Chapter 175

We would like to thank: Yaya 21’s monthly ticket support~!


When Mo Xuan entered the palace, the emperor was talking with the eldest prince in the imperial garden, and when he heard that Mo Xuan was back, the emperor summoned him over with great interest.

After Mo Xuan saluted, the emperor asked: "How is the matter going?" Mo Xuan told the itinerary of the past few months in detail without any concealment.After pondering for a long time, the emperor suddenly asked: "What do you think of the girl of the Lin family?"

Mo Xuan didn't react for a while, and couldn't help but look up at the emperor's profile.The emperor waited for quite a while without hearing Mo Xuan's answer, so he couldn't help turning his head to look at him. Seeing his bewildered expression, he couldn't help laughing and said, "What do you think of the girl from the Lin family?"

This time Mo Xuan came to his senses, his face turned red in a flash, and he lowered his head as if he dared not see anyone.The emperor couldn't help raising his eyebrows, pretending to be serious and said: "What? Is it hard to say, or can't say it?"

Mo Xuan raised his eyes and looked at the emperor quietly. Seeing that the emperor was frowning slightly, he looked at the eldest prince again, looking at himself with great interest, and even his ears turned red.Na Na said: "No, I don't know, how should I say it."

When the first prince heard Mo Xuan's answer, he almost laughed out loud. If the emperor wasn't on the side, he might have laughed out loud.The emperor also looked at Mo Xuan with great interest and said, "Why is it hard to say? Is it good or not? Don't you know?" As he spoke, he saw Mo Xuan's head lowered even lower, and even his neck was red up.

The eldest prince couldn't help but said: "What don't you know? When a man looks at a woman, the first thing he looks at is whether she is beautiful. Could it be that you don't even know this?"

Mo Xuan felt his palms start to sweat. He lowered his head and didn't look at the emperor or the first prince, but followed behind the emperor in a muffled voice.The emperor saw a small booth in front of him, so he went into the booth and sat down, frowning as if he had to get an answer today, and said: "What's wrong with that girl, just tell me."

Mo Xuan was startled, and without waiting for a response, he replied: "Miss Lin is a fairy-like figure, how can there be anything wrong?" I didn't want Mo Xuan to finish speaking, the eldest prince asked: "Then you talk about her?" Is it beautiful or not?"

Mo Xuan already regretted the answer just now, why would he say more now?Then he lowered his head and replied, "I don't know."

Mo Xuan's answer made the emperor frown and said: "A man is beautiful, he is beautiful, and he is beautiful if he is not beautiful, he is the one who dares to think and speak up! Look at what you are like now?" The eldest prince also booed: " You don't even know if she's beautiful, so how do you know she's a fairy?"

Mo Xuan slightly raised his head to look at the eldest prince, and said with some dissatisfaction: "I saw it when I was a child, so I naturally know."

Mo Xuan answered righteously, but the eldest prince asked relentlessly: "Why, you have been protecting her for the past few months, but you haven't even seen anyone? Could it be that you are so ugly that you can't see people?"

Mo Xuan became anxious for a moment, quickly raised his head to look at the eldest prince, was about to speak, but held back, lowered his head and said: "How can anyone talk about other girls behind their backs like this?" After thinking for a while, Mo Xuan added: "No What a gentleman does!" After finishing speaking, he lowered his head and did not speak again.

The emperor couldn't help laughing loudly and said: "You have been with me for many years, look at how useless you are!" The eldest prince also laughed and said: "Father, don't be upset, look at Brother Xuan's blushing, it's a shame! It's about to bleed, so it's obvious that I'm shy!" After speaking, he laughed muffled.

The emperor said very ironically: "Don't say that you grew up next to me! I don't have to be ashamed of following you." The eldest prince also joked: "Brother Xuan is still a baby at first glance. I'll send you two servants there." Hearing this, Mo Xuan straightened his neck and said, "Don't bother Your Highness!"

