Chapter 177

I would like to thank Ameimeier for her monthly ticket support~
I just saw that besides Du Ruo, Liang Lehai and Hongou Xiangcan Yuzhenqiu also voted for Gujing on QQ reading~O(∩_∩)OThank you

On the night of Daiyu's return to the mansion, Nanny Yang and Nanny Sun each handed over two sets of keys to Daiyu's hands.

It turned out that when Daiyu helped Lin Ruhailing return to Gusu, she had already arranged for Nanny Yang and Nanny Sun to pack the small things in the house into boxes and put the big ones in storage.Now that several months have passed, Nanny Yang and Nanny Sun have handled the matter properly.

The key in Daiyu's hand is the storehouse, the keys and the keys to the locks hanging on the boxes.For the past few months, it has been under the joint custody of Nanny Yang and Nanny Sun.Now in the mansion, apart from Daiyu's room and the place that the main hall thought had been cleaned up, the furniture and other items were all wrapped in thick felt blankets and sealed in the storeroom.

Seeing Daiyu take the key, Zhi'er took out a box containing the account books, which contained the account books of the treasury in the government.Daiyu casually flipped through a few pages, then closed them and put the keys in.

Only then did Qiluo hand over to Daiyu the ledgers collected by the mansion at the end of the year.But Daiyu was not in a hurry to look through it, she just ordered: "Since everything has been tidied up." Then she turned her head to look at the smiling Zhixuan and Lu'e Ruizhu and said: "Put the ones you need aside, and the others Pack it up and store it up."

As soon as Sun Nanny heard this, she immediately became anxious, and asked repeatedly: "What are you doing, Miss? This..." Before Sun Nanny finished speaking, Daiyu laughed and said, "Wait for those girls to leave Afterwards, we also sealed the gate of the mansion, and went out of the city to Zhuangzi to observe our filial piety."

Grandma Sun was about to say something, but Nanny Yang smiled and said, "Miss, you are very right. After all, this Hou's mansion should be sealed. The yard is big, and we have few manpower. Instead, we are not as safe outside the city. But Keep your filial piety, and it will be quieter on the Zhuangzi outside the city."

When Nanny Yang said this, Nanny Sun nodded knowingly and said: "My old sister is right." But just after she finished speaking, Nanny Tang asked: "The county chief will live in Zhuangzi to keep his filial piety. I'm afraid it's better to report to the princess. The princess of the province will worry about it."

Daiyu nodded and said: "It's better that Mammy is thoughtful, so I will trouble Mammy to go there in person tomorrow. First, I will tell my mother and concubine that Yuer is fine. Second, I will also tell my mother and concubine that Yuer is fine." My concubine, I want to go to the Zhuangzi outside the city to observe my filial piety. Please don't worry about it." Mother Tang nodded and smiled when she saw this, "I would like to follow the orders of the county lord."

During the past few months of going out, Daiyu and Nanny Tang have grown closer.Seeing Grandma Sun, I felt very uncomfortable.Seeing this, Grandma Yang thought of herself back then, and couldn't help but look at Grandma Sun as funny, but she didn't point it out.

Everything is beautiful, the only thing Daiyu didn't expect is that she has insomnia!After tossing and turning for a long time, Daiyu laughed at herself, when will MP3 appear in this era?It would be nice to have a radio station, listening to music can help you sleep...

On the second day, Mother Tang really went to the Prince Wu's Mansion, and brought a piece of earth rituals from various places brought back to the south to the people in the Prince's Mansion.The second is to send Daiyu's personal letter to Princess Wujun and Wanyu, and the third is to see what Princess Wujun says about Daiyu going to Zhuangzi outside the city to keep her filial piety.

After Nanny Tang went to Prince Wu's Mansion, Daiyu also sent Nanny Sun to Jia's Mansion.After all, it was my own grandmother, and she came back and was going out of the city again, so she didn't send anyone to tell her, fearing that she would leave a tongue to tell others.

Nanny Sun told Mrs. Jia that Daiyu was going to Zhuangzi outside the city to keep her filial piety.Old Madam Jia naturally refused, and hurriedly said: "How can there be a reason for a girl to live alone in Zhuangzi? Don't ruin the reputation of the boudoir."

