Daiyu of the Red Chamber

Chapter 179 Breaking ground and building the Chongyu

Chapter 179 Breaking ground and building the Chongyu ([-])
Jia Lian smiled indifferently and said, "Father, why don't you rely on Brother Chun? As long as it is for Brother Chun, let alone my father, even my mother fully agrees."

Wang Xifeng thought about it, so she said with a smile: "After all, I have informed you earlier, so I should have made arrangements earlier?" Jia Lian didn't refute, but just smiled and said, "It's the same when we have dinner in the evening."

Sure enough, when Jia Amnesty and Mrs. Xing heard this idea, they were overjoyed and asked to clean up.Especially Jia She, he really has a lot of treasures, some of which are unknown to Mrs. Xing and Jia Lian.Wang Xifeng stared even more.

Jia Amnesty looked at the three big boxes in front of him, and said with a sneer, "What are these? Master, I have a lot of good things!" He patted the big boxes, looked at Brother Chun and said, "Master, give all these treasures to me." My eldest grandson will keep it, okay?"

Brother Chun, who was playing Jiulianhuan with Yaya all the time, seemed to know his own advantages, so he raised his head quickly, and said in a childlike voice, "Okay! Master is the best!"

What he said, Jia She was so happy that he couldn't see his brows. He hurried over and hugged Brother Chun and said, "My eldest grandson will kiss me! Haha, the master will leave all the treasures to you. I have to go!" Brother Chun nodded seriously.

Seeing that Jia Lian just wanted to help his forehead, Wang Xifeng and Mrs. Xing were beside him, laughing so hard that the flower branches trembled.At this time, Wang Xifeng's face was gone. I just knew that because of the construction of the Provincial Garden, the gloom of the Wutong residence was about to be demolished.

When Jia Amnesty's various treasures were brought out, even Jia Lian was shocked. There were seven or eight large boxes, which contained a lot of antiques and curios, as well as many calligraphy and paintings.

There are also three small boxes half a foot square, which are filled with gems, emeralds, agates and other things of various colors.Colors are also top notch.Madam Xing's eyes were straightened, and she couldn't stop looking at Jia She.

Jia She took a deep breath and said with a smile: "These are all the dowries of my grandpa and my grandpa. Some of them were filial to the old grandpa, and some of them were snatched back by the ancestors during the war, but they were not put into the treasury and given to the old lady. After the old lady left, she left it all to me."

As he spoke, Jia She looked at Wang Xifeng and said, "I thought I would leave it all to Brother Chun, but now that I've told you all, I'll take it all away. Just pick out one box, and when the time comes, Miss Lin says she's getting married or something, and I'll send it to you." Add make-up. The other two boxes, you mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, one box for each person." Then he asked Jia Lian to choose a box for Daiyu first.

Wang Xifeng looked at the things in the box and said, "Take those jades and emeralds to my younger sister, and she will love those. She doesn't like gems so much." Jia Lian nodded, according to Wang Xifeng's words Yes, I picked a box of jade, emerald and so on for Daiyu.

The remaining two boxes of gemstones and agates, Wang Xifeng didn't take them, just smiled and handed them to Mrs. Xing, saying: "These are all the best, I should keep them for my mother, and when I come back to welcome the girl to marry, I can give them two sets." For the first time, didn't mother also say that she would prepare a dowry for Sister Qiao? It's not all there!"

Seeing Wang Xifeng like this, Mrs. Xing couldn't help but her eyes turned red and said: "I know you don't lack these, but after all, the master gave it to you, it's just a thought, you just take it."

Speaking of which, Mrs. Xing casually pushed a box to Wang Xifeng, fearing that Wang Xifeng would refuse again, she said: "Could it be in your hands, why don't you prepare it for sister Qiao? It's your sister, you don't know if you think about it." To her fault."

Seeing that Mrs. Xing and Wang Xifeng's mother-in-law and daughter-in-law were so harmonious, Jia She couldn't help but sighed to Jia Lian: "Your sister Lin is right, everything is going well with family harmony! As long as our eldest family is always united in this way, the future will definitely be better." Come and get better!"

Hearing what Jia She said, Mrs. Xing and Wang Xifeng couldn't help blushing, and they were really happy in their hearts, especially when they saw Jia Lian still nodded after hearing Jia She's words.

No one noticed when Brother Chun came running over, and he repeated loudly: "Everything is going well at home, getting better and better!" This made both Jia She and his wife and Jia Lian laugh.Yaya stood far away and did not dare to approach, but secretly muttered in her heart: Home and everything will prosper!

After returning from Mrs. Xing's courtyard, Wang Xifeng also started to pack up her things. Although Ping'er and the others didn't understand why they were going to Zhuangzi, they knew they would come back. All items are packed.

Seeing that Wang Xifeng's side was moving, Jia Lian arranged for someone to go to the village to clean it.He also ordered Brother Nai and Zhao'er to quietly go to his own private estate.

Seeing that the people in the big house were packing their boxes and cages, Mrs. Wang was secretly happy. After these unsightly people left, this mansion would be their own world!Old Madam Jia didn't care too much, and even called Wang Xifeng the next day, rewarded her with two bolts of cloth, and said that she had wronged her.Naturally, Wang Xifeng would not refuse, so she took it with a smile and said that she was not wronged.

Seeing Wang Xifeng like this, Old Madam Jia said with satisfaction: "After all, he came from a big family, but he only knows how to advance and retreat." She said and cast a cold glance at Madam Xing.

Although Mrs. Xing was unhappy in her heart, she didn't show anything on her face, she just sat on the side with her head down, pretending she didn't know anything.

