Daiyu of the Red Chamber

Chapter 180 Breaking ground and building the Chongyu

Chapter 180 Breaking ground and building the Chongyu ([-])
Thanks to vivianling and xxxxxxjj for their monthly support~Thank you!


The emperor stopped laughing and asked seriously: "From what Ji Yun said, is that girl's meaning behind Ru Hai's excerpt?"

Huang Jiyun was stunned for a moment, and said with a smile: "This minister really doesn't know, but brother Ruhai probably won't involve that girl." After speaking, Huang Jiyun thought for a while and said: "But it can't be ruled out that the girl mentioned it to brother Ruhai. What have you been?"

The emperor nodded after hearing this, and said with a cold smile in his eyes: "So, I have raised so many ministers, but they are not as effective as such a girl?!" The emperor picked up the dragon case again. He piled up the banknotes and shook them in his hand.Seeing this, Huang Jiyun didn't know what to say.

The natal families of the concubines outside the palace did not know what the emperor said in the imperial study.Otherwise, I'm afraid I won't dare to spend money like flowing water to build a garden and Zhuangzi.

At this time, the Jia family had already brought back the new blueprints from the Ministry of Industry, and re-planned the layout. The yard where Jia She lived was also located on the southwest side of the yard, separated from the provincial garden by a wall, and the stables in front. Also moved.Except for the big courtyard of Jia's mansion, it looks like a house for a junior.

Because Jia Amnesty was going to be on errand, Jia Zheng took office outside Beijing.On the General's Mansion, Jia Lian was allowed to run in and out.As for the Ningguo Mansion over there, Jia Zhen has always been indifferent.

How could Jia Lian miss such a good opportunity?When Mrs. Jia proposed to hire teachers from Gusu and bought a little girl, Jia Lian said, "You can also buy musical instruments together."

The old lady Jia had always stayed in Gusu, so she must be familiar with Jia Lian, so she asked, "Do you know anyone well?"

Jia Lian didn't play in those years, but just read seriously, how could he know anything?But at this time Jia Lian frowned and thought for a while, then said: "It's not that much acquaintance, but I probably know it, but now that the house is like this, I can't leave."

The old lady Jia said disapprovingly, "It's not a problem. Just say it, write a letter, and send someone to invite you." Jia Lian said with a smile: "The old lady said so, why don't I arrange someone to come with you?" Wouldn't it be cheaper in the past?"

Mrs. Jia didn't doubt that he was there, so she nodded when she heard Jia Lian's words: "That's very good, then you go and arrange a reliable person, go and invite the teacher back, buy a girl, and Instrumental gear first class."

Jia Lian asked again, "I don't know where to buy flowers, candles, lanterns and curtains of various colors. Where did the money go?"

Mrs. Jia thought for a while and called Lai Da to ask, Lai laughed and said: "Go back to what the old lady said, I think about it, this money doesn't have to be taken from Beijing, it doesn't have to be troublesome."

As he said that, Lai Da raised his eyes to look at Jia Lian, then looked at the old lady Jia, and continued, "The Zhen family in Jiangnan still has [-] silver from us. Tomorrow, I will write a letter and ask the second master's people to take it. Thirty thousand is used to hire teachers, buy girls and buy musical instruments, and the remaining [-] is kept as expenses for buying candles, lanterns and curtains of various colors."

Jia Lian just stood aside and said nothing, the old lady Jia thought for a while, then nodded and smiled, "That's a good idea. Let's do it this way." Jia Lian responded with a bow and salute.

Looking back, Jia Lian went to Jia Zhen again, and asked Jia Qiang to follow Zhao Tianliang and Xing'er to the south with the letter to Zhen's house.When Mrs. Jia asked, the three of them had no idea how far they had traveled.

Old lady Jia was not very satisfied when she heard that Jia Lian asked Jia Qiang to follow, but Jia Lian explained: "The grandson thought, the children have grown up so much, 'I have never eaten pork, and I have seen pigs running' must go out and see. Knowledge is good. Besides, this is a small matter, and there are many big things to follow."

Hearing what Jia Lian said, the old lady Jia showed a satisfied expression and said: "In this way, I have nothing to worry about. Lian'er has done a good job and is more promising than your father."