Daiyu had expected that Mrs. Jia would not allow her to go out of the city to observe filial piety, but she did not expect that Mrs. Jia would say that such a filial piety would ruin the reputation of her boudoir.For a while, Nanny Sun didn't know how to answer.I had no choice but to ask: "I don't know what the old lady means?"

Old Madam Jia glared at Nanny Sun and said, "I entrusted Min'er to you to take care of you back then because you were very safe, but now that Min'er is gone, you didn't say to take good care of Yu'er, but you actually tricked the girl out of the city! Knowing this, I should have sent you away back then!"

Seeing old lady Jia saying this, Grandma Sun thought to herself: Fortunately, I follow the girl now, and I am no longer a servant of your Jia family, otherwise I don't know what to do!Keep talking about rules, reputation, how many rules does this girl in Jia's mansion have now?That precious grandson of yours is a well-behaved one?

Although Nanny Sun's heart was full of complaints, she lowered her head honestly and did not speak a word, letting old lady Jia scold her.

Seeing Nanny Sun bowing her head and saying nothing, Mrs. Jia was furious, but after all, it was not worth saying anything with her as a servant, and she only gave orders to Yuanyang in front of Nanny Sun. Said: "Go and call Lian'er and say that I have something to look for him."

The mandarin ducks left at the sound, but Nanny Sun was puzzled in her heart. Did she want Uncle Lian to persuade the girl?Or take the girl into the house?Isn't this deliberately embarrassing the girl and Uncle Lian?Sun Nanny was very anxious in her heart, Yuanyang came back but said: "I tell the old lady that the second master Lian is not in the mansion, he said he went to the Huang mansion."

When Mrs. Jia heard this, she frowned and asked, "Where is the second grandma? Why didn't you come?" Yuanyang returned: "Welcome to the girl's future husband's house. Mrs. Yun came to look for the eldest wife, and the second grandma was accompanying the guests." .”

When Mrs. Jia heard this, she could only sigh and couldn't say anything else.It can only be said that it was a coincidence.But Grandma Sun was relieved after hearing Yuanyang's words, and couldn't help saying in her heart: Amitabha!It's really the Lord Buddha's blessing!

Grandma Sun returned to the Marquis of Yongding, learned the old lady Jia's words exactly, and then said: "Look at this old slave, the old lady will let Uncle Lian come to visit tomorrow. That's right. I don't know whether I took the girl to that mansion, or persuaded the girl to stay in this mansion."

After hearing this, Daiyu thought for a while and said: "It's okay, I guess the master will come over when he has time after leaving the Yamen, so I will talk to the master later and see if there is anything I can do."

Daiyu is also used to this.If you can think of a way, you can think of it yourself, if you can't think of a way, you can go to Huang Jiyun.And in Daiyu's opinion, Huang Jiyun is super easy to use!As long as you find him, there will be no problems that cannot be solved, and he is super easy to talk about, don't go too far, just say what you say.

Grandma Sun was stunned when she heard it, is this solved?That's all right?Seeing this, Zhixuan smiled and said, "Nurse Sun, don't even think about it, the girl has a backer! Mr. Huang will come forward for everything, so why should the girl bother?" After speaking, she smiled and laughed.

Just smiling, Qinghe ran in and said: "Miss, Mr. Huang is here, waiting for you in the flower hall in the front yard."

For a moment, the few people who were smiling all over their heads just now were stunned.Then there was a louder laugh.Seeing that Qinghe was stunned by the door because he didn't understand, he said with a smile: "This Mr. Huang is almost becoming a robot cat in the girl's mouth!" After speaking, he laughed again.

Daiyu tidied up briefly, and then went to the Erhua Hall in the front yard. Daiyu was so happy to see Huang Jiyun!Without waiting for Huang Jiyun to ask, he personally made tea for Huang Jiyun and brought it to him, and then described everything along the way in detail.Especially when he talked about the Lin Family Academy, Huang Jiyun nodded again and again.

After all these were finished, Daiyu talked about going out of the city to live in Zhuangzi. Huang Jiyun was taken aback when he heard this, and then asked, "Have you thought about it?" Daiyu nodded and said, "I live here. It won't cause any trouble. It's better to hide in Zhuangzi, where it's quiet and at ease."

