Chapter 173

Hereby, I would like to thank Rangguaijiadianbad monthly ticket support~Thank you QQ reading Du Ruo for your continuous support!thanks

I recommend a good book "Walking in the Mirror" with witty and vivid writing. I hope you like it. This book tells a lot of life philosophies, but you need to understand it slowly!


In the evening of February [-]th, when the boat sailed to Jining, Jia Lian ordered the boat to dock and stop moving forward.Daiyu sent Lue to ask, but Jia Lian smiled and said, "Tell you girl, this Jining is the hometown of Confucius and Mencius. How can I not pay a visit when scholars pass by here? In the past, I always rushed for some reason, but now I stop After two days of rest, I can also go to pay my respects to the Confucian Temple."

After hearing about the hometown of Confucius and Mencius, Daiyu remembered that the lotus flowers here are extremely beautiful, but it is a pity that the season is not right, otherwise it would be great to have a look.Then I thought that even without the lotus, the forest of steles is still worth seeing, but I don’t know if it exists in this time and space...

When Daiyu sighed in her heart, she didn't know that Jia Lian had booked an inn not far from the pier and arranged a vegetarian vegetarian feast for the evening.Mo Xuan had also brought the imperial guards to check the inside and outside of the inn, just waiting for Daiyu to go ashore.

Jia Lian took Daiyu off the boat in a small sedan chair with blue nipples and yellow curtains, and Daiyu didn't get out of the sedan chair until she entered the inn.At that moment, the down-to-earth feeling made Daiyu feel a little unreal.

Daiyu couldn't help but her feet felt a little weak. If it wasn't for Lin De's family who stepped forward to support Daiyu, she might fall down.

After washing up in the inn, Jia Lian sent someone to bring the vegetarian banquet, and Daiyu just stayed in the house to eat alone.Jia Lian originally wanted to come over to have dinner with Daiyu, but Mo Xuan suddenly said: "Although you are brothers and sisters, but after all your surname is Jia and her surname is Lin. If you say it will hurt Miss Lin's reputation, Brother Jia should think carefully about it." For good."

Mo Xuan seldom speaks, but Jia Lian finds it hard to accept when he speaks now, but it makes sense when he thinks about it carefully. After all, they were only cousins, so Jia Lian lost his mind.

Although it has already entered mid-February at this time, for Daiyu, Jining can only be regarded as the north, whether it is in the previous life or the present life, and the weather is still very cold at this time, at least Daiyu thinks so.

The smiling Zhixuan who has been by Daiyu's side for many years, even without the reminder from Linde's family, cooked Tang Pozi early and covered Daiyu's bed warmly.Daiyu lay down in bed early, but couldn't fall asleep anyway.

Seeing this, Zhixuan looked at the sleeping smile, and asked in a low voice: "What's the matter, girl?" Daiyu frowned and thought for a while, then asked, "Is there anything I didn't do today?" Dazed, shook his head and said: "No, what did the girl think of?"

As soon as Daiyu heard she said no, she didn't want to say any more, so she shook her head and said, "Go to sleep, don't pay attention to me." After speaking, she lay down again.I don't want Daiyu to fall asleep, but it's still difficult to fall asleep, and the tossing and turning in the blink of an eye is a whole night.

After drifting on the boat for more than half a month, these individuals in the imperial guards were also bored, and now when they arrived on the shore, they were like wild horses that had run loose, and they couldn't be tied.Not only that, Jia Lian and Mo Xuan were also dragged out.

If it wasn't for Lin De and Jia Lian's young fellows guarding the inn, I am afraid that only Daiyu and the maidservant are left in the inn at this time!

Because Jia Lian was in the filial piety period, he didn't drink, he just sat for a while and then retreated, while Mo Xuan was dragged by the imperial guards and refused to let him go.Unknowingly, Mo Xuan, who can't drink enough, was drunk.

Early the next morning, when Jia Lian came to say goodbye to Daiyu at the door of Daiyu's room, seeing Daiyu's tired expression, she couldn't help but asked with concern, "What's wrong with my sister? But it's not comfortable there? There are some acclimatization, and if you don't feel well, you can still do it." You have to find a doctor early."

Daiyu shook her head and said, "Brother, don't worry, I just didn't sleep well. I don't know if I've changed places. I always feel that something is missing." Hearing what Daiyu said, Jia Lian's heart skipped a beat.

When Jia Lian opened the door early in the morning, he saw Mo Xuan walking around the yard with a green jade flute. When he asked him what he was doing, he stammered and said with a blushing face, "I want to play in the morning. This song disturbed everyone's dreams again."

At that time, Jia Lian felt strange, how could anyone get up early in the morning to play the flute?Although it was strange, Jia Lian was busy going out today, so he didn't go into it.

Hearing what Daiyu said now, I don't know why I remembered that in the past, Mo Xuan always played the flute at night, sometimes one or two, sometimes three or five, although the number was variable, but never stopped.When Jia Lian looked at Daiyu again at this time, he couldn't help feeling something in his heart.

Jia Lian originally planned to go to the street to see if there was anything that could be given to Daiyu as a birthday present.After all, others may forget that today is Daiyu's 13th birthday, but Jia Lian can't forget it.But at this moment, Jia Lian suddenly changed his mind.

Jia Lian bowed to Daiyu with a smile and said, "My sister, I'm sorry, it's rare to come here. If I don't go to see Confucius, I'm afraid my uncle will blame me."

Seeing this, Daiyu smiled slightly and said: "My brother is being polite to me today. If Yu'er hadn't been very filial, I'm afraid she would have to pay a visit."

