Daiyu of the Red Chamber

Chapter 178 Breaking ground and building the Chongyu

Chapter 178 Breaking ground and building the Chongyu ([-])

Today is the last day of Wanchang, thank you Jiangnan Xiaolang for your praise~!

Jia's mansion received the imperial decree, and the whole thing boiled up.They also discussed how to build a provincial garden.

On the fifth day of March, I heard that Zhou Guiren's father had started work at home, and built a provincial hospital.I also heard that Wu Guifei's father, Wu Tianyou's family, also went out of the city to look around.Concubine Shuhui's Wu's family even started to build a provincial manor outside the city with great fanfare. I heard that the enclosure alone is very large.Only concubine Zhuang Guifei's Chen family remained silent.

Because of this, old lady Jia didn't care about Daiyu going out of the city to go to Zhuangzi.Everyone in Jia's mansion quickly agreed that starting from the east area, through the garden in the East mansion, and turning to the north, a total of three and a half miles was measured, and they could build a provincial courtyard.And asked Jia Amnesty to find someone from the Ministry of Industry to draw the pattern.

Although Jia She was angry, the Wutong residence built by Jia Lian and Wang Xifeng when they got married was enclosed in this garden.But in the end he didn't dare to refute Mrs. Jia's decision.

Although Wang Xifeng said that she was too angry to call her sick and ignored the matter, Jia Lian was arranged to handle the matter with Jia Zhen.Jia Lian also knew that this was not a matter of Jia Zheng's family, and Jia Zheng was not in the capital now.

When the old lady Jia talked about this with Jia Lian, Jia Lian was silent for a long time and said with a smile: "It's easy to make an idea, and it's easy to build. If you pick it up and put it elsewhere, it will be more troublesome and not decent." Although Wang Xifeng and Mrs. Xing felt weird about their attitude, Mrs. Jia was very satisfied.

After two or three days, Jia Amnesty summoned a person from the Ministry of Industry to draw a drawing, and Mrs. Jia and everyone were very satisfied.Only Wang Xifeng still claimed that she was not sick, which made Mrs. Jia feel a little unhappy.But Jia Lian asked at this time: "I don't know where the grandson should live in the future, the old lady will look at it?"

For a while, Mrs. Jia also felt very embarrassed, after all, it was the eldest son of the eldest family.There is still a title on him, and he must not be placed at will.Besides, the second room was at a loss in this matter, not to mention occupying the Rongxi Hall, but also enclosing the Wutong Residence. If there was a commotion, even the Wang family's side would not look good.

Mrs. Wang thought for a while and took the opportunity to say: "Since we want to build a garden, we might as well expand the garden on the east side, and build another yard at the back where the new garden is connected. In this way, Lian'er and his wife went to him. It’s also cheaper in the house of the old lady.”

When Mrs. Jia heard this, she clapped her hands and said, "It's very good." She looked at Jia Lian and asked, "What do you think of Lian'er? This way, it's much more convenient for your master and wife, and it's also convenient for Mrs. Help take care of your husband and wife. In the future, brother Chun will often live more generously."

Jia Lian thought about it, but it was true. Brother Chun is now living with him in Wutong House, and it will be inconvenient when he grows up in the future. Why don't we rebuild it together.After Jia Lian thought about it, she smiled and said, "The old lady still loves me, so Lian'er should obey the old lady's arrangement."

Talking and thinking for a while, Jia Lian said again: "It is inconvenient to build a garden in the mansion, although it is separated by a courtyard wall. It is better to let the eldest wife lead the girls to live in the village for a while, so that the girls can relax and relax. It's also much cheaper."

Old lady Jia was frowning, but when she heard "Zhuangzi Shang", she remembered that Daiyu didn't listen to her words and ran out of the city. Although she had no intention of pursuing this moment, she felt uncomfortable after all.Mrs. Wang's eyes lit up and she said: "What Lian'er said also makes sense. It's really inconvenient for people to come and go in this garden."

Mrs. Wang looked at Mrs. Jia after she finished speaking, and said, "Now the girl Ying is engaged, and she is going to get married soon. Even the girl Tan and the fourth girl are growing up day by day. Why don't we let them go to the Zhuangzi?" After a few days of relaxation, I’m afraid it won’t be like this in the future.”

Since Mrs. Wang said so, she didn't look at Baoyu's face. Now, for the sake of the empress in the palace, Mrs. Jia couldn't refute Mrs. Wang's opinion, so she nodded reluctantly and said: The manpower is fully equipped, you must pay attention to safety, and the nursing home on Zhuangzi must also be properly arranged."

Speaking of which, Mrs. Jia thought of Baoyu again, and then said: "Let Baoyu go to relax too. It is tiring to study all day long. Now that he is getting better and better, don't hold him back. It is also good to let him have a sweet kiss with his sisters." Okay. After sending someone to pick up Xiangyun, we will go there together."

Although Mrs. Wang was dissatisfied with Mrs. Jia's arrangement, she didn't want to say anything more. She just wanted to send her niece Wang Xifeng over there, so she looked at Jia Lian kindly and said, "Young girl Feng is not well these days. Refreshingly, tell her to take the children to Zhuangzi to relax, and it happens that your mother is going too."

Just as Jia Lian had this intention, he quickly smiled and said, "Thank you, Auntie, for your understanding. If Auntie doesn't say anything, Lian'er has forgotten it, so she should really be asked to go with her. Only the people in the house have left, even one The people who took care of my aunt are gone, so what should I do?"