After hearing this, Huang Jiyun thought for a while and said: "It's okay to go, but it's better to bring more guards. I also know about your Zhuangzi, but it's not small." Daiyu smiled and said: "Master, don't worry, everyone in the mansion will go there. , No one will be kept here, just lock it up. Just let people who come back to the city to buy from time to time come and have a look."

Seeing that Daiyu had made up her mind, Huang Jiyun said nothing more, and Daiyu said that Mrs. Jia might let Jia Lian come to find her own business.

After hearing this, Huang Jiyun smiled and said: "What's so difficult? Turn around and ask your third uncle to call Jia Lian to the Imperial College to stay for two days." Han Xiao listened by the door, almost laughed out loud, and turned his head away Stepping aside, he kept shrugging his shoulders.

After lunch, Huang Jiyun said that he would go back to Zhuangzi to see her, and then left. It is true that Chaoshang is very busy now.After Huang Jiyun left, Mother Tang came back not long after, and there was even Wanyu with her!
Seeing the thin Daiyu in front of her, Wanyu's eyes turned red. She was about to come when she came back yesterday, but she was stopped by Princess Wujun.When Mo Xuan returned from the palace in the evening, Wan Yu couldn't bear it any longer when he talked about the boss along the way. Today, Madam Tang went to the mansion to keep safe, and Wan Yu followed.

Looking at Wanyu, Daiyu smiled.He hurriedly led Wanyu to the garden. At this time, the conversation in the yard was not yet open, and there was still a bit of coldness.Wan Yu teased and asked with a smile: "Why didn't you invite me to sit in your room, but come to this yard to blow some air?"

Daiyu pouted and said with a smile: "My room is empty now, only the bed is left, and other things are also packed, most of them are to be taken to Zhuangzi.

When it came to going to Zhuangzi, Wan Yu said seriously: "My concubine said that it is okay for you to go to Zhuangzi to observe your filial piety, but only one o'clock, and you have to go back to the palace for a short stay on the fifteenth of every month. Let the royal father send a team of guards to follow you! You are not allowed to refuse, this is the biggest concession of the mother and concubine. Mother Tang has a lot of good things to say."

Seeing that the concubine is so troublesome for herself, Daiyu also blushed slightly and said: "It's troublesome concubine mother, Yu'er just listens to concubine mother, sister should speak nice words to concubine mother for me." Seeing Daiyu So, Wan Yu asked just now: "Sister, won't you go back to the mansion to see the concubine mother? You didn't go back yesterday, and the concubine mother was very angry!"

Only then did Daiyu know, no wonder Wanyu didn't come over yesterday, the feeling is that Princess Wujun was angry because she didn't go back to the mansion with the guards!Daiyu couldn't help laughing and said: "Sister, please apologize to my mother and concubine! Now that I have hot filial piety on my body, how can I enter the palace? Although my mother and concubine don't mind this, it's not good to say it."

Wan Yu looked at Daiyu like that, sighed and said: "If you really have the heart, it will be true when you get to Zhuangzi, send Mother Tang or someone else, and invite your mother and concubine to rest for a few days! No matter how much I talk about when I go back, what's the use?" When Daiyu heard this, she immediately bowed to Wanyu and said, "Thank you, sister, for pointing out the maze."

After all, Wan Yu didn't stay in Yongdinghou's mansion much, after all, there is no place to turn around now, and she just sat down for a while, and then returned to Wujun Wang's mansion.Daiyu sent Song Shi and his party back to Gusu early in the morning on the second day of March, then got up and left the city.

There were about twenty horse-drawn carriages, if they hadn't arrived early, they might have blocked the gate of the city.Fortunately, Daiyu has the name of the head of the county after all, and the city gate did not make things difficult for her.

What Daiyu didn't know was that on the second day she went out of the city, the Holy Majesty issued a decree of kindness, generously merciful, and specially sent to all the noble relatives of Jiaofang. The house, where you can stay in the pass and defense, may as well invite the inner court Luanyu to enter his private residence, so that the common people can slightly make the flesh and blood, the ultimate nature in the family relationship.

(End of this chapter)

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