When Jia Lian heard the old lady Jia say this, although he was secretly upset, he said respectfully on the face: "Lian'er dare not be praised by the old lady. After all, it is all arranged by the old lady at this time. Lian'er is just passing on a message. That's all."

The next morning Jia Lian got up as usual and had breakfast with Jia Amnesty.Because Mrs. Xing, Wang Xifeng, Yingchun and the two younger ones were not there, it was a little cold, but after a little use, Jia Amnesty left the house and went to court early.After Jia Lian had a rest, he went to Ningfu.

When Jia Lian arrived, Jia Zhen and Jia Rong were already waiting in the hall.The three of them got together, together with the old stewards, and several family friends who were relatives of the Qing Dynasty, inspected the places of the two prefectures, painted and painted the palace of the family, and inspected the people in charge.Since then, craftsmen from all walks of life have gathered, and gold, silver, copper and tin, as well as earth, wood, bricks and tiles, have been transported and moved without a break.

Jia Zheng was not in Beijing, and Jia Amnesty was busy with official duties, so he had to do some inspections occasionally in his spare time.Now it can only be arranged by Jia Zhen, Jia Lian, Lai Da, Lai Sheng, Lin Zhixiao, Wu Xindeng, Zhan Guang, Cheng Rixing and others.Fortunately, among these individuals, Lin Zhixiao, Wu Xindeng, and Cheng Rixing were all accepted by Jia Lian long ago.

Zhao Tianliang, Xing'er took Jia Qiang and went to Gusu. Although Jia Zhen arranged for Jia Rong to make gold and silver utensils alone.But now everything is complicated, and Jia Lian arranged an errand for Zhao Tiandong to buy Taihu stones, and ordered him to take Zhao'er with him, so that Jia Lian already occupied two of them.

Behind the courtyard on the east side is the garden, and Wutongju is inside. Behind the garden, there is a large area of ​​mountains and forests that have not yet been built. Now they are all enclosed. The old Ming Gong from the Ministry of Industry inspected it himself. , One by one plan to build.Then the east courtyard where Jia Amnesty lived and the Wutong residence where Jia Lian lived were all designated in it.

And Jia She's family built another garden in front of the garden, which was also what Mrs. Jia agreed to. Although Mrs. Wang felt that it was expensive, she thought that Wang Xifeng was her own niece and Wang Ziteng's daughter. So he endured it.

Ningguo Mansion's Huifang Garden and Jia She's east yard are very close to each other. Originally, there was only an alley between them. This alley is also a private land rather than an official road.But in a few days, the craftsmen demolished the walls of Huifang Garden in the Ning Mansion, leaving only the pavilions, which were directly merged into the east courtyard of the General's Mansion, which is the courtyard where Jia She lives now.

All the houses for the lower class in the east area were also demolished, and a new East Courtyard was built on top of it, where Jia She's family would live in the future.

Huifang Garden originally drew a stream of running water from under the wall at the north corner, but now there is no need to use another source of water, just digging a channel.

As a result, more rocks and trees are missing, but Jia She lives in the old garden, where the bamboo, trees, rocks, pavilions and railings are so exquisite that they can be moved and used as they are.Even Jia Lian's Wutong Residence, because it was newly built, there are quite a few that can be used.And now the two are combined into one.Not only is it convenient, but it also saves a lot of money.

Even so, in the big garden behind, there are still a lot of things such as bottom mountains, rocks and trees that need to be added.In this way, Jia Lian ordered people to purchase a large number of flowers, plants, bamboo and stones, dug ponds, erected buildings and pavilions, planted bamboo and flowers, and made a point of view.

Mrs. Wang deeply felt that the money was flowing out, but she had no choice.Not to mention that Jia Zheng is not in the capital now, even if he is in the capital, there will be nothing he can do about Jia Zheng who is not familiar with common affairs.But Baoyu... In the eyes of Mrs. Wang and Mrs. Jia, she is not only young, but also the fate of her master, how can she do what these servants do?

Jia Amnesty seldom returns to the mansion now, and mostly lives in inns.Jia Lian often came to have dinner with Jia Amnesty before going back.