When the eldest prince heard this, he couldn't help laughing and said: "Father, look at him like that! Why don't you know what to say, you'll have to guard yourself like a jade!" After finishing speaking, the eldest prince turned his head to look at Mo Xuan and raised his eyebrows. : "If you really look at it well, just ask your father to show it to you. What is it like now?"

Mo Xuan somehow replied: "Miss Lin is keeping her filial piety!"

Not to mention the eldest prince, even the emperor almost burst out laughing.If others saw it, they would never have imagined that His Majesty the majestic emperor would have such a time.At this time, the emperor pointed at Mo Xuan with a smile, and said angrily: "You don't know whether she is beautiful or not, if she is good or not, what does it matter to you if she keeps filial piety?"

The eldest prince was also gloating with a smile on his face, but Mo Xuan was in a hurry and didn't know what to say, and finally held back a sentence: "My minister, I am going to greet my aunt!"

Seeing his appearance, the emperor didn't intend to make fun of him anymore, so he nodded and said: "Go, your aunt misses you very much too." After speaking, he looked at the eldest prince and said, "Chengde also goes to visit your mother's queen." .” The eldest prince knelt down and left together with Mo Xuan.

When the two of them walked away, the prince leaned over and saw the emperor was resting one hand on his lap and the other on the stone table, tapping his fingers on the table, looking at the two people walking away with a smile.

Wang Gonggong smiled and said: "The eldest prince and brother Xuan have grown up!" The emperor gave him an angry look and said, "Chengde is almost becoming a father! But Mo Xuan, this boy, go out for a while , It seems that I have thought about it."

After the emperor finished speaking, he was silent for a moment, as if he was asking the prince, and more like talking to himself: "How do you see Mo Xuan and that girl from the Lin family?" Naturally, the prince would not say good or bad, but the emperor asked, He had to make a noise, then smiled and said: "Your Majesty sees it well, then it is really good. Who else in this world is more accurate than Your Majesty?"

The emperor shook his head and smiled, but stopped talking.After thinking for a while, he said: "Send someone to see how the girl is doing when she comes back." The prince naturally knew that he was not speaking to himself, so he didn't respond. Dao Gray Shadow disappeared.

Mo Xuan had never thought that his uncle, His Majesty the Emperor, who was serious in his eyes, would make fun of himself in this way.But at this time, on the way to Kunning Palace, Mo Xuan thought about it carefully, but found that there seemed to be other meanings, so he didn't dare to think about it. He was afraid that he would guess wrong, but his heartbeat still couldn't help it stand up.

However, the eldest prince still couldn't help teasing Mo Xuan and said: "You really don't need me to send the two of you to serve at your place?" As he spoke, he moved closer to Mo Xuan and said, "Tell me, don't you really be a Chick?"

Mo Xuan glanced at the eldest prince angrily, and quickened his pace without saying a word, which caused the eldest prince to laugh and joke, "Isn't it really necessary? Why are you running?"

Seeing the eldest prince and Mo Xuan coming hand in hand, the queen also had a heartfelt smile on her face.After the two of them saluted, the queen smiled and said: "Brother Xuan, come to me quickly." She glanced at the eldest prince and said with a smile: "De'er sits too."

The eldest prince found a seat and sat down on his own indifferently, but Mo Xuan was pulled by the queen's side, asking one after another about the departure from Beijing.Although Mo Xuan had walked this road many times from the capital to Gusu, but after all this was the first time Mo Xuan went out alone, the queen was still very worried.

Mo Xuan lost his mother since he was born, and his father and elder brother hated him because of this, so Mo Xuan is very close to the two aunts.Whatever the queen asked, Mo Xuan would answer. It was much more detailed than the previous answer to the emperor, and he even kept describing the scenery he saw along the way to the queen.

When Mo Xuan was talking happily, he didn't want the Queen to suddenly ask: "What do you think, Brother Xuan, what about the girl from the Lin family?" what.Not to mention Mo Xuan, even the eldest prince couldn't help laughing out loud when he heard the queen's question.

