Chapter 176

When Jia Lian returned to Jia's mansion, Mrs. Xing and Wang Xifeng were the happiest.But Jia Lian went to Mrs. Jia's house before seeing them.

The old lady Jia also asked about the funeral of her daughter and son-in-law, but she just mentioned it in one sentence, and then asked how to arrange the property in Gusu. The descendants inherited it, so they took it back to the clan and added it as a sacrifice field to prepare for the sacrifice supply."

Old lady Jia almost vomited blood when she heard it, and then she heard Jia Lian say, "It's my aunt's dowry. When my aunt left, my uncle handed it over to my younger sister to take care of it. But before the funeral, my younger sister exchanged it into silver. It's worth a hundred dollars. Ten thousand taels."

When Mrs. Jia heard it, wasn't she dedicated to the emperor?For a while, he was angry and annoyed, but he didn't dare to say anything more here.

In the end, Mrs. Jia had no choice but to say to Jia Lian with a cold face: "Why didn't you bring your sister Lin back? What would it be like to let her live alone in Lin's mansion? No one should say that my grandmother is not Knowing how to cherish her, God is so pitiful, my heart is about to break in pain!"

Old lady Jia's eyes turned red as she spoke, she stared at Jia Lian firmly and said, "I'll let people say that we elders and relatives don't care about it! Even the empress in the palace, I'm afraid I will be implicated." Seeing this, Jia Lian quickly explained with a smile: "Sister Lin said that she is wearing a hot filial piety now, and it is not easy to go out. After she is out of filial piety, she will come to ask the ancestors to make amends."

The old lady Jia originally said that, but now she heard what Jia Lian said, so she couldn't say anything more, and she said a few words that Jia Lian was useless because she failed to save Daiyu's family property, and said that Daiyu, who Jia Lian harmed, is now The ones who didn't go down even complained that Jia Lian didn't send people here early.

Jia Lian didn't make any distinctions, just bowed and stood below listening to Mrs. Jia's ramblings.After a while, seeing that Jia Lian didn't answer, and seeing that Jia Lian was covered in dust and dust, the old lady stopped talking and sent him down to wash up.

Jia Lian went to the courtyard on the east side again, and after asking Mrs. Xing to report her safety, she returned to Wutong residence.

As soon as Jia Lian stepped into the yard, Wang Xifeng rushed out to greet her and said with a smile: "Uncle Guo is overjoyed! Uncle Guo has had a hard journey all the way. Today I am driving back home. I have prepared a glass of water and wine to dust off the dust. I don't know if I will give it to Guangyao. ?”

Seeing this, Jia Lian was very surprised, and hurriedly asked, "Uncle what country? Tell me clearly." Seeing that Jia Lian was boring, Wang Xifeng didn't bother to explain. He only asked people to boil water and serve tea. .

After Jia Lian sat down in the hall, Ping'er and all the maids paid homage again, Fang offered tea to Jia Lian with his own hands.After dismissing all the maidservants, even Ping'er retreated knowingly, Wang Xifeng then told the details of the family affairs of the farewell queen.

Jia Lian frowned when he heard that Yuanchun was conferring a concubine, and when he heard that it was a "virtuous concubine" who had been conferred the title of lord of the first palace, Jia Lian already said something bad in his heart!For a moment, his face was pale, and the sweat on his forehead couldn't stop breaking out.Staring at Wang Xifeng, he yelled sharply: "Don't mention the word 'Uncle Guo' again!"

After Jia Lian finished speaking, he remembered that Wang Xifeng was working at home after he left, so he breathed a sigh of relief and said, "The uncle of the country can be called by everyone? He is the queen's brother!" Besides, Jia Lian didn't Dare to say it, so he endured it, but his complexion became worse and worse.

Seeing Jia Lian's appearance, Wang Xifeng also knew that Jia Lian was anxious, so she added half a bowl of tea for him, and then said softly: "If the Lord doesn't let me tell, what's the use? Would my good aunt not tell? Doesn’t Baoyu claim to be the uncle of the country now? I thought, since this is called the General’s Mansion in our mansion, there is no way we can get rid of it!”

After hearing this, Jia Lian also took a deep breath, frowned and sighed: "What should I do now!"

Wang Xifeng saw that Jia Lian couldn't think of a solution for a while, so she comforted him: "Master, you have worked hard all the way, why don't you go and wash up first, and when you wake up, you will come up with an idea, maybe not necessarily." Seeing this, Jia Lian pulled Wang Xifeng's hand. He held his hand in the palm of his hand and said, "Feng'er has worked so hard."

Wang Xifeng blushed slightly and said, "What are you talking about!" Then she withdrew her hand, turned around and left the room, and called someone to bring hot water for Jia Lian to freshen up.

After Jia Lian cleaned up, she was still thinking about what Wang Xifeng said just now, since it is the General's Mansion, Jia She, who is the first-class soldier, must be inseparable from it, and I am afraid that he and others will not be able to escape.But after much deliberation, he couldn't come up with an effective solution, so he couldn't help but frown even more.

After Jia She went back to the mansion in the evening and told Jia She about the general manager of the journey, Jia Lian said worriedly: "Now it's not a good idea to let the second room make trouble. This is the General's Mansion after all. If there are rumors that something shouldn't happen In other words, I'm afraid that even my father can't get away with it."

Wang Xifeng, the women who stayed in the mansion all day, knew the news, how could Jia Amnesty, who went to court every day, not know?But now Jia She can't think of any way.

Originally, the old lady turned to Jia Zheng, but then Jia Baoyu, who was born with a natural vision, held the second wife more and more, and now Yuanchun even conferred the title of concubine. I can't tell!