On this day, as soon as Jia She returned to the inn, a waiter came up and said, "Master, your uncle Lian is here and is waiting for you in the box." When Jia She heard this, he was deeply surprised.At this time, Jia Lian was either still in the mansion, or went back to Zhuangzi outside the city, or went to see Miss Lin, or Miss Feng and Brother Chun, why did she come to wait for her?
Filled with doubts, Jia Amnesty quickened his pace, pushed open the door of the box, and sure enough, Jia Lian was already sitting at the table.Three meat, three vegetarian and six cold dishes have been placed on the table of the Eight Immortals, with a jug of wine still warming.

Seeing Jia Amnesty coming in, Jia Lian got up quickly and saluted, "Father is back."Jia Amnesty couldn't help but nodded curiously and asked, "Why did this hour come here today?"

Jia Lian was not in a hurry to answer, and said to the second child who was following Jia She, "Go, and bring up the dishes I ordered quickly!" After finishing speaking, Jia She was invited to a seat.

After Jia Amnesty took his seat, he looked at Jia Lian with more and more doubts. Just by looking at him like that, he knew that something good must happen, but he couldn't figure it out. What good thing could make him so happy?
After Xiao Er closed the door and exited, Jia Lian mysteriously took out a roll of bank notes from the sleeve cage, put it on the table, and pushed it in front of Jia She.Jia She picked it up and opened it for a look, then he was frightened and asked repeatedly: "Where did you come from?"

Jia Lian filled a glass of wine for Jia Amnesty in a leisurely manner, and then explained slowly: "Father also knows that building a garden is not a big deal, but there is a lot of hidden things inside." Picking up the wine glass, he took a sip and ate two more dishes.

Jia Lian swallowed the food in his mouth, and then continued to explain: "Now Lai Da, Lai Sheng, Lin Zhixiao, Wu Xindeng, Zhan Guang, Cheng Rixing, etc., aren't they fishing in their own pockets? Fortunately, the shopping in Gusu , I arranged for our own people, and those boys also stayed with me in the south for many years, and there are some heads."

Hearing what Jia Lian said, Jia Amnesty asked, "So the people from the south have come back?" Jia Lian shook his head and said, "That's not true. How can it be so fast? It will take three to five months." See Jia With eyes full of doubts, Jia Lian smiled and said, "This is Lin Zhixiao, Wu Xindeng, Cheng Rixing and others who are filial."

Hearing this, Jia Amnesty was even more shocked!Where is this?The garden has been built for a month, and 7 to [-] taels have been donated!Are they not more themselves?Even if it is not more than here, it will never be too much less, right?
Jia Lian naturally saw Jia She's shock and disbelief, and said with a smile: "Father, don't think that way, these people are just in my hands, and even if he intercepts a few, it's only a matter of ten thousand. It's a matter of two."

Even so, Jia She's complexion did not improve, he still looked at the money in his hand in disbelief, and after thinking for a long time, he asked, "What are you going to do with this money?"

Jia Lian had thought about this matter a long time ago. Now when Jia Amnesty asked, Jia Lian did not hide anything, and said bluntly: "Father keeps it first, and there is no account for the money. If the second room turns around and pays back all the money our family owes from the public." Now, these silver coins can be regarded as the inheritance left for our family, if they haven't been returned, it's better for father to return them all."

After hearing this, Jia She nodded and said, "Lian'er is very thoughtful, so you can keep the money." Saying this, Jia She pushed the bank note back to Jia Lian.Seeing that Jia Lian was about to refuse, he took a glass of wine and drank it himself before saying, "Just keep it, we two will share these? Just remember to take care of your brother Cong in the future."

After Jia Amnesty had finished speaking, he stopped talking, and it happened that Xiao Er knocked on the door to deliver food, so Jia Lian couldn't say anything more, and hurriedly put away the bank notes.


So far, Gujing's weekly update has been completed~ Gujing keeps his word, right? O(∩_∩)O haha~ Gujing is working hard, I have updated more than 7 words in the next seven days~ Give some encouragement, and Gujing will resume normal updates from tomorrow, 11:30 noon and 07:30 pm , everyone, don’t forget the time~ See you soon!

(End of this chapter)

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