Mrs. Wang thought to herself: It would be better if they all left, and it would be best not to come back forever!On the face, Mrs. Wang smiled and said: "It's okay, my old bones can still withstand it, and besides, your sister-in-law Zhu is helping me."

Seeing this, Mrs. Jia also nodded and said: "Since that's the case, let's send someone to clean the village first, and prepare all the objects and utensils, especially the care of the courtyard. Don't be careless."

Jia Lian responded one by one, and the old lady Jia sent Jia Lian away when she saw that everything had been arranged.

As soon as Jia Lian stepped into the Wutong residence, Wang Xifeng came out, glaring at Jia Lian and said, "Why are you still here? Isn't this yard going to be demolished?" After finishing speaking, Wang Xifeng turned and went back to the house. If Jia Lian hadn't followed closely , I am afraid that he will be locked out of the house and it is unknown.

Seeing this, Ping'er and the others lowered their heads and suppressed a smile.Jia Lian didn't take it seriously either, and just waved his hand to send everyone away.

When only Jia Lian and Wang Xifeng were left in the room, Jia Lian smiled and said, "Grandma, don't be in a hurry to get annoyed, it won't be too late after listening to the master."

Wang Xifeng took a deep breath before casting a sideways glance at Jia Lian, and said coldly: "I don't know the truth, I just know that if I marry into your Jia's house, it will be my yard! No one can just tear it down. Go! If you want to tell me some big truths, don't worry about it."

Seeing that Wang Xifeng was still angry, Jia Lian was not annoyed, but got up and opened the doors and windows.Seeing this, Wang Xifeng's heart was moved. After being married to Jia Lian all these years, Wang Xifeng naturally knew that Jia Lian had learned the habit from Lin Ruhai. Whenever he wanted to say something important, he had to open the door and open the window.

When Jia Lian sat back on the chair, Wang Xifeng hurriedly asked, "What's your plan?"

Seeing Wang Xifeng like this, Jia Lian laughed and said, "My parents are the ones who gave birth to me, my uncle is the one who raised me, and Feng'er is the one who knows me!" Then he burst out laughing.Wang Xifeng reached out and twisted Jia Lian's arm angrily, "You can't speak seriously, sir?"

Jia Lian grabbed Wang Xifeng's hand, held it in the palm of her hand, and said softly: "Grandma will tidy up when she turns around. The things in our yard should be packed up, and the parcels that should be packed, all valuable belongings must be packed up. Those who can be taken away, don't keep them. When you turn around, follow your wife to Zhuangzi."

Wang Xifeng's eyes widened when he heard this, tears welled up in his phoenix eyes, and he looked at Jia Lian in disbelief and said sharply, "Master, are you going to send all our mothers to Zhuangzi?!"

Wang Xifeng's voice was so sharp and high-pitched, let alone Jia Lian suddenly felt pain in his ears and heart, even Ping'er and the others who were standing far away in the yard were startled.

Jia Lian took a deep breath, ignored Wang Xifeng's struggle, pulled her to sit down and explained, "Grandma doesn't want to think about how much private property we have! Is it possible that grandma wants to stay here and take in all of it? Master has spent a lot of effort to do it. After talking to the old lady, after a few days, Feng'er followed her mother and took Brother Chun and Sister Qiao to Zhuangzi."

Seeing Wang Xifeng still staring at her and weeping uncontrollably, Jia Lian also felt very uncomfortable. After all these years of marrying Wang Xifeng, when did she ever see her like this?A person who has always been strong, now also makes his clothes wet with tears.

Jia Lian couldn't help sighing: "Don't worry, grandma, when you come back, your yard will be indispensable!" Then he said: "Just one point, this removes our first room, and there are three and four girls. Baoyu is also going, The old lady even asked someone to pick up Ms. Shi and went with her, and Ms. Xue would also like to go."

When Wang Xifeng heard that there were so many people going, she couldn't help but stop crying and asked, "What's the meaning of this? I just want to make it clear to me." Jia Lian laughed and said, "How can grandma do things cheaper when there are fewer people?"

Wang Xifeng asked puzzledly: "I don't know what I want to do when I am asked to go to Zhuangzi? My master is not clear." After speaking, Wang Xifeng wiped the corner of his eyes with a silk cloth and said, "I have been deceived a lot. Tears."

Seeing that Wang Xifeng's mood had stabilized a lot, and seeing her wiping her tears, Jia Lian couldn't help reaching out for the green silk embroidered with butterflies and peonies in Wang Xifeng's hand.

While wiping tears for her, Jia Lian lowered her voice and said: "Grandma is leaving, and will put our private property in our own Zhuangzi. Don't let anyone know about it. Those precious and valuable possessions, grandma I also looked at the tidying up, and when I come back, I won’t be missing grandma.”

Seeing Wang Xifeng looking up, Jia Lian said with a smile, "How can you wrong me, Feng'er?" One sentence made the heroine who doesn't let her eyebrows blush.

Wang Xifeng still did not give up and asked: "Then our yard?" Jia Lian sneered and said: "Don't worry, Fenger, this yard is not worth it! I have already reported to the old lady that the garden on the east side has been expanded, and the garden on the other side is here. Build a new courtyard, and then Brother Chun will have a yard of his own size. I thought, that’s fine, Brother Chun will grow up in a few years.”

Hearing what Jia Lian said, Wang Xifeng nodded his head, gave Jia Lian a glance and said, "My lord has something in mind, so I don't have to hide it from me. It made me angry!" Then he laughed and said, "" Since the master has already made a plan, then I will listen to the master. Only the father and mother can explain it to the son?"

(End of this chapter)

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