for him, and even arranged two house servants to follow him. .

Mrs. Jia was even more distressed that he had never traveled far, and she must not be short of money when she went out for the first time, so she asked the public to pay 3000 taels to spend with him, and even privately took 2000 taels of private house to share with him. subsidy.

On the second day of February, Yiyuan traveled, and ten days before Daiyu and Brother Chun's birthdays, Jia Zheng set off with a dozen or so carriages and cages, a maidservant, a woman, a young servant, and two household servants.

At this time, Daiyu has already passed Qingjiang County, and she will be able to return to the capital in a few months.Mo Xuan could always be at the stern, seeing Daiyu who was staring at the river in a daze behind the boat.

These days, Daiyu's changes are obvious, especially when she met Yangzhou back then, the changes were huge.After returning to Beijing by boat from Gusu, Daiyu also changed along the way, becoming thinner and more silent.

Looking at Daiyu like this, Mo Xuan couldn't help feeling a slight pain in his heart, but he couldn't do anything, so he could only play a few flutes for her every night.

I don't remember when it started, but it became a habit.But Mo Xuan never imagined that one day he would also hear the sound of the piano coming from the boat behind. Although the tune sounds weird, even like a novice child, it can be heard intermittently, but it also has a special charm.

The one who plays the piano is naturally Daiyu, but Daiyu is really helpless with this guqin, she can't be as ethereal and elongated as Wanyu, as tactful as pearl jade, and she can't be as old and simple as Huang Jiyun and crystal clear.Especially for the Guqin score, I know every word, but I feel powerless to turn it into a rhythm.

Daiyu learned the piano for a few days in her previous life, and she remembered a few simple pieces. Now she tries to play it on the guqin, and she finds it very interesting.So there is one more pastime every day.

Because Daiyu hadn't learned the piano for a few days, the pieces she could memorize were even more pitiful. What she could play on the guqin was only two or three pieces over and over again.

Daiyu couldn't memorize repertoires like "Dream Wedding" and "Adiline by the Water", and even such a well-known song as "Fur Elise", Daiyu could only remember a few lines.Not to mention those classics such as "Moonlight Song" and "Fate", which were given to Daiyu, but she couldn't play them.

Daiyu’s favorite is Bundari’s "First Snow", which is simple and beautiful. Of course, at this moment, the most suitable tune for Daiyu’s mood is "Take Me Back to the Hometown of Virginia", which Daiyu learned when she first learned the piano. .I always play it twice a day.It's just that Daiyu at this time can't tell whether she wants to go back to her previous life or go back to Gusu...

Daiyu has practiced it many times from the first note-by-note plucking to the gradual coherence.And Mo Xuan memorized this piece of music during Daiyu's practice.

That day and night, there was still the sound of flute from the boat ahead, and Daiyu, who was about to fall asleep, suddenly woke up.Because what came at this time was no longer the previous repertoire, but "Take Me Back to Virginia's Hometown" that I practiced every day.This song is played by the xiao, it is actually two points more desolate.But also more tactful, Daiyu couldn't help being fascinated.

(End of this chapter)

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