Wang Xifeng saw Jia She and Jia Lian were both frowning, gritted his teeth and looked at Jia Lian and said, "I think, the current state of this mansion is probably related to these servants. The housekeeper doesn't care. , the servants below are becoming more and more disorganized, why don't I find an opportunity to take back the housekeeper's power and punish it severely?"

When Jia Amnesty heard this, his eyes lit up, he clapped his hands and smiled and said, "It's so good! It's so good!" Mrs. Xing asked very uncertainly, "Can the second room give you the housekeeping power?" Said Looking at Mrs. Xing, she looked at Jia Lian who was sitting by the side without saying a word.

It's not that Jia Lian didn't say anything, but he really didn't know what to say. It's great to have someone to take care of the servants in the mansion, but now the servants in the mansion are so easy to manage?The cats and dogs in the elders' house are all respectable, everyone in the house should be respected, especially for Wang Xifeng to rectify?
Jia Lian shook his head but didn't say anything. Seeing this, Wang Xifeng couldn't help asking, "Don't you think it's wrong?" Here Jia Lian looked at Jia Amnesty as if he suddenly thought of something.

Seeing Jia Lian's gaze, Jia Amnesty couldn't help but didn't know what to say, so he frowned and said, "Speak up if you have something to say! Why should I stare at the master?"

Jia Lian tentatively said, "What if my father seeks a post abroad and takes our whole family with him? I don't know if it's feasible?" Jia Lian then looked at Mrs. Xing and Wang Xifeng, and said, "If my father is not here In the mansion, father is naturally not involved in everything, and when father takes office outside, mother doesn't take care of the house, so it's okay to follow along."

After finishing speaking, Jia Lian's own eyes lit up, and he said persistently: "It is feasible for the son to follow his father to help out for a while, and Feng'er naturally has to follow his son."

Jia Amnesty did not expect Jia Lian to come up with this idea, and was a little stunned for a moment, but Mrs. Xing immediately asked: "Then is it possible that Ying girl will also follow her to the post? If it's not about your uncle, then Zi Ying It's time for the girl to get married! Besides, all the good family business in this mansion is gone?"

But Jia Lian said as if he had cleared his mind: "Let's not care about other things for the time being. It will not take a day or two for my father to get a job. Plan first. If you really get the job soon. Why don't you just do it?" Let's go first, let's stay here and finish the wedding ceremony of welcoming the girl."

Speaking of this, Jia Lian looked at Mrs. Xing, then looked at Jia She and said, "As for the family property, it's not something we can fight for if we want to. The old lady is still there." Jia Lian paused, seeing Jia She There was no abnormal expression on his face, and he continued: "Son thinks, let go when it's time to let go, we are not short of food and clothing, and it is true to take good care of our own property."

After hearing this, Jia Amnesty nodded, beyond what Jia Lian and Madam Xing expected, and said, "Lian'er is right. I'll plan the errand first. I don't think there will be vacancies at any time. Feng'er in the mansion will keep an eye on it first. If you can get the stewardship right, of course you have it, and if you can’t get it, don’t worry about it. As for the property..." Having said this, Jia Amnesty also shook his head.

While Jia Amnesty and his family were discussing how to deal with the next situation, the emperor listened to the report in the imperial study and learned that Daiyu had actually decided to send the servants in the mansion between the ages of six and 16.Regardless of gender, they were sent to the Lin Family Academy in Gusu, and they couldn't help being curious about the Lin Family Academy.

Someone came to report: "The county lord said that if the books are good, the deed will be paid back in the future, and they will continue to support them to study. If they don't read well, they have to go back to the mansion as an errand and use the monthly money to return Shuxiu. Everyone in the house is rejoicing, and it looks like they are getting angry."

Then the emperor heard that many servants with good skills were also sent to the army, so he couldn't help frowning.Asked: "Can you keep a caretaker?" The man replied: "There are a few housekeepers in front of Mr. Lin. It is said that they are all good at work."

So the emperor nodded and said: "Since that's the case, you should send someone to Gusu to inquire about the Lin Family Academy. See what this girl has done in Gusu for a few months." There were not many people there, just After taking the order, he retreated quietly, and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

The emperor couldn't help but think of what the girl said when he was not enthroned, and the "Holy Grace Hall" mentioned in the "Memorial", and couldn't help becoming more interested.

The "Holy Grace Hall" sounds nice, but in fact it is the compulsory education in Daiyu's previous life. Everyone has to study, must study, and become the law, both to protect and to compel!According to the state, the Holy Spirit is paid by the Holy One to run it, so it is named the Holy Grace Church.

Students who have completed their studies can continue to study and apply for the Imperial College, but more students need to learn other skills.In order to make a living, it is suggested that the emperor stipulates that those over thirty are not allowed to participate in the autumn, and those over forty are not allowed to participate in the spring.In this way, many elderly students across the country will have no further opportunities.

Daiyu explained in her heart that these students, even if they were named on the gold list, are already old, how can they serve the court and the country?Moreover, these students are not qualified for all positions after passing the exam, and many positions still need to be cultivated from the bottom.Therefore, it is not good for the country to take the exam who is too old.

Daiyu even said: "Those who haven't passed the exam for many times in a row are obviously not qualified. Why bother to go all the way to the black? It's better to let them find another way to survive. There is an old saying: 72 years of practice will lead to the number one scholar!" The emperor took it for granted!

But even if he was the emperor, he didn't dare to say anything about it, let alone take it seriously!When Huang Jiyun read Daiyu's letter to the emperor, he also smiled wryly.

Now that I heard that Daiyu has set up a Lin Family Academy in Gusu, I can't help but wonder how Daiyu will do it. If it is done well, there may be something that can be used for reference.Thinking of this, the emperor had to sigh again, this girl is really smart and sharp.Thinking of Mo Xuan's expression today, the emperor couldn't help thinking.

(End of this chapter)

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