Mrs. Jia called Sanchun and Baoyu to explain one by one. Seeing this, Mrs. Wang laughed and said, "Since all three girls are going, girl Yun will also go when she turns around. Let Baochai and Miss Xing go with them, so as to save you a lot of trouble." It's cold in the mansion. There are more people and it's lively."

The old lady Jia thought it was the same reason, so she ordered someone to invite Xing Xiuyan and Xue Baochai, and told them that Sanchun and Baoyu would go to Zhuangzi for a short stay. They both wanted to go together, so the old lady Jia was satisfied nodded.

He also told Mrs. Xing and Wang Xifeng to take good care of them, and told Baoyu to go back to the mansion to visit often, and then called the maids and women who were waiting for each of them to beat them one by one before they were ordered to disperse.

But in two or three days, Wang Xifeng and others packed up everything, and Zhuangzi had already made arrangements. After Daiyu and his party left the city in a mighty way, dozens of oxen and horse-drawn carts also left the city gate in mighty force.Compared with Daiyu and her party a few days ago, it was even more spectacular. Many young and old in the capital stopped to watch.

After Wang Xifeng and his party left, Jia's mansion also started to break ground, and built the family-saving garden in a grand manner.

Several houses in this capital are building a separate courtyard, a garden, and a Zhuangzi. For a while, various building materials and craftsmen are in short supply, and there is even nowhere to find them.

Just when various families and governments were in a hurry, a group of construction material dealers came from nowhere. Although the prices were extremely high, they had everything that one could expect.Naturally, the various houses and prefectures do not want to spend more time searching everywhere, lest they be seized by others.

Just when all the houses and houses were rejoicing at having purchased enough materials, in the imperial study, the emperor looked at the banknotes that had just been delivered, and his face was cloudy and unpredictable.

The emperor looked at the thick stack of banknotes in his hand again, and sneered at Huang Jiyun: "These people owe money to the treasury and don't pay it back. They cry with me all day long, but now they spend a lot of money to build gardens. Zhuangzi, it can be seen that he really deserves to die!"

Huang Jiyun sighed after hearing this, and said with a wry smile: "If it's really so easy for these people to come up with money, why would your majesty bother to make such a move?"

The emperor shook his silver ticket a little lonely and said, "It's all thanks to Ruhai!" As he said that, the emperor turned his head and looked out the window, wondering what he was thinking.When Huang Jiyun heard the emperor mentioning Lin Ruhai, he was also very sad.

Seeing that the emperor was very depressed and Huang Jiyun didn't know what to say, the emperor suddenly smiled and said, "I remember that the auction of the salt primer was also made by Ruhai. Speaking of which, he is not like a bachelor, but more like a minister of the household department." It’s the material.” After speaking, he burst out laughing, and his eyes were red again when he only smiled.

Huang Jiyun didn't know what to think, and said in a strange way: "Where can Brother Ruhai think of it?" Huang Jiyun regretted it as soon as he finished speaking, but the emperor was aroused again, and hurriedly asked: "Why did Ji Yun come here?" Words? Could it be that there is something else that I don't know?"

Huang Jiyun remembered the matter of Daiyu delivering a letter to the emperor that day, and realized that this was not the time to hide anything.Although Huang Jiyun was annoyed, he still said: "Brother Ruhai spent a lot of time trying to collect the salt tax. Not only did his hair turn gray, but he was also in danger several times."

Speaking of this, Huang Jiyun took a deep look at the emperor, and seeing that the emperor was also looking at him intently, he quickly lowered his head, thought for a while and said: "That girl Yu'er looks at her father, so she feels sorry for her father, so she treats me and Ru Brother Hai said: "Why bother chasing them to collect tax money? We have what they want in our hands, so we should let them beg us with tax money.'"

Hearing this, the emperor's eyes brightened, and he hurriedly asked, "So you came up with this method of auction?"

Huang Jiyun shook his head and smiled wryly: "At first, I and Ru Hai didn't take it seriously, and I was still thinking hard about the way to pay the tax. Yu'er saw that the two of you didn't think about eating and drinking, so at lunch one day, I gave it to Chen and Ru Hai. Bring me a bowl of porridge myself."

Speaking of this, Huang Jiyun looked at the emperor and said, "There is only a bowl of gruel." The emperor asked with a puzzled smile, "Could it be that the girl forgot about you as a master and treated her father harshly? Huh?" The emperor looked at Huang Jiyun with great interest.

But Huang Jiyun shook his head and said: "At that time, I and Brother Ruhai were puzzled, and before I asked, the girl said: "Today there is only one bowl of porridge for lunch. Yu'er thought that both master and father were hungry. So I sent it over, but I don't know who is the father and the master?' Brother Ruhai was angry at that time, and reprimanded Yu'er for messing around."

The emperor laughed and said: "It's really messing around!" Huang Jiyun also laughed and said: "At that time, I just thought it was Yu'er messing around, but I didn't want Yu'er to say with a serious face: "Both father and master need to eat, but Yu'er only has a bowl of porridge." I don't know what kind of benefits the master and father can give me? In exchange for this porridge?'"

Hearing this, the emperor jumped up and stared at Huang Jiyun for a long time before saying, "What a smart girl!" Huang Jiyun also nodded and said, "It's really smart. Brother Hai's labyrinth."

After Huang Jiyun finished speaking, the emperor shook his head and said: "It's a pity." After speaking, he sat back on the dragon chair dejectedly.But Huang Jiyun smiled wryly and said: "Why does the sage want to poke your minister's heart with these words?" After hearing Huang Jiyun's words, the emperor couldn't help pointing at Huang Jiyun and laughed.

After a while, the emperor stopped laughing, and asked seriously: "From what Ji Yun said, is Ruhai's excerpt also meant by that girl?"

(End of this chapter)

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