The queen glared at the eldest prince angrily and said, "What are you laughing at?" The eldest prince saw that the queen was displeased, so he suppressed his smile, but his shoulders were still trembling uncontrollably.Seeing that the eldest prince no longer laughed unrulyly, the queen ignored him, then turned her head to look at Mo Xuan and asked again: "Xuan'er, what do you think of Miss Lin?"

At this moment, Mo Xuan had almost concluded that his guess was not overthinking or random thinking, so he couldn't help blushing, and whispered: "It's pretty good."

As soon as the words came out, the eldest prince couldn't help but widen his eyes and said: "Father asked you just now, didn't you still say you don't know? Why did you become quite good now? Didn't you say you didn't see it? Seeing what Mo Xuan said, the Queen couldn't help but her eyes lit up and said, "What's the best way?"

When the queen asked this, the eldest prince stopped shouting, and just looked at Mo Xuan with a half-smile, wanting to hear how Mo Xuan would answer.Mo Xuan rolled his eyes and said with a smile: "What's the best way? I have to ask Second Aunt, does she not recognize Miss Lin as a foster daughter? Or ask Cousin Wanyu, she and Miss Lin have always been on good terms. "

This answer, could not help but disappoint the eldest prince, and the queen also didn't know what to say for a moment, it was a coincidence that Princess Hanyi walked in at this moment.

Seeing that the eldest prince and Mo Xuan were both there, Princess Hanyi couldn't help being very happy. After a hasty salute, she glanced at the eldest prince and asked Mo Xuan, "Did you bring my sister Yu'er back safely?"

The eldest prince didn't expect Han Yi to say that, and he didn't understand the meaning of Han Yi's glance at him before.But for some reason, the eldest prince always had a very bad feeling, so he immediately stopped talking and sat aside.He was no longer joking like before, but actually looked a bit majestic.

But Mo Xuan was kind, and told Han Yi in detail about his trip to Suzhou this time.Han Yi did not ask him "how is the girl from the Lin family" like the emperor and empress.

After hearing this, Hanyi frowned and asked, "Sister Yu'er was crying a lot? I didn't go there when I was in Beijing, I only heard that she is not well."

Han Yi asked this question, and the queen also turned her head to look at Mo Xuan.Mo Xuan frowned and thought for a while: "Miss Lin looks very calm, but she looks more and more cold." The eldest prince couldn't help but laugh when he heard this.He hurriedly brought a teacup to cover up.

But the queen sighed and said: "It's hard for this girl." She looked at Mo Xuan and said, "You have to treat her better." Mo Xuan blushed suddenly at these words, but his heart became more and more convinced that the Holy Majesty He must want to betroth Daiyu to himself.Thinking of this, Mo Xuan's heart couldn't help jumping up a little.

Even so, Mo Xuan blushed and said: "Auntie is in pain, and Cousin Hanyi is thinking about it, how can it be hard?"

After Mo Xuan finished speaking, he wished he could bite off his own tongue, and didn't dare to look at the faces of the people, so he hurriedly added: "Besides, I'm a foreigner, and I can meet Miss Lin..." Mo Xuan himself knew that this Isn't it getting darker and darker?Even his neck turned red, and he lowered his head and stopped talking.

Everyone didn't expect that Mo Xuan would say such a thing, and they couldn't help being stunned for a while before laughing out loud.

Especially the eldest prince, who laughed so hard that he almost slapped the table.But he didn't want the eldest prince to be like this, but it hindered Hanyi's eyes, so Hanyi pretended to be sorry and said: "Hey, I thought she would be my emperor's sister-in-law, but I would be wrong."

With these words, not only the eldest prince was choked, half of the laughter stuck in his throat, and he couldn't stop coughing, even Mo Xuan stopped lowering his head, looked up at Han Yi in a daze, and turned his head again Looking at the eldest prince, the blush on his face gradually receded.

The queen nodded Han Yi's forehead angrily, and reprimanded: "What nonsense are you talking about! You can say this too?"

(End of this chapter)

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