Daiyu of the Red Chamber

Chapter 174 Lin Fu's "Reform"

Chapter 174 Lin Fu's "Reform"

I recommend a good book "Walking in the Mirror" with witty and vivid writing. I hope you like it. This book tells a lot of life philosophies, but you need to understand it slowly!


Seeing that Daiyu returned to the mansion safely, Mo Xuan bid farewell and left, and returned to the palace, while Jia Lian also returned to Jia's mansion under Daiyu's persuasion.

At this time, the Lin Mansion was no longer what it looked like when Daiyu left. After Daiyu helped Ling go south, the Ministry of Industry and Rites had been rebuilt according to the specifications of the Hou Mansion.

At this time, the main gate was wide open, and in the Song Dynasty, Zhang Zheng and Zhang Zheng led the whole house up and down to welcome them out.Even Nanny Yang, Nanny Sun and others were among them.In the Song Dynasty, Zhang Zheng and Zhang Zheng were very excited because of Daiyu's return. Although their time with Daiyu was short, in the past few months, Zhao Bing and Zhang Xin often talked about Daiyu's boss in front of them.

But what they didn't expect was that after Daiyu entered the mansion and placed the tablets of Lin Ruhai and Jia Min, she didn't have time to wash up, so she gathered all the people in the mansion in front of the main hall.

Looking at the few people standing in front of the hall, Daiyu also felt a little sad for a moment. When she first came to this world, there were hundreds of people in Lin's residence.Now, except for the ancestral house in Gusu, there are only the three No. 50 people in front of me.

Daiyu couldn't help but secretly wondered, was it because she dismissed the servants and dispersed the popularity in the mansion, so it became more and more cold?

But now there is nothing to think about. Daiyu looked up at Nanny Yang and Nanny Tang. Nanny Yang smiled gently and said, "Young lady, do whatever you want! It's all for the good of everyone."

Nanny Yang's words made Song Shi, Zhang Zheng and the others very puzzled, feeling a little uneasy in their hearts, but they also knew that this was not a good time to speak out.Daiyu nodded after hearing this, and when she looked at the crowd, her eyes were full of reluctance.

Just looking at Daiyu's eyes, Song Shi and Zhang Zheng's heart skipped a beat, and then they heard Daiyu say softly: "In addition to running shops outside, the managers of Zhuangzi and other industries, as well as the two who stayed behind in the ancestral house in Gusu Elder Fang, now you are the only ones left in the Lin Mansion."

He said with a slight smile, reached out to take a box from the Linde family, gently opened it and said: "Those who are over 45 years old in the mansion, those who are willing to stay can stay, and those who are willing to return to their ancestral home for the elderly can also report to me. I have issued the body deed and pension money, and I will go back on my own."

After speaking, Daiyu took the lead and swept across the crowd. Song Shi frowned and looked at Daiyu, not knowing what Daiyu wanted to do, but Zhang Zheng didn't have such a good temper, so he immediately asked with a thick neck: "I don't know what is wrong with the girl?" What do you mean? But you dislike me as an old man? I, Zhang Zheng, can still open a two-stone bow! It’s not time to retire!"

Daiyu looked at Zhang Zheng with slightly red eyes and said: "Why did Uncle Zhang say that? Yu'er dare not be a fool. His father said when he was alive that he treated the two Lin Bos, Uncle Song and you as brothers. Yu I don't mean any disrespect."

Song Shi saw that Daiyu's expression didn't seem to be fake, and when she heard Lin Ruhai mentioned, he couldn't help asking: "What is the girl's intention this time, it's better to talk about it and discuss it with everyone."

Daiyu nodded and said: "Father has gone. On the way to send father back, Yu'er thought a lot. As the saying goes: Fallen leaves return to their roots. Yu'er is afraid of delaying the return of the public, so she thinks that anyone who wants to go back when she is old will not be able to return home." You can receive the pension money, and go back to your hometown to buy land and buy a house to enjoy your old age. You have worked hard all your life in the Lin Manor, and Yu'er will definitely not treat you badly."

As soon as these words came out, someone below started muttering. Seeing this, Zhang Zheng was about to reprimand him, but was stopped by Song Shi.

After a while, an old man in his fifties walked out of the line, stood in front of Daiyu, knelt down to Daiyu with red eyes, and wanted to kowtow, but Daiyu hurriedly stopped her.

Although the old man couldn't kowtow, he said with tears in his eyes: "The old slave is just a horse breeder. He has been raising a horse in the Lin Manor all his life, and he followed the master all over the world. The old slave has no skills, but The old slave can still raise the girl's horse for 20 years! Girl, don't chase the old slave, the old slave is not going anywhere! This is the old slave's home!"

Daiyu looked at the old man, she couldn't help but wiped her eyes from the side, and then she turned her head and said, "Chen Bo, don't say that, I don't mean to drive you away, if you want to stay, I will Naturally, I am happy, and those who are willing to return to their hometown will definitely take care of it for you."

The old man didn't expect that Daiyu would know his surname "Chen" and would call him "Uncle Chen". He was so excited that he couldn't help crying.It took a lot of persuasion for everyone to stop crying.

At this moment, another old man walked out and was about to kneel down when Daiyu said, "Uncle Zheng, please don't kneel. You have worked so hard for the Lin family all your life, I can't bear it."

The old man was also taken aback, looked at Daiyu's red eyes, and said after a while: "Young lady, if you don't kneel, I, Old Zheng, won't! It sounds nice, I just want to tell the girl that we people will follow the master for the rest of our lives, and we will never leave the girl behind!"