Seeing this, Jia Lian nodded and said, "Since that's the case, my sister will rest in the inn for a few days. The Confucian Temple is far away from here, and it will take a whole day to drive back and forth. I'm afraid I won't be able to make it back today. I'll go to Naya Sanctuary by the way." It will take three to five days to look around."

Daiyu lowered her head and thought for a while, "It's okay for my brother to go. Yu'er will wait here for his brother's return before going north." So Jia Lianfang nodded, turned and left.Neither Jia Lian nor Daiyu found out that Mo Xuan had stayed by the side before.

Mo Xuan just happened to be walking around the corner, and stopped for fear of bumping into Daiyu. He happened to hear Jia Lian asking if Daiyu was in good health.Mo Xuan's heart tensed at first, but then he heard that Daiyu said that he didn't know when he was worried about it, so it was difficult to fall asleep.Looking down at the jade flute in his hand, Mo Xuan couldn't help but blushed, and left quickly.

When Jia Lian came to the lobby, Mo Xuan was absent-mindedly eating breakfast. Seeing Jia Lian coming down, for some reason, he suddenly felt that his face was burning, and he forgot to greet Jia Lian to eat with him.

Seeing this, Jia Lian raised her eyebrows slightly, sat down next to Mo Xuan, and said with a smile: "Brother Xuan was happy to eat by himself, and he didn't ask me to join him. In vain, I always treat you as a brother, but I don't want to be with you." I dine at the same table."

Hearing this, Mo Xuan felt as if his neck was on fire, and immediately explained: "Brother Jia, don't take offense, because I was thinking about this, I didn't notice Brother Jia coming." The waiter ordered food for Jia Lian.

Jia Lian smiled, and sat aside without refusing. After the two of them had had their breakfast in silence, Jia Lian said to Mo Xuan: "In the past few days, Sister She will ask Brother Xuan to take care of her." Xuan Yi was taken aback and asked, "How do you say that?"

Jia Lian tilted his head slightly and asked, "Could it be that Brother Xuan is not happy?"Still don't want to?

They seemed inappropriate, and if they said yes, they were afraid of causing unnecessary criticism; if they said they didn't, they were afraid of causing misunderstanding... Mo Xuan couldn't help sweating on his forehead and his face flushed.

Seeing this, Jia Lian smiled and said, "Since Shemei is the adopted daughter of Princess Wujun, is it possible that she is not your cousin? Is it so difficult to take care of one or two?" When Mo Xuan heard this, he felt enlightened.

Mo Xuan turned to smile and said: "What did Brother Jia say? Don't say anything else, the Holy Majesty sent me to lead the imperial guards to protect the county lord, and it is my duty to take care of the county lord." After a pause, he asked: "Just I don't know where Brother Jia intends to go?"

Jia Lian didn't tease him any more, and explained: "Brother Xuan also knows that this is the hometown of Confucius and Mencius. Although I have passed by many times, I dare not stay because of the complicated things. Now I have a rare opportunity. I must go to visit. It will take five days at most, and three days at least. Yu'er has a filial piety, and it is inconvenient to travel, so she has to stay here, so I ask Brother Xuan to take care of her."

Hearing what Jia Lian said, Mo Xuan was relieved, but he was disappointed for some reason.But that feeling came and went quickly, before Mo Xuan could check it out, it disappeared in a flash.

After Jia Lian's figure disappeared outside the inn door, Mo Xuan sent someone to ask if Daiyu had breakfast.Hearing that Daiyu hadn't eaten yet, Mo Xuan ordered: "Let the kitchen cook longevity noodles and deliver them."

When Daiyu saw the birthday noodles in front of her, she remembered that today is her birthday, and she couldn't help but smiled slightly: "Didn't my brother say that he was going to worship Confucius?" The Linde family said with a smile: "Isn't it ? Uncle Lian has been away for a while, and he said that it will take no more than five days, and at least three days before returning."

Daiyu looked at the noodles on the table, and asked puzzledly: "Then this noodle...?" Lin De's family laughed and said: "Brother Mo Jiaxuan asked someone to make it for the girl." Daiyu As soon as Yu heard it, he laughed and said, "It's hard for him to remember, I've forgotten all about myself."

After breakfast, Lin De's family had just delivered the bowls and chopsticks, and after a while Daiyu heard the familiar sound of flutes coming from downstairs, and she couldn't help but sat in front of the window.

Since then, the sound of the flute has not only sounded at night, sometimes in the morning, sometimes in the afternoon, and of course it has never stopped at night.Daiyu sometimes gets up, and she will also play a song, although her piano skills are really difficult to reach the level of elegance.But the tunes she caressed, only three or two times, will become the sound of flute and will be played again.

After all, Jia Lian didn't dare to leave for a long time, but hurried back on the third day.A group of people boarded the ship again and headed north.

Jia Lian was surprised to find that he had only been away for three or two days, and it became a habit for Mo Xuan to play the flute when he came back!In the morning, I have to play two songs, and when I have time, I will stand on the stern of the boat with my jade flute and play two songs. Before the lights are turned off at night, I have to play two more songs!This made Jia Lian couldn't help but always look at him more.

But under Jia Lian's gaze, Mo Xuan, who was awkward at first, became more and more at ease.The flute sound was also accompanied by two large, three small and five boats back and forth, all the way back to the capital from Jining.

As soon as Daiyu's boat docked, Zhao Bing and the servant girls brought by Zhang Xin surrounded her.There were also guards sent by the prince's mansion of Wujun, and it was blocked for a while.

(End of this chapter)

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