Speaking of this old man who claimed to be Lao Zheng, he also said with red eyes: "Miss treats us well, we know, but whether this is the Hou's Mansion or Lin's Mansion, we only know that this is our home! We all Follow the girl! I won't go anywhere!"

Daiyu looked at the big guy with tears in her eyes, nodded and asked: "But everyone thinks that?" Although everyone had never practiced before, they all replied in unison: "Yes!"

Seeing this, Daiyu smiled and said: "Since that's the case, those over 45 years old can leave and go to their own business."

Everyone didn't understand what Daiyu was going to do, they couldn't help standing still, you look at me, I look at you.Daiyu was not annoyed when she saw this, she just smiled and explained: "Since the 45-year-old is not going to leave, then it's nothing to do with you. Go do your own thing."

It was a man in his early thirties who came out, lowered his head and did not look at Daiyu, as if he was afraid that Daiyu would not hear him, he asked loudly: "Does the girl want those of us under 45 to leave?"

As soon as these words came out, not to mention those old people just now, even Song Shi and Zhang Zheng also changed their faces.How can a house be full of old people?How can this work?Just about to speak, Daiyu cleared her throat and said, "Those under the age of 45 also scored a few waves."

Seeing Daiyu speak, everyone fell silent, and Daiyu said slowly: "Everyone knows that those who follow me, the little maids have to read and practice calligraphy from the beginning. From now on, in our house, everyone who is six years old The above children have to be sent to study until they are 16 years old, and if the husband says they have good grades, they can get their certificates back and go to school.”

As soon as Daiyu said this, there was a person kneeling on the ground under Hulala, which surprised Daiyu.He couldn't help standing up a little nervously and looking at Nanny Yang beside him.

Song Shi was the first to speak, "Thank you, miss, for your kindness!"Immediately afterwards, everyone in the mansion was grateful and said: "Miss benevolence, I will never forget it!"

It took Daiyu a while to come back to her senses, and said with a smile: "I am not benevolent, nor is there any kind of benevolence! I am just giving everyone a chance! As for whether you can grasp it, it is up to you!"

Speaking of which, Daiyu sat back on the chair, took a deep breath and said, "If someone passes the exam, I will continue to support you in your studies. If you don't pass the exam, I will go back to work in the mansion. If someone passes the exam If you want to raise people, I will no longer support you, and you have to earn your own training and living expenses!"

Daiyu originally thought that everyone would react when they heard this, but the big guy still looked at her gratefully, which made Daiyu a little embarrassed.After thinking for a while, Daiyu continued: "Anyone who has never had a childbirth must return the repair fee, and use your future monthly money to pay back."

Daiyu didn't expect that everyone would happily answer: "Yes!" This made Daiyu stunned again, but her heart was warm!
Then Daiyu announced loudly: "From six to 16 years old, pack up and salute. After three days, Uncle Song will take you back to the ancestral house in Gusu and hand it over to Bo Lin. Bo Lin will arrange you to enter the Lin Family Academy. You study hard."

As she said that, Daiyu took out the body deeds of children aged six to sixteen from the box, handed them to Song Shi and said, "Uncle Song, please run." Before Song Shi could say anything, Zhao Bing stood up and said : "Girl, why don't you go younger."

Daiyu glanced at Zhao Bing, this was the first time Daiyu took a serious look at this boy in his early 20s.Well, in Daiyu's eyes, these are all boys. Who told her to be an older youth in her 20s or [-]s before she came to this world?

Daiyu smiled and said: "I thought, Zhao Bing and Zhang Xin are good at martial arts, they are still young, and their brains are also bright. There is no need to stay in the mansion, and when I turned around, I went to find Madam Yang's nephew. Zheng Guang, he will lead you to join the army, and he will fight for your own future."

Zhao Bing and Zhang Xin were taken aback when they heard this, and were about to refute, but Daiyu smiled and found out the deeds of Qi Luo, Zhi'er and the two of them: "I will repay your deeds today. "As he spoke, he looked up at Zhao Bing and Zhang Xin and said, "I will also let my elder sister Qiluo and elder sister Zhi'er be the heads of the house! Do you have the confidence?"

For a moment, Qi Luo and Zhi'er were so moved that they didn't know what to say, who wouldn't want to be the master of their own house?It's just that she was a little reluctant to part with Daiyu, and was about to say something, but Daiyu spoke first, "Don't tell me you won't come to see me anymore?" Only then did Qiluo and Zhi'er smile.

Instead, Zhang Xin thought about it and asked, "What about Lin De?" Without waiting for anyone to answer, Lin De laughed and said, "I'm the future housekeeper of the Lin family! Where can I leave?" Lin De said , even Song Shi and Zhang Zheng were taken aback for a moment, and then everyone laughed.

After everyone calmed down, Daiyu reiterated: "Now, those who should go to work, hurry up. Our house is not small, there are many rules, but there are few people, and we can only rely on you big guys." Work together!" Daiyu rubbed her belly and said, "Speaking of which, girl, I'm hungry!"

After hearing Daiyu's words, everyone remembered that Daiyu hadn't washed and washed after returning home, let alone had a meal, so they hurried to prepare.Those who boil water boil water, those who cook cook... the whole Lin Mansion seems to be more lively and lively.

Daiyu looked back at Nanny Yang, and Nanny Yang smiled and said, "Young lady's wish, the first step has finally been fulfilled. The reform of our Lin Mansion...is called reform? Hehe, it starts today!" Daiyu smiled and glanced at the maidservants around her who had been with her for many years, took a deep breath, and then nodded heavily.

Back in the mourning hall, Daiyu looked at the tablets of Lin Ruhai and Jia Min enshrined on it, and asked softly, "Father, mother, do you blame Yu'er?"

(End of this chapter)

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